...but, I needed a break, remember?
So, from January
Christmas of 1994, I sat in the pew
Tiburon Baptist Church (www.tiburonbaptist.com)
and cared for our four small children
(while Cathy sang in the Choir).
Dr. Barry Stricker
was my pastor during this time. As well,
I attended two different Sunday School
classes: the large class led by dr.
ken eakins (he likes those small
letters) and a new class started by
Dr. Clayton Harrop and his wife,
Shirley. I also attended mid-week
small group with my very own pastor,
Although I was studying so hard at the
Seminary, I knew that I needed to have
the devotional refreshment found in a
small group.
During that period of time,
Dr. Rick Durst,
met me in a hallway and asked me if I'd
consider helping him plant a new church
(and do some new things--something
NEW--something that wasn't currently
being done). He might not remember the
interchange, but I quickly said,
"No....I've chosen to set apart this
time to be a student." Ohh...the thought
of working with the newly-appointed
Academic Dean was an exciting
thought...but I
had to let my 'no' be 'no.'
Dr. Dwight Honeycutt, my history professor asked me to
preach in his absence at Snyder Lane
Baptist Church in Rohnert Park. I agreed
to do that. Upon driving into the
parking lot, a thought crossed my mind:
"You'll wind up pastoring this church."
After the service, I shared that 'passing thought' with Cathy. She
confirmed that she had some similar
feelings while I was preaching. I spent
the last year and a half of my Seminary
experience as the Pastor at Snyder Lane
Baptist Church. I was pastor there until
I completed my Masters of Divinity in
May of 1996. When
fbcgalt was looking for a
Jim Fugate
Dr. Bill Schweer
if he knew of any graduating students
who might be a good fit for Galt....the
rest is history .... yet to be written.
And now...back to Galt: My current home computer has had
problems through the years. Its been a
reliable tool (useful in its master's
hand), however, I have had to totally
'reformat' it on two occasions. This has
involved 'shutting it down' before it
totally crashed, and reloading its
(truly a 'Back
to Basics' process).
Still, this ol' brain has been on operating on overload for several years. I am growing to appreciate the potential value in truly observing a Sabbath rest during the months ahead of me.
Time and Space will change in the
day-to-day routine. This webBlog will
reflect some of those changes. However,
Lord willing, I will remain available to
each of you by email at:
p.s. If you don't have email, call
our church
secretary, Mellisa, at (209) 745-4665
and she
will send me an email on your behalf.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
What a good night's sleep.
At 11:00
I told Cathy that I couldn't stay awake any
longer. We had been watching one of those
family feature films (like the good old days
when the kids were younger). I wasn't
even gonna fake it through the rest of the
film...I was falling asleep. So, I slept
through the night until 6:00 AM--unbroken
sleep, no remembrance of dreams. However,
the one sleeping next to me awoke with
remembrance of 'a bad dream' (...that
involved me). So, another thrilling
adventure begins in the life of yours truly!
Last night, MacDonald Wreh pedaled over to
visit with me. He had been to the library
and checked out a huge book about the
Entrance Test for the Navy Reserves. Lately
he has been talking to different friends who
are encouraging him to join the Reserves. He
would probably tell you that I've been the
voice of restraint when he has mentioned
that idea. Its probably because of the
Robert Duvall film: God's and Generals
(about the civil war). There's a scene where
Irish immigrants are shown coming to America
only to then join one of the two armies
fighting each other. Many die in their
pursuit of the American Dream.
MacDonald reminds me:
"Oh, Pastor Rob...the Reserves do not go to Iraq...."
I told MacDonald that he ought to write for his journal again (March 14th was his last entry). He told me about calling his wife (apparently she has use of a cell phone). He said that while they talked she was struggling to light a candle. He felt sorry for her since all he does for light is flip a switch . . .
I spoke with Pastor Wesley last week. He
told me that their second attempt at digging
a well ended when they hit rock. Now they
will try to contract with a company that
uses a drill.
Click here
to see the digging a well in Liberia. He wasn't asking for money but
of course they always need it there in
I wonder if anybody reading this is supposed
to contact Pastor Wesley and arrange to
visit him there? If so, write him a short
note and tell him I sent you:
You know its hard to keep up with this
fast-paced life and to stay current with the
hundreds of people we know. While I was
writing, a notice popped up that Moonika
(from Estonia) was online. I had a short
conversation with her in realtime. I've
never yet signed up for Instant Messaging.
It was Mary's account that was logged on, so
I just used her name for a few minutes.
This millennium has been interesting thus
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Our third son, Daniel, dropped
me off at the office this morning. He needed
to go feed his pig before school. Tom Lane
and I were scheduled for a
this morning. It was raining at 6:00
AM. I didn't
know how we were going to have a sunny-side up
on a day like this.
The walk/talk with Deacon Tom was quite fruitful--even though it
was raining. Tom is a good friend. When we
get together we are actually 'together' in
the Name of Jesus. It makes a difference.
Whether I'm walking with
Jebby, I call it a
because we discuss our hope for the future
(immediate and long-range). Without a
Vision, the people perish. Oh, I have many
friends...but there are only a few who like
to walk (and fewer yet who choose to focus
on hope as the topic of our walk together).
I highly recommend that you find a couple
good friends with whom you choose to walk
through the day-to-day.
I have always enjoyed participating in a midweek Bible study,
a Sunday School class (and other small group
gatherings). These 'small groups' have a
different dynamic than a one-on-one walk,
but I still get to enjoy the intimate
sharing of another's life. Therefore, I also
highly recommend for growing Christians to
intentionally connect with a small group of
like-minded believers.
Later in the morning, I had coffee with Melvin. I met Mel at church
on Sunday. I told him that I had
wanted to have the opportunity to become
more acquainted with him. Melvin is a Viet
Nam veteran. He is currently trying to find
more work (lawn, landscaping, or cooking).
I'd like to help him in some practical way.
Melissa was working on sending out the letter describing my
Sabbatical so I helped her a bit with that.
I also spoke at length with our Minister of
Music about my hopes for our church.
Another man who has been visiting our church
has asked me to come visit him today. It
will be hard to pull myself away from this
ministry setting but I'm seeing more clearly
why it will be helpful to completing my
Hey, I have a little treat for you....the spark of an idea that has
been picked up by another....then,
commissioned to yet another:
click here.
I've shown this page to Dan Malloy and he
said, "I like it." There's a hyperlink on
that page too. You may want to click there
as well.
Do you have any cool ideas? write me:
Monday, March 28, 2005
Here are some stats from yesterday's
Sunrise Service
First Service
92 plus 6 in the nursery
Second Service
118 plus 6 in the nursery and
14 in Children's Church
Altogether those numbers total
Of course, there are many 'overlaps' of
people at more than one service but I'm
encouraged by that number. I'm deeply
appreciative of all the people who went out
on 'Invitation' during the week. I don't
think that anyone counted how many people
came back in the evening for the Denny Scott
My Sabbatical officially begins on April Fool's Day.
I trust that this in not just an elaborate
joke! In the second service yesterday, I
mentioned that I plan to 'respectfully
decline' opportunities to preach elsewhere
during my Sabbatical. I intend only to
organize, write, rest, pray, and probably do
some recording.
I'll be 'on duty' until April 1st, so if
anybody local would like talk, please call
the church office: (209) 745-4665
or simply call my cell phone: 323-0727
Dr. Rick Durst (the Academic Dean at
my seminary) will be the guest speaker at
the Epicenter this
Sunday. Although my Sabbatical will have
already officially begun, Cathy and I will
be here.
Dr. Durst is an engaging
... plus we are having the
I really don't
want to miss that! I've heard some of the
exciting brainstorms stirring up in the
collective mind and heart at fbcgalt.
click here
to read more about
Dr. Durst
To read the
Sabbatical Announcement:
To see my doctoral
project timeline:
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Today is
Easter Sunday.
I've stopped in just long enough write this
short note of encouragement. Commit THIS DAY
of your life to seeking God:
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Yesterday, my entire family attended our community Good Friday service. I'm
happy to know that our churches have,
once again, worked together to invest the
Gospel story in our town.
This morning, after prayer meeting, we hosted a
meeting to discuss youth issues in Galt.
Barbara Payne (City Council
Woman) led the discussion (as part of her
campaign: I Love My
Town). Anybody
interested in helping make Galt a safer,
cleaner, youth-friendly city should be part
of this grassroots group of concerned
Here are the minutes
of last week's meeting:
From last night:
I'm writing this at 10:30
on Friday night. The band led by Glenn
(Vanity's Crutch) played their
second show here for our monthly outreach
coffee house called
MacDonald Wreh opened the evening
with guitar and voice--very beautiful.
John Byrd (from Patterson) brought a couple college students here on Spring Break to visit the Epicenter. Kendra (a PK) was in California last July as a summer missionary. She came back for spring break with another student, Stephen, who came out to visit Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.
Right now they're playing in an impromptu band with our own Joe Patterson sitting in on the drums. It has been a good night with decent attendance for our second coffee house.
Today, our church's Personnel Committee and Deacons published a letter that describes their decision to grant a Sabbatical Leave. If you would like to read that letter, simply CLICK HERE.
One of the most useful tools used in this virtual construction is the hyperlink (go ahead, click it).
2) Hyper is also a prefix, from the Greek hyper-, meaning over, above, or excessive, used in such terms as hyperbole (exaggeration in describing something) and hypertext (text that extends to point to or include other text).
3) In science, also as a prefix, hyper- is something that exists in a space of four or more dimensions, such as a hyperplane.
link (lingk)OK, I've run out of time...I have to meet Jebby for our weekly
VisionWalk™ ...I'll do some quick thinking here....uhhh....In our church context (since this
website is all about being a member of a
local church):
.......uhh... Denny's...uhh...GrandSla
Well, OK...I know it needs some work. This very morning, I woke up with this very idea....and I really feel like I'm on to something BIG....
Thursday, March 24, y2k5
Jordin Herrera
(11) sculpted an image of
pastorob when
his family was first visiting the Epicenter. At
the time of the initial presentation, one would
not have guessed the intensity of controversy
which would be stirred by the simple scanning of
this haunting image.
The shadow-personality, projection, mirroring,
brain/right brain connectivity, and other
debatable issues (such as copyright law) have
caused passionate dialogue to erupt among my
An adolescent voice may well ask:
where do ur readers come from, n e wayz?"
My educated response: "I dunno...."
When asked, "Rob, how do you view
I might reply with
an unclicked hyperlink
. . .
I do, however, think as one looking at
in a mirror.
Though my perception is sometimes
distorted, this is what I have come to think,
feel, and believe by looking into the mirror of
God's Word (the Bible):
A Admit
I have admitted that I have sinned.
One day I chose to believe that
Jesus is the
only Way to be saved. When Jesus was crucified,
His spotless blood was sacrificed to cover the
sins of anyone who will call on His Name. I have
called on His Name to save me from myself.
C Commit
I have committed my life to the Living Jesus. He
rose from the dead and lives forever. He
intercedes on my behalf because
I have become a
child of God by simple faith in Him. I have been
forgiven. I'm saved.
As I am reminded of Christ's death
and resurrection,
I also remember what my life
had been like before I knew Christ personally.
I lived as an agnostic for twenty years. I still
remember what had seemed important to me in
those days. My hope is that God will redeem
those wasted years as I try to reach out to
those who currently are living without the
saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
...what will
be has yet to be seen, heard,
or experienced in its fullness.
I have a hope that God may use this daily
journal (of my daily life) as an outreach to
someone who needs a special friend. As a friend
I'd like to share this message:
God loves you.
Check out the lyrics of this song.
Wednesday, March 23, y2k5
We're picking up Jerry from the airport this afternoon. I hope you'll come greet him at the Bible Study tonight. There's also a Potluck tonight starting at 6:30 PM hosted by:
and Renee Greene 209.339-1377
Their address is: 23599 N.
Kennefick Rd.
Acampo, CA 95220
for directions
Tuesday, March 22, y2k5
Added after church:
We had a great time
in both services today. Then, over 25 of us met
at Round Table Pizza. Here are notes from
yesterday's Town Hall meeting for "I
Love My Town."
Hopefully, others who were in attendance will add their comments
and allow us to start the type of
21st Century communication network that Galt so
desperately need at this time.
Sunday, March 20, y2k5
Had a full night's sleep (6.2 hours--unbroken)!
So, I'm getting off to a late start (it's
right now).
I'm writing this from home and
emailing it to Control Central at
the Epicenter.
I'm sending Joe
to go to the GHS
farmyard with
Hopefully, he will be able to take a photo of
Daniel's Ag Science
project: No. 45 (photo above).
Alright--here I am at
Control Central (with a new font and a fresh
perspective on life).
The boys are on their way out to the farm. I'm
going to wait here for them to return. We're a
one-car family for awhile.
note to my international readers:
In America, many families have private use of an
automobile; some have more than one. Until
Friday night's accident, the Patterson family
had two.
So we're on restriction. Yes,
as the head of this household, I have
everybody. Everybody (even myself).
Last night, I had to cancel my gig as the piano
man at a missions' fundraiser banquet.
Why? I'm grounded. Dad says so.
Oh well. Awhile back my good friend, Whitney, admitted that it is
actually kinda fun to be grounded. You see, our
filial form of 'martial law' doesn't necessarily
restrict us from having friends over. Last night
the McCalls and the Santillans came over. We sat
at the kitchen table and talked over strategy
for helping our friends in Liberia.
Those refined
ideas will be presented at
the Epicenter
tonight from 6:00 - 7:00
Gotta run. Everybody in the family has to go to
both services this morning!
omg why?!!!!
We're grounded.
Dad says.
And, let me tell you, it ain't
always easy being Dad....but its almost always
p.s. here's an email from Greg Brayton that came
in yesterday:
Greg Brayton
Editor's note: Greg plays guitar on every studio recording of my songs (in the archives) and in the right column....over there....
Saturday, March 19, y2k5
What a night last night! Our son, Daniel, and his girlfriend,
Whitney, were in a terrible car wreck at 9:30
PM. They
were hit by a car traveling around 55 mph. We're
still not certain about what occurred but the
teens were taken by an ambulance to the
hospital. No serious injuries.
The 60-something woman who ran into them was shook up but didn't
appear to be injured.
After getting to bed at 12:30
AM, Joe
called around 2:30 and needed to be picked up
from his drop-off on I-5. He's here with us for
his spring break.
MacDonald called at 8:00 AM asking if I could pick him up from his
job in Stockton at 11
I then woke up Joe and Daniel so they could accompany me to the
Love My Town" meeting
in the City Council Chambers.
Although creativity was flowing from this heart and mind, in order
to 'blend' with others in the community, I
needed to yield to the fruit of the Spirit
(listed below:
March 17).
We left the City Meeting, rushed to pick up MacDonald, typed up 'minutes' of that meeting, then 'rushed' again to meet with our C.P.A. for tax-time.
Finally, I decided that I need to go home and get some sleep. More on 'sleep-deprivation' later. Hope to see you in church tomorrow.
Friday, March 18, y2k5
Properties, Buildings, and Grounds folks at my church will be happy
to know that Galt's Finest just now shined the
spotlight on a suspect trying to get into our
church office at 3:47
Yeah, I'm up kinda
early today...so much to do. Joe transcribed
some lyrics for the newly uploaded songs (on the
far right).
we keep
getting 21st century ideas . . .
plus I've added this:
a video clip
by my son, Daniel:
GHS freestyle wrestling:
click here
is training with the GHS Barbarian Wrestling
I woke up with some practical ideas about 'tweaking'
the 2 school districts in our current home town:
Galt, California.
tweak (twēk) v. To pinch sharply and twist
These ideas,
spurred on by my parental concern over the
current challenges facing public education will
involve more productive and effective use
of the Internet.
I'm working on
my doctorate and recently the creative juices
have been flowing
such that I regularly am awakened by ideas that
I think someone 'oughta' do
something about ... not quite the sort-of-thing
a person can delegate out.
Well, I
haven't heard
any more from
MTV yet;
click here if you wanna
see what I sent to them.
You may also want to read my journal entry
mention of MTV
Thursday, March
for Journal Archives
y2k5 March:
Check back for more later
... right now,
I've gotta get to work on some of my
'night visions'.
is at 7:0O AM
and, then, I'll go on my weekly
btw, earlier
when I noticed the source of the bright light, I
gave the person in the patrol car a 'thumbs up.'
That seemed to suffice ... hey, I'm a police
chaplain; most of the officers know me by now.
It's good to stay on the right side of the Law.
Thursday, March 17, y2k5
don't really know when the last day was that I
took a day off....but Thursday is set
apart for that. So, I'm gonna give it a shot and
try to spend my day around the house: cleaning.
My wife's not online much these days so there's
no filial accountability there!
Last night I took 'the Dream Giver
DVD' back to our local
Blockbuster. I think you should know that its
back on the shelf (Twin
Cities Rd.
Highway 99, Galt, California 95632).
This Bruce Wilkinson teaching
(8 half-hour sessions) is quite good but it may
seem 'kinda out there' to those who haven't
first read his allegory (by the same name). I
had a mystical/devotional connection to this
book (even before it was written). I suppose
that story will have to wait as well because...
"What happens next..." a
one-act play
So...I drop off the video and pick up the
babysitter girls (Mary
and Aryelle). We drive out
Wednesday Night
in the valley.
Reader 1
...mm.. yeah?
(nods head affirmatively)
This guy, Doug,
(he's the teacher...) someone tells me that he's
'a publican' by day (for
the Governator).
Well, I don't have my Bible with me, see,
but I listen real close...the rest of 'em..they
take turns reading from somethin' called
Galatians chapter 5....
Reader 1
...mm.. oh..yeh
wistful acknowledgement)
It's something about the Fruit of the Spirit.
Man, you should see these people; they've all
got Bibles and are talking 'bout...
This Doug
guy and..uh..Ron...they're
sayin' Greek words
stuff like that. You know,
it feels good to be there...in that room...with
those people...talkin' 'bout God and stuff.
Reader 1
...mm..yeah, I know.
...You been there?!
Reader 1
...mm..yeah, in a sense;
I've been to places like that. That's what
happens when Christians gather together to share
their lives.
Well, the music was good too.
This one guy...he's really funny...Sharif...he
just starts singing this song...his mom,
she looks at me...sweet as can be...
and asks if I know
it. I don't.
So, her other son, Ron,
he just gets up and runs out to his car...He
comes back with a CD and
Glenn (the guy
that lives there)...he puts it in and cranks up
the volume.
Its a good song...I don't remember it now
I woke up around 4:30 this morning with some ideas. I don't have
time to write all of them down but one idea
involves inviting the reader to consider the
lives of people they have known:
'saints who have passed
They could
write to me with a short story for inclusion for
a nine-fold feature (just
a hyperlink away from this webBlog).
The nine headings are enumerated
above (love, joy,
peace...etc.) Follow?
Hey, did anyone ever see the blurb for this particular reality
show? I thought of it again yesterday...and
again, this morning:
The Reality Show that transcends
be the Editor for this new show?
Perhaps I
have been given the 'go-ahead from God' to be
the show's producer (if I ever get dragged into
court for allowing people to
around in
bottom drawer
of our pop
collective conscious/subconscious
reality then that
will be my defense: j/k).
Oh, I know...an adversarial attorney could probably convince some
judge somewhere that you can't use j/k for a
defense...so throw me in jail, your honor. It
won't stop me...j/k...
I wouldn't want the chore of editing that show! A certain web
personality wrote me about it once but I thought
she would make a better writer than editor. Then
again, I think
eva is
much too serious for such a lighthearted
show. j/k
Wednesday, March 16, y2k5
private note
tom: in
the last paragraph of today's journal entry is
a secret link
to a compilation of articles (from some
newspaper) about same-sex marriage. Having read
eva's journal
yesterday, I was prompted to consider doing some
writing about the subject. However, I don't
think I can really invest the time to write
about all my opinions on the issue.
I understand and respect your viewpoint. You may have
guessed, however, that I wouldn't hold to your opinion.
You've been around me for several years...heard
my preaching...and know that I accept people
just the way they are. So, I
would be interested in reading what you 'think'
that I would write in response to that current
event....however, please don't publish
such thoughts....just send 'em to me at
I am scheduled for an interview with
a reporter from
Jocelyn Weiner
is writing a story about our
City Council's adoption
Barbara Payne's creative campaign for Galt:
Several weeks ago,
came to me to share her
Big Dream.
Our Dreams for the children and teenagers of
this growing town seemed to intersect at points.
Although she has not yet cast
her Vision on a
national level, I venture to guess that Barbara will want to
offer other troubled communities a reproducible
After she shared with me some aspects of her dream, I asked Barbara to sit in the Captain's Seat
(at Command Central) and served as her personal guide
on a tour of this website. She seemed
particularly drawn
our Youth's
Inter-connectivity and the
Napoleon Dynamite
event which we were currently promoting.
Weeks later, Mrs. Payne told me that she had purchased a Napoleon
Dynamite DVD and had
decided to host a Napoleon Nite for all of Galt
('actually' and 'virtually').
I suppose you will
just have to buy the SacBee to find out what
happens next...
Last night, at the Executive Board meeting for the Delta Valley Baptist Association, I was 'the first' to 'so move' upon 2 recommendations (heh, heh):
To actively assist Pastor Julieto Magbanua in
planting of a new Filipino congregation in Tracy:
Light in the Valley
To receive the physical properties of
(Mokelumne Hill) and acknowledge that this church has
It is always exciting when a
new church is born. As well, we should take time
to pause and reflect whenever we know of a
church that has died. Both sets of circumstances
have similarities with the human life cycle.
Long ago, I started dealing with the human
process of mourning and grief (starting with my
mother's death when I was five).
Death is
normative for people and a local church.
However, most individuals I know (myself
included) aren't really yet ready to die. We still have hopes, dreams,
plenty of work to do. Likewise, most church
members I have met deeply love their own home
church and want to fully experience
His Vision ...
More on this tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 15, y2k5
A friend just sent me this article:
featured in
prominent internet journal
click here
Today, I really need to continue with
the process of organizing my office, my personal
files, and thus, my life. For some personality
types, filing is a very simple task. Not for me
(ENFP). Much like trying to clean my room as a
kid, the process involves discovering many
long-forgotten treasures and toys. It is very
difficult for me to 'stay-on-task' when such
treasures seem to call for further discovery.
Hopefully, this webBlog will assist me as I
begin to 'file' online.
Monday, March 14, y2k5
I woke up with the blues around 5
Good thing that Cathy, Larry, and I went to the
6.5 hour seminar on Saturday (Depression: the
Way Out). The presenter, Dr. Neil Nedley, was a
fine speaker; each registrant was given a copy
of his latest book. Although the seminar was a
long time sitting and listening, I think we all
felt that God would bring a great return on our
investement of time and attention.
Tom Lane will soon show up for a Monday morning walk. By the way, an hour-long walk is a great deterrent to 'the blues' (...unless, maybe...you're all by yourself, head-hung-down...playing the harmonica).
I just remembered the dream I had dreamt
immediately before awakening. Perhaps it is the
reason I awoke with 'the blues.'
It was set in a hospital; I was carrying a teenager who had stopped
breathing--speaking loudly--asking where I
should take her. Nobody asked seemed to
know...it was someone else's responsibility.
The young lady had been one of the cast members in Godspell (the
show we watched on Friday night). She hadn't
been a
main character. Earlier in the dream I had
recognized her in the crowd--that is how she
became my responsibility. My limited medical
knowledge was enough to know that this girl
needed immediate attention. I was not politely
following protocol; instead, I was acting like one of those
characters in a made-for-TV movie.
Although I was once certified by the Red Cross for CPR, it didn't
occur to me, in the dream, that I was equipped
to administer first aid.
I woke up before I was able to get the young lady any 'real' help. So, it was just a dream but considering yesterday's Communion readings from Philemon, I think I know what to do about the blues.
Sunday, March 13, y2k5
This morning my friends down at
wrote to tell me, pastorob, that they were
bringing a RE-CUT version of
back to their theatre within driving
distance of the Epicenter.
You see, the Scripture reveals that every time
we eat of that loaf and drink of that cup, we
proclaim the death of Christ.
'The Lord's Supper' is a
Saturday, March 12, y2k5
I highly recommend
production of
The last 2 perfomances are
at 2 pm and
7 pm
for directions:
Galt High School 145 North Lincoln Way
Galt, 95632
Epicenter Minister of Music,
informed me of his plans to attend the
final performance tonight with his wife,
now, the long-awaited
video-streaming of scenes from
Mike and Robin McCall's trip to Liberia.
children chasing
Mike had formed a
bubble ring out of an old guitar string, took
some soapy water and created an environment for
a fun slice-of-life.
Bible Story with
Mike teaches 'the Limbo'
Jumping Rope
We Wanna See Jesus
Lifted High
Do you know your
Abigail and Eunice Dancing
The Wesley Family
Interested in learning
more about our
outreach to these children?
Friday, March 11, y2k5
Last night, I
accompanied our third son,
to the school farm. This semester he has taken
on the student project to raise a sow. He
demonstrated his chore of cleaning the pigs'
quarters, feeding them, and weighing them. I was
impressed by the seriousness with which he
approached the tasks. This morning, the video
clip of
Napoleon Dynamite
(2 years later) was
featured on GTV.
We had lunch together today; Daniel reported
that he was in Spanish class when it aired.
and I enjoyed our weekly
today. I told him about the
casting call for
MTV (Jebby:
click here if you wanna see what I sent
them). I
connected the idea of becoming involved with the
nice folks down at MTV
and yesterday's Daily
Bread. Did you read that?
It was about those who live
'rabbit-hole' lifestyles
(in contrast to the one modeled by Jesus when he
'invited himself' to the home of Zachaeus).
Thinking again about the group
of boys gathered around our kitchen table
(March 10th entry)
reminds me of the importance of
the Oikos
Joe's final paper).
Tonight, Cathy and I will accompany our church youth group to the Galt High School production of Godspell. I met up with a number of the cast members outside the auditorium last week and told them that we were coming. Aimee Sayre has already seen this production and reports a fine performance by cast and crew. A personal friend of mine, Ryan Perez, plays the Christ.
Thursday, March
10, y2k5
Yesterday, I officiated at the memorial service for a powerful
Christian witness:
Veda Rackley.
Here is a photo of Veda's penpal, Ruth Wesley
As well, I invite you to
scroll down
March 4th
and learn about this special cross-cultural
relationship between an American senior citizen
and a Liberian teenager:
click here
read their last exchange of letters.
Last night, the
girls that hang out at our house skillfully
executed their plan to throw a surprise
birthday party for Aryelle. So, our home was
packed with 13 and 14 year old young people
(of various gender--2 to be exact).
There was
adequate adult supervision but we had to stay
attuned to several discussion groups and
fellowship options. I had a fun time.
As I was checking my email
(our computer is
in the kitchen)
I mentioned to
the guys
(gathered around the kitchen table)
about the possibility that I could be called to
audition for a role in
an upcoming
series. The boys seemed excited as they asked
for more details. I told them about
shooting later this month in a nearby location
(and that they
were seeking actors my age to play
schoolteachers, security guards, or the
the crowd called out,
"The Principal!
should be
the Principal!"
MTV talent scout,
there's your market research...
a group of skateboard-carrying
think that pastorob
would be believable as
the Principal.
Some of you know about Martin Kpau, the student preparing
for the University of Liberia. Our son,
sent some funds to help Martin with school
expenses. Below is a recent letter from this
young man.
Dear Pastor Rob,
I would like to greet you in the name of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We heard
your trip to South
Africa, and I visited
First Baptist's web site and saw some photos of
some activities there.
I hope mother Cathy and the
kids are fine.
The family that visited us
was very nice. It seems
that everybody in First
Baptist is very kind. We
had a wonderful time with
Brother Mike
Sister Robin.
I wish
and pray that they may pay
another visit.
From your son in Liberia,
Matthew Kpau
Mike and
Robin in Liberia
Wednesday, March
9, y2k5
I won't have much time to write this morning.
I noticed that our editors have been kinda rough
eva's journal
the last two days. I'm puzzled. We have the same
editors but it doesn't seem like they are near
as tough on me. I don't exactly know why? I hope
its not simply because I'm black.
I will probably write
more later. There is much to do to get past
yesterday's news
and on with exciting new developments at some
key sites:
I spoke with
and will have to find time to pass along to
their editors some news from my end of the
relationships. Also, Jebby's
documentary, needs to have some video clips and
viewer mail, so I'll want to look into the delay
There are some definite differences to serve as a pastor in the
21st century. I'm still learning how.
I have the privilege of speaking at a memorial service for my
good friend, Veda
Rackley. I hope you'll decide to come
and hear recollections of her life and ministry.
Today 1:00 PM 653 A
for map
Tuesday, March
8, y2k5
Lane and I are planning to go
on a
today. I want to
speak to him about the big controversy stirred
up over yesterday's journal entry. It seems to
bother some readers that my words aren't always
in their dictionaries. I'm sorry.
I just don't always have a dictionary around me and at age 47, it
seems that I ought to be able to design some
words of my own.
FLASH....Monday, March
7, y2k5 ...
Second Edition:
We all need to read good news, right? Well, this
is being
published to report a newsworthy reaction to the
morning's news:
minutes ago, one of our members walked into
the Epicenter to drop off a check for $500; then
the phone rang--another member is heading down
here with an offering for the
Greater Love Children's
I woke up this morning reflecting immediately upon the need to
'update' our
website recent focus on
Gathering" (since it is
now 'yesterday's news).
to Rob
.. . . .. .
OK, I'm back....hey, please take
time to read
Pastor Wesley's note from
March 4.
He wrote today to tell me that
the children
to eat yesterday. Will you help?
CLICK HERE: www.pastorob.com/wesley.htm
Sunday, March 6, y2k5 2nd Edition:
& Robin McCall, and
MacDonald Wreh
all dressed in African clothes to join Cathy and
me after the Gathering. The guys played guitar
and sang while the ladies managed to get certain
passersby to stop.
A few chose to go ahead and sponsor one
of the World Vision kids.
A good investment.
I also saw Tami Wood (Veda's granddaughter);
she told me
that we will have
Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 6, y2k5
Saturday, March
5, 2005
Saturday morning has been spent in
talk/prayer with four other significant guys. We
keep what's talked about rather private but any man
who sincerely desires to see God reveal his plans
for us would do well to make this particular prayer
meeting a priority. Over the years I have marveled
at seeing the full realization of an idea first
discussed in that intimate setting.
I just spoke to Cathy on the phone. She is in much pain today. It
saddens her that she will be unable to 'interpret' for the deaf community and
hard-of-hearing tomorrow (at
the big event:
The Gathering).
For nearly two weeks, Cathy has been experiencing the symptoms
of carpal tunnel syndrome. Simple jobs like washing
the dishes, making the bed, and doing the laundry
are painful and/or tiring. Her job as an
Interpreter at the school did
not provide adequate breaks from repetitive hand
So, this is a trial that we're facing in our family. I
need to step up to the plate and start taking over
jobs that she normally does at home. Guess its time
to read
Tom Lane's article
on serving again. If you go to his page, scroll
down, and spend some time there. Hopefully, our kids
will start to voluntarily serve around the house
... about
If there
is anyone out there willing to serve the community
(or the world) in any way,
please call me
on my cell phone:
pastorob (209) 323-0727.
That's right...that's
Be reasonable, OK?
Guess what?
MacDonald Wreh
passed his written test and now has his
California Driver's Permit. If you're local and
would like to let him practice driving you around,
please call
his cell phone.
MacDonald Wreh
(from Liberia)
See our girl? She's kinda
Cecilia is an 8
year old girl from a family with seven children. She
is the girl from Lesotho that Cathy and I are
there will be an opportunity for you to 'sponsor'
one of 650 other children
in her community.
Cecilia is seen
drawing a picture of her mother and father with
colored pencils, crayons, and a notebook that I gave
to here earlier this month (during our trip to
Friday, March
4, 2005
Today marks an important
moment in my life history. Before I tell you why,
I'll recap a slice-of-life from yesterday afternoon.
Miss Parlee
showed up at the office wanting her
$10; it was in
my car. So, I invited her to ride along with me to
visit Veda
(my Internet co-host and dear
She had just been released from the hospital the day
before. When we got to Veda's home, I immediately
showed her the enlarged photo of
Ruth Wesley
(wearing Veda's watch and Veda's bracelet).
Veda exclaimed:
"Ohh, she is so
'Auntie Veda' had first sent the watch (to
Liberia) to
Pastor Wesley's daughter, Ruth
(then 14) back in March of 2003.
Veda had written
a note explaining that, years ago (when she was 14), she had hoped for a
watch--and that she never had gotten one until she
was a grown woman.
Therefore, she wanted Ruth to
have this watch. She wrapped it in a small box, with
her handwritten note, and a photo of herself (with
her name, Veda Rackley,
written on the back). She put a rubber band around the
small box and commissioned Pastor Wesley to deliver
it to Ruth.
Pastor Wesley said,
"Oh my...a watch is a very valuable
item...perhaps it would be better to ..."
Veda politely
interrupted him saying,
"No, it is for
In February of
2004, I traveled to Liberia and knowing that it
would be special for Veda, I photographed
wearing the watch.
Ruth took the time to write
'Auntie Veda'
a thank-you letter. I photographed her
lying on the floor under a small light (powered by
the generator).
treasured that note. She told me that she had a
special place in her heart for Ruth. She said,
"I feel
Ruth somehow--right here--in my heart."
I wasn't surprised that Veda wanted to send another
gift to
(along with
Mike and Robin McCall).
click here
to read her latest note to
and to read
Ruth's letter
thank you note
to Veda; I read it aloud to her eager delight at
Mercy General last week).
Today, at 12:55, my dear friend, my webBlog co-host,
another sweet mother graduated from the classroom of
suffering. She has stepped into eternity.
Well done, Veda.
Now, I'm gonna go somewhere and cry awhile...catch you
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Well, the time has come for
good ol' Joe
to finish up his paper and turn it in today, so I
read it over again and suggested that he might want
to mention one of my beliefs regarding growth in the
Kingdom of God.
During my last year at GGBTS, I watched God grow
our small church in Rohnert Park by reaching one
household. By reaching one individual in a home, the
established relationships of that home are also
impacted by the near presence of the Holy Spirit
being lived in and through that individual. Through
one household member, we eventually baptized 23
'related' people in a six-month period.
I picked up the term Oikos Evangelism from
one of my professors: Dr.
Tom Wolfe (during his last year at
Church on Brady--now
known as Mosaic
church). For twenty years he had seen exponential
growth of the local church through the Oikos
(Greek for 'house'). The family dynamics of eating
together, sharing life's joys, and surviving life's
tragedies together make one's family-of-origin a
natural setting for seeing the Great
Commission fulfilled. Sometime I'll upload the paper
I wrote about the subject. It really rings true to
Alright, Joe. We hope this helps you as another source
for the finishing touches on your paper. When you
finish it, we will upload your final draft. It'd
better be good!
Remember to
cite the date correctly; I'm listing it Thursday,
even though I'm writing it on Wednesday night.
Remember, in Liberia,
it is already tomorrow! More on
later. Yeah, I've looked into it too--in cyberspace.
It ain't always 'easy' but it is possible.
OK, now for something completely different:
Before our first trip to Estonia (April, 2000), I
had corresponded with the webmaster for a
cutting-edge site called:
Remembering the great numbers of 'hits' his
site had way back then, I recently attempted to
reconnect with him since we were trying some new
ideas with our local church website.
Back in 2000, David had been pastoring a church about
an hour away from the Epicenter. In my email I asked
him if he was still in Patterson, California. Here
is the kind reply from another
- kinda guy.
January 11, 2005
No, I am not in Patterson. I am in Oregon
(4 years now). I like your web site.
Excellent job.
I love the idea of
the Gospel
to Napoleon Dynamite.
Keep in touch
David Bruce
Oh....go ahead, click above. I think you'll be
pleasantly surprised! But, ya gotta come back!
By the way, we 'did
Thanks for the
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
From my
reading, most
biographical accounts of Moody's ministry point
to a decision he made after hearing this
assertion by
Henry Varley:
"It remains to be seen what God will do
a man who gives himself up wholly to Him."
--Henry Varley
"I will be
that man."
Recently, my good friend,
Tom Lane,
resourced me through the loan of a
current book by
Hugh Hewitt
New York Times
Best-selling Author and
host of
a nationally syndicated radio show).
To start, I did my usual scan of this
the Information
that's Changing Your World
Yeah, I found what I was looking
for (on
page 189);
an assertion that, for
is reminiscent of the
The advantage of blogging is that it will oblige you to
live in
the world of ideas and debates, and to do so at the
pace. At present no great blogger has emerged with a
distinctly evangelical worldview. When one does, with
and insight attached as well, that person (or persons)
have an enormous impact on the world.
Speaking on behalf of
deacons, composers, producers,
neo-plagiarists, preachers, journalists,
filmmakers and bloggers:
"we will be those
--pastorob, y2k5
Tuesday March 1, 2005
10:00 AM
Royal Oaks Convalescent Center, Galt
11:30 AM Featured Speaker
at Delta Valley Pastors'
Luncheon: Harmony Baptist Church,
when you least expect it: Save Mart or Longs, Galt.
Yesterday (and this morning) I dubbed 2 copies of the videotapes Mike and Robin brought home from Liberia. Oh, I know there are machines available...but for various reasons, we don't always have the technology to 'work smarter' even when we know it exists.
I dropped one copy off to Jim and Doris Fugate (since they have supported our work in Liberia since the very beginning of our partnership with Pastor Wesley). I really enjoy watching the tapes; I didn't take a video camera with me when I went there a year ago.
There are some great
moments I hope to
upload as online video clips
I gati
1) Mike teaching the kids how to play
with a broomstick (How
low can you go? Lee-mbo.)
Pastor Wesley's daughters (Ruth,
leading the other children in games
like 'jump
(the McCalls
brought the rope),
hopscotch (Priscilla,
14, scratched out the grid in
the earth with a tile).
Mike blowing bubbles as
the kids laugh and wholeheartedly jump to pop
4) Mike
strumming the guitar and teaching the kids
sing "We Want to see Jesus
Lifted High" and
"I have never seen the
Righteous forsaken."
Too much
to write about!
Sunday night, we hosted "The Making of
Elijah" the Director's Commentary. Jebby and friends were out in full force--an
unforgettable experience. Cathy and I
lingered behind with the families who are
going with Jebby to shoot a film in New
Zealand. It was an intimate time of
reflection and simple, peaceful joy. Well
done, everyone. We will post video, slides,
and commentary on the Elijah page as we are
able. Time is the prime factor here. I am
working on the website in my 'spare time'
I've been getting feedback on various blog
CLICK on the links below to read whatever comes in;
will try to add more viewer mail as I find
The Gospel
according to Napoleon Dynamite
pastorob addresses
Internet porn:
'a selective thread'
email me:
return to:
go to:
Pastor Rob Patterson 653 A Street Galt,
California (209) 745-4665
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