brought to you*
by the class of1975
* via timetravel™...right
on...right on...

Show that
Click here for a panoramic view of Coldwater in
Want to appear on CHS Follies?
This column is for 70's era
CHS students
Anybody with any ideas or who wants to
network regarding old
friends from
Coldwater, please
for research on
Also: If you have
high speed download capability, you may
be interested in viewing a music video.
When I went with Jerry and Daniel to
the Warped Tour,
I watched a band called
on a sidestage.
I stood near the
stage as the band gathered in a circle
before their first song. I heard someone
next to me ask,
"What are they doing?"
"They're praying,"
someone answered.
"Oh, I didn't know
they were a Christian band,"
was the
boy's reply to that answer.
Then, the band rocked. My sons missed
their show at the
Warped Tour
but went with others from Galt to watch
them at a venue in Roseville called
the Underground.
The Underground is a cafe sponsored by a
church. It is a great showcase for
bands. I went to see
Random Intelligence
there when I first got back from
Liberia. You know Rock Music has really
settled down since I was a teen. I seem
to remember that our Rock Shows were
quite smoky.
So, get ready for
y2k5.teenagers 101:
"A Boy Brushed Red
Living In Black And White"
at the Underground
Click here:
for a video-stream
this video is about 50 MB
so it takes a couple minutes to
If you don't have high speed, or don't
care to watch a room full of young
people rocking out on church-owned
property, you could skip the song and
just visit the Underground Cafe, click
and then, there's the website for this
band. particularly interesting to me is
The Forum:
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005
5:31 PM
Hey Buddy!!
wanted to tell you a little story. We've
decided to push a little more praise team
wise, having practices twice a week. Our
regular drummer couldn't make it today, so I
asked Jerry
to fill in!
That boy is playin' some serious drum!!
Man, what a pleasure it was to make music
with that young man. I mean ta tell ya
buddy. When he plays, I hear music coming
from those drums. He was pretty good last
June, but you know, I think those V Drums
probably weren't quite as comfortable for
him, and hey, he's more than likely just
improved that much! I'll know more after he
comes over and play for me on those couple
songs I sent him home with. I'll keep ya
posted Lol.
No Kidding Rob. That kid can play!
You should be proud. I'm sure tickled,
and his attitude? Gosh you just couldn't ask
for better. Ya just couldn't. A respectful,
and yet, very very able, young musician.
Heck of a kid! Ya done good! You and Cathy.
I just can't wait for the morning worship. I
told our other drummer that Jerry needed
some encouragement too, and that this didn't
mean he would be losing his job or anything,
that I just wanted Jerry to play some of the
time as well. I think it's all good.
The other young man is Brandon, and he plays well, has
worked hard and probably will continue to do
that. If you give him something to learn,
boy, he does it right.
With God's help, I hope to keep both young men involved with
worship, maybe doing some other percussion
as well as drums. I'll be praying about
that. Anyway Rob, I just wanted you to know
how much joy I had today, playing with your
son, and thinking about you, and the music
you and I have made together. What a
Editor's Note:
Until the archival footage of
C.H.S. Follies is
located, indigenous coldwater producer,
has chosen to digitize and publish
a childhood trilogy by a current C.H.S.
Jerry Patterson.
(see right column)
coldwater - born
producer yatukutay
continues to support spontaneous
creative combustion from high school filmmakers.
Click Here
to watch an
Original Vignette
based on
Napoleon Dynamite
written by students in a parallel
Aimee Sayre
Daniel Patterson
what others are saying...
and here's another video clip
edited by
Daniel Patterson
GHS freestyle wrestling:
internet review:
submitted by
from Singapore
Looking for a place to sharpen your skills? Look no more!
In this Original Vignette by the Epicenter's own Creative
Production Team of Napoleon Dynamite,
Aimee Sayre
as the insistent Summer Wheatley and
Daniel Patterson
as the renowned
are impressive in acting out their respective characters.
The plot presents a conflict between Napoleon’s desire for
an uncomplicated life and Summer’s quest for him to jump on
the bandwagon of materialism. Her weapon of choice was
neither a bowstaff or a freakin’ 12 gauge but rather
something a little more common – a credit card.
Having watched the DVD 7 times, I’ve pretty much memorized
the mannerisms of Napoleon as well as Summer’s and I have to
say that Daniel did such an amazing job at imitating
Napoleon that it was uncanny in many ways. The way he
chapped his lips , the manner in which he spoke was almost
the exact replica of Jon Heder. And
does look like Napoleon in the movie, except for the
hair maybe.
Aimee portrayed
Summer’s condescension accurately as seen in her review of
Napoleon’s room. Her dramatization was equally perfect with
“ Do you want them to starve?” Her sharp retorts and
convictions also injected humor, spice and color to her
Summer’s definition of a happy life is clearly the anti
thesis of Napoleon’s who is “ pretty contented with “ what
he has.
Napoleon’s indifference towards Summer’s claims that
the American dream as well as the extravagant lifestyles of
the rich and famous would make him happy, stems from his
contentment with the simple life he leads. Like many of us,
he desires to have many things but he understands that his
wants may not be what he truly needs. The television set he
owns may not be a state-of-the-art 42” plasma TV and his
furniture may not match but contradictory to what Ms.
Wheatley affirms, these are not important for happiness. And
it is through such ingenuous simplicity in thought that
truly makes Napoleon larger than life.
Kudos to all who made the
Napoleon Dynamite--Galt-Style
so awesome…Gosh!
1.25.05 Last night I rented the DVD and watched all of
the commentary. Especially helpful was a feature:
Heaven Help Us: a short documentary of the
thought and hope that went into their project. I admire
Brian Dannelly as a conscientious artist. Much of what I
know about him was gleaned from the actors' interviews I
read months ago. They spoke of the Director requiring them
to attend a number of 'real' youth rallies, conferences,
etc. to get jiggy with the whole 'christian youth culture.'
Last year,
when this movie about high school
culture was released,
I sent an
Brian Dannelly.
is a copy of the letter that I wrote to Brian. I was
thrilled that this busy filmmaker took the time
to respond to my note.
The 21st
Century is
an Open Door of
Opportunity that allows us to cross many ancient boundaries.
imaginations are a hindrance for those who hope to walk
the Door the Lord
has opened. In my letter I tried to show Brian that I
appreciate his God-given imagination as he uses the tools
of his millennial generation.
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 6:11 AM
Subject: your recent release
Hi Brian:
My wife, son, and I viewed
your film SAVED! for the first time yesterday. I had
seen Mandy Moore on Letterman talk about 'controversy'
with the story...so decided to go see it.
Our immediate reflection and
discussion led me to the assertion that you must hold to
a different worldview than me.
I got your email address
from a blog...from a google search. I would be
interested in reading anything that you feel rightly
represents your developing theology. Perhaps I'll hunt
around on the web for sites that mention your past
productions....however, a link to a few good sites would
be most appreciated.
Myself: the pastor of a
small baptist church in northern california (with a
deepening faith as well).
I became a Christian at age
26...twenty years ago....having lived as an agnostic
with very little restraint and did not take Christians
seriously. Personal crisis led to my faith in the Christ
of the Bible as ever-present and interested in my
thoughts and my heart.
Thank you for taking the
time to 'talk to strangers.'
Rob Patterson
Brian wrote back (below); my computer later crashed and I
had lost my email records so I never wrote him again.
d.c.tom forwarded the copy I had sent him (I
was so excited to have received a response from Brian). If any
of you should decide to write to
Brian, please be
I suggest that you rent the DVD and watch the film carefully before
offering your feedback. Here is Brian's long-lost letter:
From: "Brian Dannelly"
To: "Rob or Cathy Patterson"
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: your recent release
Well, it's true, we may hold different
world views...but, I think we're looking for the same thing.
One of the very best things to come out of this experience
is that I've received so many
kind emails from evangelical Christians and it's actually
made me want to explore my relationship with JC more than
In spite of all the controversy, it's been a very moving experience for
Thank you so much for writing to me. I would love to
talk to you more.
Please feel free to write.
A quick note, I've just returned from two weeks worth
of film festival madness and am very tired and am trying to
answer over 700 emails...but, yours stood out and I wanted
to get back to [you]right away.
A note to my fellow CHS grad:
January 15, 2005
Hi Carol:
If you'll notice on our website, we have a new page called CHS Follies:
2 columns: Class of 1975.....THEN
and Class of
In this left column, after I locate
the student film I shot (Super 8 circa. Spring 1975), I will
feature short mpeg videos. Our task then will be to CLICK
and IDENTIFY who those kids were (and 'what were they
The film, CHS Follies, was cinema
verite'(before I knew what that was) set in the middle of
CHS hallways as the dismissal bell rings. 1975-era young
people dressed in authentic period pieces came rushing out
of classrooms; go back in your long-term memory and relive
the excitement of 2-way pedestrian traffic, the unique
individuals, the teachers, the couples, the friends (duets,
trios, even quads), the loner weaving through those who
aren't moving as fast.
Featuring kids from the classes of 1975,1976, and 1977. My
brother, Mike, was in the class
of '77. There's a good chance that he's seen
walking down the
hall to his next class....good chance that you're in
it...your friends...who knows?
My Dad, who still lives in Coldwater, is friends with
Randy Hazelbaker; I
remember really liking that kid back in the day. I think I
remember correctly that he helped
me win 1st Place Student of the Year for
Randy helped by shooting
photographs, and using the Careers Center darkroom so I
could create a portfolia of my legitimate
ventures; I've heard that Randy is now the resident
historian for Coldwater, right? He once featured my
Dad on a Cable Access program. Whatever his current skills
and interests, he fits the demographic
for this year's strangest web-based reality show:
CHS Follies.
Could somebody call him, simply explain some of this conceptual
brainstorming, send him an email link to this page?
I haven't mentioned any of this Reality Show to
Greg Brayton (Class of 73)
yet.....but my son, Jerry, is now attending his church and
went to Sunday School with him last week. I think Greg
will be on board to help with production.
Perhaps you could brainstorm about the BIG SEASON FINALE. The best
Shows always have a 'twist' at the end.
I have some ideas brewing...I
like my coffee
hot and
strong(likewise the
Season Finale).
Click here to write
To: The Editor
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 12:25 PM
Subject: Note from Carol Pierce
Greetings from the very cold state of Michigan. Nancy told me
earlier this week that Jerry has moved here. What an
adventure for all of you!
She and I have been working together on a Renaissance Festival,
and she told
me last night (at the festival) that I should check out your
web page.
So, that's what I have been doing for last 30 minutes. You have a
lot of info
there! Of course, I was especially interested in your family
info and
Jerry's journey to join us here in this great state!
I am looking forward to CHS Follies:
I think! Thirty years. It's hard to
believe, isn't it? We certainly are a lot younger than
people in their late 40's were back in the 1970's, don't you
think!?By the way, I still have my copy of the Senior Mirror
poll and you forgot to admit that you were also voted 2nd
place "Class Clown" (right behind Rich Fraley and tied with
Steve Neesley). Just thought I'd refresh your memory!
I saw Jerry last night at the Renaissance
Festival. He was hanging with my niece,
Lauren (big surprise!) He is looking healthy, content,
and comfortable!
It's nice that he has Nancy and her family, and I'm sure that he's
comfortable with Lauren's parents, but just for the record,
if he ever needs anything, the Ogles would also help him in
a heartbeat. Let him know that for us, okay? I have a
son, Sam, who is a senior this year and
knows Richelle (2006)
and Sarah (2007) very
well. They are in the Balladiers together.
So hopefully he and Jerry's paths will cross and they can get to
know each
other. Sam is a
really laid back kid, very kind, and also a drummer,
so it sounds like they may have some common ground.
Anyway, I realize this
was a huge decision for you and Cathy, so let us know if
there's anything we
can do.
Well, just wanted to drop you a line. We will add you all to
our prayer list.
I look forward to getting back on your web page when I have
more time.
Until then,
to email:
click here
Mr. Petzko as himself
Coach Bilsborrow as
The Friends, The Cousins,
The Principal, The Teachers,
The Lunchroom, The Cars,
The Laughs, The Pathos . . .
The Senior Classes
meet Jerry
in this season's
reality show.
preproduction special feature
Its kinda
the class of
15 minutes of fame . . .
Want to appear on CHS Follies?
This side is for contemporary CHS
Show Them TRUTH
Coldwater High School has a newly-formed student
group on campus: "the Gay-Straight Alliance."
Another example of the Gay Activist Agenda, our
teenagers are being asked to identify and question
their sexuality and submit to being 'educated' by
accepting classifications of sexual identity beyond
that which is normal: Male and Female.
Websites like myspace.com ask our young people to
identify their orientation as
Students at Coldwater High School (my alma mater)
are being asked to take part in the national
"Silent No More."
An 11th grader poet/musician has decided to no
longer remain silent. He values his peers enough to
endure the pressure of asking some thoughtful

Jerry will graduate from C.H.S. this Sunday. He has attended
the United Methodist Church during his time in Coldwater.
Graduates were honored at a breakfast on Sunday, May 15th.
Allison and Ashley reached out to Jerry as they finished
high school together.
editor's note:
Jerry doesn't need to write in any longer
because Dad™
has come to Coldwater to work
on his doctorate. He will stay there until
Jerry's graduation from CHS in May, 2005. Still,
for archival purposes, we have chosen to leave
the following entries online.
Write to Jerry at:

just in....
from Jerry
February 28, 2005
Hey Dad and Mom and Family,
I just watched the Napoleon clip and laughed up
a storm. I'm sure everyone in the library thinks
I'm crazy. Daniel totally hit the nail on the
head on that one ('ughhh,
freakin idiot.' hahaha).
I'm makin sure to get the word out about the site to all the
hardcore Napoleon fans out here.

Jerry Patterson
on a father/son field
trip to Coldwater in 2004.
Jerry assisted his Dad
by laying drum tracks
with Greg Brayton for
More collaboration is being
planned with Greg, Dad,
and other special guests for
Liberia y2k5.
Jerry's first
published recording track
at the age of three
(from FirstFruits).
February 23, 2005
Hey dad, mom, and family,
How are you all? Its about 1:30 and I'm
writing you from the public library. I woke up at 3 AM
to drive Jordan to the airport with Grandma. I am happy
to say it all went great.
We got Jordan to the airport with plenty of time to get to his
departure gate. On the way home grandma was worried
about me gettin a cold, because I haven't got too much
sleep, and I sound sick.
So we stopped for breakfast and tea at a
fun little restaurant, and grandma picked me up some
cough drops and some throat spray. I was very happy with
the outcome of the trip, because I was worried it would
be awkward being with grandma for so long, but it turned
out great, and we got to talk a lot.
I slept as soon as I got home, so now I am well rested. I got to
skip school today because of all of the travel, so it
was a nice little break.
I have 2 more days of school and then the
weekend comes, so that should be happy.
Lauren invited me to go to
the Rotary Show
with her and her family. I am very
happy about that, because Greg had mentioned a
little bit about it, and it sounded like fun.
Well I g2g, I have
to get home, and get some more sleep. I love and miss
you all...
Dad, I got to check out the site, I'm loving what u are
doing with it. Its very
To the general public:
Stribley should be back in California now.
and check out this short audio clip:
"Hi, this is Jordan from
and you're listening to StudioTime!"
Greg Brayton recorded Jordan for a
promo--featuring Jordan's signature scream. We
the MP3.
Greg also gave me a
demo of 2 songs upon which I'll lay down
drum tracks later this week.
That is great news
about my childhood books being published.
Who would have ever imagined?
Ching's Revenge from
A Childhood
1. The Sword
2. The Ring
3. Ching's Revenge
Ching's Revenge
(written and illustrated by Jerry
Patterson, circa. 1994).
The story you are about
read is about a kid named Arthor [who] is in deep trouble.
Raded G
That's the End
of this series.
The Sword, The Ring,
Ching's Revenge.
back cover
inside cover
"a ya"
"help" "I'll help you."
"ahah" "wof"
As you remember two months ago Arthor
had the ring. Now he is 14 and a half. Arthor's dad
had a friend
named Albert Zine.
page 1

Arthor's father, Axel, thought that Arthor and Albet Zine
had something in common. So Axel told Arthor, "You
are going to see Dr. Zine."
On his way to Dr. Zine's Office, he played around with his ring,
tossing it back and forth between his hands. As he
approached Dr. Zine's lab, he tripped over a cord
and dropped his ring. When the owner of the ring
drops it, he loses control and the ring takes over.
Accidentally, Arthor sent Dr. Zine into Dinosaur Time which
sent him to the other sided of the world.
page 2

Meanwhile, Ching was busy making weapons in his cave.
Somehow Ching had a feeling that some kind of
scientist was now in Dinosaur Time.
So Ching took a ride on a Taradactly to see if he was
right, if there was a scientist around. He was
right! He could sense that a scientist was two
hundred miles away.
Ching grabbed a stick from a tree and hit the Taradactyl so
it would go faster. Ching traveled 179 miles
quickly. He was now only three miles away from Dr.
Zine. He would be reaching the scientist soon.
page 3

Finally, Ching found Dr. Zine and threatened to murder him
with his Tyranosaurus Rex if he didn't make a
time machine. So Dr. Zine started to make one.
page 4

He used Dinosaur bones for the outside of the chair
with Wooly Mommoth fur. He used the tusks from the
Wooly Mammoth for a weapon on the machine. The tusks
were used to ram people who tryed to hurt Ching.
They were on the front of the machine. He put
different kinds of plants together to make a potion
that would make the time machine to to the future.
Ching's Private House
page 5

Ching: "It looks good" Potion and
Time Machine
Ching jumped in and told Dr. Zine to put the potion in
to the machine. So Dr. Zine did. Ching went around
and around in a circle, so fast that he went into
the future.
page 6

Ching went straight to Arthor's school. Arthor was in Science
class,making a top secret ax that only Arthor could
hold. Ching ran to Arthor's Study Hall. He didn't
find Arthor there. Then he went to Arthor's Science
Class and found Arthor.
Ching raced after Arthor to the playground, into the
lunch area, to the playground again--where the
battle began. Ching had brought a humungous bat from
Cave Man Time.
Ching swung first, but he
missed. Arthor took his ax! He has good aim and he
split Ching in half. Circuits flew out of Ching's
body because Ching was a Robot.
Even if someone tried to put Ching together, they
couldn't. The reason Ching couldn't be put back
together was that Dr. Zine had made Ching.
page 7

When he made him he made sure that if Ching was ever
split in half, no one would ever be able to fix
Ching because Ching was a failure.
The story ends with Arthor safe and sound, Ching dead
as a doorknob, and Dr. Zine starving in Dinosaur
Time, never able to get back or find anything to
help him make machines.
page 8

appendix: supplemental illustrations
Ching dead as a
Arthor safe and sound
on the playground

Dr. Zine almost dead
Jerry writing
"I have to finish
1 and 2 of
Jerry's Childhood
Tuesday, February 15,
Hi Mom, Dad and Family,
How are you all? I am not going to be able to use the
Internet as freely as I had before, because Mikey's
computer is giving him problems. Its kind of funny
though, cuz Hotmail finally started working on his
computer, and then it crashes.
How is the church and youth group going? I know that Gina and
Tyler were leaving, and I didn’t know really what was
going on with that. I'm looking forward to a SUPER
weekend coming up. We have Friday and Monday off, so it
will work out very nicely since Jordan is going to be
Dad, can you send me some lunch/misc. money? I have run out of
funds, because of the jackets and gloves, and my
lunches. If you could, could you get a hold of Jordan
and send it with him? Also, can you pray about safe
traveling weather? We expect to get 6 ‘’ of snow 2night
and I hope it cools down before Thursday.
Uncle Mike is doing good, and so is Mikey. I've been running lots
of errands for uncle Mike (and have been trying to hang
out with Mikey as much as possible). I got sick over the
weekend, so that was kinda boring. I'm getting over it
though. I came straight home from school and slept till
about 9 last night, so I'm staying well rested.
My Valentines Day went great. I had made a card for Lauren,
and it turned out a lot better than I could have
planned. I just feel like God was really working stuff
out for me on Sunday. Before I had gone to church I
noticed that I had very little money, and that I wanted
to make it stretch. Mom had sent me $50 for clothes, but
I had used it on lunch, and toiletries. I still had to
save money to help pay for gas money for grandma and
Mikey to pick up and drop off Jordan from the airport.
All this running through my head, I realized that I
hadn’t tithed on the money. I knew it would tie me even
tighter than I was to tithe the $5, but I remembered
that God will always work things out for you if your
faithful. So, I tithed the money. After that it seemed
like everything worked out for me.
I was right in time to pick up a
rose from the florist
(3 minutes before they closed), and when I went to buy a
stuffed animal, it turned out being way cheaper than I
had budgeted. So, I just really realized the good in
having faith in God.
SO yes, Valentine's Day
went great, and now...
Me and Lauren are an “item.”
We made it official yesterday.
Well, I'm sending this email in computer class, so I better
get back to my work. I just wanted to send u an email to
let u know the latest news.
I love and miss you all.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Sorry it took so long to write back but I've
been busy. Uncle Mike didn't get caught driving, he just
went in for an evaluation, and they made it final. I didn't
end up really going shopping, cuz I ran out of lunch money,
so I just am spending it there.
What's the latest news on dad? How is he doing?Jordan is set to fly
down here this Thursday and leave on Tuesday. I'm pretty
Aunt Nancy is gonna send you a graduation gown order form
so u can order what u want.
Well I g2g, I'm not supposed to be on at the school. Tell
Mary, Daniel, and family that I love and miss them.
Monday, February 07, 2005 2:47
Hey mom,
That's not good to hear that you're sick. I am too, but I drink a
lot of water and sleep, and its goin away.
We won our volleyball game on Saturday, and I helped with a church
fundraiser on Sunday. My number here is 517-278-6569.
I got the package and letter 2day. It was A GREAT SURPRISE,
especially the muffins. I hope you get better and can go to
school n work soon. Uncle Mike got his license stamped and
if he gets caught driving then he gets a 500$ fine and up to
90 days in jail, so pray for him and that he'll be happy.
Jordan's comin out to see me on my winter break thing on the
17th, so that is something for me to look forward to.
Well, I g2g.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Hi Mom, Alright, I'll make sure
to keep my eye open for the check. Thank you so
much! That's kinda funny about Joe's unknown
expenses with his dorm room; it sounds scary.
Mikey had sumtin kinda like that. He couldn't go to school cuz he
hadn't made a deposit , so he's out for the
semester. I am trying to use my turbo cleaning
skills for uncle mikes benefit, but its hard.
I always try n take care of the dishes. Well I g2g to Volleyball
now, but I'll talk to you later...I miss you!
Thursday, February 03,
2005 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: Hi!
Well, I can't wait for the money to get here
I did have a job lettin Ben's dog out, but I have
school now so I can't do that anymore. The money I
got from that have been supporting my fun time, but
now I have no more funding.
I'll make sure to email Joe for his bday. Are u excited for ur bday?
I remember that it's comin up too. I talked to
Daniel bout wrestling. He seems pretty pumped about
it all. Well, I g2g. Uncle Mike wants me to run an
Wednesday, February 02,
2005 1:18 PM
Subject: Hi!
Hi Mom,
Hmm a good time to call me is usually on weekdays at around 4 on.
On Wednesdays I go to Youth Group, but other than
that I'm always home.
Hmm,....this weekend I
might be home, probably not at night, but
on Saturday during the day I'm sure I'll be at
home. Valentines Day...I
think we have a dance, but as I remember Lauren
doesn't like dances, and I don't know if they're
"cool" here. If they are cool I so wanna go, cuz I
miss dances. I don't know what I'm gettin her for
Valentines; I don't have too much money left in my
lunch account, and her bday is comin up on the 23rd.
I'm not
used to serious relationships with girls,
so its all weird now, and I wanna kill any guy she
even looks at, so I'm workin on that. Aunt Nancy is
finding the date of graduation out. I got a slip to
order my cap n gown today. Yeah, I'd like to go to
SWC, but I'd want others to go to, like if u could
talk Daniel into it. That's good to hear that Dad's
doin good, and that he got there safely. Do u know
if its a better situation than Liberia?
Well, school is comin along good. I'm doin my best in all my
classes, and I think it will show in my grades, but
since I just sit at home all day then I end up doing
all my homework. I kinda look forward to fast paced
Cali life. Here everything is slow, but they make up
for it in Drama. There's a lot of drama here, which
I don't like, but I can't really change it. Well, I
Monday, January 31, 2005
2:02 PM
Subject: Hi
Hi Mom, Sorry its taken me so long
to write back. I haven't got to check my mail in a
while, cuz the library was closed. I don't know the
exact date for graduation yet, but I think its end of
May. I'll look into it.
Lately I've
been getting really homesick. I hope at least
Dad gets to come here later to record or sumtin, so I'll
see something from home. I talked to Jordan and his mom
said she'd buy him a ticket here whenever he wanted to
come. That would put a smile on my face, but I have to
find him a place to stay and a ride from the airport so
I'm gonna start workin on that.
Yesterday was the church ping-pong match.
Me n my partner Ashley got 3rd. It was weird cuz all the
adults were really competitive. I really like these 2
youth groups I'm in though. I'm not hangin out with guys
too much now; its just mainly girls, but they're just as
interesting as guys I guess.
So how are you doing without Dad? I miss our shopping trips and
house projects we have always had when Dad's been gone.
I try n clean up around Uncle Mike's, but its hard, cuz
I don't know what goes where and all that.
So far school is going good and on
progress reports I had all A's. I like all my
teachers, but Ms. Kiss is a Democrat, and I don't like
it, but I'm gonna keep quiet, cuz I can tell there's
some Bush supporters in that class.
Well I g2g, the librarian is givin me the look. Let me know when u
send out the money, so I can be on the look out for it.
Tell all the kids that I miss them, and I miss you. I
love you all.
Saturday, January 29, y2k5
A cell phone call
with Dad™:
to some)
Hi Dad:
I know that you're
leaving for Africa tomorrow and just wanted to
talk with you one last time.
Yeah, its going great! I could possibly get all As this
last semester.
After school I go back to
Uncle Mike's house and do my homework; I spent 3 hours
on my collage, put blue construction paper behind the
pictures; I drew an outline of the state of California.
I think I made a good presentation in Ms.Kaschalk's
class. I actually like doing the homework here. Well,
not having a band or guy friends helps!
There's another student here from California. Esther was born in
the OC and has comes back and forth to Michigan through
the years.
I went out with Lauren
parent's and grandparents last night. I'm also really
getting involved in the youth groups here. My church's
youth group is small but good. Then, I also go to the
Free Methodist Church for their youth group. There's a
Youth Leader named Chris that I really like!
invited to be on their volleyball team; we won;
I will partner with Ashley for a ping-pong tournament;
she's best friends with Allison; I met them by having
lunch with Megan; The seniors all eat lunch together so
I sit with these friends and 2 other quieter girls
andone guy: a boyfriend; The are a lotta guys at the
Free Methodist Church; Chris calls me Dane (I remind him
of a guy he knows named Dane; Chris is always cracking
jokes; I feel comfortable there; Chris also comes and eats
lunch with us at the High School on Fridays.
We play a game in the Youth Group called "Trainwreck" (for
example someone calls off "Rows 1-7 switch; 2-3
switch,...then they yell "Trainwreck!" and everyone switches
with one person left standing ;its
similar to one we played in California called "Fruit
Basket Upset").
The Free Methodist Chruch also has a Youth Band; they're good; I totally compliment
everyone and am not pushing myself here as a drummer.
Someday, I'll probably be asked to fill in for a band somewhere...
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: napoleon dynamite
dad!!! Great Napoleon
Page, it gave me a little giggle.
I'll make sure to show all the Hardcore Napoleon
fans down here.
Monday, January 24, y2k5
A cell phone call
with Dad™:
to some)
Went to
church; Joe played bass
Introduced me to his son, Joseph; introduced to others
in their Youth Room; might do a
Trading Spaces with
another church where they redecorate each other's
Youth Room;
Yesterday was great! A church ping-pong tournament,
some seniors showed up;
cancelled bowling, still had youth basketball,
shot hoops in that room where we ate breakfast last
Easter; went to lunch; youth at night only a few kids
who said, "We need teams for ping pongl Told me about
the Night Rider (a double
decker bus trip to Florida
... in May, I think.
I lost
my keys in the snow; went all over the church
looking for them; on the way home I saw an impression
of keys in the snow, but someone had picked them
up....I started following the footprints. Our next door
neighbor had found them.
Have made friends
withSarah and Katelyn;
2nd period in
another class with a mutual friend introduced by
Lauren...only have 5 minutes between classes; my
locker is far away from all my classes.
1st Ms.
Kiss Social Issues (a Michael Moore girl in the
class bashing Bush; Kerry poster on the wall; seems like
a Kerry/Edwards majority among the students);
2nd Mrs.
Todd Foods, active student
teacher in class.
3rd hour
Mrs.Shaffer a hard class, a stickler for rules.
PE Mr. Fuller nice
guy; some kids joke around with him.
Speech Ms. Kaschalk
quiet, accent nice, have to make a collage; don't have
any photos here so I think I'll draw picture of the
with Mr. Stevens I like his corny jokes.
Hello Mom, Dad
and Family Members,
How are all y'all?<----my
new accent!
I'm doing
pretty good. I had my 1st Friday at the School. It
wasn't the best, but it worked out.
My Creative Writing class was a
lot more work than a [Galt] English class would ever be;
it demanded that we sit at home for 30 minutes every
night and just think stuff up. I don't really enjoy
being forced to be creative, so I got out of it.
I made the switch to Speech Class,
which was good cuz the people are more like me. I have
to write an Outline about my life, and make a collage,
which won't be too hard. It will also make me a better
public speaker.
More good news: my Foods
teacher goes to my church. It was quite funny on the
first day she asked if I had gone to church on Sunday
with Sally Brayton.
I said, "yeah," and she laughed cuz she thought maybe I
was one of her kids. haha.
Mom, I was wondering if you
to send me money to buy some clothes. You had mentioned
how I should talk to you about it after I had been here
a couple of weeks, and I had seen what people wear here.
I've been here a while and I think I'm gettin' a grasp
on Michigan style (its almost like cali, but more
bundled up).
Well, I must be going now, my 30 online minutes are up here at the
library. Write back.
CLICK HERE to email Jerry
p.s. Dad, I got
the letter with all the info in it.
Thank you!
Wednesday, Jan.
Hey Dad:
2nd day went
awesome, and Andy
invited me to band
practice tonight. I miss you!
Tuesday, Jan. 18th
8:30 PM
Everything's good. I went to the Methodist
Church on Sunday (first service); hung out with
Greg Brayton and went with him to his Sunday School
They had the Andy Griffith Bible Study (the
episode where the goat eats the dynamite). It was
funny to hear everyone 'interpreting' the film for
"Greg, now the
goat is eating
the dynamite..."
I'm not getting
online much yet. At school, I was getting a bit lost
in the hallways. I have three classes with Andy. He
invited me to sit with him and his friends tomorrow
at lunch.
Hi Mom!
CLICK HERE to email Jerry
To: The Editor
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:04 AM
Subject: First day of school
Well, the day finally arrived--Jerry's
first day at CHS. It was
heartwarming to see the three cousins walking
toward the front doors at approximately 7:55 a.m. in
a frigid -2 degrees. Jerry is learning
that winter means not only snow, but COLD
Jerry has been forewarned about
school lunches at CHS--there are some good things,
like the salad bar, but the good things have the
very long lines,and then you end up with no time to
eat. So we suggested that
Jerry might want to
pack a lunch, and he agreed (although this morning
when I asked where his lunch was, he said he had
money to buy...maybe a case of not getting the
lunch packed?)
I'll keep you posted (and I'm sure he will, too) as to how his
first day went...I am picking them all up at 4 pm
(school gets out at 2:45, but
Richelle and
Sarah have Balladiers and
Ladies First practices on Tuesday and Thursday,
so Jerry either
gets to hang out somewhere, like in the library, or
go to the choir room and watch the practices.
Or he might make some friends and catch a ride with
someone else.)
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Hey Dad and Family, I'm at Aunt Nancy's
right now. We went to the Renaissance
thing last night. It was very interesting.
Everyone walked around all types of booths for
about an hour. All the choir students were
dressed up in costume and acted out what type of
drama would have been going on at that time.
There was a kid playing a Jester, and he
was just so dramatic. I don't think we have any
kids like him in Galt; He was loud. As far as
booths there was Palm-reading, tattoo, food, and
hats. There were stocks in the middle of the
room where guards would put people that had
disobeyed. Lauren got put in the stocks,
because she was charged with "dressing Badly".
It was quite funny.
After all of that we went into the auditorium
and watched a 30 minute acapella choir
performance. T hat was quite good (besides lack
of drums).
Their choir had a lot to it. I enjoyed the evening.
in the church
youth band back in 2004
So, how is everything in Galt? I am getting
excited because I start school on Tuesday. I
needed two more shots (tetnus and hepatitis) but
I don't get those for a week.
I'm getting along real well with Uncle Mike and Mikey. I'm getting into the flow of things. I
don't like the water here though.
I think I'm gonna get a big pack of bottled
water for myself. I talked to Greg last night at
the Renaissance thing and we talked about
church. I'm gonna see him there 2morrow.
Well I hope you do good on the Napoleon skit,
and everything is well there.
Richelle and Sarah
Wilson have a very special relative. All
their lives he has been known as
'their rich uncle
from California.'
A graduate of Coldwater
High School, it is no wonder that
was told that he has the looks of
Kip and the
personality of Uncle
Rico. Perceptive observation.
2004, this Uncle came to
Coldwater to
record with
Greg Brayton.
The Year of
Luke 4:14-20
Isaiah 61:1-4
This song
was written while
was reviewing the
notes from a sermon he had preached
in Liberia (Feb. 1994).
In the
power of the Spirit, Jesus stood up
to read in Nazareth's synagogue.
the scroll and spoke from
Jerry Patterson
plays drums on this
track. His cousins: Richelle, Niki,
& Sarah Wilson were
released from school to go into the
studio and for vocals with mutual friend, Lauren Pierce.
Greg Brayton arrange d and
directed the layered vocals in realtime.
l. to r.
Richelle, Lauren, Greg, Sarah, and