Note: this is an
archival page; it is no longer updated...
Audio Downloads
In addition to
the many talented singers and musicians who attended
fbcgalt, we had many other
musical friends like
Randy Stonehill, Greg Brayton,
Dennis Agajanian,The
Finley Family, Denny Scott,
Ronda Faull,
and, uh...
pastorob. We offered music for
download and streaming for your Internet listening
pleasure and joy.
Jerry Patterson
on a 'father/son' field trip.
Jerry assisted Dad by
laying drum tracks with
Greg Brayton for the
Liberia project (2004).
Jerry's first
published recording track
at the age of three
(from FirstFruits).
pastorob archival tracks
recently rediscovered:
Still a
of God
Good Man
The Spirit
and the Bride
ohh...and here's an electric version
of the
old Fanny Crosby classic:
Blessed Assurance
Vanity of Vanities
During the summer of 1982--having
received a FreshStart in life--I
started attending every available
public event hosted by Pastor Ezell
Plair and the Church of God in
Christ--House of Prayer (presently
ministering in Kalamazoo, Michigan).
At that time, Elder Plair pastored
his church from a small sanctuary
(converted from a house in a
Comstock neighborhood). At one of
the Tuesday Evening Bible Studies,
we considered the recurrent phrase
in Ecclesiastes: "Vanity of
Vanities...all is vanity." The
chorus of this song grew out of that
evening's discussion.
There are probably extant versions
of this song (with varying lyrics)
in the archives. However, I began to
write the current verses when, a
year prior to Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait, I read an article about a
megalomaniac who was rebuilding
ancient Babylon as a tourist
attraction. His name was Saddam
Hussein.The news of a man claiming
to be a modern-day Nebuchadnezzar
was of great interest to me.
I also tied biblical
references (i.e. 'the place where
Satan has his throne') to local
situations (Planned Parenthood of
Kalamazoo). The cacophony of voices
was a birthday surprise. Cathy had
invited twenty friends to show up at
Brayton and Sons recording studio. I
asked them to all boast of vain
imaginations and fruitless pursuits.
I really like
this song.
Used, Used, Used
One of my favorite songs from a
painful self-reflection. I wasn't
living as a follower of Christ
during my teenage years.
Unfortunately, instead of goodness
and mercy following my steps, I
planted seeds of destruction. After
giving my heart to Jesus, I began to
seek forgiveness of certain
individuals in my life story. So,
this song has found its partial
fulfillment in the transformation of
one corrupted relationship into one
of ongoing reconciliation. The
prayers offered by those
in the
studio are still prayed every time
clicks here.
Don't Allow Frustration
The thief comes to steal, kill, and
to destroy. Accepting patterns of
negative mindsets can establish
their 'lordship' in our lives. To
help establish LIFE-GIVING truth as
a pattern in my life, I wrote this
short song. This song was written before I was a
preacher (as was
I Wanna Be
it also features the
guitar harmonies
by Greg Brayton of Coldwater,
Immediately prior to leaving
Michigan for California, I went into
Greg Brayton's studio to record one
of my pre-Cathy songs. I figured
that the original lyrics would serve
no eternal purpose so I reflected on
our ministry years up to that point
and wrote these words. I selected
certain timbres we had heard spoken
through the years for the voice-over section. I
still enjoy hearing this unique
compilation of personalities:
John Clark our
pastor at Trinity A/G (84-88)
Ron Sorrell
friend and elder at Praise Baptist
Coach Eby
methodological mentor/evangelist
Roger Bennett visiting
evangelist to A and Ω
Ezell Plair
my pastor COGIC House of Prayer
David Nix
a seminary student from
Al Dines
co-laborer at Trinity and
A and Ω
Joseph Plair We named our
firstborn after him.
I Wanna Be
of the first songs I penned as a new
believer in Christ. Crossing the
street, I was honked at
by a driver who thought I should be
paying more attention to passing cars
instead of the Book in front of my
face. Greg Brayton graces
this song with orchestral
guitars--some of the finest Brayton
guitar parts committed to the public
A New Song
I Wanna Be Ready was
about my readiness to die
anytime--having figured that I could
die young--like my mother, Frieda;
my step-brother, Gary; and my
brother, Richard.
When I started hanging out in
white-church circles, I heard about
'the Rapture' and thought "Hmmm...One of these days I know I'm gonna die?--maybe not...I
guess I could be 'caught up' in the
So, years later I borrowed
an introduction reminiscent of
and wrote this one:
I'm Saved
I'm Saved
Led by the Spirit from an Assembly
of God church to a Southern Baptist
Church involved much prayer, study,
and trust. I had purposed not to
move from Trinity Assembly of God
to Praise Baptist Church (and
Alpha and
Omega Ministries) without the blessing
of Pastor John Clark (our beloved
Pastor Clark asked me to study
through the primary doctrinal
differences that were evident so I
could make an informed decision. I
guess the words to this piano-playin'
song was my way of cooling-down
heated discussions about Eternal
Security. My pentecostal friends
didn't really agree with what I had
come to believe, so I wrote a song
instead of arguing with those
stubborn-yet-sweet spiritual
I was
preaching through the Gospel of John
early in my tenure at FBC Galt. A
couple of young teens (Rodney
Parker and Pete McCarthy II)
were practicing some old, familiar
chord progressions. One day they
fixated on a pattern using I, vi,
IV, and V chords in the key of G. It
was starting to get on my nerves
(the aging process taking its
toll--even on me). However, I went
home and put the seven I AM
sayings of Christ (from
the Gospel of John) to that
progression which the boys had been
playing. I feel sorry that I had
forgotten to acknowledge their
contribution with mention on the CD. There's never
been any royalties to share...yet,
we fix our eyes not on what is seen
but on what is Unseen.
Tender Mercies (Transcript)
chorus of this song came quite early
in my Christian experience.
ministry of the Holy Spirit was
fruitful in my life as I served the
needs I sensed were important in the
life of my brother, Richard. He was
immobilized by Multiple Sclerosis in
early adulthood. One day I pushed
him in his wheelchair to the
Alternative Film theatre. We watched
Robert Duvall's movie: Tender
Mercies. Somehow that film gripped
my heart--as has several other works
involving Robert Duvall. Therefore,
I decided to write the verse
structure around that title. I hope
he 'stumbles' across this song
someday. (Did you know that Jebby
appreared in a film with Bob? I
prayed with him all the way through
that adventure...)
related scripture:
1 Peter 2:19-25;
Titus 2:11-15;
Titus 3:3-7
God Gave Him
2 Corinthians 5:21
The fullness of the Gospel is found by those who trust in the
Righteousness of Christ. This song was on "More Fruit" written
during the Alpha and Omega days. A devotional interpretation of the
verse cited above--one of the Life Center memory verses our
counselor, Bill, imparted to us.
Trust in the Lord
Proverbs 3:5-6
Back in our Trinity Assembly of God days,
Jerry Knickerbocker and Anne Birnell invited me for an
extended time of prayer. Afterwards, Jerry said, "Let's put this
favorite verse to we did...together." Jerry went on to be
a pastor in Florida; Anne stepped into eternity.
In the
On our first
published tape,
(1998) we included an audio track
(with 3 yr. old Jerry) following the
That verse being rehearsed with our
second son was the opening verses of
the Gospel of John. Convinced that
songs can help us to 'hide God's
Word in our hearts,' I began trying
to put that entire section of John
to a melody. I struggled some in the
studio with this piece (and have
never been fully content with this
recording) but offer it as for its
historical value in our ministry. My
younger brother, Bill Patterson,
played the trumpet part.
Near the
beginning of a major LifeCrisis, I
was invited by a drummer to attend a
Thursday night Bible Study in
someone's home. After the study, the
host (a pastor who chooses to remain
unnamed), 'led' me through a
pivotal prayer. In that prayer
(June, 1982), I asked Jesus to be my
Savior and to give me a fresh
start--a new life.
One week later, at a similar
gathering, the pastor, another
brother prayed with me for my
continued growth in the Spirit. On
the way back to my lonely house, I
sang this melody and committed it to
memory that night. I didn't record
it for several years (More Fruit). I
adapted the words to reflect my
commitment to my marriage. It was
originally a song of God's promise
to me. That night's experience is
still a treasure hidden in my heart.
(Cathy played a flute part that Greg
hummed for her).
From "Firstfruits", this song was written during a prayer meeting
(right before I met Cathy). I sang
it for her while we were
courting. She played overdubbed
flutes on this recording. Her
mother, Mary Alice, was in the
studio with us that day.
Open Door
Open Door
This song
originally appeared on "More Fruit."
2 Corinthians 4
(still one of my life passages).
idea of
a Door that the Lord opens
on our
behalf captures my imagination
and enraptures the melody of
my heart and my mind.
As you listen to my song consider this
message entrusted to John the Revelator:
To the
angel of the church
in Philadelphia write:
"These are the words of him who is holy and
true, who holds the key of David. What He
opens no one can shut, and what He shuts
no one can open. I know your deeds."
See, I have placed before you
open door
that no one can shut.
I know that you have little strength, yet you
have kept My Word and have not denied My
"I will make those who are of the
synagogue of
Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are
not, but are liars--I will make them come and
fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I
have loved you."
Revelation 3:7-9
As well,
consider this implication of
the Door opened for you by the Lord:
As you walk through that door, you may
become a target for the Enemies of God.
Paul made his plans, in his generation,
according to his understanding of
the Open
Door--where and when to
go...and when to stay put!
I go through Macedonia, I will come
you–for I will be going through Macedonia.
Perhaps I will stay with you awhile, or even
spend the winter, so that you can help me on
my journey, wherever I go. I do not want to
see you now and make only a passing visit; I
hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord
But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost,
a great
for effective
has opened
to me,
and there are many
who oppose me."
1 Corinthians 16:5-9
Give Thanks
Inspired by the song David sang on
the day they brought the Ark of the
Covenant into Jerusalem. We used to
sing this on Sunday mornings back at
Praise Baptist Church in Kalamazoo,
How do you say,
On the last
Sunday before I left for Liberia, I
Pastor Art
(Templo La Hermosa) and
Henry Bermudo
(Living Hope Bible Church) to share
the pulpit for a special 3-pastor sermon.
Fanning the
flame, I asked both men to interpret
short phrases from God's Word. This
demonstrates the joy we
are experiencing as we hear each
other 'declaring the wonders of God
in our own tongues.' (Acts 2:11)
Together, the three of us preached
through Philippians 4:4-7.
Later, in Liberia,
I used that sermon outline as an
inspiration for this song:
Turn Your
Worries Into Prayer
carried this stone from Galt (across
our continent, an d
the Atlantic Ocean) to place it in
the pulpit at our sister church in
Philippians 4:6
I returned from Liberia, Jebby pieced together
the melodic bridge. My nephew,
Josh Wilson, sang those same
thoughts in a Jebby-esque voicing.
Drums: Jerry
Guitars: Jebby & Greg
More of Liberia's rock
songs below:
The Year of
Our Lord
Luke 4:14-20
Isaiah 61:1-4
Written while I was reviewing the
notes from the sermon I preached
on Sunday morning in Liberia. In the
power of the Spirit, Jesus stood up
to read in Nazareth's synagogue. He
unrolled the scroll and spoke from
Jerry Patterson plays drums on this
My three
nieces, Richelle, Niki,
and Sarah (The Wilson
Sisters) were released from school
to go into the studio and sing
backup vocals with their good
friend, Lauren Pierce.
Greg Brayton arrange d and
directed the layered vocals in realtime.
l. to r.
Richelle, Lauren, Greg, Sarah, and
Jebb y
and friends
The Making
Would you like
to help
with the
documentary and DVD commentary for
Jebby's new Reality Show?
click here
Stonehill knows that he has a special place in our
heart. We encourage the serious listener to acquaint
yourself with his ministry:
Phyllis Stafford

recently visited the Epicenter and sang a medley of songs in both services and then...
lifted the roof with "Because
He Lives."
Her CD "New
Beginning," features three of her
unique renditions of some classics, including Amazing Grace,
Because He Lives, and her own composition: "Yes, I Will
Praise You."
Here's a
small sampling of "Because
He Lives," to whet your appetite for

you would like more information about this CD
contact us
and just put "New Beginning CD" as the subject of
your e-mail.
We'll get you information.
A Theology of
Suffering and Healing
Early in 2004, First Baptist Church of Galt held a special four-day
event. Inspired by one of the members who was suffering from
the advanced stages of cancer, this series of messages and song
provided an opportunity for others to come and experience healing.
The event featured a different speaker each night and plenty of
worship music. Our theme song for the series was an original
song written by our good friend, Greg Brayton, "God
Will See Us Through."
Ronda Faull led the worship for two of the four evenings.
Ronda's "Remember
Me" was a special blessing.
Jim Fugate, a deacon at
First Baptist Galt, preached the first of four messages. His
mes sage is split up into six tracks; you're welcome to burn these to
a CD:
Jim Fugate 1
Jim Fugate 2
Jim Fugate 3
Jim Fugate 4
Jim Fugate 5
Jim Fugate 6
Roger Williams, now serving as a
Hospital Chaplain (formerly a Youth Pastor and Church Planter)
preached the second of four messages. His message is split up into
four tracks; you're welcome to burn these to
a CD:
Roger Williams 1
Roger Williams 2
Roger Williams
Roger Williams 4
Robin Kwizera, serving as Director of
Altar Ministers for fbcgalt preached the third of four messages. Her
sermon is divided below into five tracks; you're welcome to burn
these to a CD. Accompanying Robin that night was her dear friend,
Phyllis Stafford who
testified and ministered in music.
Robin Kwizera 1
Robin Kwizera 2
Robin Kwizera 3
Robin Kwizera 4
Robin Kwizera 5
Jebby, currently serving as Minister
of Music for FBC Sacramento preached the final message for our
healing services. His message is divided into four tracks; you're
welcome to burn these to a CD. He has also given us permission to
include two of his autobiographical songs.
I Am So Grateful
© 2004
(from unreleased Praise album)
Jebby 1
Jebby 2
Jebby 3
Jebby 4
I Remember
(from Paper Boy © 1995)
Months later,
pastorob and
jebby went to Bob
Kilpatrick's studio to record an upbeat rally version of Greg's
song: God Will See Us Through. Later, Joe and Rob edited in
voice-overs from the healing service preachers. Servicing as a
'trailer' for the 2 CD set, we hope you enjoy this:
God Will See Us Through:
A previously unreleased version of
Potluck in Heaven.
light-hearted song from his
Civil War musical: Brothers.)

Jebby in
Picture of Jesus
This song for voice and pia no is a personal
testimony written before Mary was born. It was my response
to a bedtime request from our firstborn: Joe-Joe
(center above).
There's a Voice
My sister, Barb, once described her experience with
the struggle we all face in common
(temptation): "There's
a voice inside my head saying,
'do it . . . do it.'"
Although this song visits the
Cold Night of the Dark Side,
the Endless Summer of the Chorus smiles with a
reminder of my mother's teaching: "Robbie, this is
Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you."
Psalm 100 inspired this song which was
featured on "Firstfruits." It celebrates
forgiveness and the hope of becoming more like
Christ in character and integrity.
Crucified with
Galatians 2:20
I was blessed long
ago to be taught about the importance of
identifying with Christ in His
suffering, crucifixion, and
Blessed is the
James 1:12
This was a
'survival verse' for me as a young
Christian (recalling the days when I
carried around a KJV). Before leaving
Michigan for California, Greg Brayton
agreed to sing along with me -- oh yeah,
and Greg wrote the melody for the
bridge! We were having fun (key-change
and all...) so, the song is kinda long!
Some People
(don't have voices . . .)
I was working in a group home in which a
deaf, blind, mute lived. She was an
older woman who loved to stand next to
me when I played the guitar and sang.
She would place her one hand on the
guitar and the other on my throat. She
would look upward and smile. Another
resident of that home had to wear a
helmet because he sometimes would get
excited, start laughing, and . . . fall.
My duties included helping him to bathe.
One night as I scrubbed his back for
him, I looked upon his head--damaged by
life's hard knocks. While he joked and
laughed, I wondered why I took my own
personal pain so seriously.
You Just Gotta
Get Down
This song was written during a year of
prevenient grace. I had gone to visit my
older brother, Richard (now deceased).
We tried to keep an optimistic attitude
about life. Real life (abundant life)
would come later and thus the completion
of this song.
a Prisoner
Stop Lying, Stop Hating
So, I'm surfing the
web--hunting for free sermon outlines. Everyone
loves those Rick Warren outlines.
"Hey, here's some
sermons by
Jerry Falwell. Hmm...wonder what Jerry has to
say?" Admiring his catchy titles, I borrow several
for a new sermon series. I start singing my outline:
Point 1: Stop
Point 2: Stop Hating
Point 3: Stop Stealing
Point 4: Stop Cutting
Everybody Down
Realizing that
these points are all Stops, I start making melody in
my heart over some positive Starts.
This is kinda different
for a slice-of-a-sermon ...but
how it happens
the Epicenter.
The complete works of pastorob will
be uploaded as they are excavated from
various storage containers. Rather than
sell songs, we would prefer that the
listener share our heart for
ministry...and remember the orphans and
widows in their distress.
All Rights
Reserved. Audio tracks included above
are protected by the copyright of the
various artists, composers, and
preachers. Please respect their creative
rights. We work with gracious
individuals, so just contact us and we
will assist in the process of
networking. OK?
We Support the Arts
in everytown, USA
The Making of
an interactive documentary
What if Mozart
had lived
the days of
Reality Shows?
The Making of
Know anybody from
What about
If so, click here
for more information
on Jebby,
click here
Psalm 16:6
Malachi 3:7-11
Once when
Bragg preached in Kalamazoo, he
shared a life-verse: "The boundary
lines have fallen for me in pleasant
places." I appreciated his
acceptance of God's grace and wisdom
in His placement of each of us.
Since becoming a Christian, I have
given a tithe back to God. Cheerful
giving leads us into pleasant
I want to share that truth
in Liberia
to the Ends of the
Philippians 4:9
apostle Paul modeled mentorship (not
only for Timothy and Titus but also
for me).
version has Jerry Patterson on
Glenn Parker on bass, and Jebby on lead guitar.
Recorded quickly one night we were
somewhat hindered by a latency issue
that we didn't understand. So,
another version was produced below.
Unique to this track, however, is Jebby
sharing his life-verse at the
Whatever 2
Philippians 4:9
Second-time-around. Bob Kilpatrick
recorded most of the tracks for this
version (at his studio in Fair Oaks,
California). Working with Bob as a
producer was fun--especially his
animated methods at pulling the
guitar solos out of Jebby's inmost
being. Oh yeah, Jebby came up with
the idea for shifting keys (guitar
solo sections), mumbling something
about George Harrison and the lead
in Octopus's Garden???
Late Night in Liberia
I had carried a pocket cassette
recorder with me to Liberia. After the sun went
down, there was no electricity--only candles for
light. I recorded several musical ideas to finish at
a later date. I don't want to lose this idea so I'm
uploading it as a reminder. Cathy hears
I still need to hear the right words.
in the Secret Place of Giving, Prayer, and Fasting
(9 minutes)
"So we fix your eyes not on what is seen
but on what is unseen?" As a point of FOCUS,
we ask "What (or Who) is the Unseen?
The 'secret place' is all-important for
Christians who desires to FOCUS their heart, soul,
and strength.
pastorob suggests that there are appropriate
times when we should share with others about
our giving, praying, and fasting.
All Rights
Reserved. Audio tracks included above
are protected by the copyright of the
various artists, composers, and
preachers. Please respect their creative
rights. We work with gracious
individuals, so just contact us and we
will assist in the process of
networking. OK?