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A Daily Journal

By: Eva Moore


                                                        Quote Of The Day

                                 A fight is not won by one punch or kick.

                                Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard.

                                                 By: Bruce Lee



     Ok, so I took Isaiah to the park tonight before it got dark...and I must say that it is so amusing to watch other parents and how they handle their kids.  Example...One lady kept telling her little boy that it was time to go, she even went as far to say goodbye to him, and pretend to leave, but he could have cared less.  The funny thing is, that instead of going up in the playground like most parents do...she just stood there and waited until he came down a slide and she grabbed him.  But what is that teaching that kid?  Nothing good I can tell you that.  He just learned that he is the one in control.  Not his mom.  This other guy had a little boy there, he must have been 2 years old I would guess.  The dad was busy wrestling around with a bunch of older kids that he must have just met, and his little boy kept looking up at his dad from the sandbox with a certain longing in his eyes, I am sure he would have loved to be wrestling with his dad as well.  I saw one set of parents who wouldn't let their little girls sit down and rest, they wanted the girls to be constantly doing something.  I suppose that it could be because the little girls were over weight some, but I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to sit down if they want to. 

     Well, in other news, I must say that I am feeling very sad for all those people who are being affected right now by hurricane Katrina.  I am constantly amazed by the conditions these people are having to deal with.  When I watch the news, and look at the devastation, well, I just feel like I am looking at another country, like I am looking at Africa even.  I feel so heartbroken for all of these people who have had their entire lives ripped apart.  I can't imagine having to go through that.  It's the children that really affect me though.  Right now I am watching a show all about the hurricane, and there are so many kids, babies, all hurting, all in need of comfort and love.  And then there is all the desperate people who are looting, and I am sure some of those people aren't desperate, but trying to benefit from the stolen items...some people the news said are stealing big screen TV's even!!  Why?  What are you going to do with it, plug it in where?  Anyway, I suppose that all you can really do in these situations is pray for everyone over there, and if you can donate money, then you should.  I am so thankful for where I live. 

     Isaiah is still doing really good with his potty training. Today when we went to the park I was worried that he would forget to go, and that he would have an accident, but he didn't, I am feeling so hopeful that he has this down for good. 

     You know, I don't really know what else to write about.  I feel so overwhelmed with what the news is showing me... I can't even begin to think of what else about my day to say.  It would all seem very insignificant anyway.  Goodnight all. 



     Well, I swear it is like my child got potty trained over night, he is doing so good.  I have not had to take him to the bathroom myself for two days now.  It is crazy how things like this just happen out of nowhere.  I was talking to James tonight about Michigan again.  Jeff, the friend who might be able to get him a job down there, is going to be going to Michigan in 2 weeks to check it out, his fiancé will already be there helping the family get settled.  I asked James about what would happen if Jeff came back and told him how great it is there, and then said that the guy had a job for him too that paid a lot more.  James said that in that scenario if I didn't want to go he wouldn't.  But, no that my head is on straight, I told him that I am never going to want to move, ever, but that if he thought it was best for our family, and in my head I knew it was too, we would go.  I also told him that he should expect me to still cry a great deal, and be very upset.  When it comes down to it, I have to realize that I can't let my heart rule all my decisions.  And it is a sad thing too.  I am so very thankful for the fact that my mom and dad would be moving with us if we ever do move.  It's nice to know that I won't have to feel so alone.  But, I still don't think it is going to happen...I just don't feel it, you know what I mean?  It doesn't seem like the right time for a move or like the right place.  I don't want to live where it snows.  I like going to the snow, but not living with it. 

     What else happened today?  Well, I was thoroughly disgusted with my soap opera today, because one of the main characters is a utter, well, I won't say the word, but she gets around is the point and she is now stealing her daughters man...I often feel like it would be great if Dr. Phil went on these shows, and acted played one of there therapists.  I would love to hear him tell it like it is.  I can just picture him doing it too.  And I am sure that in regular soap opera fashion, he would end up falling for one of his clients and having an affair.  Really these shows are horrible.  They don't teach you anything good.  No body waits to have sex until they are married, and, if they do, that person is always made to stand out as a little bit strange.  And, no body even mentions God until someone else on the show is dying, and they then go into that little chapel the hospitals have and they say a prayer, but even then it is a selfish prayer.  I don't know why I watch this junk. 

     Ok, so I had the idea to go to the webpage to see when they think I am going to die.  I typed in my info, and they think that I am going to die at the age of 74.  James will die when he is 73.  His exact death day was March 27 2052.  I forget mine.  The point being, that is not long enough.  Not at all.  I am hoping for like 93.  Somewhere in there.  At 74 there is not enough time to see any great grandkids get older.  I need an extension.  But at least now I know that it probably won't be Pastor Rob doing my funeral, as by time I am 74, he will be long gone.  You know what's stupid, now I am concerned over who will do it.  lol   I am dumb.  Nite.



     Well, today was a stay at home day.  Which is fine with me because it is relaxing.  All day today Isaiah went to the bathroom without me or James having to ask him to, he just went.  And......he did #2 twice in the toilet!!  Now, I realize that you all don't care about that, that you don't need to hear it, but it is exciting and wonderful for us, and so I am going to share it whether you like it or not.  lol  We were so proud of him in fact, that we went and bought him a new video game.  He was very happy about that as you can imagine. 

     I did go shopping tonight at the grocery store, and I couldn't believe that once I got in line, and everything had been scanned, I went to pay for it, and I had left my ATM card at home.  So mad.  It's that kind of stuff that can really frustrate me.  I had to actually charge it.  Also, while I was in the store, I saw a lady that I used to work with at Orchard Super Hardware.  You know how most of the time when you ask someone who they are doing, you don't really want them to tell you...all you really want is for them to say everything is fine, and then you can both go on your way?  Well, I guess it's true that you have to be careful, because someone just might want to really tell you how they are doing.  This lady certainly was one of those.  I asked, and she answered.  She gave me one of those sad looks and sad, "Oh, it's going ok."  And I said, "Well, ok is better than horrible right?"  To which she replied, "Well, it can't get much worse."  She then went on to tell me who her daughter, who I might add was sitting in the cart all of 6 inch's from her, is a devil child, how she won't eat anything except hot dogs, how she throws tantrums, won't sleep in her own bed, throws herself at walls when she is mad, etc....And besides the fact that I have no idea what to say to all this, I am also in shock that she is saying it all right in front of her daughter who is 2 1/2 years old and can at the very least understand what her mom is saying even if she can't repeat it.  I mean what do you do in these situations you know?  I tried my best to give her what I considered some good parenting advice, but I got the impression that she had given up hope for her little girl.  Who I might add was a mess.  Her daughters hair a lone was a wreck.  Makes me question how much time she actually puts in to her daughter when it comes to stuff like that.  Evidently she has a 13 year old son, who was perfect.  And evidently this is just so different, that it is very hard.  Well,  I know that I will be praying for her tonight, that's for sure.

     My dad got some phone calls today from some people who got his resume.  He has one interview tomorrow, and another one I think on Wednesday.  I am very confident that he will get one of them, he is the best at what he does.  Today he started filling up the area that he is cementing over here with dirt.  The ground is very uneven and full of weeds, so he had to take some of those out too.  I think that by the time it is all done though it is going to look great.  I am thinking about asking James is we can eventually get a nice patio set for it.  I have always wanted a really nice one. 

     I am going to have James put in some new on here tonight.  But one of the pictures, won't be a picture, it will be a video, and when you click on it it will open a new window and it should play in that.  I thought it was kind of a cute one, and that you moms out there might like it.  Anyway, that's all for me, I am going to spend some time with James I think.  Bye.



     Today was good.  James couldn't get to sleep last night for some reason until about 3:30am.  So he stayed home from church today and slept.  It was good for him, and he got some yard work done.  My dad has been out of work for a while now, he quit his job, he has been doing some work over here that has been needing to be done and we are paying him to do it.  At least that way they will have some money until he finds another job.  So far he is working on cementing a part of the yard that we call the "dog yard".  We call it that because it used to have a huge metal fence surrounding it that the previous owners put up.  They had a huge black dog, but I don't know what kind it was.  All I do know is that it left a bunch of fleas in the yard that we had to get taken care of.  I think that if my dad does decide to keep on doing some side work over here for extra money that I will probably have him do the bathrooms next.  Our hallway bathroom only has a bathtub, no shower.  So I would like to put a shower in and the stuff along the wall so it is a surface that water can hit, instead of just having regular wall there.  You know what I mean?  I don't think I described that right.

     James' cousin came over today and she brought her little girl with her.  We had a good time.  James took her to the movies, and I hung out here and watched the kids.  ( It was my idea, so don't worry I wasn't being left out) On their way home they brought pizza and then when the kids went to sleep we watched the movie Dawn of the Dead.  It was surprisingly great.  I thought it would be rather cheesy, but it was excellent.  Had a really good story line, and some very intense moments. 

     Church service was good today.  So far I have enjoyed all of Pastor Robs sermons since he has been back.   Today we had communion, which I always like.  I was glad that I was sitting in the front row practically, because I got first pick at the grape juice as it came around.  Now this is going to sound dumb and stupid to you, but for whatever reason, I like to get the one that is the fullest.  It is just a silly idiosyncrasy that I have.  I always do it, and it frustrates me if James is sitting next to me and he gets it passed to him first, because he knows that I have already picked out the one I want, and he will take it.  He is such a punk. 

     I can't believe what is happening with this whole hurricane in New Orleans.  It is crazy how strong this storm is.  The weather guy was saying today that the United States has only seen a storm of this magnitude two other times in history, and that they can't really be sure what to expect. 

     You know, with all the hurricanes lately, and earthquakes, and plane crashes...I can't help but wonder if God is telling us that he is getting ready.  I mean doesn't it seem kind of strange that so many bad things have been happening?  I don't know, I suppose that is probably exaggerating the situation, but I don't feel like it is.  Well, I am feeling pretty tired now, i think that I am going to hit the sack.  Nite all.



     Oh my gosh, the movie White Chicks is hilarious.  I am watching it right now and I am just busting up laughing.  Probably not a movie that everyone would like though, but I think it is funny.  But, what happened before all that?  My day was not exciting.  Actually I would say that this Saturday was very very boring.  My foot is still the same.  It isn't getting any better.  Now, that could be because I have not been doing exactly as I am supposed to when it comes to putting ice on it, and also doing the foot stretches that the doctor told me to do.  I know that I am being stupid, but sometimes it is just hard to get all that stuff done when I literally have a ton of things to do everyday.  And when I do have time, I like to sit and think of nothing at all. 

     Tomorrow will be fairly busy though.  Church, then my grandma's house, and then when we get home James' cousin will come over to hang out for the day.  She is from Montana and will be going home on the 31st.  She has a little girl and hopefully Isaiah and her will get along good.  It is hard to tell when you get two kids together who haven't really been around each other before...sometimes they won't mix, sometimes they will.  Luckily Isaiah is very passive, so even if she is still in that greedy stage, Isaiah will just let her have whatever she wants.

     I started painting again today.  Inspiration finally hit again, after like 7 months of nothing.  I know, that's a long time, but I didn't want to paint just for the sake of painting, I wanted to really know what it was that I wanted to do.  And I must say that it looks pretty good.  I like what I did today, and I think I have an idea of what to do next.  The only problem is that I am having a hard time trying to think of what back ground color I should use.  So far my main colors are simply black and red.  Today I added some gold.  Hhhmmm...maybe some time soon I will put a picture of it on here and you guys can give me some advice.  I need it.

     I am so glad that I do not live anywhere near where all these hurricanes are.  Can you imagine having to worry about your house being torn apart all the time?  Why do people even live over there at all?  What is the point?  At least in a earthquake your house won't be leveled.  I can't imagine living anywhere else.  Why would you want to leave California...everything you would want is here.  The dessert, the mountains, snow, the ocean, lakes, forest.  What more can you ask for? 

     So, last night did go great, incase your wondering.  No, I stuck to what I said at the end of yesterdays entry, and I did not go to that place I was talking about.  I did however go window shopping at the new shopping center off 8 mile road.  I have never been there before, it was so great.  I got Evelyn two really cute outfits that were on clearance.  Then we went to eat at Strings here in Lodi, and I had an excellent chicken parmesan dinner.  After that we went to to the movies and we saw The Brothers Grimm.  It was really good.  Funnier than I thought it would be.  We had desert after that at Lyons, which I don't think we will do again since it was too expensive.  By the time I got home it was after midnight, and then James let me sleep in this morning until after 10am.  It was really nice.  I love waking up, and then saying to myself, "No, I think I will just keep laying here."  lol  So great.  Anyway, that's all for me tonight, I better go to bed.  I don't want to be looking tired in church...although James is working late tonight, so I am sure he will.  Oh well.  Bye.



      Well, I read the Daily Bread today on the church’s home page, and was able to relate to it a lot.  For the last couple of weeks I have been struggling with a past temptation.  I have not succumbed to it in a year, but for whatever reason it has been on my mind a lot recently, and I have been really really difficult to not give.  I am not sure why it is bothering me all of a sudden.  I can’t think of anything that has happened to bring it to the surface, but none the less, there it is in my head.  I am trying very hard though, and so far have not given in…which has made me very proud, but I keep hearing this voice in my head that says it will be ok; one time isn’t the end of the world.  So far so good with ignoring it, I just hope that I can last this out until the temptations go a way.

     Funny how difficult it can be to say no to something that you know you should not be doing.  It is really true what the bible says about the flesh being willing.  I definitely want to…the only thing holding me back is that I know I shouldn’t because it is wrong and it will break my year long streak.  Plus, and this might seem silly, but I am one of those people who believe that we all have an angel who is with us always, and watches over us, and I would hate to give in to my temptation and have my angel be ashamed of me…that would just make me sad. 

     I am going somewhere tonight that might contribute to my temptation.  I am slightly worried about it.  Not that I will give in or anything, but worried that it will contribute to me just being tempted…and make this last longer than I want.  Not to mention, what if I just shouldn’t go…what if God is convicting me right now, telling me that I shouldn’t go?  I don’t know if that is what it is or not, I just know that I am slightly concerned.  And really I shouldn’t be, I have confidence in myself…I know I will not come home and give in to anything that I shouldn’t, yet somehow the thought is lingering in the back of my head, festering. 

     Of course the rest of the night should be stress free, as I am going to dinner with Lorenda and then to the movies.  I am glad that we get to go hang out.  I already have the house all cleaned up, except all the laundry that is in my room waiting very patiently to be put a way.  I really need to get in there and do it.  But I am just being lazy.  I think I am going to do myself up all nice tonight too, put some make-up on and all that good stuff.  It’s because of all this stuff going on tonight that I am writing this right now.  I don’t want to come home all tired and then not want to sit down and type this all out. 

     I am so proud of Isaiah right now, a few minutes ago he took off running down the hall and was yelling for me, I got up and he was in the bathroom trying to pull his pants down as fast as he could while saying to me, “Mama, I have to pee.”  I was so excited, he recognized that he had to go, and he ran in there to do it!!!  He is really starting to get the hang of it. 

     Ok, I was really stressing over going to that place tonight, and I decided to not to go.  I called the person I was going with, and that person totally agreed with me that I shouldn’t go.  That made me feel better.    But, if you can, say a prayer for me…I need it.  Bye.



     What a day.  I was gone for at least 6 hours hanging out with Lorenda.  We went to the store Kohl's and it was my first time shopping there.  It was so great.  They had tons of clothes in my size and I was able to buy four new shirts.  I am really excited about it.  Next I might get some pants. 
I also got Isaiah a shirt that says, "Will trade sister for new video game."  I thought that was hilarious.  And it even has a picture of a game paddle at the bottom of it. 

     I almost had a heart attack just now.  I was trying to send the family the portrait that I had taken of us all, and instead of resizing it like i normally would, by putting an extra copy of the picture on the desktop and resizing that one, I accidentally resized the only copy I had, thus making any possibility of printing up a good one zero.  I was so upset, so upset.  Everyone was looking forward to this picture, and it's not like we can all just get together and take it again as James' cousin is just down visiting.  James asked me if the pictures were still on the camera.  I said no, since I always delete them after I put them on the computer.  But I went and grabbed the camera to check anyway.  The whole time before that I was praying to God to please somehow fix this, to please do something that make it all ok.  To my great joy, God did.  The pictures were still on the camera!!  Oh my goodness I was almost crying.  SO happy.  I was thanking God over and over again.  Now, I don't know if I just forgot this one time to delete them or what, but I was pretty sure that I did.  So, instead of that, I am going to say that God put them back on there for me.  I think that sounds best.  Praise God!  I printed one up to make sure that it would look right, and it did, it looked excellent.  Now I just need to buy a frame.  Something nice.

     Tomorrow night is going to be so much fun.  Lorenda and I are going out on a date.  A girls night out if you prefer that wording.  We are going to go shopping, then dinner, then go see a movie.  I think Wedding Crashers.  The only other one we both thought looked good was The 40 Year Old Virgin.  So I guess I'll just have to wait and see how the night goes.  I think that we are going to go eat in Stockton at the Macaroni Grill.  Either that or maybe Strings here in Lodi. 

     James is playing his game, of course.  He is lucky that I can't think of any reason for him not too.  2 weeks ago I asked him to use the carpet cleaner and clean the hallway carpet.  He said ok, tonight he finally did it.  ugh.  I asked him quite a while ago to clean the chandelier too, it is very dusty, I bet that will get done in about a year.  Unless I do it I guess.  He is taller though and I think he should.  Anyway, I have laundry to fold and put a way still, so I better go now, talk to you all later.  Bye




     I am watching the show LOST.  I have not watched it before, and it is really good.  I am thinking about buying the first season on DVD.  Unfortunately, that will not be cheap.  Today was a pretty good day though...Isaiah went to my moms house today, and he did so good using the bathroom over there too.  You know what is really funny, I am having a hard time remembering what I did today.  One thing though was that once again I had a salad with one of my meals.  I am really proud of myself.  And I even ate less for all my meals today and I don't feel hungry right now.  And even if I do, I think that I will just have some fruit anyway.  It is exciting for me to be eating so well.  Especially with my foot hurting still and not being able to exercise right now. 

     Maybe it's a good thing that I can't think of anything that good to write, since when I was browsing the internet I found this funny thing that I wanted to share, and it is kind of long.  OHHH!!!!  All of a sudden I remembered one thing that did happen today.  Isaiah and Evelyn and I all left today to go for a walk, and while we were walking past the third house down our street, this lady who was in her yard asked if I wanted any kid clothes. I thought that it was kind of strange, but said ok.  Turns out that she was a mother of 3 boys and was getting rid of a ton of stuff to the Good Will.  She thought that I might want some of it.  I ended up getting a lot of pants for Isaiah that will fit him in a couple of years, and he got a whole lot of toys.  Even a big box full of books.  It was really nice of her and she even packed up everything we were taking and drove it here so I wanted have to carry it all.  She was really nice.  I believe that her name was Debbie. 

     Well, I only have one more thing to say.  James came home today and after a while, he sat down to eat dinner, and was relaxing.  Watching TV even.  Then he say's that he has to do a lot of work tonight, and will probably be up late.  I said ok.  Then he says that he is going to be playing Battlefield 2 with his friend Jeff tonight around 10pm before he works.  I said, "Isn't that kind of dumb, since that will just make you have to stay up later working?"  He said, "That he is going to play before he works so that way he can relax."  First of all, it is a massive war game, and since you can talk to the people you are playing online with, you are constantly hearing them yell things at you along with the noise of the game.  Doesn't sound relaxing to me.  Second, I said what the heck is it that you are doing now, is sitting here watching TV eating dinner not relaxing?"  I don't remember his answer, but I am sure that it was equally dumb as the first answer.  lol  Anyway, that is all, I hope that you enjoy the funny stuff I put at the end of this.  I did.

Stupid Product Warnings

  • On a lawnmower I had was a big label which read:
  • We once bought a grocery store pizza and the instruction were on the bottom, so we turned it upside down to see how long to cook it etc., and low and behold the first instruction was DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN!
  • Warning on a curling iron: Do Not Insert Curling Iron Into Any Bodily Orifice…
  • My bathroom has inadequate ventilation and therefore, develops mold spots in the lower corners. I attempted to purchase a cleaner specifically designed to remove bathroom mold deposits. The directions on the product label stated, "Only use in well ventilated areas."
  • Seen on the bottom of a Coca-Cola bottle: "Do not open here."
  • On a bottle of spray paint: "Do not spray in your face."
  • On a bottle of bathtub cleaner: For best results, start with clean bathtub before use.
  • On a container of lighter fluid: WARNING: Contents flammable!
  • On a bottle of hand lotion: Warning: Starts healing skin on contact.
  • On a box of household nails: CAUTION! - Do NOT swallow nails! May cause irritation!
  • Microwave popcorn is packaged so that the directions cannot be read unless you open the plastic and unfold it. Direction #1 is Remove plastic.
  • On a television commercial that says it cleans dentures 4 times better. Below in small print it said "Lab test: (their product) vs. water.
  • On a television commercial I saw it said they their denture paste was better than any other. BELOW IT, it said in small letters, vs. using no adhesive.
  • I have a full-face motorcycle helmet with a giant arrow pointing to the front. I can only guess that some idiot put the helmet on backwards, jumped on a bike and hurt himself. This is to protect to manufacturer from future lawsuits.
  • One day I went to a wall-mart out of state and I went to buy a blow dryer when I read the warnings it said "DO NOT BLOW DRY IN SLEEP"
  • Seen on the back of a drink bottle label: "Do not peel label off."
  • On a Band-Aid box: "For serious injuries, seek medical attention."
  • On a can of powdered infant formula: "Mix with water before serving." Like I'm going to spoon it to my baby dry!
  • This stupid label was found on a can of Woolite carpet cleaner: "Safe for carpets, too!"
  • This label was found on the BOTTOM of a box of glass ornaments: "Do not turn upside down."
  • On a box of Frosted Cheerio's, the logo, "Tastes so good this box never closes," is located just underneath another announcement: "To close: place tab here."
  • On a plastic orange juice can: "100% pure all-natural fresh-squeezed orange juice from concentrate."
  • I once saw an ad for some type of contest on a candy bar. The wrapper said "No purchase necessary - Details Inside."
  • Directions for eating Lunchables Nachos: Dip chips in cheese and salsa.
  • The golf carts on the course I worked at have warning labels saying, "Not for highway use."
  • On Clorox Fresh Care: (for cleaning out odors from fabric) "Safe to use in households with pets Warning: Fresh Care is NOT intended to be sprayed directly on pets."
  • While working at a large medical center in the Midwest, a construction worker was admitted with a large hammer sticking out of his head. Seems he was in an altercation with another gentleman. On the side of the hammer were the words, 'Use protective eyewear.'
  • On the back of the Pilots seat on NATO AWAC Aircraft (E-3A), is a sign that states: "Seat must be facing forward for take off and landing."
  • I came upon a bottle of children's cough medicine stating "Caution: May cause drowsiness; do not drive or operate heavy machinery"
  • On the label of Sterno is a warning that says, "Do not use near fire or flame." Check it out!
  • Seen on a container of salt:
    Warning: High in sodium
  • Seen on computer instructions: Visit our site for further instructions.
  • On a hose nozzle there was a warning that said: "Do not spray into electrical outlet."
  • Seen on an industrial size washer in our local laundry establishment was the (large lettered) sign: "Warning:  Do not put any person in this washer."
  • There is also a stroller on the market with the warning, "Remove child before folding."
  • I saw a car ad depicting cars driving in the water with fins like sharks. At the end of the ad in small letters it read: "Caution, do not drive underwater"



     Today Evelyn is 3 months old.  It seems so long ago that I was in the hospital having just had her.  Yet really, it has been a fairly short amount of time.  I just don't know how the time fly's by so fast.  Maybe that's what Pastor Rob should preach about next huh?  How to really appreciate all the time you have in your day, and how to make it worth while.  Writing journals has always been one way that I find it easy to look back in time and remember all the things that have happened to you and the ones that you love.  I love reading the stuff I wrote years ago and in a sense, going back to that time. 

     I especially enjoy reading all of the letters that friends wrote me.  I have every single one from 6th grade through 11th grade.  I always crack up laughing reading about what my friends and I thought was important.  I find it even more entertaining trying to think of who wrote the letters that are not signed.  Usually you can tell if it was a guy or a girl who wrote it, but I have a hard time remembering who it was.  I guess that is understandable, considering it was so long ago.

     James is busy working right now.  He is pretty busy lately trying to get that project taken care of.  I actually did eat my salad today and I was pretty dang proud of myself.  My feet are still hurting me pretty bad though.  It is very annoying to get up and have to limp.  But hopefully I will get better very soon...I don't like that I am not doing my workouts. 

     Another plane crash today.  This time it was a Boeing 737 in Peru.  That is how many now?  Too many if you ask me.  I am starting to think more and more that all of these plane crashed are just proof that I should never ever get on a plane.  Never...ever. 

     Anyway...I want to actually go to sleep at a decent hour today, so I am going to end this kind of early.  Today I was so tired that I was falling asleep while feeding Evelyn.  That's a bad thing.  At least I didn't drive anywhere...could have gotten in an accident or something if I had done that.  I'll talk to you all tomorrow...bye.



     Ok, so I went to the doctors today, got my contact lens problem taken care of, and then went to Kaiser for my foot.  Turns out some ligaments in my heel are swollen and that is what is causing the pain in my foot.  And since I am walking funny, that is causing my knee to hurt.  So, basically I need to put ice on it, take Motrin, and do some stretching exercises.  I actually think that my other foot starting to do the same thing.  So I don't think that I am going to be using my jump rope any time soon. 

     Here is a funny coincidence.  I watched that movie Hotel Rwanda last night, and then today the National Geographic arrives and guess what it is about?  Africa.  They even provided a free huge map of Africa and I was able to see where Liberia is and where Rwanda is.  It was really neat.  I believe that the topic is "Africa: Whatever you thought, think again."   So I am really excited about reading up on Africa and what all is going on in the different areas there.

     Also, some good news, I have decided to eat one salad a day.  Now, this might not seem like a big deal to you, but if you are me, and you hate, I mean hate all veggies, then saying that you are going to be eating salad once everyday is a very big then.  The reason that I am doing this though is because when my sister in law made a salad and I used this salad dressing called Jamaica Mistake, and the salad tasted great.  And there was even broccoli in it, and cucumbers!!  So I am really anxious to start trying to eat healthier as well as continue my work outs.  I also bought a lot of fruits, to go a long with sandwich's and stuff. 

     Isaiah did so good today with potty training.  He went all day and the only accident he had was a #2 accident, not a #1.  So I was very very proud.  And it is so nice that even when he doesn't want to go to the bathroom, he still goes and says, "Ok mom." So cute, I love that kid. 

     Also, I added some new pictures today to this page.  One is of the entire Moore family, with the exception if two of James' uncle Doug's sons.  But still, it's a lot of people.  The picture turned out great and I am going to be printing some up for everyone and mailing them out.  I have to wait though until next month when I have the extra money to spend.  There is also a picture of James and Isaiah being computer geeks together.  I thought that it was a adorable picture and accurately portrays them...and of course there is one of Evelyn having fallen asleep in her little walker.  So sweet. 

     Anyway, nothing else going on though, so I will write more later.  Bye.



     Praise God that I live in this country.  Praise God that innocent children who die go home to be with the Lord.  Praise God for America and all the freedoms we have.  Praise God that we live in a country where law is enforced and massive genocide is not an occurrence.  Praise God!!

     James, Mary, and I just finished watching Hotel Rwanda about an hour ago.   Oh my Lord.  I almost cried at least 6 different times, and did once.  Anytime I see massive killings of children in a movie, I feel like my whole body wants to breakdown.  My heart not only aches for them, but breaks.  I don't understand how people can look a child in the face, look into their eyes, and not only kill them, but brutally kill them.  Massacre them. I looked away in disbelief so many times.  One time I even saw Mary covering her eyes.  The horror that went on there is at such a level that I don't think you can help but feel overwhelmed with, gosh, I don't even know with what, I just know that I felt overwhelmed.  In the end it said that a million people were killed.  A million people.  Men, women, children.  In the extra's section of the cd it said that some of the Hutu attackers would even kill the pregnant women, and then kill the baby inside her, just to insure that no more of that tribe were brought into the world.  I truly, in the depths of my soul, do not understand how such hatred could be in a persons heart.  I had to go look in on my children after it was all over, I had to look at them and once again think to myself how very blessed I and my family are that we live here...were freedom and law are both upheld.

     Now, besides all that horrible actually was a fun day.  And Praise God for it.  After church today we drove down to Rancho Murrieta and attended our nieces birthday party where for once, the entire Moore family was in attendance.  We all had a blast eating BBQ, swimming, talking, watching the kids, and just being together.  I decided that it would be a brilliant idea for us all to take one big family picture.  Luckily James' uncle had a tripod, and we set my camera up and set the timer...then click...instant family photo.  It turned out really great considering that there was so many people in it and it can be hard to get everyone to look at once.  And the kids even did great.  I am going to print some up and mail them to everyone.  I might put it on here too, so you can see everybody.  I really was excited about it. 

     So, tomorrow morning I have a eye doctors appointment, and then later on I have an appointment at Kaiser for some pain that I am having in my right foot, left ankle, and right knee.  I think that it is safe to say that my using the jump rope is going to be put on hold for right now.  Actually, it is most likely the jump rope that is causing the pain.  So, my dad said that we will have to just continue the boxing, and then figure something else out that we can do to have cardio.  I was thinking maybe start running.  But we'll see.  Anyway though, I have those appointments and that is why Mary Patterson is here.  She is going to stay here tomorrow with the kids and take care of them while I am gone.  James will be home too, but he will be working, so he won't be of any use.  Not that he ever is.  j/k lol  

     Well, I think that since it is after 1am now I should go to bed.  I am very tired anyway.  As I am sure you can imagine.  Bye.



      What a day!  Busy is the word.  I was so scared about doing the wedding pictures for Roger and Mellisa but it turned out that I had nothing to worry about.  I would say that about 85% of them turned out great.  And all of the ones where they were posing were excellent.  I am good, if I do say so myself. The wedding was very short in comparison to some that I have been to.  I decided to skip on the lunch that they were serving, because I didn't want to be eating and then miss a chance at a good picture or anything.  I would post some on here for you all to see, but I wouldn't want to do that yet, especially since the bride and groom haven't seen them yet.  Maybe once they get back and I give them to her. 

     The baby shower also went very smoothly.  Everyone seemed to have a good time, and it wasn't too long, which I like.  I did end up staying there late though because I wanted to leave her moms house the same way it was when we got there, clean.  So I did a lot of clean up, and then Tiffany and I went outside to chat and hang out for a while.  It was nice outside, unless you count the neighbors next door whose daughter was busy screaming her head off outside. 

     One thing that I really enjoyed was getting to talk to Char Malloy during the reception of the wedding.  I really had fun talking with her and I am looking forward to when we drive up together for The Ladies Retreat.  I think it will be fun.  She has been teaching for 20 years or so, and it was so funny that all the elementary school teachers that I had, she knew and still knows some of them.  It was so neat bringing my memories back to that time.  I even recalled one of the school principals who I remember as being very very cute.  Char agreed.  lol

     Tomorrow is going to be another busy day.  Church, grandma's house, and then a birthday party in Rancho Murrieta for our niece.  Although while we are there we will also get to see James' cousin who is down for the week from Montana.  She has a really cute little girl named Madison who I think is either going to be two years old soon or already is.  The really nice thing about tomorrow is that they have a in ground swimming pool that is really nice.  Isaiah really loves swimming, so that should be fun to watch.  I am going to make sure to bring the camera so I can take lots of pictures.  And Evelyn has a little two piece swimsuit that Tiffany had gotten her that she can wear too. 

     If you haven't already heard, the book The DaVinci Code is being made into a movie starring Tom Hanks.  I am slightly nervous about going into the theatre to watch it.  Simply because I have heard about some of the things that the book talks about and they are just so stupid and annoying that I worry I might get up in the middle of it and leave the theatre, thus wasting my money.  It just makes me feel like it might be better to wait it out and rent it.  That's actually what ended up happening with The Passion of the Christ too.  Not on purpose, we wanted to watch it, we just never got a round to it until like six months ago.    

     Oh, and I was very impressed today that although he does look rather tired, James did a great job today watching the kids.  I think that they even got fed.  lol  (Sometimes he forgets.)  Well, I better go, big day tomorrow...bye.


8:58pm is a regular day.  Tomorrow will not be.  I have to wake up in the morning at around 7:30am, and get ready for Roger and Melissa's wedding, and pack up everything I need for the baby shower.  I am kind of nervous about taking the wedding pictures.  It is a big responsibility and I don't want to mess it up.  After all besides their own memories, the pictures are going to be what they look back on for many years to come.  I want to make sure that they look great.  I hope and pray that I do a good, no, great job.  Then there is the baby shower, which Tiffany and I are throwing for Jessica.  I am sure that will turn out fine, as parties are not usually a problem for me.  I like being in charge of things.  It is just going to be such a tiring day.  James is going to have the kids the whole time.  And I think that he is going to be going to his mom's house at some point, so while he is fixing their computer problems, maybe his mom will watch the kids for him.  I didn't get Jessica a present for the baby shower.  I figure that I spent a lot of money on the party as it is, so I think that is present enough.  I hope that isn't bad etiquette though.  I am not sure what the rules of that are.  Lorenda was here today for a long time, at the same time, my dad came over to work on some more of the cementing.  Then, while they were both here, my Grandma Sheila came over to see the kids, then after she left, our friend Kevin came over to visit and bring back my Harry Potter book.  Thank goodness too, I was getting annoyed that I didn't have it back yet.  I plan on reading it again. 

     Isaiah's room is so tore up.  It looks like a tornado went through it.  That is the nice thing about when they are Evelyn's age, they really can't get their room dirty.  It is so funny how Isaiah is very particular when we are in stores and such, about things being in their place, but in his own room he could care less.  When ever we are walking down an aisle in a store, and there is something on the ground that someone else dropped, he has to stop and pick it up and put it back.  Cracks me up.  I need to go clean his room up though, right now it is hard to even see the carpet. 

     Ok, so Isaiah is in bed...finally.  And James and I are playing scrabble online right now.  I am hoping to kick his butt, although I doubt that I will, he usually wins these games.  But I always kill him in battleship.  Oh yea. lol

     Next month is coming up quick.  On September 4th 1996 (traveling back in time here)  James and I became boyfriend and girlfriend.  That will mark 9 years together for us.  It was a really exciting day for me.  I had been wanting to be with him since my freshmen year.  1996 was my junior year, so you can imagine how waiting two years can take it's toll.  Not that I didn't date other guys in between that time, but I always had a crush on him.  I think that we fell in love maybe 4-5 months later.  James told me that he first realized that he was starting to fall in love with me when we were talking on the phone one day and he was scribbling on a piece of paper, wrote my name down on it and then drew a heart around it.  He said that when he looked at it and saw what he had drawn, he was like, "Whoa."   On our year anniversary he took me camping to Dillon's Beach.  It was there that he proposed to me.  Nine months later we were married at our church.  Pastor Rob married us.  He did meet with us ( I can't remember where) to discuss marriage and different things.  Honestly I can't remember anything that he said.  All I do remember is telling him that we wanted to be truthful in that we were already living together and having sex, so I would understand if he didn't want to marry us.  Luckily he said he would.  It was a really good ceremony.  Mainly family and close friends.  We had the reception at his mom and dad's house out in Wilton.  I remember wishing that I had changed out of my wedding dress, because it kept snagging on the wood in their porch.  Our cake was awesome, and my mother in law saved it for us like the tradition says too...and on our year anniversary she gave it to us, we thawed it out, and when we ate it, it tasted just as good as the day we first had it.  She wrapped it up really good.  

     LOL.  Would you believe that I started this at just about 9pm, and it is now 12:14am.  I swear that as much as I get up while typing this thing it is a miracle that I ever finish it at all.  But, praise God that I actually have the energy to stay up and write this out all the time.  Also, I should say that I have given up my worry about the slight chance of moving to Michigan to God.  I know that whatever happens, it is all part of his big plan for our family.  So...I will let the future worry about itself.  Bye folks.



     Ok, so remember yesterdays little story at the end of my journal, about the splinter.  Well I just got a big splinter in my hand toward the bottom of my palm and man alive did it hurt like heck to get it out.  I also would have wanted to have God take it out.  I actually had to use the clippers to cut off skin because it was in so deep.  OUCH 
Today I did something that I have been putting off for a few weeks now.  I got Evelyn's ears pierced.  I have always wanted to get it done, (remember when I wanted to get two done at once?  but James wouldn't let me) but I was scared about seeing her hurting.  I don't know why really, it would be over quickly, I just was feeling nervous about it.  But today I went to Wal-Mart and had it done.  She did so good.  She only cried for like 30 seconds for each ear.  I was so impressed.  I got her little flower ear rings, like the kind that I have.  She looks so cute with them on.  Like a little lady is what James said.  I couldn't believe how much it cost though...$26.00.  For a pair of ear rings!  Crazy how they rip you off for that kind of stuff.  But of course they know that if you really want it you will pay for it.  Just like gas for your car.  We may hate the prices, but we need it, so we are going to pay it anyway.  Ugh.

     While I was out I also bought Evelyn one of the walkers.  She can actually use it and she looks so cute and little in it.  I really think that she is going to be walking in no time at all.  Probably like 8-9 months.  Isaiah started at 10 months on the dot.  My friend Tiffany's little boy started walking at 7 months!  Can you imagine?  It was crazy to see a little thing like him walking around. 

     Do any of you remember all the good cartoons?  He-Man, She-Ra, Smurfs, GI Joe, Transformers, Rainbow Brite, and hey, any one remember Fraggle Rock?  That was a good one.  I was just thinking about how good all those ones were, and how utterly lame the ones now are.  I mean they just don't compare.  Back then, when I was young, you didn't have to worry about what your kid was watching when it came to a cartoon...what happened, how did that change so much I wonder.  I doubt that it was all the kids demanding more violence and stupidity in their cartoons.  Some things I guess I will never understand.

     My house is a mess right now, and I do not want to clean it.  And, I even have someone coming over tomorrow morning, so I need to too.  I just feel like I want to be lazy though.  I wish that we had a spa.  That would be great.  Well, I suppose that I should get done with this thing, so I can start my cleaning up for the night.  I am not looking forward to it.  I would much rather lay down and sleep.  Oh well.

The Spilled Feathers

Jealous of the mayor's election victory, the wife of his opponent spread malicious lies about the mayor throughout the town.  The rumors and gossip brought the life of the mayor under scrutiny, and although he had done nothing of which to be ashamed, he resigned, feeling it was impossible to continue in office without the respect of those he served.

Later, overcome with remorse, the woman went to the ex-mayor to beg his forgiveness. "Please tell me , how can I make amends?"  she said.  "I'll do anything you say."

The man replied, "Open a goose down pillow, and allsow the feathers to spill to the ground."

She nodded, "And then what?"

He said, "Wait ten minutes, and then pick up all the feathers."

The woman returned the next day with only a small portion of the feathers in the ripped open pillow case.  "How did you do?" he asked.

She answered, "The feathers blew everywhere, and I was unable to retrieve them all."

He said soberly, "Rumors and gossip are equally impossible to retrieve."

Teach your children that what they say about people has far-reaching , ripple effects.  Teach them to make certain that what they say is, not only true, but that it needs saying.


Exodus 20:16
Do not testify falsely against your neighbor.

Ephesians 4:15-16
We will lovingly follow the truth at all times--speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly--and so become more and more in every way like Christ. 

John 18:37
Jesus said: "This is why I was born and came into the world: to tell people the truth.  And everyone who belongs to the truth listens to me."

2 Samuel 7:28
Now, O Lord God, You are God, and Your words are truth.

By the way people, that was the last one.  I hope you enjoyed them.  Like I said, if you want more stuff like that, let me know...and I will try to find something good. 



     I feel like the month is going by so fast.  Evelyn is going to be three months old in like 6 days.  Where did the time go.  I should ask Pastor Rob, since he is the time travel expert.  I am sure that you are all wondering what was up with me yesterday.  I didn't want to get into the whole thing at the time, because I was already upset enough.  But, now that I am calm, and able to discuss the matter without having tears come into my eyes, I thought that I would tell you all.  First of all, James came home yesterday and told me that there is a small chance that the company that he works for could go under.  That is bad news enough.  But it gets worse.  Second...his friend that he works with Jeff, has a fiancé, her name is Jen.  She is a nanny for a very high up person for Borders Books and Music.  I guess there is like the CEO, and then there are 5 guys below him, well he is one of the five in charge of all the technology stuff.  So...that guy and his family are moving to Michigan, and they want Jeff and Jen to go with them, since she is their nanny and they are the kids god parents too.  The guy says that he can get Jeff a job down there as a programmer for Borders.  Jeff told James, that in the event that the company they currently work for does sink, that he could probably have that guy get him a job too.  That is the bad part...for me at least.  I do not want to move to Michigan.  Not in the least.  Why?  Let me list the reasons.

1. Isaiah wouldn't be close to any of his family... cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents.

2. I would have no friends there, at all.

3. That is so far away and so scary to move somewhere I don't know.

4. I would miss my family, and wouldn't have the chance to be with my great grandma before she dies...which could happen anytime...she is old.

5. I'm happy here.

6. I would have to find a new church, and leave the one I love.

7. I just don't want to all.

8.  What kind of effect would it have on Isaiah?

     You'll notice that I did not include that I can not leave my mom and dad, well, that's because I don't have to include that, as if we move far away, they will pack up and move with us.  Praise the Lord for parents like mine who recognize the importance of being close to your family.  And, thank God I am an only child, and they can do that.

     So...James says that he doesn't think that the company will go under, but that he had to tell me this so I wouldn't be surprised if it did happen.  I'm not kidding when I say that I was on the verge of a heart attack.  I felt like the world was caving in on me.  James said that I looked like a cornered cat.  I bet I did.  After talking to my friend Tiffany last night I did realize something matter how much I hate it, no matter how much I don't want to...James is the kind of man who takes care of his family...and I have to support him in his decisions when they make sense, and follow him where he goes.  I may not like it, but like he said last night to me, supporting us is his main priority, and he will do what he has to in order to insure that, even if it means moving a way.  I love him for that, and I love he was understanding of my freaking out...and I warned him that if this was to happen, he can expect more of the same hysterics.  I can't help it, I love everyone so much here.   I think that I would be crying like a maniac, and even worse, I would have to drive there, since I don't fly...and that is a long drive...just ask Pastor Rob.

     Anyway, James says not to worry about it, because it probably won't happen, and even if the company did go under, Jeff just thinks that he could have that guy get him a job too.  Ugh, but to me, it's the 1% chance that scares me to death...any chance scares me.  I just don't want to leave.  But then again, I know that God has a plan for my life, and I know that whatever he send our way, will always work out for the good...even if at the time, I think that it is bad.  I need to remember that most of I don't go nutty.

Anyway, so that's that.  Now you know.  In other news, my day was good.   Did stuff, had fun...blah blah blah.  lol  I've typed enough, so I am gonna go.  But I will talk to you all tomorrow.  Bye.

Nursing a Splinter

One after noon while playing on a wooden picnic table, a little boy ran a splinter into his finger.  Sobbing, he called his father, who was a pastor, at his office.  He said, "Daddy, I want God to take the splinter out." 

The father said, "God to your mother.  She'll be able to remove it for you."

"No," the little boy insisted, "I want God to take it out."

"Why don't you trust your mother to do it?"  his father asked.

"Because when Mommy takes a splinter out, it hurts.  If God takes it out, it won't hurt."

When the father arrived home at the end of his work day, he found his son still nursing a sore and inflamed finger.  In spite of his son's initial protests, the father proceeded to remove the splinter.  The procedure was a bit painful, but the relief was complete.

Somehow, this little boy had gotten the impression that God's healing was painless and would not hurt him.  Unfortunately, the healing process can be painful, so teach your children to trust God regardless of the pain.  Teach them, too, that God often involves others in the healing process: parents, doctors, ministers, and counselors, just to name a few.


Psalm 40:4
Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false Gods.

Isaiah 30:15
This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength."

Isaiah 28:16
This is what the Sovereign Lord say's: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed."

Psalm 56:3
When I am afraid, I will trust in you.



     Well today was good, until about 4 hours ago.  I am not going to say exactly what...all I will say is that there is a chance, a small chance, that something drastic and incredibly bad, in my eyes, could happen.  I cried for about an hour.  Called my best friend Tiffany, and then cried some more.  I am doing better right now.  But the chance of this event taking place has me very shaken up.  I am not lying when I say that when James gave me this news, I actually felt my heart speed up way too much, and I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack.  Really.  I'm not joking.  I know that I can not worry about this right now, I know that since it is only a chance that it could happen, a small chance at that, that I should just put it out of my mind.  Not to mention that I need to remind myself over and over again that God works all things out for the good.  So I know that even though to me this is awful, some how it will be a good thing.  It just makes me so scared to be truthful.  There are quite a few fears that I have and if this happens it will end up involving them all.  One of which I can choose to avoid at least, the others I can not.  I am so nervous, and even though I have prayed and will continue to pray that God will hopefully make things go the way I would prefer, I also make sure to say at the end of that prayer that I prefer that His will be done, because I know that is always the right path to go down.  Sometimes though, it is just scary to go down it.  Ugh, Dear God, I just hope this slim chance really is slim and doesn't happen...please God don't let it.  And don't worry people, it's nothing one is dying.  Hope that helps some.  Just pray for me.

     Other than that trauma, my day was good.  Great weather.  My dad finished doing the cementing on the one side of our house, and of course right as he left, my dog Dusty decided to walk right through it.  I tried my best to smooth it out again, and it looks good, but not as good as it was.  Nothing to be done about that though.  He will hopefully start the other side soon...and then after that, we will start the big project of cementing what the old owners of this house had as a dog yard.  It is the size of Evelyn's room, and will take a long time, so my dad said we should rent a cement will be much easier than doing it by sections mixing the cement by himself. 

     James is going to sleep, and here I am still typing.  I know that I should also go to sleep, but I feel so unsettled.  Talking to my friend Tiffany did help a lot though.  It helped me realize that on most points, James was right, and I am mostly upset and scared because of my own worries and fears.  But still...worries and fears can be a very strong thing.  (I'm hungry, by the way.)  Well, maybe trying to sleep will be a good thing.  I imagine I will either have good dreams of things going my way, or bad dreams of things going exactly the way I don't want. 

My Fathers Hands

A crew of botanists was searching in the Alps for rare flowers.  A very fine specimen was spotted on a small ledge of rock that could only be reached with a lifeline.  The job was far too dangerous for the inexperienced botanists, so they called in a local shepherd boy who was familiar with the region.  They offered him several gold coins to climb down the rope and recover the rare flower.

Although the boy desperately wanted the coins, he feared that the task was too risky.  Several times he peered over the edge of the cliff, but he couldn't see any safe way of getting to the flower.  Besides, he would have to place his life in the hands of the strangers who would be holding his lifeline.  Then the boy had an idea.  He left the group for a few moments and finally returned, holding the hand of a much older man.  The shepherd boy then ran eagerly to the brink of the cliff and said to the botanists, "You can tie the rope under my arms now.  I'll go into the canyon, as long as you let my father hold the rope."

This boy shared a trusting relationship with his father and was willing to out his life into his fathers hands. 

In the same way that your children trust in you, put your trust in your Heavenly Father today. 

(Wow, was that story for me or what?  Obviously, that is what I need to be doing right now.)


It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.

Isaiah 26:3-4
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord the Lord, is the Rock eternal.

Jeremiah 17:7
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.

John 14:1
"Trust in God; trust also in me."



     Isaiah has been doing great today.  I went out and bought him those Pull Ups and although they are expensive for only a small box, I think it is going really well.  Tonight we told him that he can't have any drinks before bed, and he went to the bathroom all day.  At one point, he wanted to go with James when he was driving to the store...and I told him that he had to use the potty first, AND HE DID!!!  I think that he is finally starting to understand what he has to do to push it out on command, because when it was time to go to bed, I had him use the bathroom, and he did, and then like 10 minutes later he got out of bed, and so just for fun I let him brush his teeth, and after that, even though it was only a little bit, he went potty again!!!  I am so excited.  But anyway, your probably tired of hearing about that by now I am sure.  Sorry.  lol I received two wonderful compliments.  One, was from my father in law.  He told James that he really respects the fact that I keep my house so clean.  He said that he likes being able to come into a clean house and relax.  That made me so very happy and proud of myself.  Honestly, that is one of the things that I hope for.  I want people to be able to come into my house at any given time and say "Wow, your house looks great!"  It may sound silly to you, but for me how my home looks is very important.  It is a reflection of me somehow.  I don't know why I feel that way, but I do. 

     The second compliment that I received was from my mom while I was on the phone today.  We were talking about Isaiah and Evelyn, and then my mom told me that she thinks that I am raising my kids really good, and that when she sees me with them, and listens to the way that I discipline Isaiah, that she can really see that I am a Christian mother.  She even said, that she wished that she had done some of the things for me, that I am doing with my kids.  I almost cried.  It was so wonderful to hear that from her.  It really made me feel good to know that she was proud of me and approved of the way James and I are choosing to raise our kids.  I hope this doesn't sound like I am bragging, but I think that we are doing a great job as well.  Isaiah is a wonderful little boy, and Evelyn is already heading in the same direction.  Let's just hope that they continue on that path when they are 16 years old huh? 

     So, those two things made my day.  I will go to sleep tonight with a smile on my face and good thoughts in my head.  Hopefully, that will lead to some not so strange dreams tonight.  James is gone right now (the time is 11:20pm) buying a jump rope for himself at Wal-Mart.  He is trying to get some exercise in every morning before gets dressed for work.  I weighed my self tonight, and I finally lost a pound.  I had a really good workout tonight though so I am not surprised.  I did it here at my house and I would say that it lasted for about 40 minutes or more.  I think that if I can keep that pace up, I will start doing really good.  Remember when I twisted my foot?  Well around that same time on my other foot, my ankle was starting to hurt too...well, it is still hurting, but now it is to the point that if I touch it in this certain spot it hurts, and when I jump rope I can feel it too.  So...I think I will take some Ibuprofen for a while, see if that helps, and then I will go to the doctor if it continues to be painful...I would rather it just go a way though, because I don't want to have to stop my work outs.  Also, just so you know....that book that I have been writing from, I am just about done with it.  Now, I haven't written everything from it of course.  Just the things that stood out to me as special.  I just wanted to let you know.  If you would like me to find another book that I can type sections out of please email me and let me know.  Otherwise, I won't.  You can email me by clicking on the Email Eva at the top right hand corner of this page.  So...I think that is it for me tonight.  James is home, and he is laying on the couch right now slightly snoring, even though two minutes ago he said that he isn't tired.  Whatever.  Men.

Only One Move Needed

A ten year old boy decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident.  He began lessons with an old Japanese judo master.  The boy couldn't understand why the master had taught him only one move. 

"Sensei," the boy finally said, "shouldn't I be learning more moves?"

"This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you'll ever need to know," the sensei replied. 

Several months later, the boy went to his first tournament.  He deftly used his one move to win the first three matches and was now in the finals.

This time his opponent was more experienced.  However, the other boy made a critical mistake: he dropped his guard.  Instantly, the boy used his move to pin him.  The boy had won the match and the tournament.

On the way home, the little boy asked, "Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one move?"

"You won for two reasons," the sensei answered.  "First, you've almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo.  Second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grip your left arm."

Are you teaching your children the skills they'll need to succeed in life?


Jeremiah 29:11
"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Proverbs 22:4
True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor and long life. 

Psalm 1:3
They are like trees growing beside a stream, trees that produce fruit in season and always have leaves.  Those people succeed in everything they do.

Deuteronomy 30:9
Then the Lord your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land.



     Isaiah and Logan had a good time today.  Logan cried quite a bit at church, but he got over it in time,  and during the drive home they both fell asleep in the car.  It was nice too because Evelyn also took a nap, so I got to clean up and get ready for when his mom and dad came over.  They made a great dinner for us.  Usually, actually most of the time, I do not eat veggies, but Dawn made such a great salad that I couldn't help it.  It was just excellent.  I really did enjoy church today, and Sunday School class for that matter.  There was a point during today's service when the music got messed up, it was pretty funny.  I always thinks that it is funny when stuff like that gets messed up, I can't help but laugh. 

     Tomorrow I am going to go to some stores hopefully.  I need to go by Target, Costco, and Big 5 Sporting Goods.  James wants me to get him a jump rope too.  He is going to try to jump rope in the morning.
I think that it will be really good for him.

     Have any of you ever seen that show called Cheaters?  I think I have mentioned it before.  Anyway, I was thinking, and why is it that people like to air all their dirty laundry about their lives on TV?  I can understand, if you thought your partner was cheating on you, that you might want to hire someone to follow them and find out, but why do it on a TV show?  Why would you want the world to see that and know about it?  It just doesn't make sense.  For example, if I got a call from the Jerry Springer show, saying that I had been invited by some one to be on the show, I would say no, because obviously it couldn't be good, it never is on that show.  Can you imagine if someone who lived in, um, lets say the 1950's, was to be transported to this year how shocked they would be if they watched the kind of junk that we have on TV.  I mean I imagine they might have a heart attack.  Don't get me wrong, it isn't all bad...but I really can't stand the shows that pretty much promote people having sex with someone they just met, and then act like it was no big deal at all.  I mean what does that say to the young people of this country...that sex means nothing, that it is just something that you can do without worry of any consequences?  And what about your self respect?  And, of you have them, what kind of an example are you showing to your kids?  You know, I guess that the world is just going down the drain, in many different ways.

How Could It Be?

There were once two warring tribes in the Andes, one living in the lowlands and the other high in the mountains.  One day the mountain people invaded the lowlanders, kidnapping a baby.  They took the infant with them back up into the mountains. 

The lowlanders didn't know how to to climb the mountain or how to track the mountain people in the steep terrain.  Even so, they sent out their best party of fighting men to climb the mountain and bring the baby home.  After several days of striving, however, they had climbed only several hundred feet.

Feeling hopeless and helpless, the lowlander men decided that the cause was lost.  As they prepared to return to their village below, they saw the baby's mother walking toward them.  They realized that she was coming down the mountain that they hadn't figured out how to climb.  And then they saw that she had the baby strapped to her back.  How could that be?

One man greeted her and said, "We couldn't climb this mountain.  How did you do this when we, the strongest and most able men in the village, couldn't do it?"

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "It wasn't your baby."

The bond between parents and their children is very strong indeed!  Be sure to let your children see how valuable they are to you. 


Psalm 18:2
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Isaiah 40:29
He gives strength to those who are tired and more power to those who are weak.

Psalm 119:28
My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word.

Philippians 4:13
I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me. 



     Let's hope that I don't screw this one up too.  That really did make me made last night.  Then, when I told James about it it turns out that I could have hit ctrl z and it would have undone itself.  Figures huh?  One of the things that I was telling you in the last one was how good Isaiah is doing with his potty training.  He really is too.  I have caught him a couple times going to the bathroom all on his own, without me even telling him to go.  I am so proud of him.  I am so excited to think that maybe, just maybe in a months time possibly, he might not even need any diapers at all.  Instead of buying more diapers this week I think that I am going to buy some of those Pull Up Training Pants that they sell.  That way when we go out he can still use the bathroom easily enough.

     Tonight my nephew Logan is staying the night.  He is sleeping in Isaiah's room on the futon bed.  He wanted to sleep in Isaiah's bed really bad, but since Isaiah's bed is 4ft up, I didn't want to risk him falling out.  He didn't like that very much though, and so to calm him down I had to lay on the futon next to him until he fell asleep.  Isaiah and Logan played really good together.  They were just non stop the whole time.  They were outside, inside, tearing up Isaiah's room one minute, then running like crazy outside the next.  There was a ton of Play-Doh on the ground.  James had to pick up all the toys and vacuum the room.  It is all clean in there right now, but I am sure that once we get back from church tomorrow they will have no problem making a mess of it again. 

     James was gone all day today.  He spent the day with his friend Jeff whom he works with.  They hung out at his place and played a PC game all day.  But that's ok, I mean I can have just as much fun can't I?  Watching the kids, potty training Isaiah....yea, that's a ton of fun. lol

     Anyway...I am so annoyed with that lady who is protesting in front of the Presidents house in Texas.  Why is it that she thinks that of all the parents who have had children die in the war, that she should get to see him in person?  Why is it that people can not just accept the fact that all of the people who chose to join the armed forces did it because they wanted to, they did it knowing that it was possible they would have to go to war someday.  They knew they could die.  They were aware of all of the risks, yet once they brave people do lose their lives defending what they believe in, parents take it upon themselves to protest and act as if it is all the President of the United States fault?  Did he make your kid join?  Did he?  I don't think so.  War equals death.   It is a simple thing to understand.  If you don't like the fact that you might die, then you shouldn't join.  And if you are a parent of a man or woman who joins the armed forces, then you should be supportive of that decision.  Personally, it doesn't bug me that we went to war at all.  I trust that the government knows what it is doing...these are people who probably have information on top of information about things going on in the world that I would not understand...I feel like it is a good thing to put my trust in them.  After all, there was an election, and the majority of the people voted for him.  I think that we should trust that.  I'm not saying that we should blindly follow all the decisions he or the government makes, but I do think that it is good to realize that they probably know things that we don't, and that they are doing what they feel is best for the country.  But once again, this is all just my opinion...and I am sure that someone out there disagrees with me.  And that is ok.

It's Your Choice

Ida and David both wanted their sons to graduate from college.  They knew their boys would have to pay their own way since David never made more than $150.00 a month.  Still, they encouraged their sons to achieve all they could. 

Arthur went directly from high school to a job.  Edgar began studying law.  When Dwight graduated high school, he didn't have a goal in mind, so he and Edgar made a pact: Dwight would work two years while Edgar studied, sending Edgar as much money as he could, and then they would reverse the arrangement.  While working, Dwight found an opportunity that appealed to him more than college--West Point. 

Both Ida and David were crushed by Dwight's decision.  Ida was deeply convinced that soldiering was wicked.  Still, all she ever said to him was, "It is your choice."  David also remained silent, allowing his adult son full freedom to forge his own adult future.  Yes, Ida and David wisely held their tongues-but they never withheld their applause, especially on the day their son, General Dwight Eisenhower, became president of the United States of America. 

Refraining from giving advice may actually turn out to be the best gift you may ever give your child.


Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

James 3:8
But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

James 3:5-6
How great a forest is set ablaze by  by small fire!  And the tongue is a fire.

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.



     I am so very very mad.  I had everything all typed out, this was actually a very long journal entry.  And then when I was starting on the verses from the book I write out of and my finger must have hit something by accident because all of a sudden the whole page went blank, just blank.  Nothing there.  I am so very mad.  Mad for you guys even since now you are not going to get to read anything that I wrote out. that it is after 1am...I am just going to have to end this.  I am so sorry.  I feel really bad.  I thought about waking up James and trying to have him get it back for me, but I decided to let him sleep.  So anyway, once again I am very sorry.  I will write a lot tomorrow to make it up to you, I promise. 



     I am so incredibly proud of Isaiah.  Today he was in his underpants all day long, was the same pair of underpants.  Yes folks that right, my son used the toilet all day today.  I was so proud of him.  One time he even went in there all on his own to use it.  I really hope that this is the beginning of something permanent.  It would be very nice.  I am putting off cleaning the rest of my kitchen.  Right now while typing this I can look up and see the mess that is waiting for me.  I made spaghetti for dinner.  So of course there is spaghetti sauce splattered all over the stove top, and I need to get plates rinsed off. I just don't feel like it though.  You know what I do feel like, jumping into a really cold swimming pool.  That would be nice.  I know it sounds dumb...but I love cold water.  It just makes my skin feel clean and refreshed.  I remember when I went into a river for the first time ever, and so far the last time too, and I remember thinking that although it was extremely cold, it felt really good.  It kind of enjoyed letting it make my body feel numb.  Which I guess isn't good considering currents can be very strong.  I can't wait till Isaiah learns how to swim.  Maybe next year I will take him to some classes. 

     I bought the last of the items that I need for the baby shower.  I am excited to be doing it...I like being in charge of things.  I don't necessarily like volunteering for being in charge of things, but if someone asks me, and it is something that I like, I will usually do it and be great at it.  I remember when I was a supervisor at Carl's Jr. and I loved that.  Well, except when my boss was being a big jerk.  Then I didn't like it so much.   Oh my gosh I have had so many bad bosses.  I won't name one of the biggest, because she is kind of a prominent woman in Galt...but she was so rude to me...I mean she used to say bad things about me to customers when I was standing right there right there.  After about a year of torment while working there, I quit.  I would say that I did not leave on good terms.  We were both yelling and cussing at each other while I left.  Then, the worst thing was that after that, anytime I saw her, she acted like we were good buddies.  That made me mad more than anything else.  Since she was being pleasant, I couldn't exactly be rude to her.  So although I decided to meet in the middle, and was just ok to her.  Said hello and did the general chit chat thing.  But that was it.  She really was a horrible boss.  Everyone who worked there couldn't stand her, and they all quit within a year. 

     I really do love music.  Right now I have the music on in the kitchen with me.  Audio Slave in playing right now.  Sometimes while I am driving a really great song will come on, and I find myself wanting to close my eyes ad just listen to the music.  I have to mentally slap myself for that...after all...I can just see the police report on that accident.  Woman driving with kids in her car closes her eyes to listen to the radio.  Yep, I would get lots of fan letters for that one.  lol

     Anyway, I can't think of anything else to write about right now.  Tomorrow is another day...and I am sure it will be a good one. 

Deciding When to Be Disturbed

  A young family was moving to a new house. On moving day, Joe announced that an important meeting had been called at his new job, and he would be unable to help. Consequently, Jean had to handle the move by herself.
  After the moving van came and left, she found herself standing in the living room of her new home. She was surrounded by boxes to be unpacked, appliances to be hooked up, a screaming baby, and a rambunctious five-year-old who had just decided to throw a metal toy truck through the picture window.
  Fortunately nobody was hurt, but jagged glass fell everywhere, and a gale-force wind blew through the house. Jean felt she had to call Joe and tell him what had happened.
  Joe's secretary informed her that he was in a meeting and couldn't be disturbed. "May I take a message?" the secretary asked.
  "No, that's okay," Jean said, knowing Joe was notoriously lax about returning her calls. Then she said, "Wait, just tell him the insurance will cover everything."
  The instant Joe got her message he called home.
  It's wonderful to know God's forgiving love restores us, just as insurance restored the broken window. God never says, "I can't be disturbed" when we call on Him. May we treat our children with the same spirit!


Acts 3:19
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

Psalm 80:3
Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.

Ezekiel 18:31
Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit.

Acts 3:19-20
Turn to God! Give up your sins, and you will be forgiven. Then that time will come when the Lord will give you fresh strength.


     Another busy day, but I must say that I don't mind, since it is nice to have a car that I can use for a busy day.  Thankfully, there was no spilled paint on my shoes today, and no massive amounts of spit up from the baby.  All was well in that department.  I did go to the church nursery with my dad and we continued painting.  Mary Patterson baby sat for me.  I got started on the stencils, and wow are they looking great.  The room is going to look so nice.  And along with just having the letters around the wall in random places, I am also going to have words spelled out around the room as well.  It will look really nice, I can't wait till it is done so I can take a picture and put it on here. 

     I am not really in the mood right now for typing, it's because my arms feel so weak.  I used the punching bag today, and used the jump rope, and man I am feeling it.  I used to think that you could only get sore after weight training, but I was wrong.  My legs hurt, it's a good thing that I am doing this every other day, or I would be in trouble.

     I was looking at the letter I received from friends in between classes in 11th grade.  I found some cards that were drawn on and said "Thanks for your help", among other things.  I had forgotten all about them.  They were letters from the kids I helped at Fairsite Elementary School during 6th period for my child development class that Mrs. Millet taught.  Those kids were so great.  They were sweet as heck and I remember that while doing that I would often think how great it would be to have kids.  See, it is pleasant surprising memories like these that I keep everything that is given to me.  I also was reading some letter from my friend Jessica, and remembered that she hardly ever started a letter to me by saying Hi Eva...It was always, "Hello Lady"   I couldn't help but giggle at that. 

     So....although you don't know it, I have been a way from this computer for about 30 minutes or more.  I was just now sitting on the floor in front of my book shelf looking through some things when all of a sudden I hear from outside in our back yard..."GOOOAAAALLLL!!!!!"  Now.   I instantly get a little nervous, because I recognize it right a way as Isaiah's soccer toy that I put in his wagon.   My first thought is that one of the dogs pumped it, since it goes off when hit by a ball.  But a quick look shows me that both dogs are inside.  So, I slowly walk to the sliding door, and nervously turn on the porch light.  Nothing there of course, but still, now I am nervous that there was something, or someone, there at that moment.  After all, something had to have bumped it.  Luckily for me I have two ferocious killing dogs here to protect me.  LOL  yea right.  Coco would save herself, and Dusty would walk right up to the intruder and start licking him or her.  We really need to get a nice big deadly wooden bat.  Something to keep by the bed.  Obviously it wouldn't help much if the guy had a gun, but, if he had a knife....well, that is another story.  It would fall right out of his hand due to the fact that his hand and wrist would be broken from where I hit it with the bat.  lol   ok...I know it sounded like I enjoyed that too much...but sometimes I can't help myself. 

     Anyway, I don't know what I am doing tomorrow.  I know that I need to get a few groceries, and Lorenda and I might take the kids to the park, but even that is all dependent on if she wants to or not.  You know what I did do today though that was wonderful. I held Evelyn close to my face, and just rubbed her soft hair on my cheek.  I smelled her baby smell, I told her I loved her, and I closed my eyes and felt it all.  She makes me melt.  And Isaiah, well he was very sweet at one point today.  He put on hand on each of my cheeks, kissed one of my cheeks, then turned my face and kissed the other, then he kissed my forehead.  WOW.  I felt so wonderful at that moment.  And then he motioned for me to kiss him the same way.  How sweet and caring is that kid?  He is a joy to be around.  He really is. 

Silence Beyond Words

Marie Louise de La Ramee writes in Ouida: "There are many moments in friendship, as in love, when silence is beyond words.  The faults of our friend may be clear to us, but it is well to seem to shut our eyes to them.  Friendship is usually treated by the majority of mankind as a tough and everlasting thing which will survive all manner of bad treatment.  But this is an exceedingly great and foolish error, it may die in an hour or a single unwise word."

If the words "I love you" are the most important three words, then the words "I'm sorry" are probably the most important two words.  Teach your children that when they are willing to admit fault, there is a greater likelihood that others will do the same.  Instruct them to pursue peace in all their relationships, and remind them that being silent is sometimes the best opinion.


Proverbs 19:11
The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.

Matthew 5:39
"Do not resist an evil person.  If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."

Mark 11:25
"Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against any one; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."

Luke 17:3
"If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent, forgive him."



     I am getting so annoyed by the news on TV right now.  I am sick and tired of hearing about people being so upset that they have to cover up there things outside for the mosquito spraying that is going on.  Are they seriously telling me that they would rather take the chance of getting very sick, than cover up their stuff?  It is so stupid.  I just don't see the comparison.  And then there are the people who have other medical problems that are worried about there health.  But they city already has said that they spray is safe for humans and pets.  Shouldn't that be good enough?  It is for me.  It's not like the city is going to start spraying people with something that can harm us all in an attempt to make us sick.  What would the point be, unless you like going to a cramped hospital.  It is just so ridiculous that I am simply not going to watch the news for a while.  I will just check for the news online, that way if there is something there I don't like, I can just skip it.  Ugh, people can just bug me so easily it seems.  I don't know what it is.   There is one song I know that has a line in it that says this, "Everybody knows, that the world is full of stupid people..."  Sometimes I agree with that.  Another song I know says, "Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..."  Again, something I would have to say I often agree with.  lol

     Ok, so this evening around 7pm, Isaiah, Evelyn and I all went out to buy some things.  First stop was the shoe store, Payless Shoe Source.  Isaiah's feet have grown too much and he needed new sandals.  So, while we are there, Evelyn spits up, a lot.  But I figure, hey it's ok if she is wet for now, and a lot of it was on her car seat anyway.  So Isaiah and I are looking at shoes, and then she does it again, but some how she manages to spit more than before.  So I have to take off her clothes, and leave her in the car seat with just a diaper.   Then, we go to Lowe's.  Where yet again while shopping for the stencils for the church nursery, she spits up again.  Another massive amount.  Where she is keeping it all I don't know.  Then, we go to Wal-Mart, so I can get acrylic paint for the stencils.  Well, I am looking at some cool paint stamps that they have for walls when all of a sudden, "SPLAT!"  Isaiah had untwisted a bottle of red paint, and dropped it all over the floor, my pants, my purse, my new shoes, and his hands of course...which he started wiping on his shirt.  UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!   Why me????  Why during this hour that I decide to go out?  I offered to buy the paint, of course, but the lady working that department told me not to worry about it.  I was more worried about my pants and shoes though anyway.  So, suffice to say I did not let Isaiah touch anything after that.  Who would have thought he would open the bottle of paint?  I mean really, that never even occurred to me.    But, through it all, I did get some great stencils for the nursery walls, and some cute stamp pads that you can put paint on and then stamp the walls with.  I am going to do that around the molding in the baby section.  Should be cute.  I hope.  But if it is, I might do some around Evelyn's room too, like maybe around her closet.  They were really cheap, so I could easily get some for her. 

     Well, besides that horrific hour, I did have a pretty descent day.  Except for this headache that I had at one point during the afternoon.  For some reason that one took a few hours to go away.  I was able to get the whole house cleaned up today really early, and so right now I can pretty much just go to bed when I am done with this.   But I do have to remember to get the laundry out of the dryer.  But that's it.

     Man, I had to go in and get Evelyn because she was hungry, which usually she would sleep all night, but all this spitting everything up has got her all whacked.  So, I fed her, but I swear she just spit up and ounce and a half right after.  What was the point?  Anyway, at least I got to put her laundry away while she was eating, that is one less thing to do tomorrow.  And  I can always go for that.  :-)

A Real Traffic Stopper

While driving along the freeway, the adults in the front seat of a car were talking when suddenly, they heard the horrifying sound of a car door opening, the whistle of wind, and a sickening thud.  They quickly turned around and saw that the three year old child riding in the back seat had fallen out of the car and was tumbling along the freeway.  The driver screeched to a stop and then raced back toward her child.  To her surprise, she found that all the traffic had stopped just a few feet away from her child.  Her daughter had not been hit.

A truck driver drove the girl to a nearby hospital.  The doctors there rushed her into the emergency room and soon came back with the good news:  other than a few scrapes and bruises, the girl was fine- no broken bones, no apparent internal damage.

As the mother rushed to her child, the little girl opened her eyes and said, "Mommy, you  know I wasn't afraid.  While I was lying on the road waiting fir you to get back to me, I looked up, and right there I saw Jesus holding  back the traffic with His arms out."


Psalm 91:11
He orders this angels to protect you wherever you go.

Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is might, he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy.

1 Samuel 2:9
He protects those who are loyal to him, but evil people will be silenced in darkness.  Power is not the key to success.

Psalm 5:11
Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. 



     I had a great day today.  I hung out with my friend Lorenda for most of the day.  We went to Target, to the park, then to her house, then to my house.  Then she went home.  Isaiah had a lot of fun hanging out with the much so that he fell asleep on the way home, and slept the whole time they were here, he was even in his bed, while they played in his room, and he just slept right through it.  Crazy huh?  But it was great.  I really have fun hanging out with her.  It is always nice to be with someone who you can be yourself with.  I like being able to just say what is on my mind without having to worry about it. 

     I am having a really hard time thinking of what to write about tonight, don't get me wrong, there is stuff on my mind, and it is stuff that is annoying me and making me feel frustrated, but it also isn't stuff that I want to put on here. 

     My work out went really good today.  I didn't even feel as tired as normal.  I think that I am starting to get used to it, which probably means that my dad is going to step things up some.  We also went to Big 5 Sporting Goods too, and bought some head gear for our sparring, and I got a new jump rope.  While I was in line there was a girl behind me with a little girl.  I was sure I recognized her and after reading the name on her work badge, it turns out I did.  I went to school with her.  She is married, and has a 7 year old boy, and a 3 year old daughter.  It was nice to see her.  I always enjoy seeing people that I went to school with so I can find out what they are like now.  It is nice to see if they are a better person, or if they have gone down hill.  But I don't think that I will be going to my 10 year reunion.  Because then you have to see people that you don't want to see, and then they ask for your number, and then you have to pretend you want them to call.  I think that I will pass.  Plus, everyone that I was close with in high school, I am still close with. 

     Anyway, I think that is all for me.  I am going to go... Ugh, I wish I had some chocolate, M&M's, that would hit the spot, I know it would make me feel better.  Or maybe a 3 Musketeers Bar.  UMM...that is good.  Bye.

The Heart Maker

"You must have a good heart," one man said to his child, "if you are going to act right in this world."  "Suppose my watch was not keeping time very well.  Would it do any good if I went to the town clock and made the hands of my watch point exactly the same as those of the larger clock in the square?  No, of course not!  Rather, I should take my watch to a watchmaker or jewelry store that repairs watches.  It is only when my watch has been cleaned and repaired that it's hands will be able to keep time accurately all day long." 

When we spend time in prayer, we are going to the Heart-Maker, asking Him to clean and repair our hearts from the damage caused by the wrong things we have done.  We are asking Him to put us right again on the inside so that we can more clearly determine right from wrong. 

When our children see us in prayer, they are much more likely to go to God when they feel their own lives are in turmoil, rather than turning to the world and resetting their souls according to it's standards and priorities. 


Matthew 6:6
"When you pray, go away by yourself, all alone, and shut the door behind you and pray to your Father secretly, and your Father, who knows your secrets, will reward you."

Isaiah 65:24
Even before they finish praying to me, I will answer their prayers.

Mark 11:24
"Believe that you have received the things you ask for in prayer, and God will give them to you."

James 5:16
The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. 



     I am so glad that Pastor Rob was back preaching today.  It's like everything is back to normal.  At one point during his sermon, which I highly enjoyed, he mentioned that he does a lot of funerals and that he usually gets to know the people really well at the same time.  It got me to thinking about what would happen if I should die.  Now, if it were up to me, I would be cremated...after all, who needs all the expense of a burial, but, I told James that if he thinks that my kids would like to have a "place" where they could go to be near me (even though I am not really there) that he could bury me for their sakes.  I know that I want Pastor Rob to be the one who does my funeral and talks about my life.  I wonder what he would say?  "Eva was a nice girl, annoying at times, and spoke her mind a little bit too often, but we loved her just the same."  lol.  Well, maybe he wouldn't be quite so honest.  But I like to think that he would throw in there that I was a good wife and mother.  I was also thinking though that if he wanted to show some of my personality, or tell about the kind of person I was, he could even read off excerpts from these journals.  How cool is that.  You just find the ones you like, print them up, and read em.  And then it would be like I was right there talking to you all.  I think that would be awesome. 

     Now, if I were to be buried, what would I want my tombstone to say?  I liked what Pastor Rob wrote down at one time..."No Regrets."  I liked that a lot, and thought it spoke off a life well lived.  Or maybe something like..."Going home at last."   That would be good too.

     Or even better, it could say, "Proud mother, wife, daughter, and friend."   I think that one is possibly the best.  I think about death way too much.  I really do.

     I have been getting emails lately from people about this journal, people simply saying how much like our family, or enjoy reading it.  It really touches my heart to know that people are enjoying it.  When Pastor Rob first talked to me about writing it I was very nervous, and honestly thought that no one would read it.  I guess I was wrong.  I wish that I knew if anyone who doesn't attend our church reads it.  I only know of a couple, my mother in law, and my friend Lorenda.  But I think that is pretty good.

     Oh, by the way, I just read that Peter Jennings, the news anchor, died tonight.  It is so very sad.  He had lung is really just so sad...he was only 67 years old.  But at least he lived a full life, think of all the things that he has seen and done.  And the people he has met.  I bet that his tombstone could say "no regrets". 


Jack London's wonderful classic, White Fang, tells the story of an animal, half dog, half wolf, as he survives his life in the wild and then learns to live among men.

White Fang was very fond of chickens and on one occasion raided a chicken roost and killed fifty hens.  His master scolded him and then took him into the chicken yard.  When White Fang saw his favorite food walking around right in front of him, he obeyed his natural impulse and lunged for a chicken.  He was immediately checked by his masters voice.  They stayed in the chicken chicken yard for quite a while, and every time White Fang made a move toward a chicken, his masters voice would stop him.  In this way he learned what his master wanted, he had learned to ignore the chickens. 

Out of love and a desire to obey his master's will, White Fang overcame his natural, in born desires.  He may not have understood the reason, but he choose to bend his will to his master's. 

In a similar fashion, instruct your children that their lives will always be full "chickens."  Encourage them to decide in advance to serve their Master and to bend their will to His. 


1 Samuel 15:22
To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 

Job 36:11
If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.

John 14:21
"He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me; and he who love s me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.

1 John 2:17
The world and all it's wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out, but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.



     Today started off good, and it isn't even over yet. I know that I am writing this kind of early, and so for that reason I am not going to post it until later this evening, to make sure that everyone reads yesterdays first. But I wanted to get this down before I forget what it is I want to say. This morning around 11am I took Isaiah to the park to play. When we got there I noticed that there was a picnic table decorated with birthday party stuff outside of the actual gazebo that they have there. The gazebo itself, was empty, except one woman who was arguing with the people who had the one picnic table. She was mad because she had reserved the gazebo, and felt that they shouldn't be there. I believe she even said that by paying her $105.00 that reserved the whole park. (Which I might add is wrong, she only gets to rent the actual gazebo.) She started threatening them and said that she was going to call the cops if they didn't pack up their stuff and go. It as so ludicrous. They were not even in the way of her. I think she just resented the fact that someone else was having a party so close to hers. It was so rude of her to act that way, especially with all the kids around. So I made a point to go and tell the smaller party that they had every right to use that picnic table and that she can only reserve the gazebo area. They were glad o know that and decided to not move their stuff. Honestly, if it had been me, I would have told her where she could shove it. Now I am not saying that is nice, or anything like that, it's just what I would have done. That's just me. It seems like even in the adult stages of life, some people still don't know how to share. Pitiful.

     Ok, so the time is now 11:10pm and the house finally looks and feels clean.  With the exception of the chess boards that I just saw and realized need to be dusted.  Sometimes I am amazed by how messy a house can get in the span of a day.  Even worse is that I know had I not been gone so much today, it would have been done sooner.  But I took Isaiah to the park for an hour or so, then we went shopping, then grocery shopping.  Well, basically there was just a lot to get done.  We went shopping at Target because there a two parties to go to.  One, is at 1pm and it is for Isaiah's buddy Andrew.  He is turning 4.  So James is taking him to that and Isaiah picked out his present.  I on the other hand have a baby shower to attend that starts at 2 pm.  So I will probably hang out at my grandma's house until that starts.  Another busy day...but at least when we get home the house will be nice and clean.  And Isaiah will be very tired, I hope. 

     There was one other thing that I wanted to share, and I almost forgot what it was, but it just now popped back into my head.  Does any one else out there have a husband who always wants to take the fastest route to a destination when driving?  I swear that not a week goes by when I don't hear James tell me that I should go a different direction because it is faster.  It drives me nuts.  Why do I have to get there I in a hurry?  No.  But for some reason, and yes, I have discussed his strange obsession at length with him, he must always drive the fastest route.  What ever happened to enjoying a nice drive, or looking at the scenery?  I like that kind of thing.  Now, if I am in a hurry, yes, I will take the quicker route, but other wise I just go whatever way suites me at the time.  I have told him this, many times, yet still he must always say, "Hey, turn here, it's faster."  How about letting the driver do the driving.  I'll vote for that.

Killing (and Kindling) with Kindness

Pete sat down with the divorce lawyer.  He told such a tale of woe:  His wife was a total bore.  She always looked a mess, the house was worse, and all she did was complain, especially about him.  Now he wanted to make her as miserable as she made him. 

"Pete," the lawyer said, "I've got the perfect plan.  Go home now, and start treating your wife like royalty.  Bring her roses.  Take her out for dinner.  Tell her how beautiful she looks.  And then, just when she's getting used to this treatment, pack your bags.  I promise you, nothing will devastate her more."

Pete thought it was a fantastic idea.  He couldn't wait to start hatching the plot.  He helped her around the house, gave her breakfast in bed, took her on weekend getaways, and showered her with compliments.

After three weeks, the lawyer called.  "I've got the divorce papers ready," he said.  "I can make you a free man anytime."

"Are you kidding?"  Pete cried.  "You wouldn't believe the changes she's made.  I'm married to a queen.  I wouldn't divorce her in a million years."

Provide your children the Godly example of a loving marriage relationship.  Place your spouse's needs before your own, and constantly strive to rekindle your love for each other. 


Proverbs 5:18-19
Let they fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.  Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

Proverbs 30:18-19
There are three things that amaze me--no, four things I do not understand:  how an eagle glides through the sky, how a snake slithers on a rock, how a ship navigates the ocean, how a man loves a woman. 

Proverbs 31:10-11
A wife of noble character who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies.  Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 

Proverbs 31:26-29
She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.  She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.  Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."



     I am feeling strange right now.  I just finished having a conversation with my friend and it left me feeling slightly down and out, because it was about someone else that we are having problems with.  So there's that, plus I am tired from being gone all day.  I was with my friend Tiffany a lot today as we went and bought decorations and ordered food and cake for our friends baby shower.  We had fun hanging out for it.  It gave us the opportunity to talk.  I had to take the kids along with me though which I usually don't do when shopping for stuff like that, but they were both really good.  Evelyn just stayed awake and looked at all the stuff in the store...which is what I expected her to do.  I also met my dad at church today to finish up the painting in the nursery.  All of the walls are now done.  Except one small section that we totally forgot about until we were ready to leave.  I think it happened because it is the wall leading into the infant section, and you just don't always see it.  So next week when we start the stencils, we will get that done too.  I am thinking that we are going to have this done pretty soon.  Then I will just have to focus on getting some good toys in there.  There are so many that I have seen at Wal-Mart and Target that I know the kids would love.  And they are all at a really good price too.  I want to get some cute doll toys for the girls, and some hot wheel cars and trucks for the boys...and maybe some coloring books too. 

     I really do feel kind of bummed.  You know it's hard when you have a problem that seems to have no solution.  Or at least, not a good solution.  Someone will get their feelings hurt...possibly everyone will feel hurt.  But then you have to ask yourself, do you even want to do it?  Would it be better to just leave things the way that they are?  Maybe that is the best thing.  I don't know, and you don't know what I am talking about, so it doesn't matter.  I will just pray about it. 

     Tomorrow I actually have nothing planned.  There is really nothing to do.  It is so fun.  I love waking up and not having to rush to get ready because I have to be somewhere.  It just feels natural. 

     I was just doing some browsing of some free blog websites.  There was one in particular that I liked.  I believe it was  I signed up for it just so I could see what everything looked like.  It was actually pretty good.  Personally, I think that every one should be writing something about themselves.   Not really an everyday journal like this, but a journal that you right in once a month maybe, something where you are just talking about the really important things that are happening in your life.  Of course that is just me.  I am one of those people who wants there great grand kids to be able to read about my life and what it was I did.  It would be like they could time travel back to when I was young and read about life in my time.  Pastor Rob would understand that I am sure...since he is engulfed in the whole "time travel thing" right now.  I know that I would have loved if my dad's mom had left something behind like that for all of us to read.  Something that had her thoughts about life, about her family.
That would be a treasure.  Something of value. 

     This next section from the book I have been writing in here is really good.  It is exactly how I feel.  I hope that you enjoy it.

All They Did

There was once a little boy who was given everything he wanted.  As an infant, he was given a bottle at the first little whimper.  He was picked up and held whenever he fussed.  His parents said, "He'll thin we don't love him if we let him cry."

He was never disciplined for leaving the yard.  He suffered no consequences for breaking windows or tearing up flowerbeds.  His parents said, "He'll think we don't love him if we stifle his will."

His mother picked up after him and made his bed.  His parents said, "He'll think we don't love him if we give him chores." 

Nobody ever stopped him from using bad words. He was never reprimanded for scribbling on his bedroom wall.  His parents said, "He'll think we don't love him if we stifle his creativity."

He was never required to go to Sunday School.  His parents said, "He'll think we don't love him if we force religion down his throat."

One day the parents received  news that their son was in jail on a felony charge.  They cried to each other, "All we ever did was love and do for him."  Unfortunately, that is, indeed, all they did.

Children need boundaries to feel loved.  The key is consistency.


1 John 4;18
We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; his perfect love for us eliminates all dread.

Luke 6:35
"Love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great."

John 15:12
"This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you."

1 John 4:20
Those who do not love their brothers and sisters, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have never seen.



     I have had a massive migraine headache for the past 6 hours.  It hurts, and it won't go a way.  I thought that maybe being by myself would help, so I went grocery shopping, but in the end it is now worse.  So I guess that was just pointless.  My day was good over all though.  Did some shopping, worked out, cleaned up as best as I could.  Stuff like that, the usual.  I did however get really annoyed today at my soap opera Bold and the Beautiful.  There was this part where a little girl was drowning, and her "Uncle Nick" was supposed to be watching her, but of course wasn't, so anyway, she is in the hospital, the whole time the doctors are telling him what might and might not happen to her, they are showing him the x-rays...blah blah blah right.  Well, this whole time no one even tries to call the girls parents.  NO ONE.  In fact, the doctors don't even ask about them.  It isn't until after Nick has seen the x-rays, that he then calls her mom to tell her what has happened.  What is wrong with this picture?!  I mean I know that soap operas have to dumb things up sometimes for the sake of the show, but come on, that was a bit much.  It is just plain stupid to do that.  That is how it is on soaps though.  Dumb stuff always happening.  One minute they show you a 2 year old child, the next minute that same kid, is now 20 years old.  It is crazy. 

     You know what else really gets on my nerves?  I can't stand it when I am driving by someone, and they look into my car.  That drives me nuts.  James says that most guys do it.  But I can tell you right now that even if I am in the passenger seat, and am looking out my window, as soon as I see a car coming up to us, I look a way.  I just look straight a head.  I don't want them staring in at me, and so I don't stare in at them.  Is that so hard to do.  And even worse is when you get those big vans or SUV's that can seat people in the back, but they are also facing backwards, and you are driving behind these people, and the kids in back are just staring at you.  It can be so distracting.  I almost always have to just pass them because it makes it hard to drive.  Can't they look at something else?  Like their hands, the roof, a book, anything except me. 

     This headache is not going away.  I don't know what to do about it.  It is a migraine headache, so Tylenol is not going to help me much.  I might be going to Galt tomorrow to paint some more of the  church nursery with my dad.  It is exciting to think that they painting aspect of it is just about done.  I still have to buy some stencils and acrylic paint though.  Anyway, I better go...nite all. 

Blind Jealousy

A wealthy man died, apparently without leaving a will.  According to the law, his estate was divided among surviving relatives through a public auction. 

During the auction, three distant cousins who had fought for years began to bid, often competing with each other.  This only drove up the price. 

Toward the end, the auctioneer held up a dusty framed photograph, but no one bid on it.  Finally a woman approached the auctioneer and asked if she could buy it for a dollar, which was all she had.  She said she had been a servant of the wealthy man and recognized the picture--it was of the deceased man's only son who had died trying to rescue a drowning child.

The auctioneer accepted the dollar, and the woman went home and started to place the photograph on a table beside her bed.  Then she noticed a bulge in the back of the frame,  She undid the backing, and there, to her amazement, was the rich man's will. 

His instructions were simple: " I bequeath all my possessions to whomever cares enough for my son to cherish this photograph."

Often times, jealousy can blind us to what truly matters in life, so train your children to look beyond their own selfish desires.  Teach them instead to place the needs of others before their own.


Genesis 37:4-5
When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably to him.  Now Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers they only hated him more.

Leviticus 19:17-18
Don't hold grudges....Stop being angry and don't try to take revenge.  I am the Lord, and I command you to love others as much as you love yourself.

Psalm 37:1
Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong.

Luke 22:24-26
They began to argue among themselves as to who would be the greatest in the coming Kingdom.  Jesus told them, "In this world the kings and great men order their people around, and yet they are called "friends of the people".  But among you, those who are the greatest should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant.



     Today was very full.  But also really enjoyable.  First of all, I am so very glad to say that the eye doctor appt I had this morning went great.  I don't know if you recall, but while I was pregnant my left eye changed, and they didn't renew my contact prescription because they wanted to see if it changed back.  Well, it did, and so in about 2 weeks I will once again be wearing contacts.  I am so happy.  I have been sick and tired of wearing these glasses.  I feel like I don't look as good as I could, and it is very hard to lay down next to your kids when your head is being pressed into your glasses.  I will be glad to be done with them. 

     After that I dropped off some baby clothes for my friend Jessica and then came home, where Isaiah quickly took off his clothes and decided to go swimming.  He is so funny.  He keeps asking about his video games, saying that he wants to play them, and I have to keep reminding him that he was bad and he can't play till Sunday.  He seems to be handling it pretty good, hopefully when Sunday comes he will be good about turning it off when his time is up, otherwise, he will lose another week. 

     I had a lot of fun with him and Evelyn this evening too, when he came back from my mom's house we went outside in the back yard, I brought out a sheet to lay Evelyn down on, and Isaiah had fun playing, and Evelyn loved looking at all the stuff around her.  She is so strong, I was holding only her hands and she was standing up so good.  She is only 2 MONTHS OLD!!!  I am so proud of her. 

     Also, I am sure all of you heard about that big jetliner that crashed in Canada right?  Well let me tell you, that news did not help me at all in regards to ever getting on an airplane.  Those people are lucky that they were on the ground already or else they would have been dead.  And you see what the difference is between that and driving cars?  That would have been 300 people all dead at once.  Where as a car accident there is just the people in the cars.  BIG DIFFERENCE.  BIG.
I will not be getting on a plane.  I don't need to see Paris, or Brittan, or Australia, or the Bahamas.  I can look at pictures and that is good enough for me.  James acts like he is never going to get to go anywhere because I have this attitude, but the truth of the matter is that HE can go anywhere he likes, I don't care, I just won't be going with him.  He can go with some friends, family, whatever, but he just won't be going with me.  He seems to think that I am being ridiculous, because of course he won't go anywhere for a trip without me.  But I say, that isn't my problem.  lol

     There is a lady that has just awoken from a 20 year coma in New York...her name is Sarah, and it turns out that while she was in her coma she was able to hear things going on around her.  When asked what 9/11 was, she responded by saying, as best she could since he tongue isn't working properly from lack of use, "" I think that is amazing, yet very sad.  How horrible would it be to be lying down, unable to speak, or communicate with anyone, and be hearing life go on around you.  To hear your family at your bedside crying, or to know that your kids are all grown up and you missed everything.  I think that would be the saddest thing of all.  I am almost positive that she was crying inside. 
And then there is the story of that other lady who has been in a vegetative  state for 6 months or more, and she was pregnant.  They have been keeping her alive in hopes that they baby could be born still by cesarean.   I think it was yesterday, I am not sure, but the baby was successfully removed from her only a month or two early and is doing fine.  Unfortunately, she died afterwards.  How wonderful it is though to know that they saved the baby.  I don't know if she is in heaven or not, but I imagine that if she is, it would feel wonderful to know that her baby was born.  I know if it was me, I would be so incredibly thankful. 

     Anyway, that is all I guess.  I know that James is wanting to go to bed soon here, and I still have to write out the other thing.  Luckily I am pretty quick at that, since I am not having to sit here and think about what to write.  Bye people. 

The Biggest Bass

Jimmy and his father were fishing early one evening on a lake in upstate New York. It was the day before bass season opened, so they were using worms to catch perch and sunfish.  Jimmy decided to practice casting with a small silver lure.  The minute the lure hit the water, he pole bent double.  Jimmy and his dad knew right a way that he had something enormous on the line.  A giant moon had risen over the lake by the time he reeled in the biggest fish he had ever seen.  There was only one problem--it was a bass! 

Jimmy's dad looked at his watch and saw that it was 10pm, two hours before bass season opened.

"You'll have to put it back, son,"  he said.

Jimmy protested, "There will never be another fish as big as this one!"

He looked around and saw no one else on the water to observe the situation.  But he knew by the tone of his fathers voice that there would be no discussion.  He carefully worked the hooked from the bass lowered it gently back into the water. 

Jimmy was right.  He has never again seen a bass that big.  But he does remember the lesson his dad taught him that night--doing right doesn't mean just when someone else is watching!  Be sure to teach your children this valuable lesson as well. 


Leviticus 19:11
Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie to one another.

1 Thessalonians 4:6-7
That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter; because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.  For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. 

Proverbs 16:8
Better is a little with righteousness, than great revenues without right.

Isaiah 33:15-16
He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stopeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; He shall dwell on high; his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure.



     I had a really fun day.  Isaiah and I met Lorenda at the park today, and Isaiah and her kids played there for a couple hours.  Isaiah had a blast playing in the sand again, and on the play ground.  He loves to do everything that the bigger kids do.  He runs around doing everything that they do.  It is really fun to watch.  I especially liked watching him try to build a sand castle like the bigger kids did.  I have to try to remember to bring my camera next time. 

     Anyway, after that, Isaiah went to my moms house, and while he was there you won't believe what I spent almost the whole time doing.  I had to rearrange Evelyn's whole closet...she no longer fits in to 3 month old outfits...she now wears six month old clothes.  Can you believe that?  The girl is only 2 months old!  The nice thing I guess is that she had a ton of clothes that were all for 6 months old, so now her closet is full of cute dresses and outfits that she can wear. 

     I was supposed to use my jump rope tonight, my dad told me to do it.  I haven't yet though.  I kind of forgot all about it.  So after this movie I am watching is over, I am going to head out into the back yard maybe and do it there.  Which also means that I am not going to be writing in the story and bible verses tonight.  I need to get my jump rope done, and still clean up some.  And it is already after 11pm. 

     So, I will apologize for the short entry...but hey, I am trying to lose weight, so you understand.  lol.  Bye



     Ok, it is very late, very late.  James told me that I should just skip this tonight, but I said no because I know that I have readers who look at this in the morning, and I don't want to mess with the routine. 
Why am I writing so late you might ask...well, tonight I went with my friend Lorenda to buy some clothes with some money we got.  I bought 4 shirts and one pair of jeans.  After that, we went to the movies and saw the movie "Must Like Dogs", which was good, and then we went to Lyons for a very very late dinner.  So...I just got home like 20 minutes ago.  I modeled my clothes for James, he likes all but one thing.  So I was happy with that.  But, now I am tired, and I know that one of my kids is going to have to wakeup early, I just know it, because they will want to mess with me.   James did great with the kids while I was gone though.  He said they were fine, and everyone went to bed really easy.  I was glad...because you never know what it will be like for the dad when the mom is gone for a long period of time.  And since James has admitted recently that he needs me here to help him with the kids, I try my best to not go out too much.  lol....well, I can't say I try, I just don't go out much in general. 

     Today I took Isaiah to the park and for the first time he played in the sand box they have there.  (Not his first time with sand, just first time there) and he loved it.  He played in it for a long time, we had to leave finally when he ended up rubbing his eyes while having a bunch of sand on them.  He was so upset and it was hurting pretty bad.  Luckily a nice lady there had a bottle of water and I just poured it over his face.  I didn't even care about his clothes. 

     Anyway, so the time is coming closer for that baby shower I am planning for my friend.  Tiffany and I have to start deciding what is getting purchased by who, and what all we want to have at the party. 
I am going to call her tomorrow about it.  Hopefully we can get everything planned out well.  I like to think that I am a good organizer though, so I think that it will go well.  Anyway...better close eyes.   lol  Bye

Happiness Through Giving

Many years ago, a man named David received a new car as a gift from his prosperous brother.  One evening as David was leaving work, he noticed a poor child eyeing his shiny new car.

"Is this your car?" the boy asked.

David nodded and said, "My brother gave it to me for Christmas."

The boy said, "It didn't cost you anything?  Wow!  I wish...." David expected the boy to wish that he had a generous brother, but what the boy said astonished him.  He said, "I wish I could be a brother like that."  David asked him if he would like a ride home.  The little boy hopped in quickly.

David smiled, thinking that the boy was anxious to show off to his neighbors and family.  Again he was wrong.  When the two pulled up in front of the boys house, the boy asked David to wait a minute.  He then ran up the steps and soon returned, carrying his crippled brother.  David was moved deeply when he heard him say, "There it is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs.  His brother gave it to him.  Someday I'm gonna give you one just like it."

This child found his happiness in the joy of giving.  What have you taught your children about attaining happiness?


Philippians 4:11
Not that I complain of want, for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content.

Ecclesiastes 2:26
To the man who pleases him God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy.

Proverbs 15:13
A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.

1 Corinthians 7:30
Happiness or sadness or wealth should not keep anyone from doing God's work.

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