to hear a recent
sermon by Al Warren, press play

UPDATE (August
8, 2005)
Al Warren is home again (and on the road again).
A favorite teacher at First Baptist Church of
Galt, California, Pastor Al Warren would love to
have you join him on Sunday mornings at 9:45 for
a great time of fellowship and Bible Study.
Click on the audio to hear his voice today.
Better yet, come meet him in person this Sunday.
Click here for a map.
Warren P eace
...a vast epic
centered on the life of Albert Warren and his wife,
the enchanting
Lady Catherine.
Set in a mobile home park in the Central Valley of
California at the turn of the (21st) century, the
explores life with an uncanny depth of
of the human
The story was
conceived as an example of Warren's view that
history proceeds inexorably to its own ends, with
God ever providing peace to those who know Him. "A peace
that passes all understanding."
Whilst so
tendentious an approach to the philosophy of history
is hard for some, the narrative intersperses
humor, satire and personal introspection.
Dealing with severe back problems and
prostate cancer
only serves to give
the author greater insight to the human spirit.
Warren Peace
is in
it's 78th printing, (the printer got stuck), and is
currently read in over 40
Read the latest chapter
A Devotional thought by Al Warren

photograph by Al Warren
photography by Al forthcoming)
September 15, 2005
Good and Ah news
Urologist called and my PSA, which is used to
measure problems with the prostrate, is
non-readable. That means that there is no
activity in the prostate and
that is very good news.
The Ah
news is that I have to use the walker for 4 more
weeks and also wear the girdle for the same
amount of time. I will start Physical Therapy
next week. I will go three times per week for
one hour. I still am not allowed to drive which
is a problem in my mind. I cannot sit for over
thirty to forty-five minutes at a time without
moving. My son, Ken, has been so good to take me
where I need to go. He has even taken over part
of the dinner preparation. I might add that he
is turning into almost as good of cook as his
heart is sad today as the grandson of a friend
of ours was killed on Sunday night. He was a
passenger in a car that was hit by a big rig.
He had just celebrated his twenty first birthday
on Saturday. His grandmother and grandfather
lived next door to us for years. His home life
was very chaotic with each parent move out and
back and drugs in the home. Rose and Dave, the
grandparents, has been the anchor in these kids
live and Willie was always the peacemaker. When
mom and dad were at their worst Willie would
call Rose and Dave for help. It seems so strange
that the good kid was taken in this way. We
have to trust that god knows best and that one
day we will see Willie again.
It was
only last week that another grandson of a friend
was taken. The Winns who helped with the
restart of Clements lost a grandson in the same
way. He was also a passenger in a car where the
driver went to sleep and crashed. His parents
were Russell and Kay and grandparents were Doug
and Lorain.
I ask
that you remember the Bensman and Winn families
during this time of stress for both families.
August 6, 2005 -
Talking Back
My Back Surgeon told me yesterday
that I have to be very careful with my back as I
still have a narrow spot in the spine. Over
this ordeal I've learned not to talk back to my
Back Surgeon. On the other hand, all he
wants to do is talk back.
Turns out he could not open up
this narrow spot like he did the other six
areas. So, no physical therapy for at least 6
weeks ...and no driving.
I now have to wear a different
girdle (dark blue satin with soft lace) when I
sleep and another one (white naugahyde with tan
burlap Velcro straps) during the day. While I
did not make it to Victor’s Secret for a
fitting, both girdles seem to accentuate my best
Back to the Back Doctor. He
ordered me a chair that lifts me to my feet
instead of me having to push up. He wants to
reduce the amount of stress on my back. I wish
he were half as concerned about the stress on my
bank account! I could not believe the
price of the chair. Cathy said it is my next
birthday, anniversary, and Father's Day presents
combined. On the other hand ...a new chair
and two new girdles ...not such a bad deal.
August 5, 2005 - Good News!
I'll be honest ...sometimes I
wish My Urologist was Yourologist. Anyway,
my Urologist called and said that there was a
problem with my latest Pee-S-A test. Panic set
in right away! He said, "We could not get a
reading between .001 and .009 which is rated as
a 0. So you must have
done a good job of getting rid of the cancer,
as we cannot get a reading."
That's the second time he has
pulled this on me, and I bit both times. I
don't know about you, but I just can never get
enough of funny Urologists.
I will still have chemo through
November. I will be so glad when that is over
and I can get over the hot flashes
night sweats and other problems.
26, 2005 - At Home ...Just Visiting
I am home ...for a
trial visit. I have to return to Valley Gardens
by 6pm or my bed will disappear! The last
time I slept on the floor here at the house it
took six paramedics to move me!
I am working on
walking with a cane and have used it all day
since getting home. It is very hard to get
up out of a soft recliner. Then again, why
would you?
God has worked a
great work in the fact that I had major surgery
on my back on July 8th, and I am now
able to be at home and walking with a cane.
Oh, I almost
forgot to tell you that I am wearing a girdle.
I volunteered to let Lady Catherine wear a pair
of my boxers (sort of a gesture of empathy), but
she declined. The girdle really improves
my waist line. Why didn't I discover this years
ago? Turns out that I look quite alluring
in purple and black. When I am feeling
better I'm planning a trip to Victor's
Secret to check out the new fall styles.
Seriously, I do not understand, how women of
old, wore these things.
I have a goal to
be back at Church for the service at 10am on
July 31st. Hopefully, I'll soon
be able to return to teaching my Sunday school
class and resume other duties. Please pray with
me for this to happen.
June 28,2005 - Please
I fell on Monday trying to go up the stairs at
my home. Ken kept my head from going boom
and for that I praise him.
To make this quick, the doctors have determined
that the Lower Lombard part of the spine is
causing the problems. If my white count is up
to normal after the radiation then they will
plan the surgery for next week. As of now I am
home bound. I want you to do the following
things for me:
Pray for the
doctors that they will make the right decisions.
Pray for my wife as she has to do
basically all the taking care of me.
Remember me as I am not looking
forward to being cut on and having to ware the
turtle shell for 3 months.
I miss all of you. Please do not write me an
e-mail as I just cannot sit that long. My
phone works!
June 21, 2005 -
There's No Place Like Home ...There's No Place Like
Home ...
It has been a long time since May 1, and a lot
has happened that I was not prepared for. I
became so weak in my legs I could not walk
without a walker. They still do not know after
6 weeks what has caused my hips to hurt so bad
that it will not support my legs. I was in two
different hospitals in May and fell several time
and in a rehab hospital for four weeks where I
only fell once but I am still weak.
YEAH! I am home with a loving family to
watch over me and give me good orders.
I had special stairs
made for my rear entrance to my house
that will allow my arms to help support me to
get in and out of the house. Oh, the joy
of Home Cooking! I do not know what God has in
mind for me and my life at this time. A
neurologist has run nerve conductive test and
will try to see if he can put all the pieces
together and find out what happened. At this
time he has been fighting with hospitals to get
reports from the time of my stay. It is funny
how they are your records and they stall about
sending them to a doctor.
While in the rehab center I was able to make
friends with many of the Filipino R.N.’s and
C.N.A.’s. They called me father or preacher and
I had a good relationship and they all came up
to tell me that they wished me a good life as I
left. I had a conference with several of them
about what the meaning was in a traditional
Filipino wedding ceremony. This is a story for
another time.
I am going for 1½ hours of physical therapy
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I am not sure
that it is doing much to help, but I cannot turn
a chance to get stronger down anytime. Keep me
in your prayers and I will write more as my
strength and ability return.
If you have sent me e-mails and I have not
answered be patience as I will get to them as
this is the first thing I have set down and
May 1, 2005 - I Still
Cannot Dance
It has been a bummer for the past week and the
week-end. The Chemo has started a fight with
the joints of my lower back, hip and legs, and
after five rounds Chemo is ahead on all of the
scorecards! I'm thinking about watching
"Rocky" one more time, but the thought of seeing
him run up those stairs in Philadelphia makes me
I had to sit for the Bible Study on Sunday and
had to have a chauffer, (Cathy and her Mustang -
not unlike the "Little Old Lady from Pasadena"),
to get me to Church. (Have you ever tried to get
out of one of a Mustang with bad legs?)
The pain is the worst that I have had with all
of my treatments. I cannot walk until I stand
for a few seconds and let my body and legs get
in sync. The doctor gave me some pain pills but
they did nothing for the pain so I quit taking
them (with doctor’s recommendation). I
have chemo until November so I want to get this
part under control.
I have two more radiation treatments, today and
tomorrow, YEH! Ken is going to take me this
morning as I am having a hard time walking.
Hopefully he'll be driving the Hummer instead of
Cathy's Mustang.
Cathy said she had been trying to slow me down
for years, but not this way. I am going to try
to see the doctor again this morning for my hip
area. I walk like the old man on the 6 flags
commercials ...but darn it all, I still cannot
April 28, 2005 -
Hanging in There
Oh what Pain!
I got up during the night on Monday and when I
stood up, a wave of pain hit my hip and legs
like I have never experienced before. You know
the doctors always ask you on a scale of 1-10
how is the pain, it was
Monday through Wednesday I thought it was from
my back surgery. I was shuffling along like a
99 year-old man with bad knees. (If you
are old enough to remember Laugh In,
picture Arte Johnson shuffling along, trying
desperately to catch the lovely Ruth Buzzi).
I found that
getting up and sitting down were now procedures
that required great finesse. It did not get any
better, so I scheduled a meeting with my back
doctor for today. Naturally, they called and
canceled it and rescheduled it for a week from
now. I'm sure the next seven days, stuck
here in this chair, will fly by!
I saw my
Oncologist yesterday and she set me straight
about the pain. First, there is nothing that
came be done about it and it will go away.
She said it is the change in my testosterone
level from the chemo. She said the pain can
last three weeks, or it could stop tomorrow.
Ok, in that case, I choose tomorrow!
I cannot
take pain pills because of oth er
problems, so as she said, “You will just have to
suck it up and hang in there.” I still scream
every time Lady Catherine tries to get me up off
my chair!
It is a
little better today as I can sit at the computer
for a little time. (The hard part was moving
the computer into the bathroom!).
You know, I
could not have made it through this without
friends that cared and prayed for me. I'm told
that Tuesday will be my last radiation, and that
I should start to get some of my strength back
in two or three weeks. ...But the Chemo will go
to November. Dang it all!
Yet, with a
PSA of “0” I should complain?
April 23, 2005 - It
all Depends
Eleven days
until I finish my radiation and I can hardly
wait. I am in my heaviest radiation and will
have 9 more sessions. It has caused my body to
do away with some of the physical controls that
on which we all
the obvious play on the word. It will get worse
during the next two weeks and then I hope the
ability to be in control again will return
slowly. I am VERY
TIRED. It seems that I can never get
enough rest. The Urologist called today, (yes,
on Saturday), and gave me some good news that my
PSA was a ZERO. I did not even know it could go
that low! He was very pleased and said he would
have been happy with a .5.
radiation is causing problems with my back and
the pain is not easily controlled, as I cannot
take regular pain reliever. When I get down on
my knees I have to pray to get back up.
Sometimes I just pray more so I will not have to
try to get up. You can just call me "Old
Camel Knees"
God has been so good,
with all that has been going on in my life, he
has provided preachers for almost every service
the Epicenter
through July while
is on sabbatical leave. Next week we should
complete the list. Watch
the Epicenter
for information on each Sunday. We are also
sending cards out to announce our speakers for
the following two weeks. If you would like to
receive a card, write and you will be
added to our mailing list.
It was so
great hearing the
good news from Robin
April 15, 2005 - The
Tax Man Cometh!
I went in to have new tattoos. My
largest one is now three by four like a cross
with a circle in the area where the cross
meets. Now isn’t that cool for a 68 year-old
pastor? I received these as I started my three
weeks of intensive radiation.
They are now
using six radiation points instead of four.
They have tightened the beam and increased the
amount of radiation.
I wonder if these six points will glow
or if the tattoos are going to become like the
face of a good watch at night.
this is my hardest three weeks so please hold me
up in prayer. I pray that I will have
God’s grace to take it one day at a time and
give God the glory for being alive.
Do you
realize when I was in school, prostate
cancer was a death sentence?
I believe
that God led me to the program that I am now in
and that He wants me to trust my doctors as they
strive to cure me.
I am looking
forward to getting some good medicine from Dr.
Cliff Hoff on Sunday. He'll be preaching
and we're expecting to see God bring the
harvest. Pray that God will touch lives. I urge
you to bring those who need salvation and a
Church home to hear this man of God.
April 1, 2005 - No Foolin'
What a shock my
Urologist gave me (now there is an
interesting picture!) today. You know I am and
old man and shock
is not good for my constitution ...or any other
part of my anatomy the urologist might be
interested in! He told me that I will have
to continue to take the chemo for six months
after I finish with the radiation! (Sadly, this
is no April Fool's joke).
That means that I
will get a Christmas
present, I will not
have to take the chemo in December.
Hey, there is an
upside; he told me that I should loose ten to
fifteen pounds per month if I keep my calories
down to around two thousand per day.
("Lady Catherine, hold that banana split I asked
you for., well, on second thought,
let's share it.")
My spirits are now
down a little but I'm looking forward to the
future. God has a plan for the rest of my life
and I want to serve him. Our Church is
going to need strong people during the next four
months and I pray that I will be up to the task
and the confidence that Pastor Rob has placed in
me. We each need to reach out and hold on
to one another.
It reminds me of
the story of the kids that the scout leader
asked to walk on the railroad tracks without
falling off. One after another they tried to
balance on the track, but one by one they all
fell off. Finally, two boys held hands
while they each stood on a track. The two
boys reached across and joining arms walked down
the tracks.
(together) did what
no one
else could do by holding on to each other. So
hold on to each other ...and me to.
March 30, 2005
Editor's note: As Pastor Al has been reporting, his
strength has been sapped by the chemo treatments.
Recently, a friend of Al's, Beverly, visited Warren Peaceland and
offered up a personal story about dealing with
cancer. We thought it this would be a good
time to share the story. Look for Al to be
checking in again very soon.
A Message from Beverly
March 26, 2005
Well I have
finished two weeks of radiation -
only six more weeks to
Yes, the
Oncologist was right, I
am tired! Yet life and God’s work
goes on. Monday, I have my last chemo
treatment, which will last a month. Yea!
It is now Saturday
at 10:30 a.m. and I still have my sweats on.
I've been looking at the treadmill, mesmerized,
since 8:00 a.m. Personally, I recommend
that any time you are looking at exercise
equipment, you should wear sweats. Just be
very careful not to get any moisture on them!
Lady Catherine says I'm just being lazy, but I
don't see her wearing sweats. Hah! I think
I deserve it.
I have a wedding
this afternoon at the River mill at 4:30 p.m.
It's a very cute couple and they are very much
in love. I think it would be cool if they
got married in their sweats. At least that
way, they would look like the pastor who's
marrying them.
Tomorrow is Easter
and a friend, Tom Mogan, says that I am old
enough to hide my own eggs. He's probably
right. Now, if I
can just remember where I hid that chicken!
We must remember
that Easter is not about eggs but about the
resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is
my trust and hope in Him that keeps me going.
When it gets kinda dark in my life, I turn to
His light and it all becomes better.
March 18, 2005
It has been
one week since I started my radiation. I have
chemo that will last until the end of April but
my last treatment will be March 25.
I had my
second check-up with the oncologist yesterday
and she was very
encouraging telling me that it was
going great ...BUT (Now I don't know
about you, but it's been my experience that when
I hear the word "but," I probably don't want to
hear the words that follow) then she starting
telling me by next Wednesday I should feel
weaker. Can you be
much weaker?
Then the
last two weeks of April and the first week of
May they will increase the radiation to six
points (what, no extra point after the
touchdown??) and increase the dosage. She said
this will be the
weakest point. Oh, thanks for that
good news.
Again I ask,
it can get weaker yet????
She said my
recovery to my “normal self,” (an
assumption on her part??) will take about 6
months. That is, of course, if I do not have any
of the side effects from the radiation. Ugh!
Don’t even go there.
She told me
the worst of the side effects and I promptly
forgot them because I am not going to have
them! God, Lady Catherine, a group of praying
Church members (I only refer to them as "serfs"
when they misbehave) and I, have decided that
they are not going to happen.
Just think,
by Christmas
I should be back to my Bah, Hum Bug self.
March 08, 2005
I met with my
oncologist this morning and I feel that she was
honest and upfront with me on what to expect
during the next 8 weeks. She said that after
two weeks I would start to feel weaker and more
fatigued than now.
If this keeps up then I am going to have to
have a footman to open the doors for me.
My blood count
will drop, which will increase the risk of
infection, but they will track it weekly and, if
needed, take action. There will be a
permanent bone density loss in the pelvic area.
This can lead to fractures or softening of the
bone. The radiation can cause scaring on
the internal passages of the body which could
result at the worst case in lost of some
think ...a few months ago I was stressing
over what cat food was the best.
(Turns out my favorite was "Fancy Feast with
Gourmet Gravy," which Lady Catherine also likes
...though she prefers hers over rice).
there is some good news.
I now have
three new tattoos!
How many 68 year-old pastors can
say that? (The
body piercings remain a confidential matter
between Lady Catherine and I).
To clarify, the "tattoos" are used as check
points when setting up the machine.
My oncologist
feels that we will work together and beat this
prostate cancer. Sounds good to me, just
having difficulty determining which days the doc
wants to take my chemo treatments!
I have my first
radiation on Thursday at 1pm. I still have
one more chemo at the end of March and that is
something to look forward to; not the chemo
treatment itself, but the fact that it is the
last one.
I feel that
your prayers
and God’s grace will see me through this! Thank
you to all those who are praying for me and my
There is a lot on
my plate during the next few weeks. We are
starting a new Bible Study at 9:45 Sunday
morning March 13th.titled,
“The Church.”
I hope to finish developing the next series of
lessons in April so that our class will be ready
start on them the first of May.
We have a GOOD
Bible Study Group and would like to invite you
to join us if you are ever in the
shadow of the
epicenter. If you are not in Galt,
CA, I will be happy to send you an Adobe Acrobat
copy of the pupil’s book that we are using for
the next 6 to 8 weeks. If you have question
about the lessons you may
e-mail me and I will reply as I am
able to do so, or will refer them to one of my
assistant teachers. I might add
the time I finish with the radiation I will also
have completed six weddings and one baby
March 07, 2005
Editor's Note: While Lady Catherine remains in
virtual seclusion (protected as she is, by the moat
that surrounds her easy chair in the castle, mobile home), her sister, Lady Linda, has
decided to pay a visit. Her views on computers
are ...well, see for yourself. But clearly,
the gauntlet has been thrown down!
Poor Sis (Lady Catherine),
It is a shame that such an articulate woman is
buffaloed (is that the right spelling?) by a
machine. Remember,
Computers are our friends.
Now, say that over and over. Let yourself
become one with the computer. He, he.
After all, if you were more involved with the
computer, I would not have to wait for Al to
make a blog page to write to you. Why, we
could communicate daily, rather than wait for Al
and me to be on the computer at the same time to
instant message with you in the background. LOL
Love you Sis,
come into the 21st century with us.
It is a nice place. We can go skipping down the
road of computer bliss together. Besides, you
have a lot to say and what better place to say
it than on the internet.
Love you a bunch,
Lady Linda
March 06, 2005
Today has
been a downer to say the least. It is afternoon
and I still have not gotten dressed. I know what
you are thinking ...slacker. No, I have
just lost my get up and go. I have looked
everywhere for it but it seems to be lost. The
chemo has really taken a lot out of me and today
seems the worst.
Tuesday I
meet with the oncologist (Oncologists
are physicians who study, diagnose, and treat
cancerous tumors), and
will set up the times for the radiation. I
have been given a glass of iodine solution that
I have to mix with fruit juice (just so I can
get it down) and drink it before going in.
Wow, I could of had a
They will
use a scan to set the points of radiation ...or
so I think. I want to ask her if there is
not something that will give me back some zip.
Note I did not say zippidy do da.
On a very
serious note, I have lost a very good friend
this week but I know that she is in a much
better place. We
love you Vida!
February 28, 2005
They say the
way your Monday goes so goes the rest of the
I pray not!
I had an epidural
at 10:30 a.m.. I might add that I had to
wait for an hour for the procedure. They could
not find a blood vein so they did it with a
local. No problem and it did not hurt ...Much!
Then I went for my
chemo and arrived early and got right in and had
the procedure and got home about 2pm. Went to
sleep and slept until 4:30 and felt that I had
not slept at all. It was all I could do to keep
my eyes open until we went to bed. Then I could
not get to sleep. Sheesh!!
About 2:30 a.m. I
gave up watching infomercials and went to
sleep in my chair. By the way, if you don't
normally stay up late but would like to know
more about the Bun &
Thigh Rocker, the
Turbo Cooker,
Steam Buggy,
the Thuderstick Pro
Mixer, or
Epil-Stop and Spray,
please don't hesitate to
e-mail me.
I finally went
back to bed at 5 a.m.. It is now 2 p.m. and I
am finally going to take a bath and get dressed.
Seems my Herculean strength got up and went!
Oh, before I
forget, the next time I write I will be well on
my way to being a millionaire (assuming the home
course in real estate arrives). Just think how
I will be able to help the
children in
February 22, 2005
Last week, the doctor had me take
a new PSA test
Antigen is
produced by the
of the
The PSA test is used to measure the level of PSA
in the
called last night after 7:30pm on a holiday if
you can believe that!
(From now on he will be known as
"Doc Holiday").
He said my PSA was down to .67 the
chemo was working.
I will still have to take the
next two sessions of chemo and the two months of
radiation but that was good news.
February 21, 2005
This week
I went to the Spine Doctor after my MRI's and he
said that I had problems with L-4 and 5
vertebrae. For those unfamiliar, the
L stands for lumbar, the lower portion of the
spine. Here,
check it out.
These little rascals are putting pressure on the
spine that is causing my left foot and ankle to
feel numb. It is also what is causing the
pain in the lower back. Believe me, I
wouldn't wish this on any of you.
Here's a
short article about
simple exercises you can do to help avoid back
problems. These
exercises can be done by 90 year-olds!
The doctor
is doing another Epidural on the 29th
I get my third chemo shot on that day as well.
On top of all that I have been having severe
pain especially when driving or when I get up in
the morning in my left shoulder.
I sleep on my left side and I thought that was
doing it but he said I have band of arthritis
that is rubbing the rotator cup area. He
gave me a shot of something today to relieve the
pain for a while. He said it can be fixed
with an arthroscopy surgery after I finish with
my radiation.
If it is not
one thing then it is two of something else.
You know I thought that I am was going to be
tested like Job but I don’t have any fields,
daughters, donkeys, sheep, camels, servants, and
my wife (see right hand column for more
details) is stronger of faith than Job’s
I guess it is just my
clean living
that is causing all this STUFF! If you
believe that I have an island called Manhattan I
would like to sell you.
February 14, 2005
(that was to have been
a week of rest) OH
I have to have another MRI of my back and my
shoulder. The epidural went into the wrong
place and the pain is still in my lower back from
the fall. The doctor felt that he needed
another view to make sure where to place the next
try. While I was there I mentioned that my shoulder
was hurting and after checking it he thought that I
had torn my rotator cup. You see that is why I
am Krazy Al it just never stops.
I have to go see the Doctor and find the results on Thursday.
I had my second Chemo last week and it is making me
tired but the counter-meds will not take effect
until the end of the week so still groggy.
Friends that
care is a major help to anyone going through
something like this. If you have friend with
cancer don’t hold back because they might feel bad
but call and go because this is what they need.
I know, as my Bible Study class sends e-mails, FUNNY
cards and phones often, this keeps my spirits up. I
just finished the next six lessons for my class and
we are going to study “The Church and What it Means
In My Life.”
February 2, 2005
I have been, using and old phase,
“feeling kinda low.”
I had developed a spot on my leg that kept
growing and decided to go to the Doctor to have
it checked out. He took on look and said,
“Go see a dermatologist.” Then he asks how I was
doing. Told him
“kinda low”
and he said that the Chemo was affecting my
body in so many ways that was the reason.
He said it would affect my sleep and my ability
to focus. He said there were many other
side effects such as sight and ability to
reason. So see
now I have a solution when I make dumb mistakes.
It’s not my fault but the Chemo’s fault. I
have been trying to find something I could blame
my mistakes on all my life. He did give me
a capsule to take each day to help overcome
these effects but
it take two to three weeks to take effect.
So ...don’t
blame any mistakes on me for at least three
January 31, 2005
They gave me
my second Chemo shot
today. In two
week from now I have to go an have test make to
make sure the Chemo is containing the cancer.
I hate needles like a passion. The only
place they can normally find a vein is in the
back of the hand.
truly believe that my veins go on vacation when
they see a needle.
January 21, 2005
Today I found out that the Chemo meds I was given
were adding to the pain in my back. They cause
pain in the bones and also spinal cord compression.
I will have an epidural on Monday. The Urologist has spoken to my
spine doctor and he is supposed to add another med
to the procedure on Monday (which should counteract
these problems).
Just one thought that is a slang expression
from the late 50’s:
That was one of the slang expressions that we used
along with “COTTON
When I was growing up we had slang words that we
used and they were never as vulgar as the language
our adults and young people speak today.
After my twelfth year I was always in Church. Most of the
kids that I associated with were from Church.
Maybe I just never heard language that I am hearing
today (even from Church kids). Oh, well I am a
Side note: After
our marriage, in Arizona, a group of us were sitting
around a table at Grand Canyon College, now Grand
Canyon University, and the term 'cotton picker' came
up in the conversation.
Cathy walked out into a field of cotton that
surrounded the college and picked a handful of
cotton. She exclaimed,
you can call me a Cotton Picker!”
We went back to visit the college several years ago and I drove by
the college. No cotton fields...only
buildings. When I went to school there, there
was only five hundred students now they have over
six thousand. See, I told you I was a Senior.
January 19,
I read
Eva's journal
entry from 01.17.05 and was reminded of
my own childhood (when I was a loner).
I wrote a letter to this young
January 12, 2005 - "Help I've Fallen and I Can't Get
I have a new-found respect for the law of
gravity. Especially after standing in
a chair to reach a light bulb and then for
some reason I gravity brought me back to the
floor flat on my back.

Something like this
Now I have a back ache AND a head ache.
I don’t understand what gravity has against
The doctor says that gravity damaged my back
again and sooner or later I am going to have
to have it fixed. On the 24th
I will have an epidural. Cathy and I
are hoping for a little boy and the epidural
will hurry the process along.
Just kidding. My epidural is a steroid
injection that is administered in
non-surgical situations and will help to
relieve the painful blow that gravity dealt
I'd write
more, but the lighting is really bad.
31, 2004
It has been a bittersweet week for me. Jerry
Orbach, the famous New York actor who starred in
“Law and Order” was diagnosed with prostate cancer
(a week after I was).
He died on Wednesday. If you want to read his
story go to
As I read the article, I felt like: “It could be
ME.” It really put me in a down mood and not hearing
from the doctor brought the thoughts "Why the wait?"
Then Rose called from
the Urologist and told me to come in and get my
first shot. It is a shot that lowers the
testosterone levels which causes the prostate to
shrink. The material given says it is
indicated for the treatment of advanced carcinoma of
the prostate. Isn’t that a mouthful? It
is given eight weeks prior to radiation and eight
weeks during radiation.
The medication is
mixed in Sacramento and brought by messenger to
Stockton and has to be given within four hours of
preparation. I have my appointments for the
next shot on January 30th. It is a
very big and long needle and it is given in the
belly area. The nurse made a comment that she was
giving this one in the western area and the next
would be in the east. Do you think that she
was referring to my size, Nah! After reading the
material the nurse gave me it seems like I am in for
some problems that many women have gone through, hot
flashes, sweating at night, and back aches. Oh
well, it has to be done.
I feel that if I had
not continued my PSA test and had a good doctor I
could have been where Jerry Orbach was. I urge
all men over 50 to insist that their doctors give
them the PSA test. Over 6 years my doctor had
followed my test and each year they had gone up.
This is what led to the diagnosis.
December 27,
Here I sit two days after Christmas and I'm still
waiting for the doctor to call. Cathy will
tell you I don’t wait very well.
did not hear last Monday so I called the doctor on
Tuesday. He called on Tuesday night at 8:30
and told me that the nurse would call me the next
day. Guess what no call on Wednesday and
Thursday so I decided to call on Friday.
Message on the phone was closed for Christmas
Holidays. Called at 9:30 this morning and was
told the nurse would return my call as soon as she
was through with a patient. It is now 12:30pm
and still no call.
well, it is a mess outside and I am enjoying the
warm house!
Pastor Al
40 Days of
December 20, 2004
Here I sit waiting by the phone for the doctor
to call, Well, the heck with it, he can leave
a message.
On this Monday morning I am going to
the gym. I have to get my strength up for
Christmas dinner.
More when I check my messages.
December 19, 2004 (Beginning Week
I met with the onacoligist, the
onicolagist, the
the doctor, expecting to start radiation. I
was very unsure of what was in store and so I
prepared myself for the worst. Dr. Hart was
understanding and even seemed to enjoy my krazy
sense of humor. After her exam
(there are many surprises in this ordeal), she
informed me that the area was too large for the type
of radiation planned. She wants to use an
anti-hormone series of shots for the next two months
and then during the first four weeks of radiation.
She will not do this part of the
procedure. I will be seen by my urologist (I
think he has a Pee-H-Dee) in his office until March.
In March I will start radiation every
day except Saturday and Sunday. The doctors
informed me that cancers do not grow on the
week-ends! Remember where you read that first.
I will receive radiation at four
points for five weeks. Following that, the
doses will increase and be administered at six
points for the next three weeks.
to note that with the new Liner Acceleration
Particle Beam Generator they will be using,
(I'm half-expecting to see Captain Kirk suddenly
appear when they start the thing up), I will not
lose my hair. Yea, like that was a problem!
Thinking ahead (at the possibility of
adding some hair) I asked about the
Rogaine Particle Accelerator machine and learned
it's still in development.
December 14, 2004
I have learned that my treatment will consist of
a series of shots for two months and then 40 days of
In my particular case, they found
that the prostate was too large to radiate properly
so they are using anti-testosterone drugs before
they start the radiation.
I asked the doctor if the cancer
could spread during these two months and was assured
that the drugs would not only shrink the prostate
but contain the cancer as well.
I am planning to try out for the
tenor section in our choir right as soon as the
treatments are completed!
December 12, 2004
God is so good that they (the doctors) caught my
prostate cancer
when they did and that there is treatment.
Praise His Name.
December 10, 2004
I met with the doctor this afternoon and got the
news that my prostate cancer has advanced to the
point that he wants me to start 8 weeks of radiation
starting December 16.
One nice thing is that apparently
cancer doesn't grow on Saturday and Sunday.
Evidently I have the "week-day only" variety.
As a pastor of many years, I realize
that how we live teaches more than what we preach.
I have begun a new journey, one that I know God will
use to help and encourage others.
I recently learned that I have
cancer. It is treatable and it is my desire to
journal this experience... |