Dear Friends:
In order to concentrate on other areas, I don't know
when I will update this journal.
There are many links to other areas so I encourage
you to hang out awhile and look around.
Monday, June 20,
Early Sunday morning, Macdonald Wreh called me for 'Father's Day.'
So, we met him at the Galt United Methodist
Church and heard Pastor Craig Dale preach an
important passage from Isaiah 61. I was reminded of
meeting Macdonald in Liberia and gave thanks to God
for having been included in His plans for Liberia.
This song was built upon that passage.
lyrics for
The Year of Our Lord
From there we went to the
Epicenter to hear Doug Shepherd preach a wonderfully
short message: Tips for Dads (as you can see below,
that topic interests me)
Sunday, June 19,
Father's Day
many of you know
God has given me the
privilege to have four
children call me
Joseph is now 19.
Jeremiah will be 18 soon.
Daniel is 16.
Mary will be 14 soon.
(Mary and Jerry have the same
I'm not the first person to use the name Dad as my
trademark but for those four
kids--that's me: Dad.
After Cathy and I got married we started 'trusting the Lord' for babies
immediately. As we did our best to serve the Lord,
we received each child as a gift from Him. In the
midst of our ministry experience, it somehow made
sense that God was entrusting us with a very special
assignment. I soon awakened to the thought that with
each year of being a Daddy, I was growing in my
knowledge of God's Love for all of us.
Years ago, Henry Blackaby
spoke to a group of California pastors and told us
(with humble confidence) that 'God was active in our
grandfathers' lives.' That statement has resonated
in my heart and mind during the years since.
At the last men's prayer meeting, I heard a brother praying about his
growing compassion for what his own father (and what
he could imagine of his own struggles in life).
'Hearing' the heart of this precious man talk to the
Lord about his Dad blessed me to pray specifically
for all of us as Dads (and sons). I suppose I'm being especially tender-hearted about it
because of this Sabbatical time..
My church has given me a gift of 120 days to set apart for rest,
reflection, and study. The time will be coming to a
close soon and I have much to process still.
Although my mother died over 40 years ago, my Dad is
still very active at nearly 76 years of age.
His father,
Robert White Patterson
(a WWI veteran) died when my Dad was
only 8. One night after our Mother died, Dad
revealed for the first time that he had also lost a
parent as a child.
Somehow it helped us to know that he understood our
loss. Throughout my life, I have enjoyed watching
Dad be himself. His peculiar personality was surely
shaped by having to face life without his own Dad.
His Uncle Tom and grandfather,
Frank Peterson, must have been the role
models that he was able to observe.
Dad's only living sister, Sally, was 4
when their father died. They have modeled a special
loving relationship for all of us our entire lives.
It was only a few years ago that Dad told
Sally he had been given the privilege of
'naming' her ('Sally'
was the name of his friend's dog).
think that it troubled Sally to be named after a
Although, Grandma probably asked him for his
childlike input, I don't think that she would have chosen to name her next baby girl
after a playmate's dog. After all, her first
daughter Bonna Lura (who died in infancy) had been
named after an ancestor.
Did Grandma name her after
Sally Jagger? (mentioned in the letter written
my Joseph Patterson in 1855) click here
As a young man my Dad met Freida and brought
her home to meet Sally. Aunt Sally
recently told me that she was surprised when her brother showed up
with such a great girlfriend. She asked herself,
"Where did he find her?"
Dick and Freida
had five children. I was their 4th kid.
This picture was taken rather early in their
marriage of 13 years.
Sally and her husband had six kids.
Not long ago, Aunt Sally's husband, Bob, died rather
unexpectedly. They had been married for 50 years.
I'm happy that Dad and Sis still have each other after all these
years. I'm glad that I still have both of them
around too.
Dad doesn't like to talk about these things; it saddens him. So, I won't
share this entry with him. Instead, I'll call Dad
and tell him that I love him. I'll say, "Happy
Father's Day" and he'll probably end our brief
conversation with this admonition: "Keep swinging!"
(even though we never played ball even once as
father and son). awat
Postlude: Well, I called Dad. He wasn't gonna say, 'Keep swinging." So, I said it to him....he replied, "You bet." (or something close to that...I love my Dad).
Saturday, June
18, y2k5
fbcgalt flowchart:
(how long will it take?)
June 18: At this morning's prayer
meeting, I was looking at this diagram
(still hanging on the wall from the day I shared it
with some of our church members).
Less than 100 days later, I could see that
God has moved our little church back and forth on
most of the paths represented.
Although I timed it at 1:46 to load when I first
published it, I noticed that a click on our hi-speed
channel allowed it to pop up in less than 2 seconds.
fbcgalt flowchart:
(...up to 1:46 to load)
Last night
Joe, Cathy, Mary, Daniel, and I drove to Sacramento
to visit Visual and Performance
Art Center (VAPAC). In
addition to college preparatory classes and several
performance arts electives, they offer a Digital
Editing component. We think this environment will
help or son, Daniel, enhance his skills while broadening his
knowledge of Fine Arts.
Gifted Epicenter vocalist, Katie
Santillan also plans to enter 7th grade at the
same charter school. VAPAC had acquired and remodeled
several buildings (formerly an Army Reserves
training center). Our guided tour of the facilities
was completed with an informative, personal
interview which motivated us to proceed with the
We were happy to have the opportunity to meet the
Video/Film teacher, Ms. Sosa. She has two masters'
degrees from U.C.L.A. (in theatre and film). It
should be quite interesting to share this
educational experience alongside these two serious
Today, there's a yard sale for three teenagers going
on International Missions trips at 653 A Street,
Galt, California.
Friday, June
17, y2k5
Joe and I worked all day and
night yesterday on tweaking some aspects of this
website. He has started a website scavenger hunt and
19 hits on its first day.
Yesterday was another good day for visitors: 363
with 1,953 page views. Looking at these statistics
are interesting for us as we brainstorm about what
next to do.
Something else that happened yesterday was a
surprise. 106 hits on the Liberia page bringing it
into the Top Ten thus in June.
This morning I was checking links on
a Greatest Hits list I had made for this site when I
discovered a spyware virus had popped up on one of
our computers.
I was looking at
Micah Tomlinson's response
to "Silent No More" and noticed a couple
hyperlinks that neither he nor I had uploaded.
was done 'inside' my computer--not
on the website--still
it kinda
shocked me...
So, I'm being proactive here and writing about it
(and include a consideration of the issue in the
theoretical sections of my prospectus). Be aware
that a highjack virus could put 'fake'
hyperlinks on
some of your viewing material.
Highjack programs also try to
replace your homepage or take you to sites other
than where you had intended to go. Sounds like the
Enemy to me! Bait and Switch.
Hopefully, it doesn't happen to you on your computer
but if/when it does, remember this letter from Joe:
Dear Dad:
It is ironic when you are trying to share truth about the Gay (homosexual) Agenda and your word GAY is used as a link to a homosexual promotion site.
Ironic adj. Poignantly contrary to what was expected or intended.
Happy Hyperlinking!
...this is pastorob broadcasting
from the water tower
at the Epicenter . . .
Don't forget to
Thursday, June
16, y2k5
was at 3:50 for me this morning. So I came down to
the newly remodeling thinking/writing and broadcast
space at Studio 163 and did some statistical work
for my doctorate.
My good friend,
Tom Lane has
been so busy with his business that he has not taken
time out for a VisionWalk™
with yours truly. Yes, I know...somebody's gotta
work around here. Still...I miss our walks. Jebby
and I are still walking on Fridays (but you know...Jebby...
well, he's kinda out there...)
Since Tom admits
that he enjoys facts and figures, I am hoping to
stir up good works from the left-side of his
far-right brain today. Therefore, I dedicate the
following hyperlinks to him:
During the first
165 days of
Y2K5 had
unique visitors.
for 2005
We also had 96,095
page views.
fbcgreatest hits: CLICK HERE to see for yourself
Wednesday, June
15, y2k5
I was up
until 1:00 a.m. trying to get the wireless
connection running throughout my house (and at Fry's
until closing time).
As one of the 21st Century pilgrims walking down
this path (connecting your home to a wireless
I warn all
others who are might be following
me, "Watch out for the prickers!" On
difficult paths I have always warn about prickers...its
the Golden Rule.
Cathy worked very hard while I was in Michigan to
get our household in order so that I would have an
easy time of transitioning into writing once I got
I appreciate all her effort; some aspects of our
day-to-day life is so much easier. I have a hope
that I will be able to bless many people by
publishing the results of this 120 Day investment. I
hope also to learn from what others at fbcgalt have
learned in my absence.
I've known all along that the Internet is comparable
to the Roman Road system which was the
communications network in the days of Paul, Silas,
Priscilla, Aquila, and other 1st Century voices.
The transition period between dial-up speed
limitations and high-speed (for audio/video
applications) will continue to impact this site's
effectiveness. Until
last night, I could not simply
Click here and
watch the video made in a local park last Sunday.
It reminded me of the excitement of adding more than
CBS and NBC to the black and white television of my
Some of us wake up slowly while our peers travel across
time at much greater speeds.
Even those in boats aren't all in the same boat: Jonah bought a ticket to Tarshish.
Paul, in a different time and context, was traveling
in the opposite direction.
Whether our life's message is going high-speed,
dial-up, or door-to-door, our motives are being
weighed by the Lord.
During these days of rest and reflection, I have
been compiling and archiving developmental materials
(there is still much more). I have had some feedback
from listeners that gives me the confidence that I
should continue. Theological reflection should be
helpful as I pull together the fragments of my life
history toward integrated wholeness.
This is a good place to share some colorful thoughts
that are packed with potential. I hope that you're
able to connect with a few of them and sing along
with me.
In the
year ahead,
I wanna be ready
trust in the
to sing a
new song,
I'm know that
I'm blessed as a
Child of God,
and that
loved ones have
gone before me and are
standing right behind
I'm no longer
being used or using others,
because I am
crucified with
Today, I'll turn
my worries into prayer
allow frustration,
to keep me
to vain
gotta get down to it,
and serve
as I walk
door the Lord
has opened before me.
Tuesday Evening Update:
sentence is being broadcast around the world from
the Galt Water Tower....and I feel like Alexander
Graham Bell right now.
Don't ask me why but it seems like history is being
made right, right now. Man, if I could just think of
something awesome to say...
"One small tower on C Street,
one big world
to reach, sweet."
So, if we could only get the wireless connection to work around the house, I wouldn't have to drive back to Fry's tonight.
Tuesday, June
14, y2k5
45 days left on my
Sabbatical. Today, I'm spending the morning with
Veda's son. I met with him last Friday to
discuss carrying on certain aspects of Veda's
visitation ministry. More on that soon.
Later today, I should be able to try broadcasting this journal entry from the Galt Water Tower. Doesn't that sound strange? Also, we will be uploading other sermons from the Sabbatical days (Don Fugate, Tim Gentry, and more of Cliff Hoff).
Monday, June
13, y2k5
Currently Joe is digitizing the analog
cassette tape from Al Warren's sermon:
Rebuild the Walls. Pastor Al had preached
that milestone sermon on April 10, y2k5.
While the sermon was being preached, Jerry
and I were traveling across TimeZones eastward
toward my Sabbatical Days in Michigan.
In his message, (audio to be
uploaded yet today) Al Warren mentions
that the year (1995-96) he served as Interim
Pastor at the Epicenter, our town was in the
news. First was a story about the water tower in
Old Town Galt. The second
story was that Galt was the last town of its
size to get its very first stoplight. When I
drove in to town on a late night (July, 1996), I
had to stop at that very light (corner of C
Street and Lincoln).
While working on image-ideas for our newsletter, I thought of combining our slogan (From Galt to the Ends of the Earth) with an image of concentric circles emanating from the water tower. This surrealistic, irrational idea should come to pass tomorrow. Lord willing, this journal will be broadcast on the InformationSuperHighway™ from the GaltTower™ through the antennae which have been installed upon it.
Yesterday, Cathy and I shared the Lord's
Supper, Music, and a Sermon with another local
church fellowship:
Family Life Community Church. This
body of believers meet in a middle school
NorthEastSide® .
During the coffee break,
a teenager
approached me; she had written me an email
earlier in the week and then wrote me another
letter today. I have included her questions and
answers in this entry:
Click Here.
Pastor Frank Mack delivered a message
entitled "How God Uses the
Ordinary for the Extra-Ordinary."
He challenged us to throw out our pride (wastebaskets with 'pride' placards) were at all entrances and exits. Frank also spoke of a pattern he had developed in life (attributed to his reaction to his parents' divorce). He had become a people-pleaser.
Pastor Frank's message had 4 sub-points on his 3rd point which were nicely alliterated:
the Pit
Frank reminded me to never forget where I came
from. He listed several past-life 'pit' options
(all of which had been written on my heart of
Refuse the Praise
Frank shared the story of Billy running up to
him after his first sermon to compliment him. He
had to work through what to do with the praise
of men. His father-in-law took him aside for
some 'Jethro-type' wisdom.
Recognize the Potter
Looking at yourself in the mirror needs to get
past complaining against the Potter's creative
decision-making. The Preacher made me think
about those first drafts of songs I recently
uploaded in my RockSoapOpera.. They are all
about looking in the mirror (as a growing
Christian) wondering what is the appropriate
response to seeing 'flesh' in one's reflection.
Rely on God's Power
Again, the Preacher rehearses the basic truths
that have kept me on a continual path toward the
Celestial City during my sojourn. "When faced
with temptation, there is always a way out."
Frank used the New Living Translation which
renders 1 Corinthians 10:13 in this way:
But remember that the temptations that come into
your life are not different from what others
experience. And God is faithful. He will keep
the temptation from becoming so strong that you
can't stand up against it. When you are tempted,
he will show you a way out so that you will not
give in to it.
Other themes cited by
Pastor Frank Mack:
"Don't give up! Don't give up!"
"We're living in bodies that are falling
apart....but one day..."
"We don't 'have to' go to church (pray,
read the Bible, be baptized)
. . . we get
"The world is looking for Heroes; God is looking
for the Humble."
"The Message is always bigger than the
"Next time Satan
reminds you of your past, remind him of his
Pastor Rick Keiser was as joyful, spontaneous, and winsome as ever. The music was sweet (set in those female-friendly keys) and Cathy said, "the drums could have been louder" (something we've noticed at every church we've visited) --that's a joke in deference to the Epicenter's own Rodger Parker.
Upon conclusion of that
service, Cathy and I drove up to Sacramento in
time for the 11:00 a.m. service at
First Baptist Church of
Doug Muraki, Interim Pastor preached
a message entitled The
Church as a Biblically Grounded Community
as part of his current series:
Is it Time for an Extreme Makeover?
Before he preached, Jebby led the
worship team--much to my delight. He also led
the band in a tasteful rendition of his classic
title cut: Paper Boy (just prior to the sermon).
Pastor Doug came to the pulpit at the final strain of that song saying, "...and all God's people said..."
The congregation responded: "....Amen."
But Doug quickly interjected that he was looking for this word: "...sweet."
So, I guess pop-culture has infected the historic pulpit at FBC Sacramento too. Pastor Muraki preached a powerful message to this church which is currently searching for her next senior pastor. I thoroughly enjoyed his message and took many notes. He has been in the public ministry for twenty years (but is also a businessman). He invited me to call him for lunch sometime soon (when he saw the extent of my notes).
After church, a friend
came to me and shared an interest in my writings
about the GLBT agenda. I affirmed her sense that
this agenda is being thrust upon us daily--and
that someone ought to say something, in love.
Anybody who watches television and movies, reads
magazines, papers, or books, and/or sends their
children to public school needs to get used to
this acronym: GLBT
Bi-sexual, and
I told my friend that I would compile my
writings about this topic and send them to her.
I told readers of The Advocate that I would not
choose that issue for myself; there are children
in Liberia who need my attention--but the
GLBT's agenda is
not healthy for our nation. I don't feel that I
can ignore their plans for a Brave New World.
As Eva would say . . . "Ugh."
Sunday, June 12, y2k5 sd73
Cathy and I went to Galt's Family Life Church for the early service (Frank Mack, Pastor).Today, I want to
these short video clips edited
by fbcgalt videographer, Dan
Patterson (16):
Click here
for short video: I Love My Park
Click here for
longer video: I Love Galt
Saturday, June 11, y2k5 sd72
My former step-sister, Angela, has 2 sons and a daughter. The middle son, Michael (22) recently graduated with an Advertising degree from WMU in Kalamazoo. He is now living in Colorado. Michael and a college buddy, Katie, drove to California and stopped by the Epicenter last night.Tomorrow afternoon, the local community (of Galt, California) are invited to join our Councilwoman, Barbara Payne, at Meadowview Park for another exciting event: I LOVE MY PARK (2:00-5:00 p.m.) Epicenter reporters will be on-location shooting mpeg video for international, near-instantaneous coverage of this historic event.
Greg Brayton
needs feedback on his first written sermonette.
Friday, June 10, y2k5 sd71
I'm excited about two letters that were delivered to the mailroom yesterday.Second, a letter from one of the Epicenter's greatest minds (name withheld to avoid jealousy from lesser-minds). Her (oops) letter opens some more discussion about The writer is a highly-respected woman, a concerned grandmother, a mother, a step-mother, a member of my local church...and...well, you don't need to know any more.
I will respond to both letters later today...but I have to run to Rotary and then for a NorthEastSide® VisionWalk™ with Jebby.
an email response to
An Open Letter to GREG
BRAYTON (circa.
June 8, y2k5)
Hey buddy, this is a
virtual ton o stuff!
Couple things.
---------END-------- St. Gregory Lee to pastorob ---------END--------
My sister--in-law was sending this to
her daughter as their church has run
into problems with this for their youth.
Do you have the link at the end of this?
If not you may want to see what it says
about myspace.
My sister--in-law was sending this to her daughter as their church has run into problems with this for their youth. Do you have the link at the end of this? If not you may want to see what it says about myspace.
Please view this link of a
Yesterday one of my agents was in our office and we were talking about youth and the computer. This parent told me his kid was a great kid who stays out of trouble. This parent said they monitored their computer -- they keep it downstairs in the family room so they can monitor it. We pulled his son up on the website and were horrified and shocked to see that his son has porno sites right on his personal website. This parent is a Christian who has high standards and had no clue His son had this site. In fact MSNBC just quoted 95% of parents have no clue their kids are on this site. This site has 13 million subscribers, World Wide! 52% under the age of 17! This site among children, is more popular than MTV was for us, when we were kids. It is like MTV x 10 on Steroids! It makes MTV look like a Sunday school class! This link below talks about predators that have been using this site to locate children.
Let me know what you think.
Name withheld (not from me...from
pastorob here:
pastorob here:
Actually, as of 8:25 am
PacificTime, has
Two of them are me.
Again, I will print a reply later today.
Right now you can scroll down to
June 4th
to read the last article I published about
(Influenced by Welsey, Whitefield, Blessitt, and
Moody), I maintain a site at
Much of my reasoning for being represented there
will be written more succinctly in my doctoral
thesis (es). More comments or thoughtful
research (even historical) will be helpful to me
(as a writer, leader, pastor, preacher, artist,
and most important to me--21st Century American
Thursday, June 9, y2k5 sd70
Last Sunday Dan
Patterson pulled out mom’s camera and made an
mpeg of his brother Jerry on drums with his
friend, Ryan playing guitar.
That Video Clip
(click here)
shot at
Studio 163™
quickly jumped up our charts. The current
version wasn’t uploaded until Tuesday but it is
already in 4th place (behind our
homepage, my journal, and the youth page).
Another joy for me is the feature of Rodger
Parker’s song for Rebecca. It was heard sixteen
times yesterday. Please cut-and-paste the
bittersweet story of Becky (Lapp) Parker and
post it in emails and journals around the world.
I think that it was kind of Rodger to ask for Mellisa’s blessing
upon the release of this song.
Rebecca’s Song
has transcended the Becky/Rodger story in my own
listening experience (see yesterday's entry).
Now for some
more songs from my previously unreleased
Joe is currently going through some old cassette
tape copies so this autobiographical section of
my journal is subject to revision as better
versions of various songs are located and
My fragmented life
before Cathy: a
inside cover: Young people, beware of your
feelings . . . learn
from pastorob's late night mistakes.
There's nothing new under the sun.
During these months I was kinda 'out
there'...the hours and days of my job had taken
me away from the strict schedule I had kept at
House of Prayer: Church of God in Christ (Monday and Friday fasts,
Night Bible Band, Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
and Choir, Friday Night Testimonies, Singing and
Preaching, Sunday Morning Sunday School and
Church, and finally, Sunday Night Young People's
Willing Workers followed by Testimonies,
Singing, and Preaching).
Having been offered the volunteer
position as singer/guitarist with Reflections,
I learned that it was no substitute for regular,
local church fellowship and accountability.
However, I was exposed to other Christians
(specifically white people) this way. While
helping out with a group called FCCM (Fellowship
of Contemporary Christian Ministries), I called
upon Valley Media Services (a new recording
studio in town) to see if they would be
presenters at one of our meetings.
At Valley Media, I met Tammy (the receptionist).
We became friends--almost platonic--not quite;
however, I did help her draw closer to the Lord.
She had gone to Warren Wiersbe's camps when she
had been younger. She certainly wasn't living
for Christ but she was 'hungry' for someone to
talk to her about Him. She revealed that she had
gone through an abortion the previous year.
I witnessed to Tammy about 'abstinence' as
something I was trying to live out. I influenced
Tammy to make that decision. A few days later,
she called me to tell that regardless of her
decision, she had just learned she was pregnant.
Well, that little baby is
Michael Glass.
Click here
to read how he was spared from the abortionist's
early solution to a teenager's problem.
For the first time I experienced the
anointing of the Holy Spirit within
me--specifically when I was witnessing to Tammy.
Although, I knew I wasn't 'in love' with Tammy,
when I met Cherie I started to think that I was
in love. Tammy
and I talked about stuff like this before she
moved to Florida to give birth to Michael. It
was ironic to face such a struggle with
relational entanglements so
shortly after preaching/witnessing to Tammy.
Living victoriously in matters of infatuation
will continue to be a challenge for young men in
the years to come. I offer this slice of my
story as a reminder of my own lack of sound
In the archives I found letters written to several people. I told Cathy upon my Sabbatical Trip back to California that it troubled me to read through those letters again. The letters reveal the tender, volatile stage of Ignorance that an inexperienced lonely Christian must pass through. The 18 months of discipline at House of Prayer was not enough to deliver me (spotlessly) through the months ahead. Both of my Grandmothers offered 'safe' care and concern during these days of wandering in the wilderness of dis-Integration. Grandma Green (Peterson, Patterson) specifically counseled me; I spent blocks of time with her during those days. She also wrote letters to me. Some of those letters will probably be hyperlinked to this paragraph at some point in the future.
these songs were ever recorded professionally or
published. I publish them today only as a means
of organizing my archives. If you don't like
them, don't bother listening to them, OK? There
are many 'finished' works on my main page.
Something Different is Happening to Me
I Don't Know
I Haven't Been in Love with Anybody in a
Long Time
Written right before
meeting Cherie. I was infatuated a couple times
a day. There's a much better recording and more
developed idea somewhere--but this will do for
now. To be revised later.
Wake Up Slowly I wrote this before meeting
Cherie but asked her to sing harmony on it with
It Goes As It Comes
This is probably the first song we recorded
together. I never had written songs 'with'
anybody before. I liked it although its kinda
Lyrics for
It Goes As It Comes
It Goes As It Comes 2 guitar and piano a
late night at Valley Media.
Vanity of Vanities I wrote this song but asked Cherie to help me by singing harmony on it. Several years later, I would write other verses and record it with Greg Brayton. Click here for the recording with Greg.
Deception Smiles I think Cherie wrote most of
these words. I came up with the chord
progression. She played the recorder. We just
let the tape run over and over again. There's
probably better versions...not much better
I Feel, I'm Feeling in Love...Again Tongue-in-cheek because I knew
better--I was foolishly 'falling-in-love" several times a
week during that month. I never finished this
song because I offered to let Cherie help me
with the bridge...and I didn't care much for her
interpretation of what was happening with us.
Love Suffers Long Cherie wrote the words to this. We were probably already 'broken up' by then--still writing together. Although the 'chorus' seems to be toward God, I think that these words were directed toward me. Maybe they weren't--but it sure sounds to me like Lennon letting McCartney have it between-the-lines.
Love suffers long.
How long must I suffer?
So, Love is kind...
Well, I kind of wonder.
Who broke up the Beatles? Remember Paul said "I quit" in the papers....the others were upset because they had tried to quit...and (I think) he kept trying to get them to stay together.
Anyway, I broke it off with Cherie at least I think I did...because here's the song where I'm second-guessing my decision. Oh, there's a better version around--with harmony vocals, more guitar licks, and refined lyrics...but its not much better. It too would have been recorded on the same small cassette recorder. I'm sure that I never let Cherie hear this song:
Only a Fool (would have said "No" to you)
I hesitated uploading this because I really
didn't agree. The Foolish youth would have
continued on....but the song shows the struggle
I faced in letting go of her. Musically, I
would guess that its a subconscious sampling of
an early Beatles progression. Most of the music
I 'like' by others are liked because of a
Beatle-song connection. 'I am Beautiful' by
Christina Aguilera comes to mind...(or was it
because it sounded like "Serve" to me?).
Here’s an excerpt of the song I
wrote just prior to meeting Cathy. This short
clip was stuck on the end of a ‘mix’ of Todd Rundgren songs I was dubbing for
my sister (back in 1984) or maybe it was for
Tammy. Somehow, I wound up with it again. I play all the
instruments and sing all the parts. The
full-length original is on a 7.5 inch reel of
tape—somewhere in the archives:
you told me you didn’t want me here
Waiting for you to make up your mind
Once again I could feel that dark, cold fear
Waiting for the chance to take up my time
I’m not going to let that happen
It’s not going to happen tonight
Guess I was putting you first
or I was putting me first
Wanting to have you
Short and Bittersweet,
Short and Bittersweet,
Short and Bittersweet, I'm not bitter;
Guess I was putting you first (or I was putting
me first--wanting to have you).
I wrote this song
about my too-fast romance with Cherie.
She had just lost her brother to cancer in his
lymph nodes. She was probably allowing me to
fill in some of the empty space left by the
recent death of her brother. Me: I was a lonely Christian going
through my self-centered daily struggle with
loneliness. We wrote many songs together--too
bad I hadn't listened to her--warning me to not
get that close. My 'safer' female friend, Tammy,
was far away in Florida serving the Lord by
sacrificing nine months to provide refuge for
baby who the Enemy had earlier appointed for
Hours After Midnight Golly, I just listened
to this and realized that its just a short clip
of the first verse. I started this song way back
in the late seventies. Somewhere I have a tape of
my brother, Richard, singing back-up harmony. This
is really a poor example of the song...but I
guess I'll leave it up until I find something
better to represent the piece.
I started writing it after spending a 'reunion'
evening with my buddy, Doug. We were walking
down the streets of Coldwater--hours after
midnight. I was reminded of a morning, years
before, when we (as young teens) were walking down the streets of
town (with a couple girls) around 5:00 a.m.
Why?....why I thought the cops would leave us
alone (since curfew lifted at 5:00), I can't
quite figure out. A faulty presupposition, I
suppose in retrospect.
Wednesday, June 8, y2k5 sd69
Joe pulled an all-nighter...while Dad slept. lol I woke up at 5:30 and had some joyous ideas of what to do next regarding 'The Curse of the Unfinished Prospectus'.
The Smile project haunted Brian Wilson for 30-plus years (awat) and some of the unfinished fragments of my life story has, likewise, troubled me. Going home again (awat) only caused more boxes of archival materials to surface. I had creative motivation restored with an idea to publish An Open Letter to Greg (the first of a series of 'open letters'). This open letter would give Greg (and others) a link to a specific 'unfinished song' and my accompanying request to carry the burden along with me.
Christians are called to carry one another's
burdens...and share one another's joy.
preacher tells us to
Your Worries
into Prayer;
likewise, let us persevere
until our burdens have been transformed into
joy. Yeah, like Brian's SMILE, it may take
30-plus years to see certain stories come to a
When I walked into the new office at Studio 163 to read the morning's emails, I discovered that Joe was already up. Excited to see that he was already up, I started to share the idea that was gonna require his technical help.
He smiled, handed the headphones over to me, and I read between-the-lines of his young face. The kid had pulled an all-nighter. He informed me that he only pulled one all-nighter during his entire first year of University. I'm pleased that he is motivated to be a fellow treasure-hunter.
So, stay tuned for free, moment-by-moment audio downloads from the early eighties (an audio journal of a 25 year old baby christian).
The doctorate?
Its all 'connected'
for this
Cathy might say, "Hey, it beats seeing him
laying on the couch, all depressed, asking if
there's any chocolate in the house..."
The next few songs were recorded one night at a
rehearsal for the band called Reflections.
I didn't write this song but I sing on it. It's
a rehearsal of a song called
Before I met Cathy, I had left the bar band, and
answered an ad for a Christian band to play
small gigs at youth retreats, churches, etc.
I sang the lead. Singing this song
publicly did impact the development of my
theological rationale for being involved in the
lives of unchurched (and 'churched') teenagers.
Saved, Saved, Saved:
I simply play lead guitar (lol) and sing
back-up; a fun little song that I didn't write.
The Refection's version of my Song:
Serve in its
original key
Hey, I'm a Believer: Click Here
and this attempt at Rob singing: Your Love Broke Through
finally, this cover of
We are Gathered Here
NOW, following are some of the songs for my Open Letter to Greg Brayton:
Dear Greg,
HELP!!! I can't seem to rest-at-ease (or work on my doctorate) while Cathy is in a 'let's clean up, organize, and throw away stuff' mood. Therefore, here is a sampling of audio fragments that I haven't ever thrown away. I simply don't have 'time' to invest completing any of the ideas...because I take too long trying for 'the perfect lyrics.'
Your wife, Sally, has said that Greg Brayton is
a musical genius. I can't quote her exactly but
it's always been something like this:
"Greg can
take anybody's song idea, run it through his own
creative processing,
and quickly turn out the finished product--as
God intended."
If that be true,
get to work, buddy. Listen to some of this
stuff; give the warbling off-pitch vocals the
grace required to be called grace notes:
Fragment Collection
grey tape
part 1:
Fragment Collection
grey tape
part 2:
Fragment Collection
TDK grey tape
part 3:
Fragment Collection
TDK grey tape
part 4:
Fragment Collection
TDK grey tape
part 5:
Fragment Collection
TDK grey tape
part 6:
Fragment Collection
TDK grey tape
part 7:
There is a Reason--Instrumental
(I have words just not on this recording)
(from a band rehearsal of 2 Cor 4 -- the band that never performed
publicly; Joe was still in the womb)
Here are some Alpha and
Omega 'fragments' (from that ugly,
A and Ω
fragments tape1
(this is before Tender Mercies was finished)
A and Ω
fragments tape2
(messing around with Speak, Lord; Cathy picks up
her flute)
Speak, Lord
(this never has
been finished)
First-time visitors can hear 'finished' song by clicking here and going over to the far right column.
Tuesday, June 7, y2k5 sd68
Writing for my doctoral prospectus seems to have been challenged in peculiar ways during these 68 days. A number of people have been asking about the process. There has to be an end to this, today I will journal points-of-interest from my SundayPop-Ups™ at three other Epicenter churches. My hope is that friends, everywhere, will understand the unseen hope of reconciling past, present, and future passion with vision in the midst of holy frustration.
Sunday 5 June 05
at Horizon 8:00 am:
Pastor Tim Stevenson
was leading worship from the guitar with a pleasant
full-band sound. A harmonica with jebbyesque fills.
Cathy and I worshiped...oh, it was pleasant,
peaceful, and I was filled up. The sermon outline
focused on Hebrews 4:1-10. Verse 9 reads:
"There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God;for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his."
Pastor Tim introduced a new staff member,
Brian Crossen.
Brian will be leading their high school and college
age ministry. He has been married to Alicia for 8.5
years. Brian and Alicia have 2 children (Kaylee, 6;
and Tiger, 3). Brian was raised in a Christian
family and considered himself somewhat of 'the black
sheep' until he went to Master's College. This young
man--just past a major faith-decision--challenged me
to meditate upon this prayer that he attributed to
Jim Elliott:
"Lord, prepare me
for what You're preparing for me."
Pastor Tim weaved
this message through song and sermon:
"Yesterday's Gone, Tomorrow's not here
Today is what we've got."
THEN, I went to River of Life at 10:00 am:
Pastor Larry Brand
introduced the anointing of
Brad and Mandy
for a new level of leadership on the staff. As a
visiting pastor I was acknowledged and asked to
share in the anointing. Brad and Mandy will be
working more deeply with
children's ministries.
Pastor Larry
spoke about
Personal Consecration
and weaved the importance of
throughout the morning's message. A memorable
illustration was one from his own experience in
'breaking a horse'
of its wildness.
Larry shares:
God wants to bless, break,
and give YOU
to others
(like bread to the multitudes).
Larry reminds us
about Gideon and God: "Gideon, come have
too much!" Finally, his
resources were pared down to about 450 to 1--and no
weapons (only a trumpet, a torch, and a clay pot to
hide the light). Until the pot of your life is 'broken',
the Light won't shine out.
Then, we shared Communion--breaking bread together.
THEN, I went to
New Hope Assembly of God at
12:06 pm:
Pastor Dave Ross II
was the guest preacher. I didn't realize it was
Dave (back in Galt with his wife, Brooke, and child)
visiting the folks. He was just finishing his
message which compared and contrasted a
Hired Hand with an
The hired
gets the keys to
the janitorial closet while
the Heir has
unlimited access to
the family treasures.
Of course, with 'privilege' comes sacrifice for the
true member of the family. According to Dave, there
are kids out there who don't wanna be adopted.
I stayed around and paced and prayed...the A/G way.
These three messages were continuing to feed me throughout the day. We had our Open House, then I met with Ron Shindy at the Epicenter Parking Lot, then I had an important conversation with Tom and Jennifer.
I know that I know: God is at
work with all who are seeking Him. I must remember
that always.
Final point: I noticed from our Stats that
this site has been visited 16 times by someone in
South Africa. Perhaps, our visitor was
Michael the Radio
Producer from Y-FM
who befriended me while I was there (reference
February entries). He shared with me his secret of
production brilliance:
"If we regularly produce above-average work, then
brilliance will just
more on Michael
Monday, June 6, y2k5 sd67
still needs some work (at least here at the
Epicenter). I dropped in to the terminal at Command
Central thinking that I'd have more success at
uploading a 65Mb MPEG video from our DSL hardware
system (than from my laptop through the Coffee House
However, the Epicenter's on-ramps to the ISH™ are simply not allowing my little file to easily get online. Can't wait any longer...
I have lots to say about 'yesterday.' I went to Horizon at 8 am, to River of Life at 10 am, then over to New Hope Assembly.
afternoon was devoted to visionary listening (at our
everyone-was-invited OpenHouse).
During that time, Dan Patterson pulled out the
camera and made an mpeg of his brother Jerry on
drums and friend, Ryan playing guitar.
Here is the video clip featuring this spontaneous
musical moment.
click here
for a
spontaneous collaboration
took place at
Studio 163™
What a day....of not writing for my doctoral prospectus!
Well, I did write an apologetic around 5:00 AM to Tim Gentry (Guest Speaker at the Epicenter this Sunday)...and I did bcc. that same email to many friends and concerned acquaintances....and
I also participated in pivotal, CompassioNet-ConfrontRelational© dialogue with two different local church friends™ my interpretation of Sunday's four messages must wait until tomorrow.
Tomorrow, friends™ ....
Sunday, June 5, y2k5 sd66
I'm sitting at the very spot where thousands of words were posted to this journal before my Sabbatical began. Its good to be back at the Epicenter but I've been asked to make myself scarce until the end of July.
I guess
its like dropping your child off at the nursery.
Its good to get out of the way and let the
nursery workers do their job. Parents who won't
leave sometime just stir up unnecessary crying.
Now, I'm not calling anybody a baby--I just feel
like a parent.
So, in a couple hours,
Dr. Cliff Hoff will preach the first
of two sermons here entitled
You Can Be Sure.
I hope you will come to the Epicenter and hear
this life-changing message. I've looked at the
bulletin and see that the music chosen for today
will be wonderful as well.
8:30 or 11:00 a.m.
here's a map
to fbcgalt
Cathy and I are
planning to attend the first service at another
local church this morning. We'll be at Horizon
Community Church--listening to the message God
has for us there.
you're available this afternoon,
stop by and visit with my family at
163 W. C Street
in Galt, California.
Between 2:00
and 5:00
We're hosting an open house in honor of Jerry's
high school graduation. (NO gifts
necessary--just drop by).
I just
learned that our latest
column (Letters
to Mom from Iraq)
has been copied and posted on other internet
sites. One example is Greg's letter about the
power of prayer. As of yesterday, it was read
1128 times at one of the sites.
CLICK BELOW to see it:
Saturday, June 4, y2k5 sd65
Did you see yesterday's news about
I met with author,
journalist, and senior specialist,
Al Warren on Thursday evening. We spoke about and other Internet hotspots. On Friday,
Al called in to tell me about something that
happened in nearby Folsom, California.
So.....I'm copying the story from local station KCRA below:
FOLSOM, Calif. - A Rancho
Cordova man was arrested this week for allegedly
having a sexual relationship with a 12-year-old girl
he met online on a popular teen Web site.
The Web site -- -- is a place where users can meet large networks of people.
It's was on that site that the parents of a 12-year-old Folsom girl said they found suspicious messages, which led to the arrest of Richard Alan Butenhof.
"They found some sexually explicit messages on their daughter's Web site, placed on," Folsom Police Department spokesman Kurt Knudsen said.
Investigators said Butenhof, 35, represented himself as a 20-year-old on the site. He's now charged with sexual assault.
"There are seven separate incidents -- all felonies," Knudsen said. gets about 14 million visitors per month, but KCRA 3 found that many adults have never heard of it.
Teens use the site to catch up with old friends and meet new ones by making a request to be friends.
"A co-worker of mine told me about it -- said it was a good way to meet people. So I went on, and that's how I found (the girl next to me)," user Renee Adams said.
Authorities said problems arise when predators talk young people into meeting them in person.
"I think that's a big concern. You get a little too familiar with people that you don't know," parent Cara Flesher said.
"We've had three incidents involving," Knudsen said.
Myspace makes it very clear
on the site that you cannot be a member if you are
under 16.
******* END ********
Me again-- Of course, all
one has to do is look around myspace friends, and
friends of friends.....and friends of friends...of
friends.....and you'll see some stuff that you might
find 'questionable' (even for a 16 year old).
myspace needed to be addressed by this loving
parent.....and, as part of my doctoral studies, I
have been rounding the learning curve.
Parenting in the 21st Century has unique challenges. I was the 'parent-over-shoulder' years ago. When was becoming popular I started asking questions and doing some investigation. I chose to reserve judgment until I could acquire some culturally-sensitive depth and breadth regarding this particular community.
Research, thoughts,
whatever you wanna call it:
I appreciate what Tom has created here. His rules
(no nudity, no offensive material, and no one under
16) are also very much appreciated (as difficult as
they would be to interpret and/or enforce).
I know of several (young teens under 16) who have
pages on myspace. In fact, my daughter is under 16
and she has her space there somewhere. I won't name
her. However, someone has already 'deleted' her
space once. She was back, online, with another space
there in just a couple days. Like I
said....Conscientious Parenting can be challenging.
My own kids trust that I won't 'snoop' around their space...I could...but I don't...(well, not much anyway)....
In light of the news story above, I'm glad that I'm already there keeping a watchful eye on that particular playground. Come to think of it....I hope that Tom is 'really' Tom and not some other weirdo...ya know?
(editor's note: 'myspace Tom' is the founder).
Maybe this entry is worthy of some thoughtful comments. Huh? I'd be interested in some feedback.
write me:
Friday, June 3, y2k5 sd64
UPDATE: I'm sitting here at the Coffee House with Jebby. Without much editing, I'm gonna ask Jebby to dictate a short note so we can upload a fresh entry to bring encouragement to your day:
Jebby here: I'd like to say 'Happy Summer' to everybody out there in cyberspace. Lately I've been revisiting some old Second Mile recordings and preparing an anthology of that work (circa. '96-97).
I have been reminiscing about all the personnel changes (much talent) in that particular band. For those who don't know, Second Mile was my rock band that showcased original songs for Christian and secular venues. It seems particularly timely to revisit this material because my longtime pal (and Bass player), Michael Harris-Jones (Fulp), is moving back to Georgia (again).
Rob here: Uhh, Jebby, we've done our bit to encourage our listeners, readers, viewers, and let us continue our VisionWalk.™
First posting: I'm sitting in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn Express. I just checked on a couple who have come to the Epicenter from Salinas (for Dale's funeral). I'm in between appointments; I hung out with my Rotary cronies from 7:00-8:00 and am making my way to Jebby's house for a VisionWalk™ at 8:30. I'm hoping to walk with him to the Coffee House and do a first-ever, LIVE REMOTE VisionWalk on their wireless.
Oh yeah, Holiday Inn's wireless has a security lock so no upload available from this parking lot. Anyway, I'll be back with Jebby in 30 minutes or so. Here's a fun song--a duet with Greg Brayton--taking us to the Book of James.
wants me to invite all of you over to our humble
abode this Sunday afternoon (between 2:00 and
5:00 p.m.) for an open house. We're celebrating
Jerry's graduation and unveiling Waterfall
y2k5.1 and the newly stabilized facilities of
Studio 163.
Check back later.
June 2, y2k5 sd63
No strange
dreams, no early morning meditations. I simply
worked on the waterfall last night and this morning
and I suppose that is enough right brain activity to
suffice for the time being. The waterfall...yes, the
one that Jebby helped me start all those years
ago...the plan was for a low-maintenance backyard.
I think that I would like someone to talk about my
waterfall at my upcoming funeral. In the northwest
corner of our backyard, it was among the first of my
doctoral-season alternative projects. The cement
remnants of a previous civilization were procured
from the backway to Lodi. Several trips back and
forth with stone that only an ENFP would value. I
remember that the original stones were placed during
the rainy season in 2001 (02 or 03)? I can't quite
remember now.
ENFP... In a previous entry, I quite emphatically
stated that I choose to not be labeled. However, in
my files I came across yet another Myers-Briggs test
that I took way back in the eighties...and it was
still ENFP....and I'm choosing this label. Perhaps,
I was 'born' this way. Read all about it in my
post-doctoral publication.
I'm sitting at the Galt's 'It's a Grind Coffee House.' I don't like the coffee as well as Cafe Latte' but they have free High-Speed Wireless here. An attorney friend of mine just stopped for a tableside conversation. He and his wife once attended our church but opted to plant themselves at one of the larger seeker churches on the outskirts of the Epicenter (a place called Elk Grove). What a wonderful interchange I had with this old friend. I won't name him here---uh...he is an attorney, after all, and I'm not exactly sure how good of friends we are.
Anyway, he confessed that he had, in fact, read
some of our website recently. I started to share
the history of Liberia, when his sweet wife came
in looking for him. Apparently, he had been
right behind her on the way out of the Coffee
Well, their son is now almost 4, daughter is 1,
and Denine (oops) is
carrying a little girl in the womb. They've
already named her. I won't reveal her
name...however, I told Matt
(oops) that her name means 'wisdom' in
Greek. That etymology was accompanied by routine
#743 wherein I talk about the meaning of the
academic label: sophomore
fool). Joe will be
a sophomore at the University next year (if he
so chooses the label for himself). Matt asked me
if Joe decided whether or not to study Law. I
again told my dear friend, Matt (the attorney),
that I think three out of my four kids would do
well as an attorney. They enjoy engaging in
argument (and they like to think that they are
always right). I won't name names there know, they might just become
attorneys and decide to 'sue' Mom and Pop.
Remember, anybody can sue anybody over anything
these days.
Well, I sat and spoke with Robin
McCall yesterday as we sat in front of the
waterfall. We talked about the great faith
we have in
Pastor Wesley since we both have lived among his
family in Liberia.
I was there in February of 2004; Robin and her
husband, Mike, were there for one month
earlier this year.
A generous family in Colorado entrusted Robin
with some funds to send to the Greater Love
Children's Home. Pastor Wesley purchased some
bunk beds for the children with a portion of
that gift. As of yesterday, mattresses were
still needed for five of the eight beds pictured
below. Mattresses cost about $25 each.
picture is worth many, many words. If you look
close you might be able to imagine the
excitement these children were experiencing on
the day this photo was taken. If anybody wants
to travel to Liberia to meet some needs
personally, please contact me.
June 1, y2k5 sd62
I awoke at 4:30 am and meditated upon the response we sometimes have to a surprising moment in an otherwise ordinary day.
Years ago, I
recorded this song at Greg's studio. The original
mix had the song ending with an alarm clock. It just
didn't work for me. Later, someone helped me record
the squealing of tires (I'm thinking that maybe Mike
Bowling was the stunt driver).
(Click here) Wanna Be
Instead of an alarm clock ending, we finished the song with the crescendo-squeal and the gasp.
Certainly a
gasp usually involves grabbing for air in haste as
an immediate response to unexpected circumstances.
In the song, it is a gasp for air but also for
This gasp includes the instantaneous understanding that this is it--the end of the song. Notice that there's no accompanying 'crash' to conclude the squealing tires.
I wrote that
song so early in my Christian walk. Horns were
honking as I had my face fixed on the words in my
childhood, red-letter King James Bible.
However little I knew back then, I had grasped the
deeper truth of that gasp.
The singer questions his lifestyle, his words, his
actions, and the Lordship of Christ in his life.
Still, the gasp is not that of an existential life
fearing the End. Perfect love casts out fear. We
struggle with guilt and condemnation. Again, perfect
love casts out fear.
Are you able to take a moment with me to pause? Take
in one long, deep, deep breath and hold onto it. Not
a gasp.
This moment's long breath is a meditation. Someone once told me that a life of prayer (and regular extended times of prayer) are there for you to carry you through times when you just don't have time to pray.
I Wanna Be
I used to think that I would die
young but I have already outlived many people I have
known. If the days of this Sabbatical Pause is a
mid-life junction, then my numbered days could be 96
years (only 48 years to go...).
Lord, teach us to number our days aright.
Tuesday and Monday, May 31 and 30, y2k5 sd 61-60
Sunday, Cathy, Joe, and I
visited River of Life Celebration Center for
church. Jason was preaching.
Monday, I met with Roy Kelley about his hope of
going to Brazil on his first-ever mission trip.
Tuesday, I learned of Dale Lambson's death and
agreed to speak at a funeral service for him on
This is a
genealogical note in a bottle. If any long-lost
relatives are out there, I have a fortune to share
with you.
And...cousin Mick, you're always welcome...but
you'll have to follow the house rules.
Joseph Patterson was my great, great grandfather. He had come to America from Ireland
and met his wife
Katrina Jagger (who was born here).
They made their
home in Orange County, New York (and later moved to
They had eight children. Their fifth
child was named Robert C. Patterson.
For additional studies go to:
return to:
go to:
Pastor Rob Patterson 653 A Street Galt,
California (209) 745-4665
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