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Pastor Rob Patterson First Baptist
Church of Galt
Saturday, December 31, 2005
I'm writing this early in the
day. I plan to write more later but you all may
wanna see how our special Christmas time offering
has done thus far. Click on
this brief video and you'll see
how we did.
Matchmaking again: I'm happy that James and Eva are adjusting well
in my home state of Michigan.
I found four eligible churches right in Eva's
town. So, I took it upon myself to write a 'Dear
Bobby' letter to the Director of Missions in
Yspilanti and asked him to click over to
whateva. Certainly they could
venture outside of my chosen denomination...but
why should they?
Native Californians becoming Yankee Southern
Baptists--I'd love to see how that would turn
It seems that Bobby is also pastoring a new,
multi-cultural church right there in Ypsilanti.
I don't know about you...but I think that this
is where James and Eva should attend church this
Click Here
and let me know what you think.
Friday, December 30, 2005
We got back to the Epicenter safely. Saturday
morning at 6:00 am is time for men's prayer
meeting. I hope someone will be up reading this
and decide to come over to join us.
The twenty of us who spent time together in San
Jose experienced God working among us. I hope to
write about some of my observations tomorrow--so
check back.
If you don't have a church home, please consider driving to Galt and worshiping with us on Sunday: 653 A Street Galt, CA 95632
I'm leading the worship team this Sunday and will be preaching a message entitled:
Bible Basics 1:1 in the '06
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
From The Road...
When we were just about ready to leave Galt, Alex asked if we could stop by his house to pick-up his charger for his video game. Of course we could not.
However, at the gas station on the outskirts of
town, Aimee discovered she left her make-up at
home... You figure out the rest.
I am spending the
next three days with our teenagers at Tsunami 2005
State Youth Conference:
click here
to learn more).
Twenty from Galt are connecting with 5,000
others from California in San Jose. Twenty from Galt
are connecting with 5,000
others from California in San Jose.
On the Youth page,
I'm experimenting with a theme for our new
season . . .
in the '06
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
It was indeed a sunny day in Galt yesterday. After
Joe's Journal, I felt the strong need
to get out into the sun immediately, so Mom, Dad,
and Joe-Joe went for a Dec. 26th walk around town.
After a very long walk, we were heading back home
through the Oldtown district. I was improvising some
lyrics when one of our favorite characters,
Barbara Payne
stepped out of her 'closed' shop to visit our show.
Barbara let me take a look at the hardcopy newspaper
story that Ross Farrow had written about her. I was
so interested that I read the entire article aloud
to the intimate gathering at the closed shop.
Here is the online version of Mr. Farrow's story. If
you wanna learn more about this fascinating
click here.
On Sunday morning I mentioned that I feel like I've
been given a ministry which is a mix between
Captain Kangaroo,
Mr. Rogers, and Pope John Paul III. (I don't exactly
know what that means...but I said it and I'm
standing by it).
Captain Kangaroo had some friends at his place. Mr.
Green Jeans, Dancing Bear, Bunny Rabbit, the
Grandfather Clock, and others. Well, as I walk
around town I meet many of the characters in my
reality show.
Just seven days ago, I was walking in Galt with
Chris Zeller. We
were crossing the street at the 4-corners when
someone honked their horn. Realizing that it must be
a friend--she was smiling and waving--I focused on
the face of Thelma
McCartney. Of course she was smiling. She
had been in church the previous Sunday night and had
learned that Chris and Tara were moving back to the
area. Chris has accepted the position of Senior
Pastor at Berea Baptist Church in Stockton.
Immediately thereafter another vehicle honked. It was Richard Hoeppner driving a bus. This must be what John Wesley meant when he said 'the whole world is my parish.'
Yesterday I mentioned a 'lost letter' on Christmas day. I can't recall all I had written but I wanted to mention two visits from Christmas angels (messengers from heaven to me).
The first visit happened shortly after 8:00 am on Christmas morning. Joe and I were stepping out of our home into the light rain. I spotted Glen Bower walking from the west. He called out, "Oh, there is your property!" Glen had walked the mile from his group home to the church. Not finding anyone there yet, he decided to walk to my house. Not remembering which house was ours he walked past it. Glen said that he had rung five doorbells looking for us. He was happy to have found us for he had brought me a gift for Christmas. The first Christmas angel gave me a 12'' square mirror tile and seven thumb tacks to attach it to a wall.
Glen rode with Joe and me to the church. When we
arrived I discovered my
second Christmas angel was already there
waiting. I had met Mr. Flowers a few
months before when he first dropped by for a visit.
However, on Christmas he
gave me his
first name. In fact, he prefers that we
call him Charlie.
Charlie is 79 years old and is a retired merchant
marine. Charlie lives alone. As we spoke with
Charlie outside the church doors, Glen asked him
about certain searfaring vessels. Glen's grandfather
had sailed the seas as well. Glen shared an
interesting tale of a book about World War II battleships.
grandfather had passed it on to him. Later, Glen's
sister had found the same book in mint condition and
had bought it for Glen--much to his delight.
I didn't exactly recognize
a third Christmas angel. Perhaps there
were probably far more than three that day! As the
body and blood of Christ was was being offered to
the great number of people gathered, I started
lighting small candles as I recognized and named (to
myself before the Lord) the people at the Lord's
Table that day. What a privilege it is to have had
such a long run of this particular reality show. I
work alongside a great cast and crew. So, near the
end of the Y2K5,
I want to thank our Producer, Director, Author and
Final Editor for His tender mercies toward all of
us. God bless us
Monday, December 26, 2005
Last night I wrote a letter to our online local church group. I had planned to cut-and-paste some of it into this journal but so far it hasn't come through and I don't have a copy in my 'sent file'. If I've lost it I'll try to rewrite the piece about my own visitations with Christmas angels.
This morning I gave a 'whosoever will' invitation to anyone who wanted to come downstairs and watch the Horizon Christmas DVD with me. I really enjoyed seeing what Pastor Tim Stevenson had written and produced with a little help from his friends.
After watching their program, I ran up and fetched
my own Christmas 2005 video (with Jebby,
Ryan Perez, Dan Malloy, Ellen Dettman,
Christene and Katey...and my own
little family band). I wonder if anyone else taped
or photographed any other featured personalities
that evening.
Last night we went to the Dettman's home
specifically to gather around Cody's drumset. Like
the Pattersons, the Dettmans have made their home
the center of teen activity by having an on-location
drumset. We asked both Cody and Jerry to show us
some of their percussive abilities. It was fun.
John Dettman had taped some of our
Candlelight Service, so we enjoyed watching his
camera work for Ellen's performance. He had brought
Ellen to the church for her last rehearsal--so he
knew the movements in the song and it helped.
The Dettmans are another one of those families who
have been like our own family throughout our years
here in Galt. At holiday time, it is especially hard
on Cathy and me to be 2,300 miles away from our
families-of-origin. Our children have had to miss
out on building relationships with their
grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. For that
reason, I thank God that he has given us a few
families who have reached out to our kids.
Hopefully, we have served in a similar way for
others who might feel alone.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Right now it is 1:30 am. I haven't gone to
bed yet. We had a really sweet time at our
candlelight service. Then, our family had a turkey
dinner and opened presents. At 11:00 PM, Cathy and I
went to Horizon Church for their candlelight
service. Our own service was so well-attended that
Cathy and I stopped back to prepare more bulletins
and Communion elements just in case we're surprised
in the morning.
When we got back home around 12:30, I
discovered an email from our friend Eva who just
moved from the Epicenter outward to Michigan.
Click here for her letter.
Finally, I watched a video that our daughter Mary
shot of her brothers jamming with me at our
candlelight service. A couple years ago I wrote some
alternative lyrics to
"Please Come Home for Christmas."
Tonight, Jerry played drums, Joe played piano and
sang, Daniel sang, and I played Bass and sang. It
was enjoyable for me to watch the tape about five
times thus far.
I hope you have a full day of Christmas blessings
today. From my house to yours:
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Tomorrow night we are having a candlelight service
at our church (at 7:00 pm). Today we will be making
the final preparations for this special event.
The airline that Joe is supposed to take to Liberia
has cancelled flights. This could impact Joe's trip
scheduled for January 11th.
Click here for that story.
I haven't written in a few days and I suppose that
it is because I'm carrying some burdens that are
serious. I am choosing not to write about them but
these are important issues in people's lives.
Last night we watched a DVD of Alistair Cooke as
Ebenezer Scrooge. That has always been a favorite
and timely Christmas message for me.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Yesterday, Mike McCall and I went around visiting
people. Along the way, we parked the car and walked
in town. We called Joe to join us and then walked to
Royal Oaks.
A number of pleasant conversations took place. Mary
(91) embarrassed Joe by telling him how good-looking
he is. She then looked deep into his eyes and spoke
a most-important word to his soul. I was thankful
for that kind word and other heartfelt blessings she
I sat at the piano and sang a few old songs; Mike
stood and sang with that wonderful smile. Our
friend, Alta (95), was already sitting right next to
the piano so she joined right in. Next to her was
Jean (94). Although she has arthritis in her hands,
she began to clap along with a great sense of
Our final conversation was with Gertrude (Trudy) who
turned 100 years old on the 15th. Trudy seems to
have outlived all of her family and old friends. I
would like to become a new friend if that is
Monday, December 19, 2005
It's Monday. I heard that the priest at the local
Episcopal church died suddenly. I still have a call
from him (Roger) saved on my cellphone. We were
going to have a conversation about the needs of the
Hispanic church who has been using their fellowship
Last night after our evening service, Cathy, Joe, and I went to the community part sponsored by the Hispanic church. I estimated between 250-300 people were there. That is certainly a new ministry opportunity for some church to help resource. I wonder if/how we will be involved?
Sunday, December 18, 2005
When the phone rings during the night, I quickly
prepare myself for either a prank call or something
very serious.
Shortly after 1:00 am, I received a call on my
cellphone. My friend, Ruth, was distressed as she
reported that her son, Greg, had been injured in
Iraq. His vehicle had hit an IED (Improvised
Explosive Device that can be triggered
by a cellphone). At the time she only knew that
Greg's injury involved his back. We prayed together.
Later, Greg phone his mother from Baghdad. His
speech slurred by morphine, he was attempting to
tell her what happened when the doctor came in. We
learned that three of Greg's men were injured.
For more information about this young soldier and
his wartime correspondence:
click here for
letters to Mom
During this week I have had other news about trials
and troubles in the lives of many people. Often
there is nothing that I can do but listen carefully.
A listening heart and prayerful reflection is all
part of a pastor's preparation to stay true to
his calling.
Now, I must out toward the pulpit where I will
preach a message entitled:
Your Way
(8:30 and 11:00)
this video
in preparation
I hope you will come help the rest of us fight the
spiritual battle ahead. Please pray for all of the
soldiers on all sides. The scripture says that 'we
battle not against flesh and blood.' I must remember
that as I prepare to preach this morning.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Happy 100th Birthday, Gertrude. Well,
she's not online but Gertrude (down at Royal Oaks)
has turned 100 on this very day. Cathy and I will
soon stop by to sing her a song and let her know
that we have remembered her today.
Yesterday's Galt Herald had a full-page article
about last weekend's Christmas Program. It includes
several photographs. I told Fred McKendry about it
at the Bible Study last night (there's a picture of
him). I insisted that he purchase a copy for his
mother. Btw, May McKendry will be with us for
Communion at church on Christmas morning (at the
10:00 combined service).
The online version of our story is lacking in
comparison to the hardcopy (click
here: Galt Herald online). If you are in the
area, buy a copy, so you can see Fred's picture.
I'm currently working on this Sunday's sermon
Finding Your Way
(8:30 and 11:00)
this video
in preparation
Wednesday, December 14,
l hope that you will take time to read
yesterday's entry. Current events in Liberia and in
the Patterson's home (Epicenter, California) are of
great importance to me.
However, I need to report last night's activity.
Cathy and I wound up having a 'double date' with
Ryan and Brandy. Ryan is a senior at Galt High and
his new girlfriend, Brandy, is a junior. I conducted
my usual drivetime interview format and learned much
about both of them.
We went to
the Underground
in Roseville and saw three bands:
Skylit Drive (from Galt/Lodi),
Atlantic (from Jersey), and
The lead singer for Waking Ashland signed a copy of
their new CD for my daughter Mary (she stayed home
to study for a big test).
He wrote:
"Hi Mary. Good Job--putting school first."
Jonathon Jones has a great voice, plays
keyboards well, and a very pleasant stage
personality. You can hear their band and other 'Tooth
and Nail' artists when you
click here.
Afterwards, we met
the Underground's new onsite pastor,
Josh. Josh and
his wife recently moved here from Philly. He led a
coffee house ministry there and has done many
concert promotions through the years. When I
mentioned our midwest affinity to Jesus People USA
and Cornerstone Festival, we immediately found
common ground.
The mission statement for
the Underground
summarizes what I've observed there with
my own eyes and ears.
Tonight, I will be leading the midweek Bible Study
(*mentioned in
Everyone from Anywhere is welcome:
Glenn and Renee Greene (209) 339-1377
23599 N. Kennefick Rd. Acampo, CA 95220
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Of first importance today is this letter from my friend, Richard Wesley, in Liberia:
Pastor Rob,
Please pray for us. There was two days of rioting of
the members of the Congress For Democratic Change
who became losers in the presidential
elections but claimed to have won.
Their members damaged cars and destroyed houses but
we were saved. Thank God!
In His great love,
Pastor Wesley
Yesterday, I had searched the BBC for current
stories about Liberia and was disheartened to learn
that George Weah had shared his feelings so
publicly. The situation is volatile in Liberia. Why
stir up trouble? We have prayed that Mr. Weah take
the high road. The new President had invited him to
join her administration. Instead, according to this
article, he says that he will block her
inauguration. I wonder who is advising this young
Joe is planning to go there in January (the same
month that Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is to be
inaugurated). Of course the political climate is
very important to me. Above, Pastor Wesley asks me
to pray for them. Likewise, I am asking all of you
to look over this article.
Click here for
the BBC story
If you have a personal interest in Liberia's
immediate future, please pray with along with me
(and stay in touch, OK).
While I wrote today's brief update about our
four teenagers, I was reminded of those "Dear All"
Christmas letters which will soon arrive from some
of Cathy's relatives. Cathy and I are coming to the
close of our 20th Anniversary Year. We have been
celebrating all year long. On December 16th, I'll
probably bring home some flowers to kick-off the
21st year. These photos are each clickable for your
entertainment. I found them on the kids' myspace
Joe (19)
scored 96% on his first exam yesterday
(U.S. History). His Accounting exam seemed to go
well (he didn't know the score). Tomorrow, he will
take two more finals:
Mathematical Proofs and
Advanced Calculus.
So, he is still carrying that educational weight of
'upcoming tests'.
Daniel (17) won
three out of four wrestling matches on
Saturday (two pins). However,
his Algebra II class is giving him more of a
challenge. Last night I called Joe and asked him to
tutor Daniel
over the phone for his
Algebra II homework. I didn't go
past Algebra I in ninth grade so I'm not much help
there. I was pleased to know that Joe was able to
relax his mind by sharing so easily from his own
high school attainment.
Jerry? (18)
Well, he left his HVAC installations job due to a
recommendation that he should avoid carrying weight
on one of his shoulders. He had some pain and
persistent swelling so he talked it over with his
boss and left on good terms. The boss said he could
always come back. (I've told him to make sure not to
burn bridges to jobs.) Now, he has a different job
at a clothing store (Tilly's) and seems to like
Jerry's new band is playing their premiere show
tonight at
the Underground.
I have invited several people to go with us to see
the show. So far, my choir buddy, Ryan Perez, has
confirmed that he will accompany us.
Mary (14) is
back at Galt High School now. As good as VAPAC
(Visual Arts and Performance Arts Charter) has been
for Katey (Choir),
the school just wasn't working out well for my
teens. However, now Mary is very happy
as a GHS cheerleader. Here is a photo of her cuddled
next to her little friend,
Ryan (just
turned 16). They went to the Winter Ball on Saturday
night. Mary reports that the pictures are gonna be
hecka cute!
Last night, she did all of her homework before
talking to Ryan on the phone. Why so serious about
the homework? She doesn't want to be forced to
home-school with me. I don't know why, really . . .
December 12, 2005
My son, Jerry Patterson
(18), is really excited. The latest version
his band,
A Skylit Drive, is playing with a prominent
group called Waking Ashland at
in Roseville. Jerry's band practiced at
our house last night. It is a six-piece and has some
sounds that are reminiscent of 70's
rock-jazz fusion groups (with yet one more timbre
added to the fusion: screamo vocals).
proud father? Yeah. I'm pleased that Jerry
has turned out to be such a good drummer. All the
guys in his band are quite talented.
Yesterday at
our 11:00 gathering, we met
these two missionaries who have been our
representatives in Tanzania since 1980. Ed said that
he had googled himself and came up with our site
(and with photos). So, to ensure that the next time
Ed googles himself he finds something, I have
embedded this special entry in the annals of church
Ed and Nancy Giddens are currently
involved with mission administration, worship and music
training, women's ministries, literacy wo
and the writing and editing of
Bible Study materials in the East African nation of
Ed's father (Ed Sr., 89) and brother, Paul, came
along to visit us. They both touched my heart with
their story of mutual support after each having
outlived their wives. The patriarch had served as
Director of Missions for many Sacramento churches.
He continues to invest pastoral encouragement to
younger men. He moved close to me, fixed upon my
eyes, and said, "You're doing a good job here."
Nancy's mother, Margie Hoff, was with us too. Her
son-in-law and I shared a tender chuckle when I
mentioned something that I particularly appreciate
about that girl!
I really enjoyed meeting them and hearing them speak
about the church in Tanzania. I have much to say
about what all happened in our three services,
afternoon concert, and council meeting. However,
time doesn't allow. (candles,
Jesus action figures, Little Freddy McKendry,
Hispanic ministry, numbers, A/V, God's gift, Jebby,
families, isolation, returning soldiers, the
most-favorite time of the year . . . awat)
Today, Joe
has two intimidating exams. He has been stressing
over this week's FOUR exams. However, in the midst
of his personal trials, he wrote a journal entry.
On Wednesday,
Eva, leaves our
sunny state to move to Michigan.
Below, I have linked one of several Christmas
Concerts performed by Katey's school choir. Its not
high definition video (or sound) but even this
vision of teenagers singing in harmony blesses my
inmost being.
I checked the stats and saw that yesterday, this
concert was viewed/heard twenty times from this
(Katey is the third girl from
the right)
Sunday, December 11, 2005
I was given a DVD by Katey's Dad. It was supposed to feature my favorite pre-teen soprano singing a solo on "O Holy Night." Well, the disc didn't work on a DVD player; I discovered that it was saved as a computer video file. So, if you'd like to see her perform with her special choir: CLICK HERE
Katey is the youngest girl...third from the right. You can jump ahead after the concert is loaded. If you are still on dial-up speed, you would be wasting your time to even try. Sorry about that.
Friday, December 9, 2005
Yesterday was a free day. We found out that Pete was in the hospital so we went to visit him. After telling him of our plan to drive to Sutter's Creek, he gave me truck driver's directions and mentioned an Italian Restaurant there. We made it to Sutter's Creek in time for the lunch menu. I really enjoyed myself.
Last night I watched Katey's performance and was
thoroughly impressed. I've known this girl since she
was a baby and sat next to her little brother. I've
known him since he was born.
I was happy to have been invited.
Tonight at 7:00
the community-wide Choir
will present a Christmas Festival at the Chabolla
Center. I'm singing with that choir. Jebby will be
singing a selection, Fred will play a Trumpet solo,
and Ryan Perez will perform.
Click above for more information.
Thursday, December 8, 2005
The Season for Concerts
Last Sunday afternoon, Cathy and I went to Lodi to
hear our trumpeter, Fred McKendry, play in his
annual Christmas Concert at the impressive Hutchins
Square auditorium.
Several other friends had attended as a sign of
support for Fred's involvement in fine arts. One
family brought their daughter, son, and their son's
friends (all three children are in similar
performance groups at school). So, I made a
commitment to attend two more concerts this week.
Last night I had the privilege of hearing the
combined choirs and bands from two area elementary
schools. I knew several of the children who were
performing. I was pleased to see them all involved
with a school music program.
Tonight, Katey is performing with her school choir
in Sacramento. I will also attend that special
concert. Then, tomorrow night starts three,
consecutive days where I will sing with the tenor
section in
community-wide Choir. I hope you will click on
the link and choose a time to support the arts in
our community.
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Mary (14) woke me up at 6:00 a.m.
"Daddy, will you help me finish my rough draft?"
I was happy to arise for this very reason.
Mary had chosen to write about 'Addressing
Illiteracy in Liberia'. So, with a cup of
coffee in my hand I answered questions for Mary as
she followed her flowchart for writing a persuasive
Mary's purpose: To
generate interest in sending supplies, teachers, and
to build schools in Liberia.
Her audience: All
Whom does this issue affect?
The entire population in Liberia and Americans that
choose to help.
Whom do I need to convince?
Whom do I want to take action?
Americans, teachers,
Tone: Some people might
oppose my opinion at first. I need to be respectful
toward them and use language that will help them see
my point-of-view.
Mary needed an anecdote for an opening, three
reasons to support her purpose and a call to action.
She opened her paper with a story:
Opening Anecdote:
Standing at the
doorway was a pretty, dark-skinned Liberian
teenager. She had a serious expression on her face.
My daddy would only be in Liberia for two more days.
People were standing in line to make requests of
him. When it was Fannie's turn to speak with him,
she explained that she was 18 years old and that her
mother and older brother had both died within the
year. She had managed to go to school--even with the
war--all the way to the tenth grade. Then she began
to cry and said, "I was put out of school because I
have no money to pay. I want to go to school. Could
you please help me?"
Reason 1: There is 80% illiteracy in Liberia
Reason 2: Education empowers people.
Reason 3: We have an opportunity to help
people like Fannie.
Mary's persuasive paper could easily become a speech
so if anyone would like to have her address an
audience, please contact me:
December 7, 2005
How do you mark time?
Sundial? Swiss timepiece? Journal?
Paycheck? Bible? a mark on the wall?
What is your verb of choice?
How do you do time?
Is time ticking away, marching
on, slipping like sand between your fingers?
Yesterday, I received these photos of recent days at
Love Children's Home in Liberia. This building is
adding three small classrooms next to the sleeping
Joe will be among those who live here--just about a
month from now. Click on any of today's photos to
get a better view. We can't take the trip to
Liberia, but . . .
remember: if
you're within driving distance and wanna invest your
time with some seniors who are lonely, here's a
mission trip:
Today, 10:00 a.m. at
Royal Oaks
Convalescent Center
Galt, California 95632
December 6, 2005
Dr. Fermin Whittaker
showed up at our church before 8 a.m. yesterday. He
shared that he had declined a trip to Nashville in
order to preserve his health--he wanted to be in
Galt on Sunday. Dr. Whittaker employs a unique style
of storytelling as he preaches good news to
up-and-outers . . . and . . . down-and-outers (and
to those of us who consider ourselves to be
He shared about his childhood in Columbia
and his Spirit-led sojourn which has brought him to
his current responsibility as a key leader. He has
set the tone for a humble and effective approach to
the Great Commission as nearly 2,000 California
churches cooperate.
Ten years ago, California Southern Baptist churches
began a new chapter in the Annals of Church History
by calling Fermin to this important position. He is
the first non-anglo leader to serve at this level of
position among our state conventions. Since
childhood, he has developed a great sense of humor
by showing up daily at the school of hard knocks.
Dr. Whittaker is an inspiring speaker but he is also
a good listener. Years ago, when he first visited
our church, Cathy and I had the privilege of sharing
table fellowship with him and his wife, Carmen. I
asked some pointed questions of the man. His answers
brought a peace that surpassed my understanding of
the seen and unseen battles I have fought as a
christian leader.
We had not yet entered this 21st century but his
message to me (then) is as relevant to me (now). I
hope that you will take time to acquaint yourself
with this important figure in World History. Here is
a link to his personal webspace:
Dr. Fermin
Little Brother
is Watching
If you are a regular reader of this column you
probably have discerned that the blogstuff from
November 29 and 30 (below) is still being worked out
in my heart and mind. A primary stirrer of this
subliminal soup is a novel (historical fiction)
The story begins with an introduction to four
characters who have traveled to a specific point in
Earth history. It is important to me that those of
you who are traveling with me through time become
aware that the author, Billy Lee Harman, had once
been married to my sister.
The Best and the Worst of Time
Do you remember your teachers? For instance, who
taught you to understand the secrets of the sundial
and its successors?
My oldest sister was 11 when our mother died. This
sister had always served a maternal role in my
life--even when Mother was still among us. She was
the person who taught me my fundamental
understanding of time.
She was a good teacher and answered every question
that arose about the concepts of a 24 hour day, 60
minutes in each hour, the little hand, the big hand,
and that fast-sweeping counter of seconds. Before I
knew how to read books, she had taught me how to
tell time.
The year prior, when I was 4 years
old, I began to call her by this name: my angel.
When my angel was seventeen, she married a
late edition of Billy. He has in the army. When I
was in 6th grade, she gave birth to their first
Patterson Cleveland Harman
My sister then became the first person in our family
to fly on an airplane. That was exciting, but it
meant that she had to leave 'our little house on the
prairie' to live with her husband and two boys in
Europe and later in Afghanistan.
I don't know all the details of what happened in
their marriage. Let's just say, 'It ended.' Now, Mr.
Harman is becoming a public figure by publishing his
novel online. Today, he has gotten at least 15
minutes of fame from this publication.
I am currently reading his book one chapter at a
time. In its current form (2005), it is only 509
pages (double-spaced, one side) divided into 30
chapters. I am guessing that I will be finished with
it before Joe leaves for Liberia.
As a publishing journalist, I am discovering that
individuals are motivated to read my assortment of
words for a variety of reasons. I have my reasons
for reading Billy's book.
As well, I have reasons for asking you if you wanna
read it along with me. If so, I am suggesting that
you download it chapter-by-chapter. I have found
that it is much easier to read on paper. However, I
suppose that an online reading could be helpful--to
have google available if you run into some
unfamiliar references.
The first chapter, A Tale of Two Cities, is packed
with historical references to art, music, religion,
and war. I was sitting on bleachers at a wrestling
tournament as I read that first chapter. There were
a few spots where I could've used a search engine
In order to establish a frame-of-reference and to
become a more-informed reader, I googled the man's
Billy Lee Harman
I found some helpful background information on the
development of his character(s) in reference to his
2003 version:
215 views of our homepage
and 104 to this very page....
18 visits to
Vanity of Vanities
December 5, 2005
Dr. Fermin Whittaker
is coming to Galt to deliver a
message at
the Epicenter today.
His very presence preaches the type of gospel spoken
of by Phillips Brooks--sharing truth
through personality.
December 2,
Stonehill Sighting
December 4th, Randy will be sharing
his life message within driving distance of the
THIS Sunday morning:
Discovery Church
Elk Grove
THIS Sunday evening:
Community Presbyterian
in Vacaville
If you
go, tell him Pastor Robert said 'Hey, Randy...'
I'm still stuck in
Baby Hates Clowns
December 1,
After going to Stanford Medical
Center, Cathy and I drove on to Monterey and
stayed the night. We were able to stay in a
place called the Spindthrift Inn (on Cannery
Someday I will write about the
experiences we shared there. Today, I suspect
that the entry from November 29 will be
reviewed. I hope that you will click on this ol'
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