the unauthorized biography of
Pastor Rob Patterson
by J. D. Van Hall
Pastor Rob was called as
Senior Pastor of First
Baptist Church of Galt, California on
July 21, 1996.
Although he pastors a small church in a
insignificant town, Rob is excited that,
"God is doing great things...
from Galt to the ends of the earth."
God is
doing great things...
from Galt to the ends of the Earth.
Born Robert G. Patterson,
Pastor Rob grew up in Coldwater, Michigan. His mother died
when Rob was but five years old. She was a faithful mother
who had taken her children to the local Baptist church,
prayed with and encouraged her children "in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord." Sadly, with her death came the end
to Rob's religious training... for a time.
Rob was an excellent
student throughout high school and college. He attended
Western Michigan University under an honors program,
graduating Cum Laude ("with honors") in 1981.
In June of 1982, while
experiencing personal crisis in his life, and with no where
else to turn, Rob wrote a letter to Jesus, pouring out his
heart's need and asking for God to become real in his life.
Within days of this decision he was invited by a friend to a
Bible study. At the end of this study Rob began a dialogue
with the leader who asked Rob if he was a Christian. The
minister led Rob in the "sinner's prayer." Rob immediately
felt a great sense of relief and peace, sensing a weight had
been lifted. Four months later Rob was baptized in a local
lake as an outward sign of his trust and faith in Jesus
In 1983 Rob met Cathy
when both were working in a Christian outreach ministry for
developmentally disabled adults. Cathy was born in 1962 in
Midland, Michigan. While growing up, she regularly attended
Sunday School and assumed she was a Christian because she
went to church. In 1982, while working as a camp counselor
Cathy met two special friends who witnessed regularly about
true faith in God. It was at this time that Cathy prayed
'the sinner's prayer' and truly became a Christian by
accepting Jesus Christ as her personal Savior.
Rob and Cathy were
married in 1984. For the next three years Rob was youth
director for Trinity Assembly of God church in Kalamazoo,
Michigan. In 1986, their first child,
Joseph, was born.
Eighteen months later a second child,
Jeremiah, was born.
While serving at Trinity, Rob developed a heart for
September 1988, two significant events occurred: the birth
of a third son,
Daniel, and their move to
Alpha and Omega Ministries--an outreach of Praise Baptist
Church (in Kalamazoo, Michigan). Here, Rob served as the
Associate Pastor of the church and Interim Director of 'the
Alpha and Omega
Ministries is an inner-city ministry devoted to meeting both
physical and spiritual needs. Thus, began their affiliation
with the worldwide mission of the Southern Baptist
Convention. Mary, their fourth child was born in 1991.
was during his ministry at Alpha and Omega that
Rob began to record the songs he had been writing
since giving his life to Christ. Often influenced by
every song that Pastor Rob has
written is inspired by
Scripture. From the time he
began recording, with producer Greg Brayton, Rob
has always
given away his songs, first on tape and
then on CD. Today,
he provides his songs, free-of-
charge, via the Internet. 
If you
appreciate professional
quality Christian music based on
Scriptural truths, you will want to download selections from pastorob's online archives.
These songs were formerly published as
hardcopy album projects (Firstfruits, 1989; More Fruit,
1991; To the Ends of the Earth, 1998; and Liberia 2004).
Rob reports that there are many more musical ideas that he
hopes to make public
as they are located and submitted to our
Audio Download
In 1993, after 4.5 years of
serving at Praise Baptist Church (and Alpha and Omega Ministries), Rob decided to leave
in order to attend seminary. He and the family moved to the
Golden Gate
Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned a Masters
of Divinity degree in 1996.