Recently I had played a rough tape
(recorded in Liberia) for
Greg Brayton and asked him to
begin working on the piece.
Greg has been blind since he was 8 months old.
Although God allowed for that sense to be taken from
him, it seems that Greg's other senses have been
heightened. I've known Greg since I first watched
him perform when he was in 9th grade.
During the time I was writing these songs in
Liberia, I received an email telling me that a
doctor had told Greg that he had less than five
years to live. My late night reflections were
burdened with the thought I might be saying good-bye
to my good friend.
Later, another specialist would tell Greg that there
was no sign of Cancer.
I decided to join together two fragments so if you'd
like to hear Greg play an accompaniment of 2
acoustic guitars,
You might need to adjust your
I think the signal is kinda hot.
It was a late night in Liberia with a battery
operated cassette recorder.
to hear the original song idea fragments that I
played for Greg.
Greg, this song would never be completed. I thank
God for giving this guy such a wonderful talent.
I will listen to Greg's arrangement over and
over (while I proceed with each day's events). On
Monday, May 2, I took Jerry over to Greg's Studio
and added Drums; Greg had already added the Bass. To
hear a rough mix of the entire piece thus far:
and here's a
page with possibilities for words for the 'oceanside
walk with God' song called "God Calling." Some of
these words may/may not wind up connected to either
version of the song you can click on after you
click here.
I plan to use this song on
Liberia y2k5
(a final CD copy of songs written in Liberia and
to raise funds for our work there).
If any of you would like to 'hire' my buddy, Greg, to empower your creativity in a like manner, you may email him: or call his studio: 517-278-8489
Tuesday and Monday, May 31 and 30, y2k5 sd 61-60
Sunday, Cathy, Joe, and I
visited River of Life Celebration Center for
church. Jason was preaching.
Monday, I met with Roy Kelley about his hope of
going to Brazil on his first-ever mission trip.
Tuesday, I learned of Dale Lambson's death and
agreed to speak at a funeral service for him on
Sunday, May 29, y2k5 sd 59
Today I would like to introduce you to our good friend Macdonald Wreh. Last October, Macdonald came from the war-torn nation of Liberia to the Epicenter. Before he had been here even a week, he had his Social Security Card and had secured a job. He has had the joy of being a taxpayer ever since. Pastor Wesley and I first met Macdonald in February, 2004. He had been displaced from his apartment due to the recent fighting. His job at the Methodist Bookstore ended when the building was destroyed. He was staying with a friend--wearing that friend's clothes.
Any hope of being married to the mother of his daughter seemed distant. Joyce had left Liberia with Eunice to stay with one of her sisters in Ghana and opportunities for gainful employment in Liberia were rare. One meal a day was what Macdonald had come to expect. When we met him he was not smiling much. He had 'won' the opportunity to go to America on an Immigrant's Visa but did not have adequate resources to pursue the costs involved. Macdonald did not know anyone in America who would be qualified and willing to sign an affidavit-of-support on his behalf.
Most Christians have been
'burned' somewhere along their pilgrimage when
they have tried to reach out and help someone
else who calls himself/herself a believer. As we
became aware of Macdonald's needs we really
didn't know if we could afford to 'risk' what it
would take to help Macdonald. He hadn't told us
of his daughter or his hope of marrying Joyce.
It was difficult to communicate through email.
At Pastor Wesley's suggestion, he began to pray.
In fact, he fasted and prayed. Likewise, Cathy
and I prayed and decided to help in a small way.
Then other Christians became involved...
Longer story short. Much has happened during the seven months since he has actually set foot on American soil. Soon after his arrival, a family in our church decided to give him the gift of a bicycle. Many other acts-of-kindness followed by those who were prompted to empower Macdonald. He has accomplished many personal goals as he worked to earn his way. Having never before driven a car, he needed to study, take and retake the written test, and try three times to pass his road test.
Those of us who know
Macdonald suffered alongside him as we learned
of a tragedy that occurred just one month before
he came to America. His month-long marriage to Joyce,
was almost immediately proved by fire when the
two of them faced the sudden death of their seven
year old daughter,
Eunice. Macdonald still
proceeded with his hope of seeking a better life
for his family. By the grace of God, before Macdonald left Liberia,
he and Joyce were blessed with the conception of
another child. Joyce, who is still in Liberia, is due
to give birth to this child in June. Mac has
been faithful to send support to his wife during
these months apart. Joyce has also been able to
receive kidney treatments as her husband has
worked to provide for his family.
On Saturday, MacDonald took me on a ride in this
1979 Volvo (that came to him through the
watchful, networking ministry of Tom Mogan). Mac
also acknowledged that Jim Parkinson was quite
helpful in getting this car on the road.
Currently Macdonald is driving to Sacramento to
work full-time in a group home for troubled
children. I am encouraged by Macdonald's
steadfast witness and by the demonstrative love
that so many precious people have freely given.
To God be the Glory.
To read more of Macdonald's story in the first person, CLICK HERE, and scroll down.
Saturday, May 28,
y2k5 sd 58
(nearly halfway there toward
I went to see a Nurse Practitioner at Kaiser
yesterday. She checked my ears and nose
regarding the Vertigo and, together, we
concluded that I may have allergies to
environmental factors in Michigan. About my left
knee, (the one that was instantaneously 'healed'
for one night), she was confident to say that it
didn't seem to be anything 'serious.' Still, I
pushed for an x-ray, so I stayed at Kaiser for a
couple hours and read through a most interesting
magazine from September, 2004. I didn't even
bother to ask her professional opinion about how
much time I have left.
I know that sometimes 'the Doctor' will tell a
person that he has less than six months...or
that she's looking at less than five
years.....for me, well, I'll wait until I become
a doctor and then I may look in the mirror and
give myself my very own professional opinion
about the matter. I wasn't kidding about
doctorob's little pills...(well, I was kidding
at the time) but, at this point, j/k has become
i/n/k. My brother used to say, "If you don't
believe me, ask the Blind Man....he saw it all."
OK...enough improvisation, lets get down to some
rehearsed material:
This morning I was privileged to participate
once again in the continuous prayer meeting at
the Epicenter. Every Saturday morning for
several years, a group of Christian men have
gathered to talk, listen, and pray--to/with one
another and to/with God. Some are extravert
prayer-ers and others are introverted...but the
freedom this group has is wonderful. The men
talk and pray until they've prayed through.
Several decisions are made each time this group
meets. The decisions are not necessarily voiced
but I trust that all are YES and AMEN in the
sight of God who is prompting certain thoughts,
prayers, petitions (while also listening to
other issues which pop-up in His all-knowing
I am humbled by the Truth I have come to know. I
didn't write yesterday (or on Thursday).
However, God has given me a message that I've
shared with my wife, Cathy, and a few other
close friends. I won't even try to articulate it
in this particular entry but some facets are:
First, there is no need to write any new songs. I have fragments of several song ideas (from the early 80's) which I have been reviewing during these sd1 through 57. 'LivingOut-LearningIN' this Theology of Integrity, it is vital that I write express some of it in prose connected to the melody/rhythm/chordpattern Continuum that popped-up back in the first days of my Great Awakening (1982-84). Those days were confusing for me; my life had become 'seriously dis-Integrated'. However, I had prayed for salvation in the Name of Jesus. He was 'keeping' me through those months. My sabbatical rest has allowed me the opportunity to revisit some of those journals and letters. Christ Jesus did not 'sanitize' me completely during those early years of working out my salvation. Some of these song fragments will be the seedbed for Theological Rationale upon which future sermons, ministry events, and public/private convictions will be grounded.
Second, Cathy and I are in our twentieth year of marriage. We are a spicy couple of personalities. In this marriage, I bring the jalapeño and she prefers the guacamole--but we're really learning to work it together. More than ever, I am celebrating the mid-life awareness that Cathy is God's Chosen Ambassador to this particular man-in-progress. Instead of kicking against the goads, I'm gonna try my best to move along His chosen path. Likewise, I think my bride is learning to trust my healing ministry as God's Answer to her lifelong heart cry.
Finally, the recent disable-ment of several close friends makes perfect sense in light of my personal testimony regarding my brother's humiliation. When Dick was only 19 (Joe's age), (or was it 20, 21?), this 6'2" childhood hero had his first onset of Multiple Sclerosis. We (his family members and friends) all struggled in different ways through the years ahead. Many of us struggled onward into time without the protective, wisdom-stirring fear of the Lord. However, during the last three years of his young life, my life was inextricably changed. Much of who I have become as a minister, a friend, a poet, a strummer/singer has everything to do with Dick's humiliation. He suffered that I might grow. He outlived his mother by one year breathing out his last breath at the age of 32. I've outlived both of them by many, many years. In light of eternity, both of these young Christians suffered 'with' Christ that others might learn all-important LifeLessons. awat
Oh...there are several more
points, but I've already used the word,
'finally' I depart from Paul's example
of talking past midnight...and sign off here.
A Proverb for
Friday, May 27
May 26,
y2k5 sd56
Proverbs 26
Parenthetical Considerations: (I suppose this
will be today if you are reading this on
May 25,
y2k5 sd55
Proverbs 25
The Day after Tomorrow
(and I reckon this was for yesterday IF you are
reading this on Thursday)
Wednesday morning it is. Daniel and I
spent the night at a Best Western in Utah. They
have free, high speed wireless here. Last night,
we walked across the State Line to Nevada for
supper. My sons both have wanted to 'eat
healthy' during the road trips (so we've mostly
eaten at Subway). Wanting more variety we went
to the Peppermill and had the Buffet. It wound
up being 12.95 each (not quite the super deal
I've always heard so much about). We had prime
rib and plenty of shrimp but 'wanting to get our
money's worth' would have meant eating much too
much. We had a nice waiter that kept bringing
the sodas, so we decided to tip him $2.00.
On the way out out--as we passed by the gambling
tables and slot machines, Daniel said, "Dad, put
one dollar in." A couple years ago, I
played 25 cents in a Nevada airport with Jerry
(and I won there as well). Jerry and I had lunch
at the expensive Airport Subway that day!
Not thinking much about the ethical issues
involved (or this journal entry), I found one
dollar in my pocket and 'played it.' The three
wheels spun, the lights flashed, and the bells
rang out. I was a winner, once again! Not
wanting to take the time to figure out the
winnings, I simply pushed "PayOut", retrieved my
ticket, and headed out. I noticed that it was a
$30 ticket. Daniel and I quickly made a
conceptual connection: the night's winnings had
paid for the supper and the tip.
The teachable moment may have been to say,
"Nah.." to the whole experience. Instead, I
again reminded him of how 'addictive' I have
heard gambling is. I seemed to be able to 'walk
away' in both instances of gambling, BUT, both
times a kid asked me to play, I gave them a
little lecture about how dangerous it can be for
those who do get addicted to it. Their Uncle
Kramer had a problem with gambling as I recall.
Daniel asked me to write in my journal about it.
I said, "Nah...." but he insisted. After all
these sentences, I think it is best if I report
that we're on our way outta this place. Lord
willing, we will be back at the Epicenter late
this afternoon. CLICK HERE to see if the
Scripture mentions slot machines today:
Proverbs 25
May 24,
y2k5 sd54
Proverbs 24
(....this is
a couple days ago IF you are reading this on
Editor's Note: Since the passage of
time/distance will take some time this will be
the last ENTRY until Rob and Dan reenter the
present day at the Epicenter. The above
hyperlinked scriptures have been provided, in
advance since the projected time has some
variable factors (sunlight, wind, time zones,
meals, wayside attractions/distractions, and
that one special hitchhiker who will need a ride
off the beaten path).
Monday, May
y2k5 sd53
Scripture for TODAY: Proverbs 24
I woke up (as is my custom).
Today, I did not hear the bell toll. Although it
must have rung about ten minutes ago: I was
preoccupied planning out the Devotional readings
from Proverbs (above). I didn't know what
time it was. It was dark...but the sound of
birds was quite distinct in my hearing. The
sound of the Birds chirping is 'good sign.'
If you were to have asked Daphne DuMaurier about
'signs' her response would certainly have been
"Does anybody really know what time it is?" This
question posed by the Chicago Transit Authority
so many years ago in this very room was answered
when, in the dark, I fingered my way to the
POWER switch on my laptop. 2:50 AM appeared. I
then proceeded with my calculations and reckoned
(by adding three hours) that it was 5:50 (well,
5:51 by then....time just keeps ticking away).
The lay preacher at the Methodist Church voiced
a prayer to the Lord on our behalf yesterday
morning. He mentioned that our world is
conflicted. As well, the man ministered truth to
me (and the others) in his children's message,
his sermon. His benediction was a powerful
blessing upon us that we would all have hope for
our future and the we would become men and women
of character.
I have certainly been conflicted during my the
42 days I have 'invested' thus far on the trip
backwards and forwards into time. I have written
in this journal (without much censorship)
however I have tried to be careful to protect
the interests of others. I try hard not to be a
liar (or one who exaggerates without the
self-awareness to call the exaggeration by a
$14.95 word: hyperbole). However, there is
probably some exaggeration that is the simple
penny-for-your-thoughts variety. If I could do
something about that (in realtime), I would.
However, at this point, before starting my long
trek westward, I must simply refer the offended
reader to the narrative theology published under
the name: Dr. Stan Nelson. In that text, and at
the beginning of his course, he stated (would
state/and possibly will still) the Principle of
Human Fallibility.
As I told my nephew: "You know, if you're uncle
makes a fool* of himself, just cut him some
slack. Step back and look at the big picture."
And for everyone else (those who aren't
flesh-and-blood), it ain't easy being me.
If I ever get the doctorate, I hope to provide
you all with a free sample of doctorob's little
pills. IF you take one each morning, drink
plenty of water, get plenty of exercise, start
reading, kiss your loved ones, and eat an apple
every so often, YOU SHOULD feel better as the
days goes on.
I woke up with vertigo again. I wish I had my
doctorate, so I could follow the doctor's
advice. But that other guy....he's a quack!
Well, gotta pack up the TimeMachine. Let's roll.
(You can quote me....just remember...whatever
bounces off me might stick to you, so be
careful--AND don't get burned by the molten
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 22
Sunday, May
y2k5 sd52
I woke up just before the Clock Tower began to toll in Coldwater, Michigan. Carefully listening I counted off the five rings. Countless times I heard that same bell ring through the years of my childhood and adolescence. That very bell (and clockworks) was purchased at an auction after our Court House was the object of arson.
My Dad and his friend, Hugh Avery, went to the auction and 'bought back' the enormous four-faced Clock, the works, and the bell. During the eighties (I believe), a group spearheaded the building of a facsimile clock tower near the spot where the old Court House stood.
I sure am thankful
that my father and mother chose Coldwater as our
hometown. Both of them played a significant role
in this city's history.
During the sixties, Dad helped with that
decade's capital campaign to restore the
Tibbits Opera House (f.1882).
Last night, my
son, Daniel,
and I attended a performance there. Daniel
had been invited
by one of the dancers;
I wanted to experience the nostalgia of the
A local group called the
Quantum Dance Continuum
presented The Dance
Factory Time Machine. Citizens of all
ages participated in this 'recital'. The Time
Machine theme involved period pieces--a splendid
night at the Opera House.
Jerry's playing drums at the Methodist Church this morning, so that's where the three of us will attend. I have to walk within range of the wireless connection, send this off, and get ready for church. I'll leave this time zone early tomorrow morning so I'll try to enjoy this last day here to the fullest.
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 21
Saturday, May
y2k5 sd51
I woke up with a
lingering taste of vertigo on my mind. In the
subconscious journals, a significant dream
(courtroom scene) has prompted a number of
pop-ups which I haven't clicked off yet this
And, in 'real' life, someone has scratched the
letters F, A, and G on the passenger side of the
is selling her old
car so I will rouse my two transcontinental sons
for a clean-up campaign.
First I need to up-and-downLoad some ideas.
Tomorrow, Jerry graduates from CHS; from there
we will take him to an airport (Detroit or
Chicago) and send him back to California.
Yesterday, in 'history' (may21), the first
non-stop flight across the Atlantic began. Jerry
will be flying in the opposite direction.
If you read on, you will meet
more of my ancestors. I stayed up late last
night adding to the day's journal. Cathy and I
spoke over the phone; she was cleaning the house
in California while I read her the sad story of
her great, great grandmother-in-law, Angelia
Wheeler Cleveland.
I don't expect that this would be very
interesting for the general public. However,
since the secrets of sexual transmission of DNA
are being explored in my journal, I might as
well say, "Hi" to those who personally (and
biologically) share this ancestor's sad story.
In this form, it may take awhile to fully load
(according to how fast you travel through time
on your digital
Like all of history
(and current events), it is exclusivistic. It
usually only includes the stories that someone(s) in each
generation decided to include. I have read and
heard many sad stories of circumstantial tragedy
as I've traced the line of any one individual.
Interestingly, as I have hunted
through our family's stories, I just can't seem
to find the 5-15% who were homosexual (until
the single testimony of this generation). Maybe
there was some small percent somewhere...sin is
sin. On our Friday visitations, Veda and I met
many people who shared their family secrets of
sexual sins. Some want to clean out the closets.
This may not be fully accurate but I've been
told that according by certain government
all rights to privacy end with a person's death.
I suppose you could register®1957,
1975. ®2001,2005
a name and likeness as a trademark™
(as has happened with the Three Stooges).
Secrets are not usually kept 'perfectly' after a
person's death. People will talk.
I would that all of you leave your survivors
to talk about.
Please put this epitaph on my tombstone:
Robert Gordon Patterson
His whole life was a parody...j/k.
born: at some point in time
died: yeah, that too
eternal life: that was his hope in Jesus Christ
Someone got me started. I was minding my own
business--working on a safe, little doctoral
then someone started cleaning out closets in the
public square, organizing and publishing their
I am the victim, Your Honor. I was pushed to
react to current events.... j/k.
As 'Chip Douglas' has so subtly warned us:
"Don't dig too deep. You
might get burned by the molten lava..."
Homosexuality, Incest, Neighborly pedophilia and
other perversions are just the tip of an iceberg
one might call "The Flesh".
How 'bout false testimony? Stealing? Pride?
....Jealousy? Envy? Idolatry? Adultery? Murder? ...and on ... and on ...
Why not just separate our society
from all subjective sense of morality?
I ask you....Who wants to just go ahead
and legalize all of it?
Those who have established a politically-correct
that's who.
(or was it the proponents of Objective
blah, blah, ad infinitum..."
Golly, I'll probably be dragged into the Sublime
Court of the Collective Unconscious tonight ...
for simply cleaning out MY closet.
"Why can't we all
just get along?"
dunno ....
(maybe) it's an ugly little thing called sin.*
expressed on this page do not necessarily
reflect those of anybody else.
Joseph Patterson was my great, great grandfather. He had come to America from Ireland
when he was 21.
His wife
Katrina Jagger was born here.
They made their
home in Orange County, New York (and later moved to
They had eight children. Their fifth
child was named
Robert C. Patterson
Below is a letter written by
Joseph to his son in Woodstock, Township,
Michigan (1855).
for a transcription of the
click here
Joseph Patterson's
son my great grandfather,
Robert C.
Patterson was around 19 when
the Civil War began.
To see a photograph of Robert
C. Patterson
with his wife Lura Mahala White:
To read a
biography of Robert C. Patterson: Click Here
Letter from Mary Angelia (Wheeler) Cleveland
to her mother Jemima Nutten about the death of baby Edgar
Grove, Kansas
31st, 1873
It has
been a long, long times since I have heard any
words from you.
John was saying today that he guessed you had
"soured on me."
I want to know if it is so, A
week ago yesterday, there was a little coffin
carried from our housed and layed away in the
cold dark grave and one of
our little ones was gone from our sight--never
to return although it is some comfort to know
that we may go to him.
Still our home is lonely without
him, it was one you had never heard of. It was
our little blue eyed baby he was three months
old the day he died.
His name was Edgar. He was the best and
prettiest baby I ever had. He had the Hooping
Cough had been coughing three weeks I never saw
anything so poor as he was.
Freddie did not appear to care anything about it but with little Minnie it was really touching to see her grief and for several days after she would cry every often and say she wanted to see our baby again and have him laugh once more for us. I would give the whole of this world, if ever mine, if I could but see his little blue eyes and sweet pretty face once more.
Freddie has had the Cough about
four weeks
and has it very bad to, Minnie and I
have had it about two weeks. Jimmie is just
beginning to cough.
I supposed I had the Hooping Cough but if I have
I have got it again for I cough and hoop
Minnie & Freddie are very poor and ______ but
Jimmie is __?__ and healthier looking
than the other children ever
I have no more to write now so I will close hoping to hear from you soon.
From Gial
Sep 2nd
I have not
had an
opportunity to send this to the office so I will
write a few more words.
Freddie is not any better yet. Minnie & Jimmie are getting worse. Mother, my dried fruit is nearly gone. I know if I was there I would be welcome to all I wanted if you had.
Now I want to ask you is if you have a _ ?___ wouldn’t you let some one dry on shares and send me some for I do not know what we are to have to eat. This winter we have not had any rain to amount to anything. Since the first of June and what little did grow the grasshoppers are eating up we sowed over half an acre of onions and we will not have enough to have any late potatoes and I guess there is not going to be no more this time.
Please write soon
*years later, Angelia (Wheeler) Cleveland
(Shipman) had a granddaughter named after her. My
Grandma Angelia Peterson (Patterson, then Green)
wrote in this short explanation at the top of
the fourth page. Decades later, Gial would marry
George Shipman, then live her last years at
the Cronk Road farm with her daughter Minnie
husband, Frank Peterson), and her great
grandchildren: Richard and Sally Patterson).
Angelia Wheeler
Cleveland, 1895.
She later will marry George Shipman. In the latter years of her life, she
is cared for by her daughter, Minnie Peterson,
at the Cronk Road farm. She will share a bedroom
with her great grandson, Richard Thomas
Patterson (my Dad).
Every night Grandma Shipman brought a kerosene
lamp, and a glass of
water to her nightstand.
Then would shuffle across the room to wind her
Uncle Tom (Peterson) was always concerned that
Grandma would knock over the lamp and burn down
the house.
The little boy, Richard, listened carefully for the
nightly routine. He still has the clock.
(Cleveland) Peterson
Frank Peterson
Cleveland married Frank Peterson.
Here they are at the Cronk Road farm with the
Peterson relatives: (l-r) Susan Shafer
Peterson, Thomas S. Peterson, Layfayette
Peterson, Frank and Minnie.
for Frank
Patterson's Family History:
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 20
Friday, May
y2k5 sd50
Wisdom from Dad:
"Even a fish wouldn't get caught...
...if it kept its big mouth shut."
I just returned to Coldwater from
a quick business trip on to Niles, Michigan
with my Dad. At 75, Dad is still very active in
business traveling east and west on U.S. 12 (the Old
Sauk Trail). It occurred to me yesterday as I was
helping Dad that I knew his work routines quite
well. This proved to me that I needed to 'go back
home again' in order to rightly recall what happened
here during the first two decades of my life. For
instance, I have sometimes told others that my
father was 'absent' much of my life. Actually, I
could probably write a book about this guy because
he has lived out revelation for those who have been
within his sphere of influence. There are reasons
that his interactions with his children were
selective and specialized.
In recent years Dad had a growth removed from the
front ride side of his head (his frontal lobe was
pressed and he feels he can't remember some formerly
well-recorded memories. Dad always had trouble
remembering certain non-essentials (like the birth
order of his children, etc.).
A few years back, he and Aunt Sally had gone to
Hillsdale and revisited their collective past. They
took along a cassette recorder and taped an oral
history. However, Dad didn't remember having done
this. So, it will be a blessing for me to minister
'memories' to Pa in the years to come. Dad expects
to live into his nineties.
His father, Robert W. Patterson died at age 51 (lung
problems from the mustard gas used on the troops in
France (World War 1). Angelia, my Grandma, was to
raise two children alone: Richard, 8 and Sally, 4.
They would have lost their home on Rippon Avenue.
So, Grandma sold the house (before threatened with a
tax sale) and she moved out to her parents' farm on
Cronk Road. There, Grandma started a business
raising chickens. The children grew up with their
grandparents, Frank and Minnie (Cleveland) Peterson.
During that time their Great Grandmother lived out
the rest of her life there. The Peterson farm had
served for others to come live out their last years.
Previously, Uncle Wallace Cleveland (the inventor)
lived there previously. Grandma would refer to Uncle
Wallace as one who 'chased bubbles' in life. He had
in fact operated three grist mills (in Marengo...and
2 other sites). He was working on a perpetual motion
device as a means of energy. I don't what happened
to the prototype. My brother, Mike, has demonstrated
in his life a similar penchant for intuitive,
mechanical reasoning.
Today, I gathered information about Dad's early
adulthood and vocational development. He moved from
the farm on Cronk Rd. into Hillsdale (147 Union)
when he was in the 9th grade. Dad became known as a
young man who could possibly repair appliances in
the neighborhood. This led to a job with a man down
on Union Street who replaced electric stove burners.
In that shop, Dad learned the science of Radio
Repair by starting out testing and replacing tubes.
During the War (ww2), radio tubes were rationed.
Dad's mentor was an ethical businessman who refused
to buy tubes illegally.
During this time another young
man, Harold Munn, rode his bicycle to the shop. He
learned of my Dad's interests and abilities and
offered him a job working nights and weekends
running a public address system. The small company
served to amplify sound at sporting events,
wrestling matches, and the annual Christmas
pageants. My Dad knows the very roots of the campy
Wrestling Champs which are still a active in the
stream of popular culture. He spoke of the Aztec
King, the Little Flower (he was a small Italian who
could bounce as high as the top rope).
I suppose I will someday ask Dad more questions
about that particular subculture because Dad still
watches Wrestling on TV. He knows some of the
behind-the-scenes stuff of that show business venue.
This afternoon, Dad and I are
going to discuss my purchase of an old Edison
phonograph at 2:00. Then, I am supposed to meet my
sister, Nancy, at 3:30 to see where the Clevelands
are buried in the Old Cemetery. I'd like to try to
speak with Greg Brayton about some recording ideas.
Time is running go.
For more information on
Uncle George, Grandpa John
and other 'cousins' of President Grover
through blog archives at:
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 19
Thursday, May 19,
y2k5 sd49
On my recent TimeTravel
to visit Aunt Sally, I was introduced to my
great, great, great Uncle George. Here
Uncle George Cleveland
just before he was honorable discharged from the
Union Army. Notice that Uncle George suffered loss
of his right arm on the battlefield.
Just the day before meeting Uncle George, my son,
Jerry, and I had walked down to the old section of
Oak Grove Cemetery (in Coldwater).
I told Jerry that we didn't have any relatives in
Coldwater (before my Dad had moved here). Well, I
was wrong.
would come-of-age and marry Elizabeth Higgens.
Uncle George and Aunt Lizzie lived
here in Coldwater at 98 South Jefferson.
George and Aunt Lizzy had a daughter.
They named
her Grace Cleveland.
Another generation would pass as Grace came-of-age
and married.
Here she is at Aunt Lizzie's home with their
daughter. I really didn't get a chance to meet
Grace's husband or their little girl.
Not only did some of
my family live in Coldwater in the 1800's some
of those relatives are buried here in the old
Proverbs 20
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 18
Wednesday, May 18,
y2k5 sd48
Just returned to Coldwater from Tiffin,
Ohio. Aunt Sally and I traveled all over time into
the wee hours of the morning--looking at tin-types,
letters, stories, photographs, and poetry from our
My cousin, James Nelson Cook, hung out with us last night. We picked up
his wife, Sue, and went out for Chinese food. He
informed me that Phil Keaggy (an Ohio boy) would be
playing a concert nearby in July. Then, he mentioned
that Randy Stonehill would be there the following
Well, I just had to act like the big-shot relative
who went out to California and now knows Randy
Stonehill. I told Jim that I'm glad he knows about
Stonehill. I've had to introduce his unique ministry
to so many people in Galt...ya know? weird.
It was good to share how much I think of Randy
personally. Jebby and I have talked over the depth
of Randy's performance. I've always been impressed
with how he stays after...and speaks with every
single person who wants to meet him. I hope good
stuff will happen to all the people I've mentioned
in this name-dropping blog. AND that ain't
SCHMOOZE...that's just me.
Let's look at the Word, shall we?
CLICK HERE: Proverbs 18
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 17
Tuesday, May 17,
y2k5 sd47
I'm heading for Ohio today so I may not
be online but please feel free to write me at the
address above or send a message from
If you are with us for
the very first time, kick back, mouse&click your way
Don't even try to see it all in one day. You can't. It is virtually
IMPOSSIBLE. Season passes are absolutely FREE.
Hol lol lu Jah! n/k
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 16
Monday, May 16,
y2k5 sd46
This morning I have
been busy tweaking and rethinking how best to
present myself to the outer world of ideas and
has undergone a few edits through the hours of this
morning thus far. At 2:30 AM, Cathy asked me, "Are
you getting anything done toward your prospectus?"
One can always hope that somehow the issue of this day is related
and can be adequately integrated in an intentional,
informed manner.
(short answer: not really)
The Complete Idiot's Guide
to Sexual Orientation, Social Manipulation, and
other words
Hey, I'm not trying to be
pushy here...I just thought you might wanna read
something from an 11th grader I met Sunday.
Micah L. Tomlinson
My alma mater (1975) Coldwater High School
has a newly-formed student group on campus: "the
Gay-Straight Alliance." Our teenagers are being
asked to 'identify' and question their sexuality and
submit to being 'educated' by those who think
additional classifications beyond Male or Female
should be accepted as normal.
On many fronts, children and adolescents are being pressured to
identify themselves as:
Should they have not yet made a 'choice' they are,
in some settings, offered these options:
As the parent of a 13 year old daughter, I resist
the pressure that she faces regularly to 'accept'
this questioning of her developing sexuality.
I will not identify myself as Straight, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, bigoted, or 'homophobic.'
However, all of my children have been duped into
thinking that they SHOULD claim that they are
STRAIGHT. (even on
STRAIGHT? Where did 'that word' originate to
describe sexuality? A better word would be NORMAL or
To say that I am straight says that 'male' or
'female' is not sufficient.
Words and Labels are manipulative tools. I choose
not to accept labels other than male and female.
Don't call me a bigot. Don't call me homophobic.
John Lennon liked to use the word the f word. What
word? know....he also was known to use it in
combination with the q word. Whose working-class
hero was Lennon?
Sticks and Stones may break my bones....but words?
.....Hark! Words are powerful.
"Silent No More." You know what? I'm tired of having
a social agenda of sexual-redefinition being forced upon me.
I don't appreciate those who are regularly trying to
manipulate the popular culture. So, I'm writing my
notes, putting them in the BlogBottle, and throwing
it out into the multi-cultural ocean of
I don't want to be forced to FOCUS on a small,
well-financed minority opinion. Forced, spoon-fed
ideology ain't cool.
Yesterday I met an 11th grader from Coldwater High
School named Micah Tomlinson. His temperament is
admirable. He seems to know how best to present
himself to those he loves--his friends, his peers.
This young poet/musician has decided to no longer
remain silent. He values his peers enough to endure
the pressure of asking some thoughtful questions:
Micah L. Tomlinson
Micah isn't an Idiot like me....he focuses on his
friends....I need to let this young person's heart
soften my own.
If you want to read some TRUTH, click here:
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 16
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 15
Sunday, May 15,
y2k5 sd45
This morning I went to the Coldwater United
Methodist Church at 7:00 AM so I could take part in
their celebration breakfast for graduates. Jerry's
last day of school is this Wednesday and he will
graduate next Sunday night.
I am very proud of this son of ours; he played drums
for the following service with Mark at the Piano and
Greg on the guitar, a flautist, and some singers.
The church observed Pentecost Sunday today. Sally
Brayton was a flag-bearer among others who carried
in colorful flags (representing the tongues of fire,
I suppose).
After that service, Greg and I went to Sunday School
and had a session of the Andy Griffith Bible Study.
It was very fruitful (especially the discussion
which followed).
From there, I went to Cornerstone Baptist Church
(which meets in the old Washington School building).
Pastor Terry Tomlinson preached a very important
message. I told him that I hadn't been fully
expecting the Divine Appointment which took place in
that small room. God affirmed for me a role I need
to play in my generation (among the poets and
prophets in the popular culture). I don't really
wanna speak out...but I must.
More on the unwanted message later. Right now, I'm
going to Pastor Tomlinson's home for dinner. Check
back later....maybe I'll update this note.
If not, tomorrow....Lord Willing.
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 14
Saturday, May 14,
y2k5 sd44
I trust that some of you readers have visited my
little site at
If you have a little time, please stop over today. I just moved in a few days ago...and I can comfortably entertain visitors now.
I can gauge my passion for an idea upon how late I'll stay up working...and, then, how ready I am to get back to work the next morning. So, even though Jerry and I were outside walking when the Tornado Warning horns started blowing, I've been having 'fair weather' on the inside.
Among my new friends are
a few teenagers (all from California for some
reason). Rhianna is from Lodi, Tony's in Stockton,
Krystal's from Lancaster and Ben?...
...well, Ben's kinda out there. You know, he's a Boy
Scout/Musician. I was too...come to think of it. I'm
pleased that each of these individuals added me as
their friend.
I think it would
be hard to create a local youth group environment
where these same four teenagers would feel accepted,
welcomed, and treasured. They certainly are at
myspace. and at 'myspace.'
Fortunately, I'll have the memory of Veda alongside
me as I get to know these precious young people.
Last night Cathy asked me to explain the idea of
'Time Travel' again. I moved in
closer (to the mouthpiece) and
let her in on a little secret...
TimeTraveler (whispering)
shhh...I don't fully
understand the time, distance,
earth/sun rotation equations...all I know is that when
I was fully awake this morning, all of you in California
were still in bed and it was dark there...and next
Sunday we'll drive west hours ahead of the sun for
three days (or we could use my free plane tickets
and fly back to the Epicenter in a matter of
hours....still racing with the sun--but faster) . . .
I have come from the future?
Have I really come from the future?
I've read the end of the
book....that's about as futuristic as I trust.
I have known the Alpha (the Beginning) and will
continue to know the Omega (the End).
So regularly, I come back to the L, M, N, O, P of
the work week. Others call that reality.
For my ENTIRE life I have invested many of each
day's thoughts
and looping sequences of experiences-over-time.
That's TimeTravel,
Here are a few songs that may help
clarify my narrative theology of
Teaching Joe about TimeTravel when he was 3
Teaching Jerry
Cathy has TraveledTime with Me for Ages
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 13
Friday, May 13,
y2k5 sd43
Well, Fridays are set apart for visitation with Veda
and as she always said, "Whatever you think we
should do, pastor." So, don't be surprised to hear
me talk about going out on visitation with Veda.
Yes, its Friday the 13th but I'm not superstitious:
"This is the day that the Lord has made."
Last night I heard a great band that Jerry has
picked as about to break through to the Big Venues.
They are great musicians and handle themselves quite
professionally onstage. I am impressed. Their name
(from Norfolk, Virginia).
Showmanship has certainly changed since I was a
teen. Our rockers could solo on their instrument.
That doesn't seem to happen much anymore...however
MAE's lead guitarist was very tasteful with his
fills. They must have a rich musical heritage from
the previous couple generations.
Other bands who played last night were:
The Academy Is...(from
Chicago), Days
Away, and Jamison Parker.
Remember Jesus looking around and 'choosing' twelve men to be his close friends? Certainly thousands 'chose' to follow him...(consider the women who supported his ministry). Well, this matter of inviting people for those who have space at is an interesting matter of research.
I am limiting my friends for the time being. I may also limit the number to twelve. I'm allowing women into my twelve. Well Veda has been added to myspace so we'll see if anyone decides to write to her. I know that she would be thrilled with the idea that we were keeping her sweet, friendly, accepting ministry alive and on-the-go...
Remember, folks, if you choose to
wander very far from 'my immediate neighborhood' it
could get really ROUGH on your integrity! Be
forewarned! Don't blame me for stumbling you...I'm
serious about that.
If you do decide to visit
myspace. Read and
LIVE the proverb for
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 13
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 12
Thursday, May 12,
y2k5 sd42
Wow...yesterday I spent hours upon hours doing
'fingers on' research. I tweaked my secondary
webpage at
Don't visit me there
unless you're
willing to see some gawdy advertisement and...uh...
you're willing to be around some cigarette smoke
(and...let's see...what else?...uh...well, some of
the young people might not expect you to show
up in their, you've been warned).
Just remember, Dorothy, you're not in Kansas
I did a thorough 'myspace search' for people from
1972 to 1975.*
Surprise! There is absolutely NOBODY from that time
and place but me.
There are many from all
of my alma mater sites as I explored subsequent
I even have a number of friends and acquaintances
from G-Town who call it their own space (and seem to
be very comfortable there). Still, as courageous as
they may appear to be on their own turf--with people
who look and act like them--many would be very
scared of TimeTravel™.
IF you know what I mean? If not,
well . . .
Tonight, Jerry
and I will travel to Grand Rapids, Michigan to see
four bands headlined by MAE
(Multi-sensory Aesthetic Experience).
Their website is Flash 7
which is not very BLIND-FRIENDLY, especially
for multi-sensory-sensitives)!
Anyway, here's their site:
BTW...for the little fish
in the Big, Blind Pond:
Inquiring minds may want to know that
Greg Brayton
has been in the hospital for four days. He's being
released this morning. Still suffering from severe
pain as a symptom of pancreatitis. (google that word
and you'll see that my buddy is having has had some
hard days' nights). Click on his name to hear him
play lead guitar for one of my songs.
*footnote for my
blind readers:
the aforementioned era
1972-1975 is historically significant as
it encompasses this TimeTraveler's tenure at
Coldwater High School.
During those years I was researching a generation I
have chosen to call the Late-Boomers
(and my subculture of preference:
the pre-postmoderns).
a Daily Devotional reading: Proverbs 11
Wednesday, May 11,
y2k5 sd41
Its the start of the day here in Michigan. I just
dropped Jerry
off for school and have until 3:00 p.m. to work on
my doctoral writing. We have started taking walks
together after school.
I have been driving to different locations where we
park and then take a long, relaxing walk. Yesterday,
we walked along the river at Waterworks Park.
Our walks don't fit the specifications of a
. I don't really know
what to call them yet. I've always taken father/son,
or father/daughter time with each of the kids (but
this is different).
I am learning more about this particular son. It's
enjoyable to hear a high school senior think outloud.
He is quite certain that this summer will be 'the
Summer of Jerry'.
Jerry is developing a heightened degree of
self-awareness. He took note of a waist-high gate in
the park and asked if I thought he could jump it. I
responded negatively. He proved me wrong. Just past
the immediate success of that moment, Jerry reminded
me that I had doubted his ability. I told him that I
would never again doubt his confidence about the
hurdle ahead of him.
A calculating thinker, this son of ours seems to
know the
and breadth of his abilities. We saw some skaters
working on their skills and he informed me that he
had specifically chosen drums over skating. He feels
that there is more of a future in drums.
Well, I did email my
Buddies® yesterday
(and I actually feel the love--having simply done
that). Cathy and I had a long conversation on the
phone last night. We're enjoying the depth of this
20th year. In honor of her, I am reminded that
today's proverb has special significance in Cathy's
pilgrimage. She quoted this verse when we were first
Proverbs 11:1
Height or Heighth
The noun form of broad is breadth,
the noun form of long is length,
and the noun form of wide is width.
Because of this, some people follow the pattern and say heighth, with a th at the end of the word high. That is not standard English. The correct form is height.
Notice the vowel change with an ei. It is not ie because it does not make the long e sound.
Incorrect: He seems to know the heighth
and breadth of his abilities?Correct: He seems to know the height
and breadth of his abilities?
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 10
Tuesday, May 10,
2005 sd40
I took three long walks yesterday--one in the
morning (alone) and two different walks with Jerry. just occurred to me how 'study' and
'writing' are hard for me to undertake over extended
periods of time. Although I need to
introvert sometimes, I really miss the work-world
interaction with co-laborers during the day.
This morning I thought about what my retired friends
have faced when they didn't have the comfortable
pattern of going to work everyday.
Yesterday, I was
thinking about our website and my upcoming doctoral
project. I read Eva's journal and found myself
thinking about her views.
Eva mentioned the national news story about the North Carolina pastor who
supposedly led his church to 'vote out' members for
not supporting President Bush in the last
election. The internet news groups chose to run that
story on Saturday (and, of course, I was compelled
to read it). Sunday night I checked on the
progress of that same story and apparently received
the same type of news that Eva read.
Today that North Carolina church is
supposed to have a business meeting. The pastor said
he thought it could all be cleared up there. I have
had to face political issues as a pastor and
community leader. It makes me uneasy but sometimes
you have to make an important stand publicly. I have never desired that church members
would simply vote from peer pressure (and without personal conviction).
We are to render unto Caesar what belongs to
Caesar. In a democracy, the citizens
are Caesar. When I vote I should take the time to
seriously consider both sides of an argument and
then vote
according to my conscience.
We have the freedom to educate and
influence those around us. That is a weighty fact
which calls for humility and the fear of the Lord.
I haven't been surprised to learn of the political
differences held within our church. Any
politically-charged individual probably has a
personal story worth hearing.
Hey, I'm glad that we don't have a business meeting tonight!
Monday, May 10,
2005 sd40
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 10
I took three long walks yesterday. One in the
morning (alone) and two different walks with Jerry. just occurred to me how 'study' and
'writing' are hard for me to undertake over extended
periods of time. Although I need to
introvert sometimes, I really miss the work-world
interaction with co-laborers during the day.
This morning I thought about what my retired friends
have faced when they didn't have the comfortable
pattern of going to work everyday.
Yesterday, I was
thinking about our website and my upcoming doctoral
project. I read Eva's journal and found myself
thinking about her views.
Eva mentioned the national news story about the North Carolina pastor who
supposedly led his church to 'vote out' members for
not supporting President Bush in the last
election. The internet news groups chose to run that
story on Saturday (and, of course, I was compelled
to read it). Sunday night I checked on the
progress of that same story and apparently received
the same type of news that Eva read.
Today that North Carolina church is
supposed to have a business meeting. The pastor said
he thought it could all be cleared up there. I have
had to face political issues as a pastor and
community leader. It makes me uneasy but sometimes
you have to make an important stand publicly. I have never desired that church members
would simply vote from peer pressure (and without personal conviction).
We are to render unto Caesar what belongs to
Caesar. In a democracy, the citizens
are Caesar. When I vote I should take the time to
seriously consider both sides of an argument and
then vote
according to my conscience.
We have the freedom to educate and
influence those around us. That is a weighty fact
which calls for humility and the fear of the Lord.
I haven't been surprised to learn of the political
differences held within our church. Any
politically-charged individual probably has a
personal story worth hearing.
Hey, I'm glad that we don't have a business meeting tonight!
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 9
Monday, May 9,
2005 sd39
Ruth Parkinson has a friend in
Estonia named Riini. I met her when I was there in
June of 2003. Ruth forwarded some of us a letter
that Riini wrote her saying that she will join her
in prayer for her son, Greg, in Iraq.
This is an example of
a small church's worldwide connectivity possible
through the Internet.
Today, President Bush met with Russia's President
Putin for a parade and ceremonies commemorating the
anniversary of the downfall of Nazi Germany.
Those of us who have made friends with people from
Estonia have had a vested interest in our President
speaking out about the history of what happened to
the three Baltic nations (Estonia, Latvia, and
Lithuania) at the same time.
The Proverb for today includes
this verse:
verse 9 Instruct a wise man
and he will be wiser
teach a righteous man and he
will add to his learning.
Father, I pray today that world leaders will turn to
you for direction as they try to effectively serve
their nation's people.
Lord, instruct us in the way of life.
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 8
Sunday, May 8,
2005 sd38
Today, Jerry and I went to a
nearby town where my Dad grew up: Hillsdale,
Michigan. We went to a nature reserve called the
Arboretum. Its a beautiful wooded area next to
Hillsdale College. We used to go there as children
and I've gone back to the place several times as an
We walked the paths and stopped on the small bridge
over a swamp where I've prayed at different times.
Jerry and I prayed for our family--specifically for
Mom on this Mother's Day.
Speaking of mom--here's a photo I know will bless
Cathy today. She shot this photo of Dan right before
his pig was auctioned yesterday. What a great mom she
Let this serve as a reminder to all four of my kids: Mama is always there for them!
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 7
Saturday, May 7,
2005 sd37
This morning I woke up feeling
dizzy and thirsty. I think that I haven't been
drinking enough water. Yesterday's blog mentioned
that I hoped for living water to quench the thirst of those
for whom I hope. I didn't drink much myself
yesterday however. Today I will.
I start this new morning with a simple giving of
thanks to God through a testimony.
I believe that Proverbs 31 says something like this
about the wife of noble character:
'Her children arise and call her
blessed; her husband also....and he praises her.'
Cathy and I have been married for twenty years.
With Mother's Day approaching I want to take the
time to share with you all that this wife of mine,
the mother of my children, is still my very best
friend. For this I am grateful to God.
This Mother's Day is a significant
one-time alignment of the ages for Cathy. Currently,
all four of her children are teenagers. Being a
mother to teenagers is a challenging season in a
woman's life.
We have had hundreds of conversations about raising
our kids. We don't always agree--but we always try
to work our way through every difficult
disagreement. (Hmmm....I can almost see her shaking
her head right now....) This is
my definition of 'working through' an issue is not
as complex as hers.)
...As I was saying, the many times we have worked
through our disagreements have brought a wonderful
balance to our marriage. She has grown to trust me
as I have grown to trust her. I don't know when or
how our children will know enough to arise and call
her blessed. However, I do. As her husband, I arise
to praise her this morning (and the next).
I have never before missed honoring her on Mother's Day. This year I won't be in the same place with her. I usually get up and make her a cup of coffee and bring it to her with some other simple acts of tribute.
Can you tell I miss my beloved?
I hope this testimony will please my wife;
I trust that it is pleasing to the Lord.
(I just read this to Cathy over the phone; she's at the state fair again--offering faithful motherly support of Dan as they auction off his pig.)
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 6
Friday, May 6,
2005 sd36
Time is short this morning. Gotta
run off with my Dad. I hope that today everyone
drinks plenty of water, breathes deeply, and humbly
give thanks to God. That's what I
think I need to do today.
TimeTraveling again: I just now looked ahead toward tomorrow (while looking back...and while thinking about today). You see, I was thinking about the process of compiling the Proverbs day-by-day and decided to work on Proverbs chapter 6. During my years of morning devotions at Alpha and Omega Ministries, we always talked over the verses about the Sluggard...and the dangers of too much Sleep.....then I was awakened, as a father, to the need to talk to my sons about 'adultery' and the importance of letting God's Word direct their sexuality. These proverbs are talking about it over and I'm going to make that a point of dialogue with each of my sons. I will point it out from these scriptures. Last night I saw some show comparing Brittany Spears to J-Lo and could see the appeal to the lust of men's well, all the rock/hip-hop videos on MTV sure seem to be appealing to the man's eyesight. Ohh...the proverbs seem clear about bait on a hook. Hey, if you wanna look ahead, here it is: Proverbs 6 (Let's not forget to attend to TODAY however).
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 5
by the way,
I highly recommend today's
proverb for every man! Look for
the living colors.
I want my own sons to know these words of life
and to live accordingly as they make their way
through on their own pilgrimage.
Thursday, May
2005 sd35
Tomorrow morning, my Dad needs me
to help him with a job. We're planning to move a
50's jukebox down some stairs in the home of the
purchaser. Therefore, I called my Aunt Sally and
told her that I wouldn't come to Ohio after all.
Joe sent me an email yesterday that he was
finished with his first year of college, had
packed, and would be leaving Riverside to return
to Galt.
Terry Shepherd sent me an email in which she informed me about the current status of a new ministry for our local church: the Food Pantry. Having been involved with food baskets at Alpha and Omega, I know that there will be many new people drawn to those who minister in that way.
It has warmed up here in
Michigan. I spent some time in the sun yesterday
in hope that the rays would contribute to
positive thinking. I was quite lonely yesterday
so I went for a long walk with Jerry after
school. Later, Cathy and I spoke on the phone.
She told me that she was going to
meet up with Joe in Modesto late last night.
After supper at a drive-in Root Beer Stand,
Jerry and I went to the Library to check email.
I was sorry to hear that Al Warren is
struggling with his health and that he had to go
to the hospital. I told him a couple days ago
that I would pray for him (as I connected his
physical troubles with that of my own). Then, I
got on our website and got caught up on what
Eva has been doing.
She sure enjoys watching
her husband, doesn't she (5-03)? I finally
watched a portion of "American Idol" so I got to
experience Scott Savol for myself. I couldn't
tell why she disliked him so much from the small
slice I watched. I always enjoyed being around
Eva and James. As far as I know they are still
attending Tom's
Sunday School Class. I wonder how that's
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 4
Wednesday, May 4,
2005 sd34
Sandy went to Pennsylvania for a
couple days so I spent last night hanging out in
front of the TV with my Dad. Its still cold here. I
wore a coat as I sat in the room.
I also tried to work on my laptop but didn't get much done. I woke up this morning thinking about some of the study I did yesterday on being one of the Lord's witnesses according to examples from the Scriptures. I thought that it might be helpful to others.
"It is not for you to know the times or dates the
Father has set by his own authority. But you will
receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on
you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to
the ends of the Earth."
I will try to upload
some of that writing later today.
My Dad has invited me out to breakfast so I think
that I'll get a late start today. That's OK though.
I prayed this morning that I would be refreshed in
this research project.
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 3
Tuesday, May 3,
2005 sd33
I've been 'running in place'
trying to build up confidence. I just haven't felt
the same since falling the other day and smashing my
face against the ground.
The accident had provided a teachable moment in my
life--not being able to take 'running' for granted.
I love to run.
Jerry patted me on the shoulder and said,
"Well, face it, Dad,
you're getting older."
My response: "Yeah, but Tom Lane ran a marathon when he was older than I am now..."
So, here's a page
with possibilities for words for the 'oceanside walk
with God' song called "God Calling." Some of these
words may/may not wind up connected to either
version of the song you can click on after you
click here.
Its a cold Tuesday morning in Michigan. I spoke with
our son Daniel last night. He is hoping
that the pig he raised (as a school project) will
weigh enough to be entered at the State Fair. No one
in our immediate family has done this before, so
we're learning from Daniel. Oh, yesterday Jerry told
me that Daniel is changing his name to Dan. Dan
verified this for me.
Remember how John Wesley worked at organizing lay
preachers to spread the gospel? Well, both Greg and
Sally Brayton have been studying to be able to
minister the Word. Greg finished his first sermon
yesterday. Check back here because I'll upload it as
soon as I find it in my mailbox.
I spent some time in serious theological reflection today. Its taking awhile but I'm making progress. . .
Monday, May
2, 2005 sd32
we just added Bass and Drums to 'God Calling'
Click here
if you'd like to hear it.
a Daily Devotional reading:
Proverbs 2
Today marks a new methodology for my Sabbatical days
in Coldwater, Michigan. I have a study area
available at Ben's house during the daytime but will
probably sleep over at 142
(pronounced one-four-two) during the
Sometime this week I think I'll go to Ohio and visit
with my Aunt Sally (Dad's only sister) and assorted
cousins. Aunt Sally has compiled the extant
photographs, letters, and stories from her mother's
Aunt Sally is also
a 'church lady' having been heavily involved at a
United Methodist Church in Tiffin, Ohio for many
As a
child I took many long trips south to Tiffin, Ohio
to stay with that branch of our family. Sometimes, I
traveled there with Grandma. Aunt Sally is kinda
like a mom to me. Her son, Jim, called her mother
sometimes (pronouncing the word as mu′-ther).
I remember stopping to reflect how different his
life was than mine...having that special someone to
tease (mu′-ther). With Mother's Day coming next
Sunday, I'm going to proceed with publishing 'pop-up
reflections' about those women who God has sent to
me through the years. I suppose that my dying
mother's prayers may have included asking Him to
take care of her five children.
Again, here is the
for the second day
of this month. Attending to the scriptural proverbs
will bless the reader in many ways (relationally and
financially). Still, you
must be born again to inherit
eternal Life.
This is why I have chosen to include a 'picture of
Jesus' with the Proverbs each day.
Without Christ,
the reader is missing the ONLY
to unlocking
stored up in the daily devotional.
If you are at the point of wondering about your
personal relationship with Christ and would like to
dialogue, please feel free to write me:
read April y2k5 entries:
click here
Sunday, May 1, 2005
evening time
Proverbs 1
Today I have spent much time with my son, Jerry. We
went to church together in the morning, rested
together in the afternoon, went to a musical program
at 3:00 pm (Jerry playing drums for the youth band),
and the to a matinee.
My nephew, Ben, is coming home from his trip to
Europe tonight. Therefore, Jerry is going back to
stay at my brother, Mike's house, and I will
continue to stay here.
Since its the first of a new month, I've uploaded
Proverbs 1 for
you but will also allow the link to Proverbs 31 to
remain throughout the week.
It is a mother's message being passed on to her son,
the King. Remember, everyone, Mothers Day is a week
from today.
Proverbs 31
in honor of all the mothers I have known.
There is no one quite like you (and yet you're all
alike). May God bless you to nurture and empower
younger men and women who look to you to model
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