Readers' Comments
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A Revised October Issue of Handmaidens
Oct 27,
2005, at 2:13 PM, Candi wrote:
Hi Iona,
My name is Candi, and I go to FBC. I had a free moment yesterday,
and was fishing around the VBS website for 2006 to see what would
inspire me......ended up on our church website, and saw a link to
Art ...I thought I was dreaming,...or somewhere else by
mistake..........(can you tell that I love art?) I ended up on your
site. What a wonderful treat. I really enjoyed your daily
inspirational bible verse (well, I have for two days now : + )
).................and your art ....well, it is wonderful.
The picture you just finished is so life like.... I put my little
pointing hand curser on my screen over the open eye of Jesus
depicted in the image......what I saw was very powerful..........a
million words came pouring from that picture...........Likewise, I
then covered the other eye, the closed one......this time I saw the
man Jesus, who died for all of us.
I know absolutely nothing about digital painting , but what I do
know is that God truely is using you, working through your hands,
so that you may share with others.
Thank you , Candi Shelton
Oct 26,
2005, at 4:26 PM, Jenny wrote:
Thanks for reminding me the cross had blood on it. Your art is
stunning. Thanks for using it for the Glory of God. I read your blog
every day. What a beautiful witness. I am so impressed at your
candor. You make me laugh and sometimes cry, but always remind me of
God's love. I now call His blessings Love Notes, too. LOL
Oct 26,
2005, at 7:48 AM, Beth wrote:
Amazing art! I am speachless! I have been going to your pages
reading the spiritual meaning of you graphics, etc. for a long time.
I always marvel at your symbolism and how you pour your love for the
Lord into your artwork and writing. I am sure that in person you are
just as ready to declare your passion for Him. Anyway, this is my
favorite of anything I have seen of yours. One day in heaven, you
and Mel Gibson can talk about how you disturbed complacent people
with your expressions of Christ on the cross. Keep it up!
Oct 26,
2005, at 3:57 AM, Marv wrote:
Good night, those are some upsetting pictures! I didn't like
them at all when I first saw them. Great talent, beautiful
workmanship, but to paint such disturbing pictures? I kept going
back to have another look. I must have gone back 8 or 9 times and
will go back again. The more I study them, the better I like them.
They preach! At first, I didn't want to hear the message. It was too
harsh; too in your face. Then I went out and bought Gibson's Passion
DVD. Ouch! But you and Gibson have it right, I believe; it was that
horrible. I don't think I ever saw it quite that way before. I will
never be the same. God bless you, Iona.
Oct 25,
2005, at 1:36 PM, Daniel wrote:
Iona, I am an artist, so when I began reading your blog of the
24th, I became very intrigued as you discussed your art - but I was
completely unprepared for what I saw at the end. Those are the most
gripping works of art I have ever seen.....anywhere! Believers and
unbelievers alike will be touched by this.... It will reach in and
grab their gut. I would give my right arm to produce something that
could produce such raw emotion. All the skill and talent in the
world cannot replace the heart of a work. These are inspired! Please
post more.
In Christ, Dan
Oct 25,
2005, at 10:10 AM, Ben wrote:
Iona, these pictures you put up are DISTURBING. No one wants
something like that on there wall. Why not paint Jesus in a way
people can stand to look at? I don't mean to be negative, but thse
two pictures make me nervous. They upset people. I like most of your
art. My favorite is Mary and baby Jesus. Now, that is a good
Oct 25,
2005, at 5:50 AM, KTL wrote:
Iona, I can't believe how compelling your picture of Jesus is! I
bought some of your Christ on the Cross series of prints in Dothan.
I have always felt you had a special "feel" for painting Jesus, but
this is unbelievable! I stared at these pictures for a long time,
weeping and praying. I HAVE NEVER FELT SO LOVED BY HIM!
You say you are painting the
Passion. I want prints of each painting. Just tell me how to order
and if they are still the same price.
About your "blog," I love it. What
exactly is a blog? I have never explored one or even seen one
before. Just keep writing and painting. Your brain may be "injured,"
but The Lord is using you, so don't worry about it. You had an
abundance of "gray matter" to begin and are still far better equipt
than many.
Your fan, Kay
Oct 23,
2005, at 7:43 PM, Ben wrote:
I have enjoyed your work so much that I went back to read your
archived pages, but I do have a comment about the cookie recipe. I
feel that such a thing has no place on religious pages. I used to
read your work when you lived in Colorado, then kept track of the
sites when you relocated to Alabama and now on to California, so I
am a long time follower of your talent and do not want to offend
you, but I know you used to go to the Nazarene Church
in Karval and were on the church board, or a deacon or other leader
there. But I still think you are a talented writer.
Oct 23,
2005, at 12:36 PM, Kat wrote:
I loved this site and the recipe. Have you ever seen the recipe
for Litter Box cake? Jimmie would never let me make it! What a
party pooper, no pun intended. Luv your sense of humor. Love,
>^..^< kat
Oct 22,
2005, at 10:08 AM, kelly and mary wrote:
Dearest Iona,
I give our wonderful Father thanks for your
entry on Love
Actually, I thank Him for the daily blessing of sharing in the
sweetness of your heart through your writings. His Word of love to
you as you desperately needed refreshing from the heat is a message
I so need now, and I am about to pass it on to a friend who is going
through a particularly difficult time.
As I go through your blog bit by
bit, I continue to marvel at the vastness of your giftedness and all
that you have been through and done. I am touched and encouraged by
the depth of your's and Richard's love for each other and for our
I just knew you at Harvest as a lady
I saw so much Jesus in. I delighted in watching you worship and
hearing you pray. I was grateful to your kindness to me. Now,
through this incredible technology, I am coming to know you so much
Thank you for allowing God to use
you to bless us by sharing with us the precious things He has put
into you.
With love and blessings to you! Mary
Oct 22,
2005, at 1:09 PM, Lanai wrote:
Hello Iona,
I came to your page quite by accident at a time when I sorely needed
hope. That is exactly what I found. I read and read until I had
covered all your past entries. I will be back daily for more. God is
using you, just keep writing whatever He puts on your mind. Some who
needs that word of the day will be sent to your site just as I was.
Thank you for being a willing instrument in the Master's hand.
Oct 21,
2005, at 12:04 PM, Alma
Wow! You make God so real. So personal. I wish I could do that.
I printed out your love note story about the rain. At first I
thought you were exagerating, but when I read it again, tears came
and I felt a witness from God that you are for real. Please pray for
me that my faith would grow. I want to see the love notes God is
sending me--- I think that is what you are saying, that God sends
them but we have to see them. Paying attention.
Love, Alma
Oct 21,
2005, at 5:47 PM, Janie S wrote:
Do pray you & Richard are doing well... and your family. My
husband, Andy, has finally gotten to the right doctor and the
medication.... and after 3 years of a severe depression, he's doing
just great! Praise God!
I have a favor to ask of you. My son reformatted my computer last
weekend and I lost your Blog. Could you please resend it. I enjoy
reading it so much.
Thanks you and have a blessed day!
Love you, Janie
Oct 21,
2005, at 5:44 PM,
wrote to the Dothan, AL Harvest Church E-Mail List:
For those of you who remember our sweet Iona, I know this will
bless you... For those of you who don't, well... you sure are
missing sumpin! She has a blog that she is daily recording. I
encourage you to peek in. She has been blessing lives in Galt, CA,
but that doesn't stop me from missing her. This last entry dated
Thursday, October 20, really
touched my heart and I wanted you all to see it.
God bless! Carol
Iona's Blog_ ('s_blog.htm
Oct 19,
2005, at 5:16 PM, Blane wrote:
You don't know me, but I think I see you and your niece at
Stanford. I go there on some of the same days you write about in
your logs. I think Im saw you on the 17th because I was behind you
and overheard you talking to "donna." She was tall and kind of slim,
you were shorter and stockier. I almost said domething to you but
lost courage. The thing I noticed most is that you both smiled all
the time and were so loving to each other and Donna was so
upbeat. I have trouble with that during my own cancer battles. Keep
writing. I need it and so do many others.
Oct 17,
2005, at 3:22 AM, Ringer D wrote:
Hey, Iona!
I love your blog!!!!! When are you gonna write that book? You know,
you're not gettin' any younger and yours is a story that needs
telling! At least a page a day, okay? Meanwhile, we'll settle for
the blog.
Love ya, Ringer
Oct 17,
2005, at 6:23 AM, Janie S wrote:
Thank you so much for your quick response to my request. Knowing
just how busy you are, I never expected to hear from you this
quickly. I've already read your log of last week. And am continually
amazed at your accomplishments! I know if I ask 'where do you get
the energy?', your reply would be...from God, of course!
Thanks so much for your uplifting insights.
Love you, Janie
Oct 17,
2005, at 11:14 AM, Barry wrote:
Well, I sure am glad you decided to let us all know you were doing
this. Great idea! Our loss is California's gain, but at least now we
can be with you via your new web log. Be assured I will be a daily
It's also good to see you are
working on the other sites some. You really do need to get back to
that call God placed on your life. I have prayed about that, as you
One last thing....... Tune into the
Spirit for more
Spirit Gardens. Work on your
art some every day. Don't let that gift lay hidden or dormant
because you don't think it's "good enough."
Keep the faith, Barry
Oct 17,
2005, at 6:15 PM, Katie wrote:
Hi Iona-
I'm all caught up on your blog again! I had to laugh about your
plants! I'm terrible with plants. The plants in my home have to be
real fighters in order to make it.
Oct 10,
2005, at 5:59 PM, Katie wrote:
I went back and read about a weeks worth of your blog all at once.
I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. But I am thankful that she was
a believer and ready. Although it's still hard for the family, I'm
sure knowing that she was a Christian and ready to meet the Lord is
comforting. And then you we're off to Vegas! I hope you've made it
home okay. I'm anxious to read about it in your blog.
blog; re: 10/2/05
Well, I did want to mention that I really enjoyed Iona's
journal today. I feel badly for her that the trip is to mourn
the death of a loved one, but I am glad that she has all this time
to spend talking to God and reflecting on her past experiences.
Wow what a great story she told. I feel like hers would be a
great life story to read. I would buy that book. I hope
that we get to hear some more good ones soon.
Sep 29,
2005, at 9:58 AM,
Richard Wesley wrote:
Sister Iona,
I skimmed through your blog. It's of great interest. Thank you!
Blessings, Pastor Richard wesley
Sep 27,
2005, at 6:56 PM, Pearl wrote:
Why didn't you keep your blog on your own site? At least put a
link up to your site. I love your writing and your art but I am not
proficient on the internet and it is hard to get back to your other
God bless you, Pearl from Atlanta
Sep 27,
2005, at 3:27 PM,
Carol wrote:
Thanks, Bud! Give me that link to your blog again and I will
catch up on the beauty of "You."
I love you. Carol
Sep 26,
2005, at 11:19 PM,
ALRIGHT... sending this from the 'official' page.... great...
stats tomorrow will reflect my visit to your page.
keep writing awap
fresh content is what keeps this page visited.... as you well know.
thanks for takin' care of ---, -----, -------, --- and others...
love, pastorob
blog; re: 9/20/05
I liked Iona's blog today. Like me she did not actually say
what bad things did happen at the retreat, but she is right in
saying that Christians need to be examples...and a select few were
certainly not. I certainly hope that those individuals have "seen
the light" so to speak...because when we left it didn't seem like
they had.
Sep 3, 2005,
at 12:36 PM, Lee wrote:
Dear Iona,
Firstly, I'm so happy that your David is alright. Then, about the
refugees in Dothan: they are from the surrounding area. All of the
inland areas all the way from Texas to Florida are inundated with
refugees. It is sad indeed.
Miss you, Lee
Sep 3, 2005,
at 6:17 PM, Susan wrote:
Praise the Lord for the good word you had on your son Iona. I am so
glad he is safe. I will be praying along with you and so many
others for God's hand to be on all the victims. God bless you for
the work you do.
Love in Him, Susan
Sep 3, 2005,
at 5:09 AM, Sue wrote:
Iona re your son....God is good.
Yes we all need to be in continued prayer for the hurricane victims
and for His guidance w/our nations leaders. and for this nation.
In Christ name, Sue
Sep 1, 2005,
at 7:09 AM, kelly and mary wrote:
Dearest Iona,
Thank you for letting us know to pray for your David....and for you
and Richard.... as you pray, wait, and trust. My heart is torn
apart as I watch television. Can't remember praying so much and it
mostly comes outone word.... MERCY!
My son-in-law, Sol, works for GE
Medical Systems and his territory is from Dothan to the MS/LA
border. He has finally heard from all of his people, so he and Kelly
left at 5:30 yesterday morning, truck loaded with supplies, to help
them (and whomever else they could) in Pensacola, Mobile, and
Mississippi. Kelly got through to me briefly early this morning as
they headed into MS, but soon lost contact. They had not seen or
heard much of yesterday's news, so go in unprepared for the
devastation they will see.
I pray that you will soon be past
the effects of your accident and, in the power of the Name of
Jesus, pray restoration and complete wholeness again to your body.
I had to giggle as I read through
your entries and spoke of cleaning house, as that is so often my
attitude, too. I try to think of it as a necessary joy....
especially for my "sneezer" :O) :O)
Dear One, I pray that this day you
will know the peace of hearing from your precious son that he is
With much love, Mary
Sep 1, 2005,
at 6:30 AM, Cathy wrote:
I am sorry to hear about your son - I pray for his safe return and
that your heart will be at peace.
You will not believe this. I have driven through Galt many times.
I grew up in Rancho Cordova and the Sacramento area. Even graduated
from Capital Christian Center.
I always thought you were back east somewhere. That is the Internet
for you. Small world!
In Him, Cathy
Sep 1, 2005,
at 5:36 AM, Ceil wrote:
Dear Iona,
I read your message and your blog. Keep the faith, Iona. There are
hundreds of thousands of people down there that cannot communicate
in any way whatsoever. It may be a good while until their loved
ones will be able to hear from them and you will, but the waiting
will be unbearable at times, I'm sure.
He'll be heard from eventually; most likely he is helping to
brighten the dismal circumstances of the others with his clowning
Affectionately and God Bless, Ceil
Sep 1, 2005,
at 4:18 AM, Samuel T wrote:
Hey, Iona!
I love your blog and will pray for your son, but I think you should
decide what kind of blog this is to be. You jump all over the place.
Is this a personal journal, a devotional or what? You need to land
on something, a theme or format and stick to it.
Samuel T
Sep 1, 2005,
at 2:10 AM, Jane (Bitty) wrote:
I just want you to know that you and your family will be in my
thoughts and daily prayers. Your son, David, sounds like a
wonderfully exceptional man, and I pray that you hear soon that he
is just fine.
Peace and Blessings from our house to yours, Jane
Aug 31,
2005, at 3:09 PM, Katie wrote:
Hello- I just want you both to know I'm praying for you. Iona,
you must be so scared for your son! I pray that he is safe and that
you can stay calm and be comforted during this time of not knowing
what is happening with him. And also for ---, and that Pastor Rob
can make a difference in his life. Katie
Aug 31,
2005, at 11:43 AM, Jim wrote:
I have a brother in New Orleans. I will be praying for your boy
along with my Martin. BTW, I have been on your lists for a long time
and am pleased you're doing an online journal. I've often wondered
what you were really like. I love your art. Why did you take so much
of it off your site?
Aug 31, 2005,
at 9:25 AM,
Rob wrote:
I just read your blog about not having heard from your son, David. I
didn't have any personal connections with the area until reading
your blog. Please make sure to keep us posted... and after you read
today's blog from me, please
lift up a prayer for Art (the man in the wheelchair).
love, pastorob
Aug 31,
2005, at 9:15 AM,
Hi Katie and Iona:
I've been keeping up with your letters (and blogs) but haven't had
much time to write. Just wanna say that its pleasing to see that God
is working in both your lives. Keep on keepin''re making a
difference in other people's lives...simply by living and giving
thanks to God.
It makes me wanna say, THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!
love ya, pastorob
Aug 29,
2005, at 9:34 PM, Susan S wrote:
Thank you so much Iona. I have been around your groups for a
time now and did not want to lose touch just because of an address
In Him, Susan
Posted by
Pastor Rob on
A reader from Nebraska wrote in to
I just love reading your blog! I get so much
out of it. It always makes me smile. You always have such a great
perspective on everything. No matter what is going on in your life,
you always tie it in with how loved you feel by God or how blessed
you are. It has really made me try to apply that constant way of
thinking to my own life.
I read the other blogs also. There are a lot of things that
Eva talks about that
I can relate to. I thought it was interesting that she emailed
Pastor Rob to see if she had said something bad after he wrote about
humor and how we have to be careful about what we say. She wondered
if he had wrote that because of something she said.
Well, I have to admit that after I read his blog that day, I pulled
up my "sent items" to see if I was the one who had mistakenly said
something I shouldn't have. :-) I guess his blog caused some soul
searching that day!
Posted by
Pastor Rob on
Today, I introduce to you Iona Hoeppner--a
woman who joined our local church while I was on sabbatical. I had
met her but it wasn't until last week (with Jess and Jim) that I was
able to listen to a portion of her LifeStory.
Iona is like many other people in our church. She is interesting and
interested. Sound familiar? She
was a Physics teacher and her school's resident computer-nerd
several years back.
here and investigate this gifted soul for
yourself. She has several other sites
that you can check out at the bottom of her page. I encourage my
readers to also read Iona's blog, so you can help me help her
through mutual encouragement.
Author: Iona Hoeppner |
Copyright © 2005 | All rights reserved
Monday September 01, 2008