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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Normally FBC has two Sunday services,
but once a month there is a "combined" service, and I love that.
Today's Sunday School class, church service and pot luck meal were
Sadly, I still suffer some side
effects from my head injury and was pretty much out of commission by
late afternoon so missed the evening service and concert in the
park. Likewise, this blog is also cut short. I still praise God for
what I can do. Tomorrow is another day.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Monday, Monday... I hate that day
Do you recall that old song from the Mamas & Papas? Some folks hate
Mondays. I usually like them fine. Monday.. a day to make new work
week starts. A defining day in the secular arena. Having prepared
ourselves spiritually the day before, we sally forth on Monday to
make an impact on the world... No? Not quite.
While the spiritual enrichment of
corporate worship, Sunday School and fellowship with other believers
is vital, we need a more constant form of spiritual fuel, an ongoing
supply, as it were. So for me, Monday, like all other days must
start with prayer and prayer must be my ongoing attitude throughout
the day.
So Monday is an okay day... It's even
a wonderful day that the Lord has made and may I always rejoice in
each Monday He sends my way. But this particular Monday has not been
my best. In fact, I didn't make it through my two scheduled
therapies today... I didn't get anything much done at all.
After finishing all my testing, one
doctor warned me - several times... "Choose wisely where you will
spend your time and energy because you will pay a price for each
thing you undertake." I find that to indeed be true. Case in point
Sunday afternoon through Monday evening.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
As you know if you have visited my blog pages
before, this is a new look.
Rob dubs me The Epicenter's
newest blogger, and indeed it was through my home church, First
Baptist of Galt (The Epicenter) that I was led to put this blog
online. But my original blog pages did not match the style of the
church web site.
Even though I suspect many of my readers linked in
from various of my other pages, etc. and are not associated with
FBC, I don't want folks coming here from FBC to think they are lost
when they reach my blog pages! Sooo, I built this simulated FBC
page. It's sort of like the originals, but still not quite.
Being slow like I am, it took me most of the day to
redo the blog page and archives. I did get to visit the Vine &
Branches Christian Bookstore this afternoon, though. Very nice! Both
Richard & I were impressed.
As I worked today, I watched TV recaps and news
about Hurricane Katrina. And I prayed. Now, as I type this, I am
still praying and watching. I know so many people in the south, in
the areas hit... along the gulf coast. My son David may have been in
New Orleans when the storm hit. The last we knew, he was there.
We've had no word from him since the storm. We continue to pray. We
ask you to pray as well... for David and for all those who have been
"hit" by Katrina and her aftermath.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
David Bills - Have You Seen Him?
I have been watching Katrina coverage almost non-stop, hoping to see
David and praying for him and everyone who is effected by this
disaster. In my heart of hearts, I believe David would have left
when warnings were issued... but the hard truth is, I just do not
know for sure.
David is a special case. I doubt he would think of
calling to let us know how he is. David was diagnosed with Autism at
age 6. He was "committed" by the state of Utah because social
workers and teachers assumed his fascination with shiny things,
including knives, meant he was dangerous. Autism was grossly
misunderstood in those days and people tend to fear what they do not
understand... even a little six-year old boy! So, even though we
filed appeals, and lost, David spent most of his childhood in a
state mental hospital.

Now, David is a man, 43 years old. He loves his
freedom and has wandered all over the country making his "living" as
a street clown. He has a special talent making amazing things with
balloons. His favorite place to be is New Orleans and he seems to
return to the "Big Easy" after his trips to other areas. He left
Utah in May and has supposedly been in New Orleans since then.
He was in Florida for a time last year but left
because of frequent hurricanes, one of which he "rode out," but said
he never would do that again! Hence my belief that David would have
fled before the storm hit New Orleans.
Another ray of hope is that David's favorite area of
the city was the French Quarter and the area around Bourbon Street.
It looks on TV like this area might have been one of relative safety
during the storm. At least the buildings are still standing.
I have been unable to find out if there is an
information clearinghouse yet to help folks locate loved ones or
even find a list of the known dead or injured... not yet and maybe
not for a long time. So, we pray. We watch all sorts of news
coverage. We hope you will pray with us, for prayer and faith in GOD
is what will get us through.
It is especially comforting to know that there are
loving family, friends, members of our church families (present and
past) and internet visitors who are praying with us and who care
that we are hurting right now. Thank you all!
Thursday, September 1, 2005
The Power of Prayer
I am ever amazed at the Lord whose mercies continue even in the face
of my weakness or worry. I cannot contain the news any longer...
Yes, so many of you prayed, and God responded
quickly and in a wondrous way. David called his older brother and is
safe in Rogers, Arkansas. He had fled New Orleans the day before the
storm hit.
Only those who know David would understand why it is
God's hand that prompted the call. I will simply thank you all for
your prayers (so powerful) and God for His loving kindness... and
then I will sleep for maybe a week!
Another praise report: The
Women of Grace met for the first time today, and all
went well. I am so honored to work with such a lovely group of
ladies! The Lord calmed my spirit and enabled me to focus on our new
Small Group. I am truly excited about what the Lord is going to do
in us and through us... I can't wait to see His handiwork in our
But for now, I am in dire need of sleep.
Hope to see some of you in church tomorrow. I'll be
up front as usual. If you don't see me, look on the floor, I may
have dozed off... doubtful. Our music and Pastor Rob's preaching is
just too good to sleep through!
Saturday, September 3, 2005
Prayer Vigil
I am and have been on what I call a Prayer Vigil. Filling my head
and heart with the plight of those whose lives have been so
devastated by Katrina and her aftermath, I pray through the lonely
watches of the night when I know these hurting people need it most.
In the midst of my sleep fast, I find I can hear
God's call and I am prepared to answer because, although completely
unqualified or unworthy in my own right, He will suit me to the task.
But I must admit when I first heard His still, small voice, I tried
to think is was not really what He wanted...
We will begin making arrangements to place refugees
in our house in Dothan, AL. There are already refugees from the
coast in our old home town. They need homes. We have one...
It's really God's house anyway. We will offer free rent for a while
and then offer a rent to own deal if they want... We'll let God lead
the way.
Also, I am awaiting God's final word to me about
going out as a Red Cross Disaster Relief Worker. It is not something
I had considered until the Lord began nudging me and reminding me
that I need to be available to His call, no matter what, when or
where. That is what I have long desired... If He opens that
door, I am going through it!
If you are in good health, have no physical mobility
problems and can spare three weeks to live in primitive conditions,
perhaps with few supplies, sleeping on cots, visit the
Red Cross site
and sign up for a training class (one day). You'll know if God is
calling you to do this... or if He needs you to stay right where you
are, doing equally important work for Him at home.
So, now on my sixth night prayer vigil, I find that
I am the one most blessed. So there may be some changes in plans...
I'll leave that in God's hands... He's a mover and a shaker!
Hope to see some of you in church tomorrow. I'll be
up front as usual. If you don't see me, look on the floor, I may
have dozed off... doubtful. Our music and Pastor Rob's preaching is
just too good to sleep through!
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Author: Iona Hoeppner | Copyright © 2005 | All rights reserved
Revised: Monday September 01, 2008