January, 2007 Return to pastorob's current journal
I'm at
Flour Garden Bakery using the free Wi-Fi
access here.
This entry will be brief because I have so
much to do here in Auburn today. Yesterday,
several individuals came in to the office
for dialogue.
I spent the night at the church last night.
No internet there at all yesterday.
Had supper with Dan, Renee, and their kids
last night. That was really fun. Today, I've
spent much time with a guy named Bob. He
brought me to this internet-friendly site.
Bob knows some people I know.
I'm gonna try to drop in a mutual
acquaintance who leads a rather new church
in the area:
g2g...more tomorrow
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I'm in Auburn.
I'm sitting out in the parking lot of the
Holiday Inn (after an unsuccessful
attempt at getting online at the Coffee
House). So, this will be short.
Hmm...since I can't write much, I'll
copy what our son, Joe, wrote to me today:
Sunday, January 28, 2007
I consider today as Day One of
our Auburn
Jerry is
staying behind in Galt and plans to attend
Horizon with his friend,
Stevenson (Pastor Tim's daughter).
Cathy, Daniel,
Mary, and I
are gonna make the 60-mile drive
to Auburn in time to attend Sunday School at
9 a.m. and to humbly participate in the
installation of Bell Road's next Senior
Pastor: me.
I will listen closely to everything that
takes place this morning because I fully
expect God to speak to me through the songs,
prayers, testimonies, teachers, and pastors
who have been prepared.
When it comes my turn to speak, I plan to
open God's Word to this passage:
Luke 15:1-7 Hopefully, I will be
able share our Shepherd's Heart with a
vision for this coming year. If called upon
to sing a song, I think it could be God is
Good All the Time (since I heard a brief
'call-and-response' to that effect on my
first Sunday morning visit).
I called my friend,
Pastor Ken Hendon,
when we arrived in California last night. We
had an important matter to discuss.
I'll also return
Macdonald Wreh's call after I get
on the road.
from Pakistan
this morning:
Respectable Pastor
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Cathy and I are now sitting at the Honolulu
airport, enjoying free wireless Internet and
waiting a couple hours until our flight back to
the mainland.
We received some comments on our photos.
We sure have enjoyed our time in Hawaii watching
evening performance, comedy acts, and spending
quality time together.
Now, since we've played so hard we're planning
on working really hard in planting, watering,
and harvesting during the season that begins for
us tomorrow morning.
This is Cathy at a port in Maui outside our
the Pride of America.
on the frame and you can see some recent photos.
click 'slideshow' after you get to
the Picasa site.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
This morning Cathy and I will fly to Honolulu
for a first-ever Cruise of the Islands. Sounds
like fun, huh? If you're like me (and
uh...Judas) you might wonder aloud how many
people could be fed for months with the cost of
this little vacation.
Well, hey--we got a super deal.
Gina's Mom
enjoys shopping for Hawaii trips.
Patti ought to
be a travel agent. She found us airfare and
seven nights on the
Pride of America for a grand total of
$2,016. That's for both of us with the travel,
the room, the food, and the festivities. Our
homestead and offspring are being managed by the
youth leaders at fbcgalt. This gives us such
If I have
opportunity to publish from the ship,
I might.
If not,
please look around: read the important letter
Pastor Wesley
and review what God has done with us in Liberia
during the last four years:
click here
The staff for Conversation About
sent a photo of me with this guy named Rick
I appreciate that God opened the door for me to
hang out with Rick and about 249 other pastors
for a day back in November. He offered to let us
stick around and hear Senators Brownback and
Obama, so I did.
Until I checked my INBOX history, I didn't
realize that Rick had also sent us the audio of
these sessions.
If you are interested in hearing the different
sessions from this special event, I've included
the audio link below.
I'm listening to it as I clean and organize for
the next chapter in our lives. I would recommend
these sessions:
for Rick's Audio
some background:
Form and Content from RICK to Rob (view
For more of that recent history (november
click here)
*scroll down
to december 1 and 2)
Yesterday, I addressed the
members of the Sunrise Rotary Club. My son,
and my former T.A.,
were my guests. I introduced them as models of
their generation. Then, I transitioned into
telling the story of how
Rick Warren recently looked me straight
in the eyes and spoke four important words. More
on that someday, I'm sure.
I was tuned in to KFIA-online on Friday
and heard
Greg Denham
again. He said that if we wanted to watch him
share a message to go to this site below.
Here's an interesting sermon that he shared on
July 30 back in the '06. Click on the box to
watch it. If you wanna watch
Greg share the
Word, plan on about 63 minutes:
Friday, January 19, 2007
On the third Sunday in November, I announced
that Christmas Eve would be my last sermon at
fbcgalt. At that time I didn't know whether or
not the church in Auburn would eventually call
me to be their pastor.
When Ross Farrow asked me if Auburn would
now become the epicenter, I again told him about
the significance of Galt.
I knew that God had simply chosen to send us
from this place-of-prayer. Now, we have learned
that Mike and Robin
McCall are being sent forth from that
place. I trust that the Lord of the Harvest is
casting forth workers in response to prayer.
On Wednesday, Shirley Dines called me from
Kalamazoo, Michigan to tell us that Praise
Baptist Church was acquiring more property in
the inner-city. Of course, I was thrilled. I
prayed and prayed over those streets during the
eighties and early nineties.
I'll find the time
to journal on some of that during the years to
Click on this photo and you might gain some
perspective about
TimeTravel and this believer's
reality of relativity.
You should be able to zoom in and read the print
legibly (even if it is a jpeg). On my computer,
after I maximize the box, I left-click on the
jpeg and it zooms in to a point where the print
is quite clear.
If you don't understand, don't worry. Scroll
down, up or around...until something makes sense
to you, OK?
or just ask: who quotes himself...huh? (view
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Click on the photo to see the slides of the
newly-opened Medical Clinic next to Pastor
Wesley's neighborhood church in Monrovia,
Liberia. At this point, the clinic is helping
people on a small donation basis.
Pastor Wesley asks that we pray for the future
of this outreach to meet the practical needs of
people in the Sinkor district.
This is also the building where the Ultrasound
Machine is set up. It took a long time and much
effort to get that donated piece of valuable
equipment from a Baptist Medical School in
Memphis all the way to Liberia.
This is a slideshow of photos
taken at the Rose Garden behind our sanctuary
Bell Road Baptist
I believe that many more
weddings will take place here in the years to
Click on this photo
to see more:
May God build his church around the young
couples who will give their lives to Christ at
the same time they are making marriage
commitments to one another.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
We were in Auburn since
yesterday at 6:00 a.m. We're home in time
to go Bible Study out at Greene's.
So, g2g in a moment. Here's a myspace blog of
interest to Mom (about Joe) (view
Tuesday , January 16, 2007 (looking at radio stuff):
Cathy has listened to
Greg Denham on the radio for years.
Greg ministers through a Calvary Chapel in
Auburn. He seems to have experienced an abundant
harvest in that context. I wrote to him on
Monday asking for some practical help in getting
started on the radio in the area. He wrote back
to me immediately.
Cool, huh?
Check out Greg's messages from 2006:
click here
I discovered a Sacramento
station that broadcasts Greg's program
Straight Up.
KFIA (AM 710)
also has a number of nationally-distributed
night on KFIA,
Eric Hogue
featured an interview with this author
Steve Turner.
They discussed the church's response to the
Beatles during the sixties.
I wrote Eric after hearing a commercial about
the Beatles program. This was during a segment
he was doing about race relations in the
church. Yesterday was MLK Day in America. I was
the only white guy in my first church back in
the early eighties so that topic was of interest
to me.
So, I continued to listen to Eric's call-in show
until after he aired the Beatles segment.
I was interested that Mr. Turner had pointed out
the song 'Nowhere Man'
because I had referenced the same song in my
YouTube commentary:
Unconditional Love
A friend from Michigan,
Bobby Gilstrap, sent me an
invitation to participate in today's conference.
So, I'm listening at some of the other ones.
click here
for Bobby Gilstrap's Audio Conferences
a couple recent myspace entries:
Yesterday's Chat with Joe (view
The Full Gospel (view
Monday, January 15, 2007
pastor rob,
How was your second sunday
in auburn?
..now that its super official?
It wasn't my second Sunday in Auburn. I
won't start there until January 28th. We were
filled up with the Word yesterday.
How about you? How was the class that you
Let me know.
Jenn was my teacher's assistant back at fbcgalt.
I told her that we had been filled up with the
Word. Here is a further exploration of this
wonderful day set apart for church.
Cathy and I
went on a six-hour adventure with our buddy,
Mike McCall.
He showed up at our door at 8:30 a.m. We first
went to
Bear Creek Community Church in Stockton.
Our friend, Jebby,
is the new Worship Leader there. I am so happy
that the Lord has opened this door for Jebby.
The band was great, the people were friendly,
the place was packed, and the preaching was
Pastor Bill Cummins
spoke on 'The Giving
"It is required in
stewards that one be found faithful."
1 Corinthians 4:2
Why should I become an
excellent steward?
1) to fulfill my God-given purpose (here
2) to connect me as a servant in the Kingdom (here)
3) to manage my life wisely (here and here)
4) to bless me personally
After the 9:00 a.m. service, we went over to an
African-American church where our friend,
Pastor Hendon
preaches. This church in the inner-city is full
of life. Janeen Hendon
and Mrs. Simms
led the choir and both had solos. I was
asked to pray at the altar for the stated
requests of the congregation. Pulling from the
last point made in Bear Creek's outline, I
prayed the Word and included these requests as I
went along:
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 (here)
Pastor Hendon
preached powerfully. His sermon followed the
public reading of
Titus 2:1 and
While encouraging us toward obedience, Pastor
Hendon told us that oil and water cannot be
mixed. Neither is the World and Christ.
"We need to get an understanding of Christ
or we will lean upon our own."
see this
"When we were in Sin,
there was no negotiating with it.
We were handcuffed!
A little sin is
just as bad as a lotta sin."
Cathy and I took Mike out to
Applebee's for lunch. Arriving back to Galt at
2:30, we realized that it had been six hours of
church for us.
After a nap we went to New Hope Assembly of God
here in Galt for their evening service. Our
friend, Pastor Dave
Ross, preached that we should
'position ourselves for the presence of God.'
"Therefore, if anyone is
in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Cor 5:17
*a few verses later (2 Cor 5:21) reminds me
of a song I
wrote around this idea: the Full Gospel is a
message of Complete Trust in the Righteousness of
Christ. click here
for that old song:
God Gave Him
to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your
nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil
desires and
greed, which is idolatry." Colossians
"Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" Galatians 3:3
Pastor Dave
was challenging us to overcome preconceived
ideas of 'how' God is supposed to move.
We need the dunamis (the Dynamics of the Spirit)
to overcome our Mindsets and Heart Problems.
If something at church
makes us mad,
we should ask ourselves 'why?'
"Throw a stone into a pack
of dogs
and you'll know which one you hit...
which one yipes the loudest."
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Late in the evening,
Daniel returned from a Wrestling
Tournament. He was wearing a medal which
signified that he had won four of his five
matches. His one loss was to the guy who went
home wearing First Place.
Last Wednesday, Cathy, Beverly, Tom, and I
watched Daniel pin the fellow he wrestled at
Galt High.
Joe wrote
from the Philippines today:
click here
I also received this note from
It is past midnight. I just returned from a
police call. A 75 year old woman received the
news that her 48 year old son had passed away. I
was called to simply come alongside this woman
in her distress. Now, I must get some sleep.
Eli Tavarez
called me to ask if I would meet for prayer with
some men at 7:00 a.m.
Joe wrote on
myspace a few hours ago:
Well, everything looks like it will
be working out. My friend Masha in
Moscow helped me with all of the
interworkings in order to get a new
flight out ( the original flight on
the 11th did not work). So, now I am
in Doha (that's in Qatar (that's
near Saudi Arabia) and will soon be
boarding my plane to Manila,
Friday, January 12, 2007
Cathy and I
drove to Auburn to look it all over. We listened
to Sunday's Message twice. Below is an mp3 copy
of Sunday's Sermon (in view of a call).
Remember that our son, Joe, was supposed to fly
from Moscow to the Philippines on Qatar Airlines
on the 11th? Well, we received this news from
him yesterday:
Thanks for letting me know about the change. Just email again and we will get you. It should be a "warm" welcome compared to Russia.
Looking forward to seeing you again.
Monday, January 8, 2007
The corporate members of Bell
Road Baptist Church have formally called me to
serve as their Senior Pastor. I will begin with
my first sermon as such on Sunday, January 28.
It will probably take a while to get our website
restructured. However, I do intend to continue
writing daily.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Today, Cathy and I will head for Auburn to meet
the people groups who make up the church there.
I have been working diligently to pack and move
from the epicenter (and doing quite well in the
This is my last journal entry on this particular
We are working on a name transfer for
fbcgalt.com so, in the meantime, check
for the latest news with the Patterson family.
If you hadn't heard about my departure:
click here
Not every detail is exact in Ross Farrow's
article but it's close. Blessings upon you all.
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