October, 2006 Return to: pastorob's current journal
Monday, October 30, 2006
was wiped out yesterday afternoon. Cathy was probably
correct in her diagnosis. My adrenalin level
had probably shot up too high.
Saturday was just such a good day. I had
planned and fully expected to preach from
an overflow of great expectation. My sermon
was on the "Covenant of Church Membership" and
involved discussion of formative discipline.
I started with Paul's reference to Euodia
and Syntiche (in Philippians 4:2). I then
read a passage from Matthew 18 wherein Jesus
tells us what to do when/if we feel that we
have been sinned against by someone in the
Years ago, a pastor named Terry Simpson
shared with me that everyone has a
choice of whether or not to take up an
offense in the first place. That practical
truth has permeated my being. So, I really
try to let potential offenses be overlooked.
This issue is vital to church health.
It is definitely important to meditate upon
the Lord's teaching in Matthew 18 and to
consider what great blessing there could be
in store for Euodia and Syntiche...IF.....
...IF, they simply try to do it the Lord's Way.
Love Him first and foremost; then, in the
refuge of that overriding love come to an
agreement in the Lord.
Matthew 18 goes
on...we miss it with teachings
out-of-context. Go ahead and read the entire
chapter. Meditate upon what might happen if we
truly reconcile our differences with one
another in the bond of God's love.
That sermon is starting to work afresh
inside me after a long heart-to-heart with Eva
on google chat. We discussed
history-in-the-making. (Note to self:
In the future check your google chat log for
this date, and praise God for what He has
For all who yearn to walk closer in personal
relationship with Jesus: Click and read
Matthew 18 in its
entirety. Don't divide this pericope. It is
all related.
Read Paul's
highly-personal admonition to Euodia,
Syntiche and Syzygus (Philippians 4:1-9).
Click back and forth a few time, read,
meditate, pray, and then DO SOMETHING about
your troubled relationships. That's my
pastoral advice for today.
...of course, this
preacher-practitioner desires to 'put it
all into practice' even today . . .
I've been
on myspace since November, 2004. In recent
months I've had many people requesting ADDS. My
blogs on that site are being visited about 100 times
each day. Probably they are visited by people
who are new to myspace trying to figure out how
it all works. Most teens don't seem to blog . .
new requests are from Christian Music Groups
trying to broaden their base of interest.
However, when an individual requests me, I
sometimes wonder if we will ever really become
These two people, Chris and Bea, requested me to
ADD them this morning.
Sunday, October
29, 2006
Here are two photos which envision what is upon
my heart in these days.
Tomorrow night is a
very important evening at the Epicenter.
Click on the pictures to enlarge
Saturday, October
28, 2006
a photo of our 19 year old son,
He is now working in the meat department at
Save Mart.
I'm writing
just past noon on Saturday. I've been at prayer
meeting and sharing web-based photographic
vision-casting with key individuals
since 6:00 a.m.
Click on the photos below to enlarge them:
Within the hour, Cathy and I are
supposed to be at Don
and Annette's house so I'm making
this entry short.
I sat down with two men this morning and
read aloud a letter I wrote back in July, 2006.
Like today, it was Saturday and I was working
hard in preparation for the week ahead. The
piece is called Re-Visioning Church History. If
you haven't read it yet (or looked carefully
into the two slideshows included), please do so.
here for
Another very important message from earlier this
Processing (view
Here is what Visitation sometimes
looks like in the 21st Century. A 12 year old on
myspace writes to me on Friday Afternoon:
HÕ† §HÕ†
Date: Oct 27 2006 4:09 PM
hey pastor rob i'll be at
church on sunday and how do you get the youtube
Date: Oct 27 2006 7:06 PM
go to YouTube.com and sign
It is normally a clean site. Just promise me,
kid, that you'll do your best to avoid bad stuff
on the Internet.
There's so much bad stuff. I am trying to help
clean it up as I am able.
God Bless You.
HÕ† §HÕ†
when does church start
An answer for
We have church
services at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. with Bible Study
for all ages in between at 9:45. However,
don't forget to set
your clocks back one hour tonight.
Just in:
more comments about my John Lennon stuff
on youtube:
click here
October 27, 2006
Yes, I did go fishin'
yesterday. Fishin'
through my notes, and fishin'
through visions from months ago.
I heard from a Texan named Karen
that there is a team of ten people
who will be heading for Liberia on
November 30th to assist Pastor
Wesley in Monrovia, Liberia. How
On the local church scene, we will
have a Business Meeting this Sunday
evening. Last night, I worked on
tweaking a portion of my hopes
into this slideshow for Show & Tell.
I hope you all will enjoy the view:
Re-Visioning Church History
October 26, 2006
Gone Fishin'...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Electricity has been on and off here
all morning. I had to redo this
journal entry about the latest in
Liberia. It reminds me of some
important scriptural truth:
Processing the God-Sized Assignment
to Which Some Have Been Called
I'm heading down to Stockton for
prayer with Pastor Hendon
over his pastoral responsibilities
and over mine. Bible Study tonight
at 7:00
Call me for details: 209-323-0727
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I'm about to wake
up to go for a walk
at 5:00 a.m. I've been online
writing emails to church members and
chatting since I woke up (4:25). My
saw me from her screen in Michigan.
She typed, "Don't you ever sleep?"
She was just leaving for work. Well,
we chatted a bit about missing our
brothers. Her brother,
died when he was nineteen. My
died at age 32. We both were
exceptionally close to our brothers.
The primary reason that Angela and I
are so close is because we were
'brothers and sisters' for about 1.5
years in our childhood.
Monday, October 23, 2006
"Hold o'er my
being absolute sway."
That lyric from "Have
Thine Own Way" is a powerful
prayer for one who sings that thought
with understanding. For that reason,
halfway through the fourth verse, our
band stopped and I asked the
"What does that mean?"
"Hold o'er my being absolute sway."
After hearing a few
responses, we sang the entire verse:
Have Thine own way, Lord!
Have Thine own way.
Hold o'er my being absolute sway!
Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see,
Christ only, always, living in me.
I don't think either morning service was
taped yesterday. Too bad because I would
really enjoy listening to both sermons.
My second message included the naming of
Jacob's sons by Leah and Rachel.
I have much reflection ahead of me
because of this sermon. Both messages
involved asking the saints to call off
the number of grandchildren and
great-grandchildren in their families.
That was a highpoint.
The public acknowledgement of our annual
Love in a
Shoebox project
addressed the possibility of having
'spiritual grandchildren'.
I also brought out the mysterious
Liberian Stone
(precious stone of e-bay notoriety).
It is truly a matter of faith and
hope to know that every single step of
obedience puts us in the right place at
the right time. May this day bring you
the gift of opened eyes, pierced ears,
and softened hearts.
if you will hear His Voice . . .
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Hollingsworth came by
yesterday to work toward his
ever-expanding ministry from this
epicenter. We spoke at length
about matters at hand. I am happy to
know that God works in mysterious ways.
More on that mystery in a year or two...
Tomorrow's sermon is entitled
"Still Wrestling for the Blessing"
During prep-time, I was
prompted to put together this special
slideshow as an encouragement to those
who have contributed in any way to
helping Pastor
Wesley. Adding some text I
was strengthened in my heart by
stepping back and seeing the Big
Picture. There are other photos which I
would like to see interspersed but these
suffice for today. Most important are
the end slides of photos sent by
Pastor Wesley
along with the email he sent me
We Do
Not Lose Heart
Hello Pastor Rob,
Here are some
photos of the children's
home. The number of community children
attending Greater Love Christian School
is up to 100.
Thank God we
could help the poor families
in that community with their children
school needs.
I hope to get the billing and make
payments to bank early next week
regarding the construction work.
[reference to school foundation behind
Pastor Wesley
In a missionary-sending church,
it is not unusual to hear someone ask,
"Why don't we do something
with children in our own backyard?!"
Good question: Here's
video made in preparation for the next
Backyard Bunch
production at fbcgalt.
Click on the frame.
King of the Jungle
by the Backyard Bunch
*for other backyard fun, click these
or click here:
Arctic Edge VBS 2006
and finally...
** Just in from Pakistan **
Dear Pastor,
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Yesterday afternoon, I invested some time in
updating some of the people who have helped
along the way with ministry in Liberia. I
found this video on YouTube which helps me
to remember how vital it was that we
listened to
the Man from Liberia
when he
first called. We responded in a timely
manner and have consistently taken small
steps to stay connected with God's calling
upon our local church.
Liberia War Cannibalism
Views: 1259
I should warn you
that the video above describes the
atrocities which took place even after we
answered the Lord's Call. Pastor Wesley was
building the sanctuary while mortar fire
could be heard in the distance.
I woke up this morning and wrote a few
emails to other local people who were on my
heart. Then, I went for a
with my son,
, and our friend,
Both fellows are facing cool transitions in
their lives. We discussed Joe's trip to
on December 30th, followed by a semester at
Baptist Theological
Seminary in the
Jebby is closing a chapter of ministry at
First Baptist Church of Sacramento in order
to become the full-time Minister of Music at
Bear Creek Community Church
in Lodi.
When I arrived home to check email, I noted
Tim Stevenson
had written asking for some feedback about
our city-wide gathering of seven churches a
couple weeks back. I had noticed that a
significant number of our own members and
attendees opted out of attending the event.
I was writing my thoughts on the matter and
had decided to draw material from the Book
of Revelation. Taking another look at what
He has to say may have value for us as we
try to decide how best to interact in the
immediate future:
"These are the words of him who holds the
seven stars in his right hand and walks
among the seven golden lampstands . . ."
Bob Wiley
(65), from the North American Mission Board called
and interrupted my letter-writing to the
other pastors and leaders in our town.
There's a shift in my thinking. Here's a guy
from our own denomination calling to check
on us. Our church name and phone number was
in a database of churches that may have, at
some time, expressed an interest in being
an Acts 1:8 church. He asked me if we had
ever been involved in any church
plants. I told him about a few of the
regional efforts in which we have tried to exercise support. In
some cases, there isn't a great praise
report ready to roll off my tongue (even
though God certainly worked with everyone
involved in
the process).
He reminded me that churches go through cycles
in sync with the age of the people. Bob
offered his listening ear and prayed with me
about how I might get better plugged into our people's energy
level. He said that sometimes it is as easy
as 'just asking'. I told him that I didn't
want to over-react to some of the normal
cycles that people (and churches) may go
through. Much better than a
telemarketer, this particular Bob Wiley
prayed for me.
What about Bob?!
Let's click and see:
Gotta go. It's my day off but I've asked Joe
if he'll go with me to watch "One
Night with the King"
with Virginia's Morning Bible Study Group. I
have studied the materials on the
movie's webpage. Having seen it for the
first time last Saturday, I'm now ready to
watch with a critical eye for other creative
elements used to tell that old, old story
in a new film.
click here
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
My laptop lost some sectors on its hard drive so I'm writing on a loaner. It doesn't have the software for this webpage so I have to send in this copy to our office and rely on Jennifer to publish it.
On Saturday, a man named Marc stopped by with three baby strollers and a car seat--asking if we could put them to use. Today, I was walking past our church corner and met a woman with little children. She didn't speak English but I tried to describe that I would give her a baby stroller. I used the word 'gratis'.
We only communicated with gestures. We didn't seem to understand each other's words. Yet she left our property with possession of one of the strollers. On the way down the sidewalk, she turned around and said "...thank you."
I continued on with my walk to Western Union. I sent a gift from Alabama Rena who is helping Pastor Wesley purchase the license to continue work on a school building in Liberia.
As I walk the streets of my beat, people honk and wave. This is a blessing to me. As well, I saw a lady who has been working on Sundays. She agreed to go to Home Bible Study with us tonight. That, also, is a great blessing for me.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
just sent me a photo of the school that was
named for him in Liberia. He sure had a big
smile on his face when he shared his
testimony about going to Liberia. I'm happy
for this gift that has been given by God to
encourage him to stay involved with those
precious people he met while he was there.
Ana, Ana-Sylvia, Maria, and Cathy
joined me for prayer this morning. It was
good to pray with the three from
La Luz de Cristo.
They came because they said they wanted to
join their hearts with mine. We had a
wonderful time of visionary prayer for the
future of both churches. I really needed
that extended time of corporate prayer! I am
enjoying the afterglow still.
Last night I had walked home from the
sanctuary. About two blocks west of our
church was a group of boys and young men who
seemed to be in a gang. I made eye contact
with one who has a tattoo on the back of his
neck. I said 'hello' and he nodded back to
me as I passed by.
So, I prayed for that group of boys this
happy that
Jenn Rodriguez (18) has agreed to be
my Sunday School Teacher's Assistant. Last
Sunday was her first day and she played the
role with perfection.
I hope that the Lord will bless our efforts to be a Sunday Morning Oasis
for the students.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Joe reported that there were 370 men
in attendance at the
New America Singers concert on
Saturday night at Camp Pendleton. Of that
group, about 80 raised their hands that they
had prayed that night to receive Christ as
Thank you, Ted and
Betty Campbell, for being an extra set of parents to our
firstborn son.
For more
information on the NAS with video clips,
click here.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I had a full Sunday School class between our
first and second service. I led the
discussion with young people between the
ages of 12 and 20.
La Luz de Cristo has asked me to baptized
new believers again today. I baptized five
people for them today: Eliseo and Blanca,
their two daughters, Jessica-Yadira (14) and
Yesenia-Jasmine (13). The fifth person
baptized was a girl named April who attended
VBS here in July.
We had important altar activity after the
second service so I just stayed through and
am now about to leave for our Association's
Annual Meeting at Berea Baptist Church in
Joe went to Southern California over the
weekend to do another concert with the New
America Singers at Camp Pendleton. Today, I
received this email from
I searched "fbcgalt" on google and found
most of the
pictures on our website. The cool thing is
that you see all of the pictures mixed, and
don't have to sort through the words. Kinda
click here to
see what Joe's talking about
There are over twenty pages of photos and
Don't forget to see "A Night with the
click here
for more information
Saturday, October 14, 2006
click here for more information. Cathy and I are going to the Noon showing. Thanks to R. B. McCartney for the tip.
Friday, 13 October 2006
Has this
House, which bears my Name, become a den of
robbers to you? But I have been watching!
declares the LORD. Jeremiah 7:11
Yesterday, I met with a believer at Cafe Latte.
He wanted me to know why he and his wife don't
join mainstream churches. We had a friendly
discussion of man's sin, God's grace, and the
power of the Cross.
I was able to apply the specific word I received
from our recent study of John 2. Later, I wrote
a reply to Ron Shindy's study notes sent to me.
That interaction keeps Wednesday's discussion
upon my heart:
Do not trust in deceptive words
and say,
"This is the temple of the LORD,
the temple of the LORD,
the temple of the LORD!"
Does that prophetic word get your
attention? I remember when I first
encountered the warning from
Jeremiah chapter 7. This
passage is also important for the
church in this generation.
A few weeks back, I decided that
I needed to find a place of prayer
among the women of the church. On
Saturday mornings, I've shared
prayer time with other men for
several years. On Thursday nights,
our worship team has prayed all
along. Consider
these four passages about our
Father's House.
I was happy to hear from both Ana and Beverly that the Women of Grace had
decided to come back to our
sanctuary on Tuesday mornings to
pray along with me.
1 Peter 2:4-5
As you come to Him,
the Living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by
God and precious to him—you also, like
living stones, are being built into a
spiritual house to be a holy priesthood,
offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God
through Jesus Christ.
Yesterday, I spoke on the phone with Pastor
Francisco Camarena about La Luz de Cristo. We
have been blessed to have this man involved with
the Spanish-speaking people in Galt. I have
baptized a significant number of these people
who have been saved and are being discipled
through the work of La Luz de Cristo.
With email, I heard back from Rena in Alabama.
She has made the decision to help Pastor Wesley
pay the building permit fee so that he can
continue with the school. You can see Pastor
Wesley's vision for the school as the very last
picture in Jennifer's slideshow:
Last night our full band met to play and to
pray. We have some great songs planned for
Sunday morning. This is truly an important
aspect of discipleship. We are investing 'songs
of deliverance' into the hearts and minds of
God's people.
Last night, I also chatted with Pastor Wesley at
length on gmail.
Beverly and I will head out on Visitation soon.
12 October 2006
Last night (at our home study), Jesus was
turning over the tables. In
John 2:12-25, he was cleansing His
Father's House at the beginning of His public
In Matthew, Mark, and Luke we noted the same
significant action taking place at the onset of
the last week. I noticed that these synoptic
accounts quotes Jesus as saying "My house..."
There was quite a discussion about how these
verses have prompted 'rules' and 'views' about
merchandizing and mixed motives. I'm thankful
for finding the 'house of God' on a Wednesday
night in Glenn and Renee's livingroom. May the
Lord clean His House, overturn our tables, and
drive out our impure motives. Together, may we
truly become a House of Prayer.
In our Fellowship Hall was another group of
seniors reading and discussing the Book of Acts.
My friend, Paul Kim,
called me from Louisville, Kentucky last night.
This morning Jebby
and I took a long walk. We prayed over the
ministry of sowing and watering.
11 October 2006
(October 6) wrote to me last night. Although her
connection is slow, she visited this page, read
some of this column, and watched the
Unconditional Love video. When I met Audrey, I
told her that I like to try to keep track of
people I meet who share certain events in
For instance, in remembering last Sunday's
Gathering, I listed the verses I heard
referenced as a reminder of what the Spirit may
have been saying to the seven local churches
represented there.
As members of each church looked around, we
noted those faces we recognized from our own
churches and those who belong to other local
fellowships. Each person there had an
opportunity to experience God. I came
expectantly--hoping for something more than what
'man' can do with his plans.
Apparently, an 8 year old member of our church (Alexis)
was somehow touched by the corporate prayer I
was asked to voice for little
Ian Brand.
When the news came back that Ian didn't need
surgery, she made sure to tell her Grandpa about
it. I haven't spoken with
Alexis about it yet but I when I
do, I'll share what
Pastor Larry told me--that they
watched the prayers of the saints take effect in
front of their eyes.
All signs of the boy's skull fracture vanished.
What they thought had been a collapsed lung
turned out to only be bruising. The final
concern, a broken femur, was able to be set
without an operation. So, there was no need for
an operation--only a stay at UC Davis Children's
Hospital. Pastor Larry told me that
Ian is now
home. We shared a brief prayer of thanksgiving
together over the phone.
I hold onto this hope:
If each day I try to be in the right place at
the right time, then I'll be ready to move in
the power of the Spirit as He directs.
I don't always 'feel' like there's much
'movement' but I'm reminded by the Acts
narrative that those who are 'the called' are
'called upon' at a moment's notice.
I want to be
found ready.
Thus, Joe and I began this day with a morning
walk. He is now at school, working toward
short-term assignments, while we discuss a major
life-impacting decision (to go to school in the
Philippines next semester).
Yesterday, Beverly came to the sanctuary to join
me for prayer. She voiced a prayer for our
nation's President, so when I noticed that he
was live on television, I tuned in.
President Bush was answering questions in a Rose
Garden news conference. He spoke about North
Korea, Iraq, current events in Congress, and
border issues. Regarding Iraq, I noted his
use of the word 'enemy' (fifteen times).
this war if we were to leave early,
before the job is done,
then the enemy will follow us here."
For a
transcript of Presidential Q & A: click
Hearing the President mention 'the
enemy' got me thinking about my primary use of
the term.
Sometimes, I feel a bit self-conscious when I
mention 'the Enemy' (or the Devil) around other
people. Luther's well-publicized battles with
the devil seem goofy to outsiders. As a kid, I
laughed at Flip Wilson's character (Geraldine)
who blamed the devil for all her misdeeds.
However, I don't want to shrink back from
pointing to the truth that those who serve the
Lord have an Enemy.
My first church experience (House of Prayer) was
filled with testimonies of those who resisted
the devil's work on a daily basis. Whether the
flesh, the devil, or some attitude that opposes
Faith and Life, I still want to be mindful of
these important verses.
10 October 2006
Not much to say this morning. Cathy is
substituting for a third grade class at the
school down the street. Cathy found a plan on
Bible Gateway where she can listen to highlights
from the entire Bible in 2 months. She is doing
that on her laptop as part of her morning
My step-mom, Sandy, called from Michigan this
morning. Joe and I are going out now for an
early morning walk. We will talk more about his
plans to go on a short-term mission trip to
Moscow and then attend college in the
Locally, Jebby has some good news. I'll write
more about that in the days ahead.
My Australian penpal, Daniel, is planning to go
to Cambodia on November 1 and stay for a month.
Daniel's videos of worship songs have been
enjoyed by people all over the world.
For some reason,
there have been 154 views of this VBS video we
uploaded. Click on the photo here to watch some
of it.
I just learned that Google has purchased YouTube:
click here to learn more
Monday, 9 October 2006
Before I start another work-week, it is
important to note the Word that was sown in the
city-wide Gathering yesterday morning.
I was asked by Tim
Stevenson to take
Larry Brand's
place and lead in corporate prayer. Then,
Jason McEachron
informed us that Larry and Deanna Brand's five
year old, Ian,
was run over by a quad. The story was that he
had a broken leg, a skull fracture, and a
collapsed lung. My opening words were from
Is any one of you in
trouble? He should pray.
Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of
Is any one of you sick? He should
call the elders of the church to pray over him
and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.
This gathering of seven churches
from Galt prayed about the concern we had toward
a scheduled operation for
During the service, I thought about the
community of believers who might remember
Ian Brand
for years to come (simply because we had bonded
together in that one prayer).
Later, Mamahao
led us to consider this passage from
(click). This portion of God's
Word has served as a life-survival verse for
different people I know. In fact, Jebby shared
it from his heart on the night that we recorded
this version of
After informing us that Lesotho is the
3rd poorest nation in the world, Mamahao quoted
this passage from
Isaiah 60.
I had prayed that morning that God's Word would
not be overlooked amidst the concern of sharing
Lesotho's plight with HIV-AIDS.
Tim reminded
us that is religion that is pure and undefiled
(to look after widows and orphans in their
the Area Development Project manager for
Malumeng spoke about
the power of Visitation.
Not reading, but simply telling about
this passage,
Agatha caught my attention with
the use of this word:
Recently, I had spoken to a Sunday night group
who met at our church. I told them that during
the entire decade I have been in Galt, I have
experienced a degree of ongoing
ministry and
have seen many examples of
maintenance. Both areas are
necessary but what we really need to know is
that there is movement.
Agatha's mention of movement in Elizabeth's womb was due to the Spirit and to Visitation. That quickening gave both Elizabeth and Mary an evidence of John's hidden life (yet in the womb). May God bless anyone who reads these words in the days ahead. click
Pastor Hendon called me this morning to check on me. After the initial "How are you doing?", I shared briefly with him from an open heart. That led to a discussion of a variety of issues. I appreciate his Calling and how it led to his phone visitation with me this very morning. May God quicken all of us today.
Sunday, 8 October 2006
Most of our town's churches will be meeting
together in the High School Gymnasium for a
combined service this morning:
10 a.m.
We will hear from
Mamahao and
Agatha (two
of the four sisters who have come from Lesotho).
Then, I will attend La Luz de Cristo at
Don Curtis
sent me to an encouraging website today. It
could really be helpful for any of us at any
given time, so I will try to find a place for it
here on my page:
click here
Saturday, 7 October 2006
For years I have lived with the idea that
God should be free to direct our steps in any
given day. Joe asked to go for a walk this
morning so I told him that I 'need' to go to
Royal Oaks.
Last Tuesday while we were there, I met an 85
year old named Gladys.
She wasn't going to attend our service but
apparently changed her mind. After the
testimonies shared, the old songs, the Bible
reading (Simeon and Anna in the Temple), Gladys
seemed pleased that she had made the decision to
'go to church'.
I learned that her mother had come from the
Azores Islands and that made me think of Randy
Stonehill's song, Sing in Portuguese. I told her
that I wanted her to hear this song that my
friend had written. So, Joe and I will walk
there with a CD player, a mix CD that Eva had
given me years ago. We will also try to visit
Mary (of itsy-bitsy fame) and Alta.
Appointments kept are much
better than . . .
(dis-appointment or missed-appointment)
I just had a phone call from a church member. There's a need, so g2g ( ... I'm needed. That feels good).
Friday, 6 October 2006
Yes, I spent the entire
yester-day with Horizonites,
fbc-lodians, four Africans, and Ruth from World
Vision. We attended an HIV-AIDS awareness
conference at
Menlo Park Presbyterian Church.
I sat between
Kevin and
Debbie in the
backseat of the van. Then, I experienced
'Olivia's Story' (AIDS in an African Village).
My other-connect was with Audrey from
a bay area vineyard.
A captain from the Blue and Gold
Fleet took us on an hour-long tour of the Bay.
As we set out toward Alcatraz, the Blue Angels
flew overhead and practiced for about 45
minutes. We continued under the Golden Gate
Bridge and back to the Pier.
We walked down Fisherman's Wharf, past the
Silver man, past the BushMan and then...ran into
the Blue Angels (who were checking ito a hotel).
Our four African visitors had their photo taken
with these young Navy pilots.
What a day in America!
Today, Beverly
and I are going to Sacramento on an
'AIDS in our own backyard'
exploratory mission. That is as seems
good to the Spirit and to us to start our Friday
I had to miss
Rotary this morning. Can't be
everywhere at once. Thank God that He is...
In other ponds, I'm fishing with this latest
Tim Stevenson
<quoting someone> said,
"If you bait your hook
with your heart,
you'll always catch fish."
Working Class Hero
Was He?
Thursday, 5 October 2006
I don't have time to write. I'm leaving for SF with others who have gone to Lesotho. I picked up our city's visitors last night. We are attending an AIDS conference at a large church, then showing the Africans around San Francisco.
Wednesday: 4 October 2006
I'm content with the video we made
for our recent recording. I hope you will enjoy
Working Class Hero
Was He?
October 2006
We have a busy day today. If you are able
please come to
Royal Oaks at 10:00 a.m.
and help us reach out to those who cannot
come and go as they please.
Sunday afternoon I was asked to baptize a
man named Javier
and his 15 year old daughter,
Daisy. With a
translator, I shared the Great Commission
directive in short phrases:
"As we are going, we are to 'make disciples'.
After baptism, it is the church's responsibility
to teach the whole Bible."
Yesterday, Jennifer began the process of
compiling and editing materials for the upcoming
Backyard Bunch production.
Remember Jebby's musical?
"Brothers". We're awaiting another
special editor to complete her long process of
tweaking our tapes of May's performances.
I had wanted to review both Sunday morning
sermons but discovered that we didn't get them
taped again. Too bad really... I recall
hearing some reuseable ideas. Here is a
simple remembrance of the thematic thread with
which I was sewing (sowing).
On a hill far away,
Stood an Old, Rugged Cross,
The Emblem of Suffering and
Shame . . .
suffering? whose
The Law: (finger pointing)
"You ought to be ashamed
of yourself..."
We all ought to be ashamed of ourselves',
says the preacher. Yet, with confession of our
sins the power of the Cross is fully experienced
by those who are being saved. When we
judge ourselves and voluntarily submit to the
Lord's discipline, we gain true wisdom.
I don't have time to write more but I'll
share the points of the sermon with Joe (he was
down south) and will try to write it out later.
Here is the illustration:
click here
for: Dateline /to catch a
(again, there's potentially offensive
material in these video clips and the page
begins with a 30-second commercial from MSNBC).
Pastor Shamas Pervaiz
sent me
these photos from the Bible Class he is
leading in Pakistan. I told him several
months ago that I would try to find a
sponsor for him. An out-of-state visitor to
our local church heard about the opportunity
to help Pastor Shamas and provided a gift
that has empowered these classes.
He is teaching the children
about the love of God and the hope of
everlasting life in Jesus. If anyone else
would like to help (or visit) Pastor Shamas,
please write to us. The one-time gift has
greatly encouraged the man of God, but it
will be completely spent in a few months
Most likely, the men in the photos
above are pastors. Pastor Shamas is a bishop who
is trying to be a servant to twenty-plus other
Monday: 2 October 2006
Sunday: 1 October
This morning's sermon is entitled
"The Message of the Cross" from
1 Corinthians 1:18-31.
During Saturday morning's prayer, I
was thinking more about Dateline's ongoing
series (Friday night). My prayer is that
somehow our church will be able to help
bring the message of deliverance to those
who are sin-sick: pornography addicts and
Internet predators.
Late Saturday, I found a speech that Dr.
Mohler shared with the men of Boyce College
in 2004. I read the transcript and have
included a link for all of you:
Read it, write me an email, and tell me what
you think of his points:
click here for pdf:
There's also an audio link:
"The Seduction on Pornography
and the Integrity of Christian Marriage"
I just started listening to the speech (although I think I reading a hardcopy was more interesting).
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