Received Friday, March 24, 2007 Patrice Rosenau
Pastor Rob,
I had some free time
this morning and was able to read your week's journal.
It said you wanted us to remember Sunday's sermon for you. It got me to thinking and I thought, "Oh I'll make a timeline of Sunday morning". But it has been a long week to remember everything on Sunday clearly and in order and I figured out just by trying to remember that I have a habit of tuning in to the sermon and then tuning out to my own thoughts on whatever was said. So my memories come out in pieces, like a puzzle. Anyway, what I recall of Sunday's sermon, in pieces... You prayed... I found out later that I didn't listen because my Mom knew everything in that prayer and I didn't have a clue... my brain wandered... You talked about a note you had received from Ruth Price about agreeing with you on not running in church and kid's needing to show reverence in church... You asked who didn't think it irreverent to run in church and about 8 or more (I can't see behind me) raised their hand... You said something about it being a divided issue... Then the Ten Commandments came in and you talked about not being legalistic... Somewhere you asked who had ever forged their parents signature and my cousin about jumped out of her seat... she related I guess... Then you asked who had forged a teachers signature and she launched into a story from school until Jonathan leaned over and said to be quiet... I said you had just said no running in church not no talking in the sermon... He laughed... Opa was also remembering something about forging because my Oma was shushing him... Then you had Donald come up and as you were explaining about loving people and not running he ran up the aisle... He listened and was paid and then walked stiffly back to his seat... Then you read about loving God with all your heart, mind, and soul... and you were working around to the other place in scripture where Jesus adds strength... which was good because I was thinking how loving God with your strength is the most rewarding in the here and now and also the most overlooked in our world... For example, I can easily enough love God with my mind because no one can see my mind ... pretend you know... and loving God with my soul is great because then I go to heaven ... no thought involved... and loving God with my heart is like wishing on a star... I feel good about it and dream about it and hope for it and wonder about it and talked about it and study it and maybe even buy a T-shirt about His Love... But loving God with my strength is an every day job that I cannot fool people about... I must do it every Monday morning and throughout the week... Strength is practical faith... Loving God when I don't feel like it... Loving Him through the day to day jobs He gives His children to do... just like the verse... Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but in action and truth... The best part is God always gives enough strength for the day when asked... Anyway, You did get to strength and then you talked about your own time limit and how important it was and could someone remind you of the time because you couldn't see the clock... My thought: at Hume Lake two weeks ago they had a wall of clocks and they all worked. I was seeing a wall of clocks on the back wall and thought it was funny or a huge red blinking digital alarm clock going off at time... Les didn't move on time so you had Donald come back up to light the time candle... He walked up and stood there but didn't know what to do... you were talking and the praise team was coming up... Janet helped Donald light the time candle... Then he ran back to his seat... You said anyone who wanted to pray and light a candle could come now... Donald and his friend Levi came back up... praise team was singing... They were trying to hold the little candles upside down and light them and could not... Diane rushed up to help them and they were successfully lite... They ran back to their seats... End of Service. Hope this helps... Patrice |